Jonas Sandberg
Research groups
Östlund, L., Sandberg, J., Skillmark, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L.
A Swedish study about how staff reason and act when they suspect domestic abuse perpetrated by relatives of persons with dementia European Journal of Social Work, 27(2), 387-400.
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Johansson, L., Sandberg, J., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Östlund, L.
Health and social care staff's recognition of elder abuse perpetrated by family members of persons with dementia: a mixed-method study Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
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Lind, S., Sandberg, J., Brytting, T., Fürst, C., Wallin, L.
Implementation of the integrated palliative care outcome scale in acute care settings - a feasibility study Palliative & Supportive Care, 16(6), 698-705.
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Siebmanns, S., Ulander, M., Sandberg, J., Johansson, L., Johansson, P., Broström, A.
Internet-based CBT for insomnia in the general population - a description of design, measurements and interventions in recent RCT studies Journal of Sleep Research, 27(1, SI), 290-291.
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Siebmanns, S., Ulander, M., Sandberg, J., Johansson, L., Johansson, P., Broström, A.
"You can’t always get what you want” - methodological challenges with an internet-based CBT intervention for insomnia among patients with cardiovascular disease Journal of Sleep Research, 27(1, SI), 291.
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Boström, M., Ernsth Bravell, M., Björklund, A., Sandberg, J.
How older people perceive and experience sense of security when moving into and living in a nursing home: [Hur äldre personer uppfattar och erfar trygghet i flytt till och boende i särskilt boende för äldre. En fallstudie] European Journal of Social Work, 20(5), 697-710.
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Lind, S., Wallin, L., Brytting, T., Fürst, C., Sandberg, J.
Implementation of national palliative care guidelines in Swedish acute care hospitals: A qualitative content analysis of stakeholders' perceptions Health Policy, 121(11), 1194-1201.
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Hellström, I., Håkansson, C., Eriksson, H., Sandberg, J.
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Siebmanns, S., Ulander, M., Sandberg, J., Johansson, L., Johansson, P., Broström, A.
Internet-based Intervention to treat insomnia in patients with cardiovascular disease European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 16(Suppl. 1), S75.
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Dalteg, T., Sandberg, J., Malm, D., Sandgren, A., Benzein, E.
The heart is a representation of life: an exploration of illness beliefs in couples living with atrial fibrillation Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(21-22), 3699-3709.
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Insomnia in patients with cardiovascular disease - a review of causes, consequences and nursing interventions European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 16(Suppl. 1), S31.
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Dalteg, T., Sandberg, J., Malm, D., Sandgren, A., Benzein, E.
The heart is a representation of life: an exploration of illness beliefs in couples living with atrial fibrillation European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 16(Suppl. 1), S41.
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Lind, S., Wallin, L., Brytting, T., Furst, C., Sandberg, J.
Implementation of evidence-based palliative care in acute care hospitals: Obstacles and opportunities as described by politicians, hospital managers and health care professionals Palliative Medicine: A Multiprofessional Journal, 30(6), NP300-.
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Håkanson, C., Sandberg, J., Mirjam, E., Sarenmalm, E., Mats, C., Joakim, Ö.
Providing palliative care in a Swedish support home for people who are homeless Qualitative Health Research, 26(9), 1252-1262.
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Sveen, J., Pohlkamp, L., Öhlén, J., Sandberg, J., Brandänge, K., Gustavsson, P.
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First-Line Nursing Home Managers in Sweden and their Views on Leadership and Palliative Care Open Nursing Journal, 22(8), 71-78.
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