Marie Ernsth Bravell

Institutet för gerontologi , Hälsohögskolan
Filosofie doktor

I sitt avhandlingsarbete fokuserade Marie på de allra äldsta med syftet att bland annat ta reda på hur hälsa och socialt nätverk påverkar dagligt liv och hjälpmönster, samt hur vården och omsorgen fungerade för de här människorna det sista året. Marie har sedan disputationen fortsatt att studera äldreomsorg ur olika perspektiv men också olika typer av funktionell förmåga under åldrandet, och framför allt skillnader mellan män och kvinnor. Mellan åren 2011-2018 arbetade Marie deltid som äldrestrateg i Jönköpings kommun, med syfte att genomföra fördjupad forskning inom strategiskt utvalda äldreområden och i samverkan med personal i äldreomsorgen. År 2018 - 2020 kombinerade Marie gerontologisk forskning med uppdraget som vicerektor för forskning vid Jönköping University. Sedan första juli 2020 arbetar Marie som vd för Hälsohögskolan. 


Östlund, L., Sandberg, J., Skillmark, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L. (2024). A Swedish study about how staff reason and act when they suspect domestic abuse perpetrated by relatives of persons with dementia European Journal of Social Work, 27(2), 387-400. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L. (2024). Need and importance of reflections of dignity at the end of life for nursing students Evidence-Based Nursing. More information
Johansson, L., Sandberg, J., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Östlund, L. (2024). Health and social care staff's recognition of elder abuse perpetrated by family members of persons with dementia: a mixed-method study Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. More information
Östlund, L., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L. (2023). Working in a gray area: Healthcare staff experiences of receiving consent when caring for persons with dementia Dementia, 22(1), 144-160. More information
Jarling, A., Rydström, I., Fransson, E., Nyström, M., Dalheim-Englund, A., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2022). Relationships first: Formal and informal home care of older adults in Sweden Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(5), e3207-e3218. More information
Finkel, D., Johansson, L., Westerlind, B., Lindmark, U., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2022). AGE AND SITE DIFFERENCES IN PLANNED AND PERFORMED ACTIONS IN RESPONSE TO IDENTIFIED RISKS IN OLDER ADULTS Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement 1), 840. More information
Johansson, A., Torgé, C., Fristedt, S., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2022). Relationships and gender differences within and between assessments used in Swedish home rehabilitation - a cross-sectional study BMC Health Services Research, 22. More information
Bülow, P., Finkel, D., Allgurin, M., Torgé, C., Jegermalm, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P. (2022). Aging of severely mentally ill patients first admitted before or after the reorganization of psychiatric care in Sweden International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 16(1). More information
Fristedt, S., Kammerlind, A., Fransson, E., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2022). Physical functioning associated with life-space mobility in later life among men and women BMC Geriatrics, 22(1). More information
Lindmark, U., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L., Finkel, D. (2021). Oral health is essential for quality of life in older adults: A Swedish National Quality Register Study Gerodontology, 38(2), 191-198. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bennich, M., Walfridsson, C. (2021). "In August, I Counted 24 Different Names": Swedish older adults' experiences of home care Journal of Applied Gerontology, 40(9), 1020-1028. More information
Johansson, L. Finkel, D. Lannering, C. Dahl Aslan, A. Andersson-Gäre, B. Hallgren, J. , ... Ernsth-Bravell M. (2021). Using aggregated data from Swedish national quality registries as tools to describe health conditions of older adults with complex needs Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33, 1297-1306. More information
Finkel, D., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P. (2021). Does the length of institutionalization matter? Longitudinal follow-up of persons with severe mental illness 65 years and older: shorter-stay versus longer-stay International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 36(8), 1223-1230. More information
Johansson, A., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Karlsson, A., Fristedt, S. (2021). Valuable aspects of home rehabilitation in Sweden: Experiences from older adults Health Science Reports, 4(1). More information
Johansson, A., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Fransson, E., Fristedt, S. (2021). Factors associated to functioning and health in relation to home rehabilitation in Sweden: a non-randomized pre-post intervention study BMC Geriatrics, 21(1). More information
Fauth, E., Hooyman, A., Schaefer, S., Hall, A., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2021). Discrepancies in objective and subjective fine motor abilities in octogenarians Innovation in Aging, 5(Supplement 1), 839-840. More information
Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2020). Cohort by Education Interactions in Longitudinal Changes in Functional Abilities Journal of Aging and Health, 32(3-4), 208-215. More information
Jarling, A., Rydström, I., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Nyström, M., Dalheim-Englund, A. (2020). A responsibility that never rests – the life situation of a family caregiver to an older person Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 34(1), 44-51. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L., Sundström, G. (2020). Partneromsorg och uppsökande verksamhet Äldre i centrum, 60-63. More information
Jarling, A., Rydström, I., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Nyström, M., Dalheim-Englund, A. (2020). Perceptions of Professional Responsibility When Caring for Older People in Home Care in Sweden Journal of Community Health Nursing, 37(3), 141-152. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2020). Higher prevalence of pressure ulcers in people receiving palliative care is not necessarily an indicator of poor care Evidence-Based Nursing, 23(4). More information
Lin, C., Ganji, M., Griffiths, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Broström, A., Pakpour, A. (2020). Mediated effects of insomnia, psychological distress and medication adherence in the association of eHealth literacy and cardiac events among Iranian older patients with heart failure: a longitudinal study European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(2), 155-164. More information
Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Pedersen, N. (2020). Role of motor function and lung function in pathways to ageing and decline Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 32, 2479-2487. More information
Lundgren, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Börjesson, U., Kåreholt, I. (2020). The association between psychosocial work environment and satisfaction with old age care among care recipients Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(7), 785-794. More information
Jegermalm, M., Wilińska, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Torgé, C. (2020). Filling the gaps? The role of voluntary organizations in supporting older people with severe mental illnesses Nordic Social Work Research, 10(3), 219-229. More information
Hallgren, J., Johansson, L., Lannering, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Gillsjö, C. (2020). Health- and social care in the last year of life among older adults in Sweden BMC Palliative Care, 19(1). More information
Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2019). Genetic influences on lung function contribute to subsequent age changes in motor and cognitive function Behavior Genetics, 49(6), 492. More information
Jones, J., Fauth, E., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, B., Ledermann, T. (2019). Longitudinal correspondence between subjective and objective memory in the oldest old: A parallel process model by gender European Journal of Ageing, 16(3), 317-326. More information
Lundgren, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Börjesson, U., Kåreholt, I. (2019). The impact of leadership and psychosocial work environment on recipient satisfaction in nursing homes and home care Gerontology and geriatric medicine, 5, 1-9. More information
Jarling, A., Rydström, I., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Nyström, M., Dalheim‐Englund, A. (2018). Becoming a guest in your own home: Home care in Sweden from the perspective of older people with multimorbidities International Journal of Older People Nursing, 13(3). More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2018). Komplex bild när äldre både ger och tar emot omsorg , 36-39 Stockholm: Stiftelsen Stockholms läns äldrecentrum . More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L., Finkel, D. (2018). Using National Quality Registries In Gerontological Research: Pros and Cons Innovation in Aging, 2(suppl_1), 149. More information
Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2018). Cohort By Education Differences In Longitudinal Change In Functional Ability Innovation in Aging, 2(suppl_1), 477. More information
Fauth, E., Schaefer, S., Zarit, S., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, B. (2017). Associations between Fine Motor Performance in Activities of Daily Living and Cognitive Ability in a Nondemented Sample of Older Adults: Implications for Geriatric Physical Rehabilitation Journal of Aging and Health, 29(7), 1144-1159. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2017). Pain-related palliative care challenges in people with advanced dementia call for education and practice development in all care settings Evidence-Based Nursing, 20(4), 118-119. More information
Boström, M., Ernsth Bravell, M., Björklund, A., Sandberg, J. (2017). How older people perceive and experience sense of security when moving into and living in a nursing home: [Hur äldre personer uppfattar och erfar trygghet i flytt till och boende i särskilt boende för äldre. En fallstudie] European Journal of Social Work, 20(5), 697-710. More information
Lannering, C., Johansson, L., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2017). The effect of a structured nutritional care programme in Swedish nursing homes , 64-70. More information
