Florencia Enghel

Assistant Professor of Media and Communications
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Associate Professor of Media and Communications

Florencia Enghel is Associate Professor in Media and Communication Studies and an internationally recognized expert in the research and theorization of communication for development and social change. Her research has also focused on the contributions of Latin American communication theory and practices to global knowledge. She is the proud recipient of a Marie Curie Global Fellowship granted by the European Commission to conduct novel research on the micro-technopolitics of civic engagement. Her 2020-2023 research project investigated the everyday communicative practices mobilized by women for gender justice and better democracy in Argentina. In 2024 she won a RJ Sabbatical grant to write a book about her latest research. From 2015 to 2024 she served as a member of the International Association of Media and Communication Researcher (IAMCR)'s Clearinghouse for Public Statements. 


Enghel, F. (2024). Revisiting everyday activism for gender justice and expanding on its communicative dimensions International Journal of Communication, 18, 3814-3835. More information
Enghel, F. (2023). Informarse es problemático: consideraciones a partir de las prácticas cotidianas de las mujeres en tiempos de precariedad [It’s problematic: Considerations on being informed base don women’s everyday practices in precarious times] Revista de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación, 10(19), 22-41. More information
Enghel, F. (2022). Vida cotidiana y justicia de género en Argentina InMediaciones de la Comunicación, 17(2), 219-238. More information
Becerra, M., Enghel, F. (2021). Pluralismo agonista en la internacionalización de los estudios latinoamericanos de la comunicación: reflexiones a partir de la práctica [Practice-based reflections on the internationalization of Latin American communication studies from a pluralist-agonistic perspective] Comunicacion y medios, 30(43), 24-35. More information
Enghel, F., Danielsson, M. (2019). Bad news: seeing communication for and about development through an exposé of Swedish aid to Zambia Journal of International Communication, 25(2), 54-274. More information
Enghel, F., Becerra, M. (2018). Here and There: (Re)Situating Latin America in International Communication Theory Communication Theory, 28(2), 111-130. More information


Enghel, F. (2023). MSCA Global PF Advice for applicants: Lessons learnt from a successful Marie Sklodowska Curie Global Postdoctoral Fellowship. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Coimmunication More information


Enghel, F. (2023). Justicia de género en línea: navegar, naufragar, insistir. In: A. Fernández, C. Fernández de Kirchner, V. Ibarra, E. Suaya & A. Ramos (Ed.), Democracia en red: Internet, sociedad y política en la Argentina (pp. 83 -90). Buenos Aires: Secretaría Legal y Técnica More information
Roosvall, A., Tegelberg, M., Enghel, F. (2020). Media and climate migration: Transnational and local reporting on vulnerable island communities. In: J. Matthews & E. Thorsen (Ed.), Media, journalism and disaster communities (pp. 83 -98). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Enghel, F. (2020). Disappearance. In: J. Tacchi & T. Tufte (Ed.), Communicating for change: Concepts to think with (pp. 167 -180). London: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Enghel, F., Becerra, M. (2020). How to incorporate Latin American communication studies into northern/western Circles?. In: X. Orchard, S. G. Santamaria, J. Brambila & J. Lugo-Ocando (Ed.), Media and governance in Latin America: Toward a plurality of voices (pp. 59 -73). New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group More information
Enghel, F., Noske-Turner, J. (2018). Communication in international development: towards theorizing across hybrid practices. In: F. Enghel & J. Noske-Turner (Ed.), Communication in international development: Doing good or looking good? (pp. 1 -18). London: Routledge More information
Enghel, F. (2018). A ‘success story’ unpacked: doing good and communicating do-gooding in the Videoletters Project. In: F. Enghel & J. Noske-Turner (Ed.), Communication in international development: Doing good or looking good? (pp. 21 -38). London: Routledge More information


Enghel, F. (2022). Grupo Clarin: From Argentine newspaper to Convergent media Conglomerate. More information
Enghel, F. (2019). Who’s reporting Africa now?: Non-governmental organizations, journalists, and multimedia. More information
Enghel, F. (2018). Interpreting the Internet: Feminist and queer counterpublics in Latin America [book review). More information


