Leona Achtenhagen

Professor företagsekonomi
Företagsekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
MMTC - Media, Management and Transformation Centre , Jönköping International Business School
Ekonomie doktor
För en presentation av Leona Achtenhagen, se engelska presentationsidan.


Jenkins, A., Achtenhagen, L., Hellerstedt, K. (2024). Back to work? How employers perceive applicants’ experience of entrepreneurial failure Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 36(5-6), 659-680. More information
Antai, I., Lenka, S., Achtenhagen, L. (2024). Digital platforms and the construction supply chain: trends and emerging themes in extant AEC research Construction Management and Economics. More information
Eslami, M., Achtenhagen, L., Bertsch, C., Lehmann, A. (2023). Knowledge-sharing across supply chain actors in adopting Industry 4.0 technologies: An exploratory case study within the automotive industry Technological forecasting & social change, 186(Part A). More information
Tokbaeva, D., Achtenhagen, L. (2023). Career resilience of female professionals in the male-dominated IT industry in Sweden: Toward a process perspective Gender, Work and Organization, 30(1), 223-262. More information
Haag, K., Achtenhagen, L., Grimm, J. (2023). Engaging With the Category: Exploring Family Business Longevity From a Historical Perspective Family Business Review, 36(1), 84-118. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Haag, K., Hultén, K., Lundgren, J. (2022). Torn between individual aspirations and the family legacy – individual career development in family firms Career Development International, 27(2), 201-221. More information
Haag, K., Achtenhagen, L. (2021). The impact of divorce on the family business system in SMEs - patterns of coping strategies, commitment and ownership regulations International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 44(4), 335-358. More information
Eslami, M., Jafari, H., Achtenhagen, L., Carlbäck, J., Wong, A. (2021). Financial performance and supply chain dynamic capabilities: the Moderating Role of Industry 4.0 technologies International Journal of Production Research. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Cyron, T., Ehlers, A., Garz, M., Steigenberger, N. (2020). Att lyckas med intres­sentdialogen Organisation & Samhälle, 54-59. More information
Koch, N., Pongratz, S., McCauley, B., Achtenhagen, L. (2020). ‘Smashing it’: How user entrepreneurs drive innovation in esports communities International Journal of Esports, 1(1). More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2020). Entrepreneurial orientation – an overlooked theoretical concept for studying media firms Nordic Journal of Media Management, 1(1), 7-21. More information
Achtenhagen, C., Achtenhagen, L. (2019). The impact of digital technologies on vocational education and training needs An exploratory study in the German food industry Education + Training, 61(2), 222-233. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Inwinkl, P., Björktorp, J., Källenius, R. (2018). More than two decades after the Cadbury Report: How far has Sweden, as role model for corporate-governance practices, come? International Journal of Disclosure & Governance, 15(4), 235-251. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melesko, S., Ots, M. (2018). Upholding the 4th estate—exploring the corporate governance of the media ownership form of business foundations JMM - The International Journal on Media Management, 20(2), 129-150. More information
Laurell, H., Achtenhagen, L., Andersson, S. (2017). The changing role of network ties and critical capabilities in an international new venture’s early development The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 3(1), 113-140. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Ekberg, S., Melander, A. (2017). Fostering growth through business development: Core activities and challenges for micro-firm entrepreneurs Journal of Management and Organization, 23(2), 167-185. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2017). Patterns of dynamic growth in medium-sized companies: beyond the dichotomy of organic versus acquired growth Long range planning, 50(4), 457-471. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2017). Media entrepreneurship: Taking stock and moving forward JMM - The International Journal on Media Management, 19(1), 1-10. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2016). Developing media management scholarship: a commentary to Picard and Lowe’s essay Journal of Media Business Studies, 13(2), 117-123. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L., Davidsson, P. (2015). International Corporate Entrepreneurship among SMEs: A test of Stevenson’s notion of Entrepreneurial Management Journal of small business management (Print), 53(3), 780-800. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Price Schultz, C. (2015). Invisible struggles: The representation of ethnic entrepreneurship in US newspapers Community Development, 46(5), 499-515. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melander, A., Rosengren, A., Standoft, A. (2014). High-growth firms and the use of formalised planning and control systems International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 13(3), 266-285. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Tillmar, M. (2013). Studies on women's entrepreneurship from Nordic countries and beyond International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 5(1), 4-16. More information