Lannering, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L. (2017). Prevention of falls, malnutrition and pressure ulcers among older persons: nursing staff’s experiences of a structured preventive care process Health & Social Care in the Community, 25(3), 1011-1020. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Finkel, D., Dahl Aslan, A., Reynolds, C., Hallgren, J., Pedersen, N. (2017). Motor functioning differentially predicts mortality in men and women Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print), 72, 6-11. More information
Lundgren, D., Ernsth Bravell, M., Kåreholt, I. (2017). Municipal eldercare: Leadership differences in nursing homes and home help services MOJ Gerontology & Geriatrics, 1(2), 30-36. More information
Sternäng, O., Reynolds, C., Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Pedersen, N., Dahl Aslan, A. (2016). Grip Strength and Cognitive Abilities: Associations in Old Age The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 71(5), 841-848. More information
Finkel, D., Ernsth Bravell, M., Pedersen, N. (2016). Temporal dynamics of motor functioning and cognitive aging The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 71(1), 109-116. More information
Lannering, C., Ernsth Bravell, M., Midlöv, P., Östgren, C., Mölstad, S. (2016). Factors related to falls, weight-loss and pressure ulcers – more insight in risk assessment among nursing home residents Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(7-8), 940-950. More information
Lundgren, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Kåreholt, I. (2016). Leadership and the psychosocial work environment in old age care International Journal of Older People Nursing, 11(1), 44-54. More information
Hallgren, J., Ernsth Bravell, M., Mölstad, S., Östgren, C., Midlöv, P., Dahl Aslan, A. (2016). Factors associated with increased hospitalisation risk among nursing home residents in Sweden: a prospective study with a three-year follow-up International Journal of Older People Nursing, 11(2), 130-139. More information
Kammerlind, A., Ernsth Bravell, M., Fransson, E. (2016). Prevalence of and factors related to mild and substantial dizziness in community-dwelling older adults: A cross-sectional study BMC Geriatrics, 16(1). More information
Fristedt, S., Kammerlind, A., Ernsth Bravell, M., Fransson, E. (2016). Concurrent validity of the Swedish version of the life-space assessment questionnaire BMC Geriatrics, 16. More information
Karlsson, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Ek, K., Johansson, L., Bergh, I. (2015). Reliability and face validity of the Abbey Pain Scale-SWE in Swedish dementia care practice . More information
Finkel, D., Ernsth Bravell, M., Pedersen, N. (2015). Sex differences in genetic and environmental influences on longitudinal change in functional ability in late adulthood The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 70(5), 709-717. More information
Foebel, A., Zavala, C., Ernsth Bravell, M., Reynolds, C., Pedersen, N. (2015). Latent growth curve analysis: Multimorbidity and sex affect functional trajectories in later life The Gerontologist, 55, 218-219. More information
Karlsson, C., Ernsth Bravell, M., Ek, K., Bergh, I. (2015). Home healthcare teams’ assessments of pain in care recipients living with dementia: a Swedish exploratory study International Journal of Older People Nursing, 10(3), 190-200. More information
Hallgren, J., Ernsth Bravell, M., Dahl Aslan, A., Josephson, I. (2015). In hospital we trust: Experiences of older peoples' decision to seek hospital care Geriatric Nursing, 36(4), 306-311. More information
Sternäng, O., Reynolds, C., Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Pedersen, N., Dahl Aslan, A. (2014). Factors associated with grip strength decline in older adults Age and Ageing, 44(2), 269-274 Oxford: Oxford University Press . More information
Kammerlind, A., Fristedt, S., Ernsth Bravell, M., Fransson, E. (2014). Test–retest reliability of the Swedish version of the life-space assessment questionnaire among community-dwelling older adults Clinical Rehabilitation, 28(8), 817-823. More information
Edberg, A., Ernsth Bravell, M. (2013). Kompetensen måste höjas på särskilda boenden för äldre Läkartidningen, 110(45), 1984-1986. More information
Boström, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Lundgren, D., Björklund, A. (2013). Promoting sense of security in old-age care Health, 5(6A2), 56-63. More information
Sigurðardóttir, S., Ernsth Bravell, M. (2013). Older caregivers in Iceland: Providing and receiving care Nordic Social Work Research, 3(1), 4-19. More information
Bravell, M., Boström, M. (2013). Inflytande och delaktighet vid flytt till äldreboende . More information
Dahl, A., Fauth, E., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Hassing, L., Ram, N., Gerstorf, D. (2013). Body Mass Index, Change in Body Mass Index, and Survival in Old and Very Old Persons Journal of The American Geriatrics Society, 61(4), 512-518. More information
Karlsson, C., Sidenvall, B., Bergh, I., Ernsth Bravell, M. (2013). Certified nursing assistants' perception of pain in people with dementia: a hermeneutic enquiry in dementia care practice Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(13/14), 1880-1889 Uk . More information
Sundström, G., Ernsth Bravell, M., Johanson, L., Lundgren, D. (2012). Omsorgspanoramat: En beskrivning av utvecklingen före, under och efter Ädel Äldre i Centrum, 26(2), 15-17. More information