Enghel, F. (2024). What is participatory about this project? A case of investigating everyday communicative practices, establishing rapport with interviewees, and rethinking how to take them into account. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 7th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Helsinki, Finland, January 10-12, 2024. More information
Enghel, F. (2023). Does having access to information imply being well informed? Considerations based on a study of women’s everyday communication practices in Argentina. 73rd Annual ICA Conference Virtual Preconference “Media and Communication in Global Latinidades”, May 24th, 2023. More information
Enghel, F. (2023). Everyday life and women’s communicational practices in Argentina: notes towards a politics of listening for gender justice. LSE Media Futures Conference 2023, London, UK, 15-16 June, 2023. More information
Enghel, F. (2023). Rethinking the communicative dimensions of everyday activism from the South: how do Argentinian women struggle for gender justice in precarious digital times?. Presentation at the 73rd Annual ICA Conference: “Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication”, May 25-29, 2023, Toronto, Canada. More information
Enghel, F. (2023). To do no harm: from scientific ambition and extractivist designs to taking research participants into account. 73rd Annual ICA Conference “Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication”, May 25-29, 2023. More information
Enghel, F. (2023). What is participatory about this project? A case of investigating everyday communicative practices, establishing rapport with interviewees, and rethinking how to take them into account. IAMCR 2023 Conference: “Inhabiting the planet: Challenges for media, communication and beyond”, July 9-13-29, Lyon, France. More information
Enghel, F. (2023). On understanding and practicing care while engaging with research participants. Unmaking to Remake: A conversation on the place of care in communication for social change, London, UK, June 13, 2023. More information
Enghel, F. (2022). ¿Cómo cambiaron las formas cotidianas de comunicarse de las mujeres en Argentina durante la pandemia de COVID-19? [How did women's everyday communication practices change in Argentina during the COVID-19 pandemic?]. XVI Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación (ALAIC), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26 al 30 de septiembre de 2022. More information
Enghel, F. (2022). Everyday life, gender (in)justice and women’s communicational practices in Argentina. School of Communication, University of Miami, 8 September 2022. More information
Enghel, F. (2022). ¿Cómo se informaron las mujeres en Argentina durante y después de la pandemia de COVID-19?. Seminario “Algoritmos y periodismo: el “nuevo orden informativo” de los medios digitales”, Centro ICEP-Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 3 y 4 de octubre de 2022. More information
Enghel, F. (2022). Everyday life, gender (in)justice and the communicational practices of women Argentina: what does it take to get the State's attention?. 5th Conference “Media and Governance in Latin America, Communication in Contested Sociopolitical Scenarios”, HLK–Jönköping University, Sweden, 20-21 June 2022. More information
Enghel, F. (2022). Vida cotidiana de las mujeres en Argentina: notas para una política de la escucha. 8th Annual MESO Congress “Desarrollos Contemporáneos Sobre Medios, Cultura y Sociedad: Argentina y América Latina”, Universdad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2-3 September, 2022. More information
Enghel, F. (2021). Women in pursuit of gender justice: everyday communication practices. DigiCom2030, Universidad de Cádiz, 16 June, 2021. More information
Enghel, F. (2021). Communicating for development and social change in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. DevRes 2021, June 14-16, 2021. More information
Enghel, F. (2021). Engaging participants in transnational qualitative communication studies: ethics and research relationship. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference 2021, held online from 11 to 15 July 2021. More information
Enghel, F. (2021). There are alternatives: informing epistemic diversity through empirical detail about women’s mobilizations in Argentina. ECREA 2021 Conference, 6-9 September, 2021. More information
Enghel, F. (2021). Vida cotidiana, prácticas comunicacionales y justicia de género en Argentina: las TICS como nodo ambivalente [Everyday life, communicational practices and gender justice in Argentina: ICTs as an ambivalent node]. XVIII Encuentro Nacional de Carreras de Comunicación (ENACOM 2021), November 23-26, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. More information
Enghel, F. (2021). Vida cotidiana, prácticas comunicacionales y justicia de género en Argentina: hallazgos a partir de una encuesta cualitativa  [Everyday life, communicational practices and gender justice in Argentina: findings from a qualitative survey]. Congreso Anual MESO 2021, 26-27 de noviembre 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina. More information
Enghel, F. (2019). Qué es e futuro?, o la relación entre comunicación, desarrollo sustentable y justicia social en el siglo XXI:: sures, nortes y desafíos. 30 Encuentro Nacional de la Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores de la Comunicación (AMIC), Ciudad de México, 6 y 7 de junio de 2019. More information
Enghel, F. (2019). Social movements and global communication. International seminar "Global communication: transnational fluxes, local realities", Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Perú, November 12, 2019. More information
Enghel, F. (2018). Can your attention save lives? Development cooperation for human rights as digital business and moral fix. Development Research Conference 2018, 22-23 August, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Enghel, F. (2018). Latin American Communication Research in Dialogue with a High-Impact Academic Journal: Lessons Learnt and Future Strategies. ICA 2018 Preconference: Media and Governance in Latin America: Towards a Plurality of Voices, Prague, 24 May, Czech Republic. More information
Enghel, F. (2018). Can your attention save lives? Human rights intervention as digital business + social media as moral fix. Prague ICA Pre-Conference:Global Media and Human Rights, May 23-24, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. More information


(2018). Special Issue: Latin American Communication Theory Today: Charting Contemporary Developments and Their Global Relevance. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press More information
(2018). Communication in international development: Doing good or looking good?. London: Routledge More information