Laurell, H., Andersson, S., Achtenhagen, L. (2013). The importance of industry context for new venture internationalisation: A case study from the life sciences Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 11(4), 297-319. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2013). Dynamics of Business Models - Strategizing, Critical Capabilities and Activities for Sustained Value Creation Long range planning, 46(6), 427-442. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Johannisson, B. (2013). The making of an intercultural learning context for entrepreneuring International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 5(1), 48-67. More information
Pio, E., Achtenhagen, L. (2013). Teaching ethnic minority entrepreneurship through parables International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 18(2), 154-172. More information
Price Schultz, C., Achtenhagen, L. (2013). Discouraging stereotypes? US newspaper coverage of ethnic minority entrepreneurs before the economic downturn Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism, 14(8), 1059-1075. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Andersson, S., Laurell, H. (2011). Frühe Internationalisierung eines Unternehmens im Hochtechnologiebereich - Treiber und Hindernisse Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 59(2), 125-140 Berlin: Duncker & Humblot . More information
Achtenhagen, L., Welter, F. (2011). "Surfing the Ironing Board" - The representation of women’s entrepreneurship in German newspapers Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 23(9-10), 763-786. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L., Melin, L. (2010). "Business growth": do practitioners and scholars really talk about the same thing? Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 43(2), 289-316. More information
Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2010). Small Firm Growth. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Raviola, E. (2009). Balancing tensions during convergence: duality management in a newspaper company JMM - The International Journal on Media Management, 11(1), 32-41. More information
Achtenhagen, L., zu Knyphausen-Aufsess, D. (2008). Fostering Doctoral Entrepreneurship Education in Germany Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15(2), 397-404. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2008). Understanding Entrepreneurship in Traditional Media Journal of Media Business Studies, 5(1), 123-142. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Welter, F. (2008). Le discourse entrepreneurial dans les journaux allemands – “esprit entrepreneurial, montre-toi” Revue Internationale PME, 21(3-4), 67-89. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2006). International Corporate Venturing: An Empirical Study of SMEs Pursuing Opportunities in International Markets sinergie – rivista di studi e ricerche, 24(71), 35-51. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2005). Entrepreneurship: Unternehmertum als Weg aus der Krise drei: Das BPG-Magazin, 4(September), 11-16. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Picard, R. (2005). Der Portfolio-Ansatz in den Medienindustrien: Ein strategisches Werkzeug mit unterschätztem Wert? Zeitschrift für Controlling & Management, 42-48. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2005). Die Bedeutung von Ressourcen-bezogenen Praktiken für das Wachstum von KMU in unterschiedlichen Lebensphasen Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 4(53), 296-312. More information
Naldi, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2005). Ganaron el Gröna Kvisten hace diez años. ¿Y ahora? Iniciativa Emprendedora, 47((April-Mayo-Junio)), 71-83. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Müller-Lietzkow, J., zu Knyphausen-Aufsess, D. (2003). Das Open Source-Dilemma: Open Source Software-Entwicklung zwischen organisatorischer Optimierung und notwendiger Kommerzialisierung Schmalenbach Business Review, 55, 455-481. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Rüegg-Stürm, J. (2000). Management-Mode oder unternehmerische Herausforderung: Überlegungen zur Entstehung netzwerkartiger Organisations- und Führungsformen Die Unternehmung, 3-22. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Wagner, M. (1999). Case study: Wissensmanagement in multinationalen Unternehmen, Lösungsvorschlag IO Management, 82-83. More information