Sigurdardottir, S., Sundström, G., Malmberg, B., Ernsth Bravell, M. (2012). Needs and care of older people living at home in Iceland Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 40(1), 1-9. More information
Karlsson, C., Sidenvall, B., Bergh, I., Ernsth Bravell, M. (2012). Registered nurses' view of pain assessment among persons with dementia as consultant advisors Open Nursing Journal, 62-70. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Westerlind, B., Midlöv, P., Östgren, C., Borgquist, L., Lannering, C., Mölstad, S. (2011). How to assess frailty and the need for care? Report from the Study of Health and Drugs in the Elderly (SHADES) in community dwellings in Sweden Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print), 53(1), 40-45. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Malmberg, B., Berg, S. (2010). End of life care in the oldest old Palliative & Supportive Care, 8, 335-344. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Berg, S., Malmberg, B., Sundström, G. (2009). Sooner or later?: A study of institutionalization in late life Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 21(4/5), 329-337. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Berg, S., Malmberg, B. (2008). Health, functional capacity, formal care, and survival in the oldest old: a longitudinal study Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (Print), 46(1), 1-14. More information
Malmberg, B., Ernsth, M., Larsson, B., Zarit, S. (2003). Angels of the Night: Evening and Night patrols for Homebound Elders in Sweden The Gerontologist, 43(5), 761-765. More information
Ernsth, M. (2000). Kostprojekt på Trädgårdens äldreboende Socialbladet. More information
Ernsth, M. (1998). Hjälp att sova Äldreomsorg. More information
Ernsth, M. (1998). Dag klockan tolv på natten Äldreomsorg. More information


Ernsth Bravell, M. (2011). Äldre och åldrande.: Grundbok i gerontologi.. Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB More information


Ernsth Bravell, M. (2007). Care Trajectories in the Oldest Old (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Hälsohögskolan). More information


Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L. (2021). Utmaningar i mötet med den äldre personen. In: E.-K. Hultgren (Ed.), Distriktssköterskans specialistområden (pp. 455 -473). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2020). Gerontologi — vad är det?. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell & Lena Östlund (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande: grundbok i gerontologi (pp. 19 -48). Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2020). Hälsa bland äldre. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell & Lena Östlund (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande: grundbok i gerontologi (pp. 95 -110). Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2020). Biologiskt åldrande. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell & Lena Östlund (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande: grundbok i gerontologi (pp. 153 -182). Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2020). Vård den sista tiden i livet. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell & Lena Östlund (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande: grundbok i gerontologi (pp. 353 -362). Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB More information
Ågren, H., Alfredsson, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Westling, H. (2016). Rambeslut. In: Stefan Österström (Ed.), 10 förbättringar från DIALOGEN: En långsiktig strategi för att utveckla en innovativ, sammanhållen och hållbar socialtjänst (pp. 41 -59). Jönköping: Jönköpings kommun, socialtjänsten More information
Boström, M., Ekberg, K., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Ågren, H. (2016). Stärka tryggheten i flytt till särskilt boende. In: Stefan Österström (Ed.), 10 förbättringar från DIALOGEN: En långsiktig strategi för att utveckla en innovativ, sammanhållen och hållbar socialtjänst (pp. 133 -150). Jönköping: Jönköpings kommun, socialtjänsten More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2011). Gerontologi - vad är det?. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande.: Grundbok i gerontologi. (pp. 21 -49). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2011). Vård i livets slutskede bland de allra äldsta.. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande.: Grundbok i gerontologi. (pp. 322 -329). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2011). Prevention.. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande.: Grundbok i gerontologi. (pp. 348 -373). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2011). Biologiskt åldrande.. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande.: Grundbok i gerontologi. (pp. 109 -141). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB More information
Boström, M., Ernsth Bravell, M. (2011). Sexualitet och åldrande.. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande.: Grundbok i gerontologi. (pp. 221 -240). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Ericsson, I. (2011). Geriatrik och psykogeriatrik.. In: Marie Ernsth Bravell (Ed.), Äldre och åldrande.: Grundbok i gerontologi. (pp. 261 -307). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB More information
