Waqas Ahmed


Jag har en masterexamen i elektroteknik med specialisering inom gröna förnybara system och artificiell intelligens. Dessutom besitter jag kompetens inom accelererade åldringstester och felspårning genom maskininlärning och djupinlärning, med både invasiva och icke-invasiva metoder.

För närvarande utvecklar jag nya strategier för att uppskatta den återstående livslängden för utomhuselprodukter som har nått slutet av sin livscykel genom direkt och indirekt slitageanalys. Mitt projekt, kallat iCircular3, fokuserar på cirkulär ekonomi, digital tvilling och digital huvudboks-teknologi för utomhuselprodukter. Det finansieras av Europeiska kommissionen under deras konkurrensutsatta HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie doktorandnätverk) program.


Ahmed, W. (2025). Enhancing solar PV reliability with hybrid local features and infrared thermography Energy Reports, 13, 345-352. More information
Ahmed, W., Siva, V., Bäckstrand, J., Sarius, N., Sundberg, H. (2024). Circular economy: Extending end-of-life strategies Sustainable Production and Consumption, 51, 67-78. More information
Ali, M., Zafar, A., Ahmed, W., Aslam, M., Kim, S. (2024). Enhancing Photovoltaic Reliability: A Global and Local Feature Selection Approach with Improved Harris Hawks Optimization for Efficient Hotspot Detection Using Infrared Imaging International Journal of Energy Research. More information
Ahmed, W., Sheikh, J., Kerekes, T., Mahmud, M. (2024). Solar roof tiles: Unleashing technical advantages and contribution to sustainable society Science of the Total Environment, 954. More information
Ahmed, W., Ali, M., Mahmud, M., Niazi, K., Zafar, A., Kerekes, T. (2023). A Comparison and Introduction of Novel Solar Panel’s Fault Diagnosis Technique Using Deep-Features Shallow-Classifier through Infrared Thermography Energies, 16(3). More information
Ahmed, W., Ali, M., Hussain, S., Zafar, A., Hasani, S. (2022). Visual Vocabulary Based Photovoltaic Health Monitoring System Using Infrared Thermography IEEE Access, 10, 14409-14417. More information
Almalki, Y. Ali, M. Ahmed, W. Kallu, K. Zafar, A. Alduraibi, S. , ... Alduraibi A. (2022). Robust Gaussian and Nonlinear Hybrid Invariant Clustered Features Aided Approach for Speeded Brain Tumor Diagnosis Life, 12(7). More information
Ahmed, W., Sheikh, J., Nouman, M., Ullah, M., Mahmud, M. (2021). Techno-economic analysis for the role of single end energy user in mitigating GHG emission Energy, Sustainability and Society, 11(1). More information
Ahmed, W., Sheikh, J., Mahmud, M. (2021). Impact of pv system tracking on energy production and climate change Energies, 14(17). More information
Ahmed, W., Hanif, A., Kallu, K., Kouzani, A., Ali, M., Zafar, A. (2021). Photovoltaic panels classification using isolated and transfer learned deep neural models using infrared thermographic images Sensors, 21(16). More information
Ahmed, W., Sheikh, J., Farjana, S., Mahmud, M. (2021). Defects impact on pv system ghg mitigation potential and climate change Sustainability, 13(14). More information
Ahmed, W., Arshad, ., Masood, M., Ali, M. (2021). Influence of load-shedding and night on SiR insulator environmental aging under AC test voltages SN Applied Sciences, 3(2). More information
Ahmed, W., Sheikh, J., Ahmad, S., Farjana, S., Mahmud, M. (2021). Impact of PV system orientation angle accuracy on greenhouse gases mitigation Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 23. More information
Ahmed, W., Sheikh, J., Kouzani, A., Mahmud, M. (2020). The role of single end-users and producers on ghg mitigation in Pakistan—A case study Sustainability, 12(20), 1-12. More information


Ahmed, W., Siva, V., Bäckstrand, J., Sundberg, H., Sarius, N. (2024). Component-level circularity: A new approach to resource recovery and climate action. 12th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), "Solutions for the future!", September 19-21, 2024, New York, United States. More information