Ruigrok, W., Achtenhagen, L. (1999). Organizational Culture and the Transformation Towards New Forms of Organizing European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8(4), 521-536. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Müller-Stewens, G., Sahm, M. (1998). Interview with Dr. Giuseppe Vita, CEO of Schering AG C E M S Business Review, 2(3), 149-155. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Ruigrok, W. (1998). Die Koordination von internen Netzwerken internationaler Unternehmen: Organisationsformen im Umbruch Gablers Magazin, 12(8), 19-22. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Wagner, M. (1998). Case study: Wissensmanagement in multinationalen Unternehmen - Eine Herausforderung für die HAPF AG IO Management, 78-81. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Sahm, M. (1997). "In allen Tätigkeitsbereichen führend sein": Ein Gespräch mit Dr. Giuseppe Vita, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Schering AG M & A Review, 323-328. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (1997). Industry Special: M&A-Aktivitäten in der deutschen Chemie- und Pharmaindustrie M & A Review, 261-269. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Lang, N. (1996). Country Special: Die italienische Textilbranche M & A Review, 209-211. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Lang, N. (1996). Country Special: M&A in Italien M & A Review, 268-273. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (1995). Das aktuelle Interview: Cees J.A. van Lede, Chairman Akzo Nobel NV M & A Review, 324-327. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Hsieh, R., Weisberg, O., Kupper, C., Pfeiffer, P., Schäfer, N. (1994). Country Special: China: Interview with Mr. Yake Wang, CEITIC; Interview with Mr. Wu Houpu; City of Wuhan M & A Review, 277-280. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Kupper, C. (1994). Das aktuelle Interview: Mr. Mingyi Wei, Chairman of CITIC M & A Review, 439-441. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Kupper, C. (1994). Country Special: China: Investitionen in China M & A Review, 436-439. More information


Achtenhagen, L. (2001). Coordination in new forms of organising: an empirical study (Doctoral thesis, St. Gallen). More information


Achtenhagen, L., Achtenhagen, C. (2022). Strategien und Maßnahmen zur Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen. In: K.-D. Müller, S. Siemon & R. Wallner (Ed.), Nachhaltigkeit und Gründung: Start-ups als Agenten der kulturellen Transformation (pp. 17 -23). Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH More information
Zehra, K., Achtenhagen, L., Arshad, S., Arshad, N. (2022). Collaborative value creation in a highly adverse context: Experiences of Hazara women entrepreneurs in Balochistan. In: S. Yousafzai,C. Henry, M. Boddington, S. Sheikh and A. Fayolle (Ed.), Research Handbook of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Value Creation (pp. 83 -102). More information
Achtenhagen, L., Cestino, J. (2020). Qualitative methods in media management research. In: M. Bjørn von Rimscha (Ed.), Management and Economics of Communication (pp. 129 -147). More information
Achtenhagen, L., Welter, F. (2019). (Re-) constructing the entrepreneurial spirit. In: Entrepreneurship and Context (pp. 31 -44). More information
Khizran, Z., Achtenhagen, L. (2018). If policy (half-heartedly) says ‘yes’, but patriarchy says ‘no’: How the gendered institutional context in Pakistan restricts women entrepreneurship. In: S. Y. Yousafzi, A. Lindgreen, S. Saeed, C. Henry, & A. Fayolle (Ed.), Contextual embeddedness of women's entrepreneurship: Going beyond a gender neutral approach (pp. 18 -32). London: Routledge More information
Achtenhagen, L., Johannisson, B. (2018). The reflexivity grid: Exploring conscientization in entrepreneurship education. In: Revitalizing Entrepreneurship Education: Adopting a Critical Approach in the Classroom (pp. 62 -81). More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brundin, E. (2017). Introduction — management challenges in Africa. In: L. Achtenhagen & E. Brundin (Ed.), Management challenges in different types of African firms: Processes, practices and performance (pp. 1 -9). More information
Achtenhagen, L., Haag, K., Welter, F. (2017). The role of gender in family-business research: A systematic review of the literature. In: Vanessa Ratten, Leo-Paul Dana, Veland Ramadani (Ed.), Women entrepreneurship in family business (pp. 16 -45). Abingdon: Routledge More information