Ernsth, M., Larsson, B., Malmberg, B. (2002). Evening and Night Patrols reduce Environmental Demands. In: Bo Malmberg and Cecilia Henning (Ed.), Aspects on aging, old age care and local contexts (pp. 111 -119). Jönköping: Hälsohögskolan More information
Ernsth, M., Svensson, G. (2002). Respite Care: a Way of Improve the Interpersonal Resources. In: Bo Malmberg and Cecilia Henning (Ed.), Aspects on aging, old age care and local contexts (pp. 101 -110). Jönköping: Hälsohögskolan More information


Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2019). Age changes in lung function precede and contribute to subsequent age changes in motor function and cognition. International Conference of Psychological Science, 7-9 March 2019, Paris, France. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Walfridsson, C., Bennich, M. (2019). To receive care in my own home: Experiences from older people. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Fauth, B., Johannesson, S., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L., Malmberg, B., Johansson, B., Zarit, S. (2019). Sustained and successful model in international gerontological education: A short study abroad course fostering research collaboration and educational training for over a decade. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Johansson, L., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Finkel, D. (2019). Health and social care in the most ill older persons. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Finkel, D., Lindmark, U., Johansson, L., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2019). Oral health predicts quality of life in data from Swedish National Quality Registries. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C., Wilińska, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P. (2019). Filling the gaps? – The role of voluntary organizations in supporting older people with severe mental illnesses in Sweden: Towards increased responsibility for the civil society beyond the dichotomous substitute-or-complement paradigm. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Jegermalm, M. (2019). The meaning of illness, times and spaces: Stories about severe mental illness from a life course perspective. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Östlund, L., Johansson, L., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2019). Wellbeing of persons with dementia without restraints and coercion. 9th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress (IAGG-ER2019), 23-25 May, 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L., Östlund, L. (2019). Wellbeing without restraints and coercion, the zero vision. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2018). Structured preventive work in Swedish nursing homes. 5th International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care, 10-12 September 2018, Vienna, Austria. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Foebel, A., Pedersen, N. (2018). Relations of loneliness, chronic disease risk, self-rated health, perceived impairment in activity and use of care among older people cross-sectional and longitudinal. 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Oslo, Norway, June 2-4, 2018. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Finkel, D. (2018). Cohort differences in longitudinal change in functional ability. 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Oslo, Norway, June 2-4, 2018. More information
Fristedt, S., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Kammerlind, A., Fransson, E. (2018). Physical function factors associated with life-space mobility in later life. 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology (24NKG), Oslo, Norway, May 2-4, 2018. More information
Kåreholt, I., Darin-Mattsson, A., Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Wilińska, M. (2018). Psychological distress, mental illness, and mood fluctuations in old age – causes and consequences. 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Oslo, Norway, June 2-4, 2018. More information
Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Bülow, P., Jegermalm, M. (2018). Similarities and Differences when Comparing Older People with Severe Mental Illness and a Population-based Study of Older People: Care and Living Conditions for Older People with Severe Mental Illness. Aging & Society: 8th Interdisciplinary Conference, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 18–19 September 2018. More information
Wilińska, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C. (2018). Severe mental illness from a life course perspective – the meaning of times and spaces. Narratives by older people living in homes for the Elderly. The 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, 2-4 May, 2018, Oslo, Norway. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Torgé, C., Wilińska, M., Bülow, P., Jegermalm, M. (2018). Older people with and without mental illness – Register-based population study from Sweden. The 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, 2-4 May, 2018, Oslo, Norway. More information
Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Jegermalm, M. (2018). Care and living conditions for older people with severe mental illness in a Swedish municipality. Nationell forskningskonferens i socialt arbete, 9-10 October 2018, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Foebel, A., Pedersen, N. (2016). The importance of social network factors among older adults in need of regular care. The Gerontological Society of America's 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, November 16-20, 2016.. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Jegermalm, M., Fransson, E., Zarit, S. (2016). Reciprocal patterns of support of very old people and their families. The Gerontological Society of America's 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, November 16-20, 2016.. More information
Fristedt, S., Kammerlind, A., Ernsth Bravell, M., Fransson, E. (2015). Validitet och reliabilitet för Life-Space Assessment (LSA) - ett instrument för bedömning av äldre personers mobilitet. Arbetsterapiforum, Göteborg 15-16 april 2015. More information
Kammerlind, A., Fristedt, S., Ernsth Bravell, M., Fransson, E. (2014). Test-retest reliability of the Swedish version of the Life-Space Assessment Questionnaire among community-dwelling older adults. 22nd Congress of Gerontology, Gothenburg. More information
Hallgren, J., Dahl Aslan, A., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Josephson, I. (2014). Older persons´ arguments for seeking hospital care while receiving home health care. 22nd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Gothenburg, May 25 – 28, 2014. More information
Hallgren, J. Dahl, A. Ernsth Bravell, M. Mölstad, S. Midlöv, P. Östgren, C. , ... Josephson I. (2013). Factors associated with a greater risk of hospitalization among nursing home residents. GSA 66th Annual Scientific Meeting in New Orleans. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2012). The role of gender in the relationship between motor functioning and mortality. The Gerontological Society of America's 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, USA, November 14-18, 2012.. More information
Hallgren, J., Ernsth Bravell, M., Dahl, A., Östgren, C., Midlöv, P., Mölstad, S. (2012). Elderly living in institutions and their visits to acute care - Patterns; needs och habits?.. Nordic conference of Gerontology, Copenhagen, June 10-13, 2012.. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2011). ADL-function in late life. A matter of gender roles or objective function?:  . The Gerontological Society of America's 64th Annual Scientific Meeting.. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2011). Hur mår de äldre människorna som bor i särskilda boende för äldre - egentligen?. Medicinska Riksstämman Stockholm 2011. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2010). Studies of the oldest old - troublesome yet necessary+. 20.e Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, 2010.. More information
Johannesson, S., Ernsth Bravell, M. (2010). Training in Gerontology - what is it good for?. 20.e Nordiska kongresen i gerontologi, Island 2010. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2009). Self-reports of Activities of Daily Living: Their Correspondence with Performance-based Measures.. The Gerontological Society of Americas's 62nd Annual Scientific meeting 2009. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2008). Professional Development in Gerontology.. 19.e Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi Oslo 2008. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Malmberg, B. (2007). The Last Year in Life: A Study of the Oldest-Old. 19.e Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi Oslo 2008. More information
Berg, S., Ernsth Bravell, M., Sundström, G. (2007). Predictors of institutionalization at the age of 70. 19.e Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi Oslo 2008. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2007). Last year in life of the oldest old.. The Gerontological Society of America's 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, 2007.. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2007). Institutionalization: Sooner or Later?. The Gerontological Society of America's 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, 2007.. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2006). Changes in Health, ADL and Use of Care in the Oldest Old.. 18.e Nordiska Kongressen i Gerontologi, Jyväskylä. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2005). Resources and Help Patterns in the Oldest old Swedes.. The 58th Annual Scientific meeting of Gerontological Society of America: The interdisciplinary Mandate. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2003). Bedömning av prevalens och risk att drabbas av trycksår av personer boende i särskilda boendeformer för äldre.. Vårdstämman.. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2002). Avlösningsvård ur flera perspektiv.. Äldre på egna villkor, Stockholm, Sverige.. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2002). Avlösningsvård ur flera perspektiv.. Korttidsboende, Stockholm, Sverige.. More information
