Renira Gambarato

Professor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap
Avdelningen för kommunikation och beteendevetenskaper , Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Forskningsmiljöledare för MKV - Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap

Renira Rampazzo Gambarato är professor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Jönköping University. Hon har tidigare varit postdoktor i filmvetenskap och semiotik (2008–2009) vid Concordia University i Kanada. Hon har en doktorsexamen i kommunikation och semiotik (2005) från Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo i Brasilien – en examen som även innefattade studier vid University of Kassel i Tyskland. Hon har en masterexamen i kommunikation och semiotik (2002), även den från Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, och en kandidatexamen i industriell design (1998) från São Paulo State University i Brasilien.

Innan Renira kom till Sverige i mars 2018, var hon verksam i Brasilien, Tyskland, Kanada, Qatar, Estland och Ryssland. Hon är medförfattare till boken Theory, Strategy, and Development in Transmedia Storytelling (Routledge, 2020) och medredaktör för The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies (Routledge, 2019), Exploring Transmedia Journalism in the Digital Age (IGI, 2018) och Kulturdialoge Brasilien-Deutschland: Design, Film, Literatur, Medien [Cultural Dialogue Brazil-Germany: Design, Film, Literature, Media] (Walter Frey, 2008). Hennes nuvarande forskning kretsar kring analys av transmedialt berättande och komplexiteten i transmediala upplevelser, transmedial journalistik och strömmande media. På ett mer övergripande plan intresserar hon sig för Peirceansk semiotik, digital kultur, internationell och interkulturell medievetenskap samt filmanalys. 