Achtenhagen, L., Mierzejewska, B. (2016). The development of media management as an academic field: Tracing the contents and impact of its three leading journals. In: G.F. Lowe & C. Brown (Ed.), Managing Media Firms and Industries: What's So Special About Media Management? (pp. 23 -42). Berlin: Springer More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brundin, E. (2016). Introduction. In: Leona Achtenhagen, Ethel Brundin (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and SME Management Across Africa: Context, Challenges, Cases (pp. 1 -6). More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2014). Selbständigkeit von Frauen: Forschungsperspektiven und -resultate aus dem skandinavischen Raum. In: Claudia Gather, Ingrid Biermann, Lena Schürmann, Susan Ulbricht, Heinz Zipprian (Ed.), Die Vielfalt von Selbständigkeit: Sozialwissenschaftliche Beiträge zu einer Erwerbsform im Wandel (pp. 49- -59). Berlin: Edition Sigma More information
Achtenhagen, L., Johannisson, B. (2014). Context and ideology of entrepreneurship education in practice. In: Susanne Weber, Fritz K. Oser, Frank Achtenhagen, Michael Fretschner, Sandra Trost (Ed.), Becoming an Entrepreneur (pp. 91 -107). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers More information
Achtenhagen, L., Johannisson, B. (2013). Games in entrepreneurship education to support the crafting of an entrepreneurial mindset. In: Sara de Freitas, Michela Ott, Maria Magdalena Popescu & Ioana Stanescu (Ed.), New Pedagogical Approaches to Game Enhanced Learning: Curriculum Integration (pp. 20 -37). Hershey: IGI Global More information
Achtenhagen, L., Henoch, B., Evansluong, Q. (2013). The Role of ICT in Supporting Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurship. In: Teresa Torres-Coronas & Maria-Arantzazu Vidal-Blasco (Ed.), Social E-Enterprise: Value Creation through ICT (pp. 148 -164). Hershey/PA: IGI Global More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2012). Gender and Acquiring Resources. In: Matthew R. Marvel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of New Venture Management (pp. 209 -210). London: Sage Publications More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2012). Entrepreneurs in media. In: Matthew R. Marvel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of New Venture Management (pp. 154 -157). London: Sage Publications More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2011). Creating a film production cluster in Sweden's west: The case of 'Trollywood'. In: Charlie Karlsson and Robert G. Picard (Ed.), Media Clusters: Spatial Agglomeration and Content Capabilities (pp. 354 -376). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Achtenhagen, L., Picard, R. (2011). Media clusters: development paths and core issues. In: Charlie Karlsson, Robert G. Picard (Ed.), Media Clusters: Spatial Agglomerations and Content Capabilities (pp. 44 -71). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2011). Mapping media entrepreneurship of young European companies. In: Zvezdan Vukanovic and Paulo Faustino (Ed.), Managing media economy, media content and technology in the age of digital convergence (pp. 191 -212). Lisboa: Media XXI More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O. (2011). Dynamische Geschäftsmodellanpassung zur Sicherung unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeit. In: Jörn-Axel Meyer (Ed.), Nachhaltigkeit in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (pp. 131 -141). Lohmar: Josef Eul Verlag More information
Achtenhagen, L., Norbäck, M. (2010). Entertainment Firms and Organization Theories. In: K.-D. Altmeppen, K. Lantzsch, A. Will (Ed.), Handbuch Unterhaltungsproduktion: Beschaffung und Produktion von Fernsehunterhaltung (pp. 52 -66). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften More information
Picard, R., Achtenhagen, L. (2009). Challenges and Success Factors in Media Cluster Development. In: Irene Bernhard (Ed.), The geography of innovation and entrepreneurship: revised papers presented at the 12th Uddevalla Symposium, 11-13 June, 2009, Bari, Italy / Uddevalla Symposium 2009 (pp. 9 -26). Trollhättan, Sweden: University West More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2008). Organisera, strategi och dualitet. In: Att förstå strategi: Process och kontext (pp. 127 -150). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Achtenhagen, L., Welter, F. (2008). "Unternehmergeist, komm aus der Flasche": der Entrepre­neurship-Diskurs in deutschen Zeitungen. In: Sascha Kraus and K. Gundolf (Ed.), Stand und Perspektiven der deutschsprachigen Entrepreneurship- und KMU-Forschung (pp. 135 -150). Köln: Ibidem-Verlag More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2007). Organizing (in) Media Companies. In: Organizing Media: Mastering the Challenges of Organizational Change (pp. 1 -7). Jönköping: Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School More information
Raviola, E., Achtenhagen, L. (2007). Organizing internal tensions: The duality management of media companies. In: Organizing Media: Mastering the Challenges of Organizational Change (pp. 127 -146). Jönköping: Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School More information