Ernsth Bavell, M. (2001). Avlösningsvård-korttidsvård-växelvård.. Konferens Ideforum, Kortidsvård, Äldreomsorg, Stockholm. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2001). Är de äldre i riskzonen att utveckla trycksår?. Vetenskapens dag, Hälsohögskolan; Jönköping. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Larsson, B. (2000). En kartläggning av kvälls- och nattpatrullernas arbete i Jönköpings kommun.. 15:e Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, Reykjavik, Island. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (2000). Bedömning med modifierad Nortonskala av vårdtagare på särskilda boendeformer för äldre.. 15:e Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, Reykjavik, Island.. More information
Malmberg, B., Gustafsson, G., Ernsth, M. (1998). Äldre mellan två stolar?. 15:e Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, Reykjavik, Island.. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Malmberg, B., Gustafsson, G. (1998). Vårdplanering av äldre personer vid utskrivning från sjukhus. 14:e Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, Trondheim, Norge.. More information
Ernsth, M. (1997). Vårdplanering- att överföra information. 14:e Nordiska kongressen i gerontologi, Trondheim, Norge.. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (1997). Vårdplanering-att överföra information.. 11:e Jönköpingskonferensen i Äldre omsorg, Jönköping, Sverige.. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M. (1997). Trycksår bland äldre inom särskilda boendeformer.. Hälso-och sjukvårdsstämman. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Gustafsson, G. (1996). Att undvika trycksår på äldre da´r.. 13:e Nordiska Kongressen i gerontologi, Helsingfors, Finland. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Gustafsson, G. (1996). Trycksår bland äldre inom särskilda boendeformer.. 13:e Nordiska Kongressen i gerontologi, Helsingfors, Finnland. More information


Lannering, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Andersson, A., Johansson, L. . Effects of a preventive care process for prevention of malnutrition, falls and pressure ulcers among older people living in Swedish nursing homes. More information
Lundgren, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Börjesson, U., Kåreholt, I. . Changes in perceived psychosocial work environment in old age carefrom 2007 to 2015. More information
Johansson, A., Torgé, C., Rydwik, E., Fristedt, S., Ernsth-Bravell, M. . Older adults’ experiences of home rehabilitation – a scoping review. More information


Johansson, L., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Östlund, L. (2023). Erfarenheter och uppfattningar av tvång och begränsningar vid vård och omsorg av personer med kognitiv nedsättning i Jönköpings kommun. Jönköping: Jönköpings kommun More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Torgé, C. (2019). Delaktighet i hälso- och sjukvård i Jönköpings kommun. Jönköping: Jönköpings kommun More information
Telander, E., Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2015). Projekt uppsökande verksamhet avseende äldre sammanboendes behov av anhörigstöd 2014-2015.. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2015). Uppföljning av hemsjukvården i kommunerna i Jönköpings län. Jönköping: Region Jönköpings län More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Malmberg, B. (2004). Risk för trycksår?: Bedömning med modifierad Nortonskala av vårdtagare på särskilda boendeformer på distrikt Öster i Jönköping. Jönköping: Institutet för gerontologi. Högskolan i Jönköping More information
Malmberg, B., Ernsth, M., Svensson, G. (2002). "Då är det bara att ta nya tag": Avlösningsvård i Jönköpings län. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen More information
Ernsth, M. (2001). Att äta i trädgården....: Ett försök med berikning av vårdtagarnas mat och dryck på trädgårdens äldreboende, Jönköpings kommun. Jönköping: Hälsohögskolan More information
Ernsth, M. (2001). "Det ska inte bero på vem som jobbar.....": Utvärdering av verksamhet på ett äldreboende för personer med demenssjukdom. More information
Ernsth Bravell, M., Andersson, B., Svensson, G., Folke, G. (2001). Det lilla nära- utvärdering av verksamhet på Mjölkafållan och Öxnebacka äldreboende: Rapport från Institutet för gerontologi på uppdrag av Jönköpings kommun. Jönköping: Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping More information
Ernsth, M., Larsson, B. (2000). "Att bo kvar hemma": en kartläggning av kvälls- och nattpatrullernas arbete i Jönköpings kommun. Jönköping: Hälsohögskolan More information
Ernsth, M., Malmberg, B. (1999). Färdigbehandlad - och sedan?: Vårdplanering i Jönköpings län.. Jönköping: Institutet för gerontologi More information
Ernsth, M., Gustafsson, G. (1998). Kartläggning av avlösning och växelvård. More information
Ernsth, M., Malmberg, B., Gustafsson, G. (1997). Äldre mellan två stolar?: äldreomsorg och äldrevård i gränslandet mellan landstingets och kommunernas ansvarsområden i Jönköpings län. Jönköping: Institutet för gerontologi More information
Malmberg, B., Gustafsson, G., Ernsth, M. (1997). Några medicinska kvalitetsindikatorer i det särskilda boendet för äldre i Jönköpings län 1996. Jönköping: Institutet för gerontologi More information
Malmberg, B., Gustafsson, G., Ernsth, M. (1997). Medicinska kvalitetsindikatorer i det särskilda boendet för äldre i Jönköpings län 1996. Jönköping: Institutet för gerontologi More information
Gustafsson, G., Ernsth, M. (1996). Förekomst och behandling av trycksår. More information


(2020). Äldre och åldrande: Grundbok i gerontologi. Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB More information