Picard, R., Achtenhagen, L. (2007). Organising and reorganising media companies for 21st century operations. In: Shaping the Future of the Newspaper: Reorganising the Newspaper Company (pp. 16 -20). More information
Achtenhagen, L., Welter, F. (2007). Entrepreneurship discourse in the media. In: Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Entrepreneurship (pp. 193 -215). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Welter, F., Achtenhagen, L. (2006). Unternehmerinnenleitbild und Unternehmerinnenidentität. In: Das Unternehmerinnenbild in Deutschland: Ein Beitrag zum gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand (pp. 73 -100). Münster et al.: Lit Verlag More information
Achtenhagen, L., Welter, F. (2006). Re-Creating an Entrepreneurial Spirit in Germany: A Review of the Public and Newspaper Discourse. In: Understanding the Regulatory Climate for Entrepreneurship and SMEs: Papers presented to the Rencontres de St-Gall 2006 St.Gallen: KMU-HSG More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2006). One Decade Later: Following Up the ‘Gröna Kvisten’ Prize-winning Growth Firms. In: P. Rind Christensen & F. Poulfelt (Ed.), Managing Complexity and Change in SMEs: Frontiers in European Research (pp. 10 -34). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2006). What do we know about small firm growth?. In: The life cycle of entrepreneurial ventures (pp. 361 -398). New York: Springer More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2006). Pursuing opportunities in new markets: Activities of international SMEs to enhance growth by further internationalization. In: Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in neuen Märkten: Aufbruch und Wachstum (pp. 255 -268). Lohmar: EUL Verlag More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2005). Media Portfolio Development: Strategic and Organizational Challenges. In: Media Product Portfolios: Issues in Management of Multiple Products and Services (pp. 41 -61). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Tracing patterns of growth: A first analysis of the 'Gröna Kvisten' high-growth ventures. In: Advances in Interdisciplinary European Entrepreneurship research: Vol. 2 (pp. 101 -132). Münster: Lit Verlag More information
Achtenhagen, L., Welter, F. (2004). Linking the Entrepreneurship Discourse to its Context: The Development of Entrepreneurship in Germany in the Years 1997-2001. In: Advances in Interdisciplinary European Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 1 -25). Münster: Lit Verlag More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2003). Managing the Homogeneity-Heterogeneity Duality. In: Innovative Forms of Organizing: international perspectives (pp. 301 -328). London: SAGE More information
zu Knyphausen-Aufsess, D., Achtenhagen, L., Müller-Lietzkow, J. (2003). Die Open-Source-Softwareentwicklung als Best-Practice-Beispiel eines erfolgreichen Dienstleistungsnetzwerkes. In: Dienstleistungsnetzwerke (pp. 613 -639). Wiesbaden: Gabler More information
Achtenhagen, L., Welter, F. (2003). Female entrepreneurship in Germany: context, development and its reflection in German media.. In: New Perspectives on Women Entrepreneurs (pp. 71 -100). Greenwich: Information Age More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L., Müllern, T. (2003). Learning and Continuous Change in Innovating Organizations. In: Innovative Forms of Organizing: international perspectives (pp. 72 -94). London: SAGE More information
Achtenhagen, L., Ericson, T., Melin, L., Müllern, T. (2003). Leadership: The Role of Interactive Strategizing. In: Innovative Forms of Organizing: international perspectives (pp. 49 -71). London: SAGE More information
Ruigrok, W., Achtenhagen, L., Wagner, M., Rüegg-Stürm, J. (2000). ABB: Beyond the Global Matrix towards the Network Multidivisional Organization. In: The innovating organization (pp. 117 -143). London: SAGE More information
Ruigrok, W., Achtenhagen, L., Wagner, M., Rüegg-Stürm, J. (2000). Hilti AG: Shared Leadership and the Rise of the Communicating Organization. In: The innovating organization (pp. 178 -207). London: SAGE More information


Achtenhagen, L. (2011). Book review: Managing Media Companies: Harnessing Creative Value (2nd ed.): by Annet Aris and Jacques Bughin, West Sussex, England: Wiley, 2009. ISBN 978-04-70713-95-2 (paperback), 384 pp.. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2010). Book review: Fernando G. Alberti, Salvatore Sciascia, Carmine Tripodi and Federico Visconti, Entrepreneurial Growth in Industrial Districts: Four Italian Cases, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, 2008; 269 pp.: 9781847200853, £69.00 (hbk). More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2005). ‘Managing Media Companies: Harnessing Creative Value’, by Annet Aris and Jacques Bughin (2005), West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2001). The Coming Biotech Age: The Business of Bio-Materials. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2000). Organisationslernen: institutionelle und kulturelle Dimensionen. More information


Achtenhagen, L., Jansson, A. (2021). ’Greta Who?’ - How Swedish media companies frame their stance towards sustainability. EMMA Conference 2021, 27-29 October, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Ramírez-Pasillas, M. (2021). The Best of Two Worlds? Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs’ Perceptions About the Role of Family for Creating and Sustaining their Entrepreneurial Activities. EURAM 2021, Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world, 16-18 June 2021. More information
McCauley, B., Achtenhagen, L. (2021). Developing an Ecosystem Around Gaming Development for Regional Juvenation - The Case of the Arctic Game Lab. EMMA Conference 2021, 27-29 October, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Tokbaeva, D., Achtenhagen, L. (2019). Per aspera ad astra: Career progression challenges of women in IT and digital media. Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association (EMMA), 5-7 June 2019, Limassol, Cyprus. More information
Nazir, I., Achtenhagen, L. (2019). Corporate venturing in traditional media firms: A capabilities perspective. 2019 Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association (emma), Limassol, Cyprus, 5-7 June 2019. More information
Cyron, T., Achtenhagen, L. (2019). Building a firm-hosted online community. Australian Center for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2019. More information
Haag, K., Achtenhagen, L. (2018). Renewal through socialization: A case of strategy as wayfinding. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) 2018, July 10-15, Chicago, USA. More information
Haag, K., Achtenhagen, L. (2018). Entrepreneurial strategy-making through socialization: A case of family business wayfinding. 3rd EAP conference, 2018, April 17-19, Växjö, Sweden. More information
Ots, M., Achtenhagen, L., Melesko, S. (2018). Do the forms of media ownership matter?: Exploring the corporate governance of business foundations. 13th World Media Economics and Management Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, May 6-9. More information
Cyron, T., Achtenhagen, L. (2018). Building a Firm-hosted Online Community. Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (ISBE), Birmingham, UK, 2018. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Haag, K. (2017). The making of ‘Scandinavian Design’ from a family business perspective. IFERA 2017: annual conference June 28-July 1, 2017, Zadar, Croatia, 2017. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Haag, K. (2017). Co-evolution at the Interface of a Family Firm and its Niche. 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, August 4-8, 2017. More information
Cyron, T., Achtenhagen, L. (2017). Business growth in practice: Navigating dualities in the process of development. RENT XXXI (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) conference 2017, Lund, Sweden, November 15-17. More information
Cestino, J., Achtenhagen, L. (2016). Legitimacy-borrowing and bricolage by journalism entrepreneurs: From institutional ‘dopes’ to new industry pioneers?. 12th World Media Economics and Management Conference, New York, 2-6 May, 2016.. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2016). Growth strategies in medium-sized companies - Beyond the dichotomy of organic versus acquired growth. Strategic Management Society 36th Annual Conference, Berlin, September 17-20, 2016. More information
Laurell, H., Achtenhagen, L., Andersson, S. (2010). The internationalization challenge – Enabling and constraining factors in the medical-technology sector. St.Gallen: KMU Verlag HSG, Rencontres de St-Gall 2010, September 6–8 2010, St.Gallen. More information
Laurell, H., Achtenhagen, L., Andersson, S. (2010). ‘The role of the founding team and its network ties during different phases of the early internationalization journey’. Montreal 13th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference September 17-20, 2010, Montreal, Canada. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2010). The footprint of young companies on the media landscape. European Media Management Association annual conference, 2010, London, U.K.. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Laurell, H., Andersson, S. (2009). The internationalization challenge: managing a new venture from the medical technology sector. McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Helsinki. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2009). The role of entrepreneurial orientation in combining old and new media. European Media Management Association, Annual Conference February 2009, Paris. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Picard, R. (2009). Challenges and Success Factors in Media Cluster Development: A Review of Contemporary Knowledge. Trollhättan: Department of Economics and IT, University West, 12th Uddevalla Symposium, 11-13 June, 2009, Bari, Italy. More information
Leona, A., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2009). How do companies achieve sustained and profitable business growth?: Business models in continuously growing companies. Washington 29th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2008). On the way to continuous growth: The role of entrepreneurial management. St.Gallen: HSG, Rencontres de St-Gall, St. Gallen. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2007). Continuous entrepreneurship: The case of SYSteam, a Swedish consultancy firm. Rencontres de St-Gall, St. Gallen. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2007). Managing Firm Resources: The Impact of Resource Practices on Performance. Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2007). How Do SMEs Achieve Growth?: Exploring The Modes of Organic Growth And Growth By Acquisition. Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Raviola, E. (2006). Organizing internal tensions: The duality management of media companies. Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2006). Investigating Patterns of Development in SMEs. Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L., Wiklund, J. (2006). How Companies Manage Resources For Firm Expansion. Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, Vienna, Austria, February 2006. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L., Wiklund, J. (2006). The Management of Firm Resources: Examining the Impact of Resource Practices on Performance. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Vienna, October 2006. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2006). The role of SME internationalization for Pursuing Opportunities. Bason Park, MA: Babson College, Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Welter, F. (2005). (Re-)Constructing the Entrepreneurial Spirit. Babson Park, Mass.: Babson College, Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Welter, F. (2005). The attractive blond lady in a pink business suit: Analyzing the discourse on female entrepreneurship in German newspapers between 1997 and 2003. Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2005). Pursuing a strategy of continuous growth: A longitudinal, in-depth case study. Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Welter, F., Achtenhagen, L. (2005). Enhancing the Entrepreneurial Spirit!?: Investigating the Entrepreneurship Discourse in Newspapers over Time. Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Welter, F., Achtenhagen, L. (2005). Unternehmerinnenbild und Unternehmerinnenidentität. Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). A process-view on the role of resource practices for SME growth. Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Business firm growth: Are we talking about the same thing?. Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Tricks of twigs: how the ‘Gröna Kvisten’-winning firms grew big(ger). Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Research on small-firm growth: A review. 35th EISB Conference, Barcelona, September 2005. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L. (2005). A Dynamic View On The Role Of Resource Practices For Growth. Babson Park, Mass.: Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, Babson College, Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2004). Organizing for a strategic balance: Two extreme cases of managing dualities. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., zu Knyphausen-Aufsess, D. (2004). Managing the sharing of knowledge?: A comparative analysis of the cases of Open Source Software Development and Genomics. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2004). The role of resource practices for the value creation of SMEs. St. Gallen: KMU-Vlg HSG, Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2004). Tracing patterns of growth: An analysis of the 'Gröna Kvisten' high-growth ventures. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2004). Practicing growth: how companies build and use valuable resources for expansion. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2004). Towards a re-conceptualization of firm growth. Babson Park, Mass.: Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, Babson College, Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Helin, J., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2004). One decade later?: Following up the Gröna kvisten prize-winning high-growth firms. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Welter, F., Achtenhagen, L. (2003). Linking the entrepreneurship discourse to its context: The development of entrepreneurship in Germany in the years 1997-2001. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L. (2003). Facing the Organizational Challenge of Managing Dualities. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Welter, F., Achtenhagen, L. (2003). Female Entrepreneurship as Reflected in German Media in the Years 1997-2001. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., zu Knyphausen-Aufsess, D. (2002). Fostering Entrepreneurship Education and Research in Germany: The EXIST High Technology Entrepreneurship Postgraduate Programme. Lohmar: Eul, Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Moehle von Hoffmannswaldau, A. (2002). Emerged and disappeared?: Towards an understanding of the dynamics of new ventures by analysing a continuously failing business. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Müller-Lietzkow, J., zu Knyphausen-Aufsess, D. (2002). Open Source Software Development: An Ideal-Type Model of Deconstructing Industries. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Müller-Lietzkow, J. (2002). 'Goliath' Microsoft versus David 'Linux': Still the Truth? A Comparison of the Hypercompetition between Microsoft and Linux Distributors. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2002). Entrepreneurial Failure in Germany: Stigma or Enigma. Babson Park, Mass.: Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, Babson College, Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2002). Kommerzialisierung von Open Source-Software: Widerspruch oder Weiterentwicklung der Idee?. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Moehle von Hoffmannswaldau, A. (2002). Narrating the Early-Stage Organising Process Journey. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., zu Knyphausen-Aufsess, D. (2001). The Role of Regional Networks in New-Venture Creation Processes. Babson Park, Mass.: Babson College, Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Moehle von Hoffmannswaldau, A. (2001). Analysing new venture activities: the influence of team characteristics and support infrastructure in a German biotech region. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L., Müllern, T., Ericson, T. (2001). Beyond leadership: Shared organizing and strategizing processes in innovative organizational settings.. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2000). Technological changes in innovative forms of organizing: comparing early and late adopters. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Hertel, J., Stammnitz, A. (1999). Creating creativity?: Overcoming creativity barriers - lessons from a drama group. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Ruigrok, W. (1999). Recent organisational innovations in Germany. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Ruigrok, W. (1999). New modes of organising: evidence from Germany. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (1999). Co-ordination within new modes of organising. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L. (1998). Coordination in newly emerging organizational forms. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Ruigrok, W. (1997). Comparison of newly emerging organizational forms. Twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information


Cyron, T., Achtenhagen, L. . Managing firm-hosted online communities: A multi-channel perspective. More information


(2017). Management Challenges in Different Types of African Firms: Processes, Practices and Performance. More information
(2016). Entrepreneurship and SME Management Across Africa: Context, Challenges, Cases. More information
(2007). Organizing Media: Mastering the Challenges of Organizational Change. Jönköping: Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School More information


Achtenhagen, L., Melander, A. (2014). Open innovation in the construction industry with a specific focus on Swedish wood-construction companies. Växjö: Smart Housing Småland More information
Melander, A. Johansson, P. Lennartsson, M. Elgh, F. Achtenhagen, L. Vimarlund, V. , ... Hellborg G. (2014). Entreprenöriell produktframtagning för industriellt byggande. Växjö: Smart Housing Småland More information
Achtenhagen, L. (2011). Internationalization competence of SMEs. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Achtenhagen, L., Johansson, A., Picard, R. (2007). The Promotion of Entrepreneurship in the Audio-Visual Media (esp. TV): Final Report for the European Commission, Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General. Jönköping: Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School More information
Welter, F., Achtenhagen, L., Kolb, S., Ettl, K. (2006). Süsses Leben mit bitteren Noten: Unternehmerinnen und Gründerinnen in der deutschen Presse - eine diskursanalytische Betrachtung. Düsseldorf: Ministerium für Generationen, Familie, Frauen und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen More information