Sjöberg, J., Cassinger, C., Gambarato, R. (2024). Communicating a sense of safety: the public experience of Swedish Police Instagram communication Journal of Communication Management, 28(3), 365-385. More information
Heuman, J., Gambarato, R. (2023). The learning potential of streaming media: cultural sustainability in a post-digital society Frontiers in Communication, 8. More information
Sjöberg, J., Berglez, P., Gambarato, R. (2023). “Malmö is not Sweden's Chicago”: Policing and the challenge of creating a sense of safety through social media strategies Nordicom Review, 44(1), 44-64. More information
Tárcia, L., Alzamora, G., Cunha, L., Gambarato, R. (2023). Transmedia educommunication method for social sustainability in low-income communities Frontiers in Communication, 8. More information
Gambarato, R., Heuman, J. (2023). Beyond fact and fiction: Cultural memory and transmedia ethics in Netflix’s The Crown European Journal of Cultural Studies, 26(6), 803-821. More information
Gambarato, R., Heuman, J., Lindberg, Y. (2022). Streaming media and the dynamics of remembering and forgetting: The Chernobyl case Memory Studies, 15(2), 271-286. More information
Bruck, M., Tárcia, L., Gambarato, R. (2019). Introduction [Introdução]: Special issue fake news: Challenges and risks for contemporary journalism [Edição especial fake news: Challenges and risks for contemporary journalism] Brazilian Journalism Research, 5(3), 426-429. More information
Borges, P., Gambarato, R. (2019). The Role of Beliefs and Behavior on Facebook: A Semiotic Approach to Algorithms, Fake News, and Transmedia Journalism International Journal of Communication, 13, 603-618. More information
Gambarato, R., Komesu, F. (2018). What Are You Laughing At? Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s Internet Memes across Spreadable Media Contexts Journal of Creative Communications, 13(2), 85-103. More information
Komesu, F., Gambarato, R., Tenani, L. (2018). ‘I will not become an Internet meme’ [‘Não virarei meme’]: visual-verbal textualization process in the study of the power and resistance in Brazil [processo de textualização verbo-visual no estudo de poder e resistência no Brasil] Acta Scientiarum: Language and Culture, 40(2). More information
Gambarato, R., Carvalho Alzamora, G., Peret Teixeira Tárcia, L., Chevtchouk Jurno, A. (2017). 2014 FIFA World Cup on the Brazilian Globo Network: A transmedia dynamics? Global Media and Communication, 13(3), 283-301. More information
Gambarato, R., Lapina-Kratasyuk, E., Moroz, O. (2017). Панорама российских трансмедиа: опыт картирования мультиплатформенных инициатив [Panorama of Russian Transmedia: The Experience of Mapping Multiplatform Initiatives] ШАГИ/STEPS, 3(2), 20-46. More information
Gambarato, R., Tárcia, L. (2017). Transmedia Strategies in Journalism: An analytical model for the news coverage of planned events Journalism Studies, 18(11), 1381-1399. More information
Gambarato, R., Alzamora, G., Tárcia, L. (2016). Russian News Coverage of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games: A Transmedia Analysis International Journal of Communication, 10, 1446-1469. More information
Gambarato, R., Davydov, S. (2016). вокруг и около глобальных спортивных событий [Around and by Major Sport Events] Communication, Media, Design, 147-150. More information
Gambarato, R., Dabagian, L. (2016). Transmedia dynamics in education: the case of Robot Heart Stories Educational Media International, 53(4), 229-243. More information
Gambarato, R. (2016). The Sochi Project: Slow journalism within the transmedia space Digital Journalism, 4(4), 445-461. More information
Gambarato, R., Lapina-Kratasi͡uk, E. (2016). Transmedia storytelling panorama in the Russian media landscape Russian Journal of Communication, 8(1), 1-16. More information
Gambarato, R., Medvedev, S. (2015). Fish Fight: Transmedia Storytelling Strategies for Food Policy Change International Journal of E-Politics, 6(3), 43-59. More information
Komesu, F., Gambarato, R. (2015). Processo de textualização verbo-visual: análise de princípios de diagramação e seus efeitos de sentido em práticas letradas acadêmicas [Visual Textualization Process: Analysis of Visual Communication Principles and its Effects on Meaning-Making within Academic Literacy Practices] Linguagem e Ensino, 18(1), 175-199. More information
Gambarato, R. (2014). Transmedia storytelling in analyisis: The case of Final punishment Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, 3(2), 95-106. More information
Alzamora, G., Gambarato, R. (2014). Peircean semiotics and transmedia dynamics: Communicational potentiality of the model of Semiosis Ocula: Occhio Semiotico sui Media/Semiotic Eye on Media. More information
Komesu, F., Gambarato, R. (2013). Letramentos acadêmicos no ensino superior: aspectos verbo-visuais no processo de textualização em contexto semipresencial [Academic literacies in higher education: verbal/visual aspects of the process of textualizing in the context of distance learning] Linguagem e Ensino, 16(1), 15-38. More information
Gambarato, R. (2013). Transmedia Project Design: Theoretical and Analytical Considerations Baltic Screen Media Review, 1(1), 80-100. More information
Gambarato, R. (2013). Peircean semiotics in the context of design praxis: Abduction and perception in dialogue Sign System Studies, 41(4), 424-432. More information
Gambarato, R., Alzamora, G. (2012). Transmedia Storytelling Initiatives in Brazilian Media Medien Journal, 36(4), 51-62. More information
Gambarato, R. (2012). Signs, Systems and Complexity of Transmedia Storytelling Communication Studies/Estudos em Comunicação, 69-83. More information
Gambarato, R. (2011). Desired Objects of Denys Arcand Revista Rumores, 5(9). More information
Gambarato, R. (2010). Ícones do Design: Da Bauhaus ao Produto Final [Design Icons: From Bauhaus to the Final Product] Estudos Semióticos. More information
Gambarato, R. (2010). Methodology for film analysis: The role of objects in films Revista Fronteiras: Estudos Midiáticos, 12(2), 105-115. More information
Gambarato, R. (2009). Objects in Films: Analyzing Signs Contemporânea: Revista de Comunicação e Cultura, 7(2). More information
Gambarato, R. (2009). Talking objects - methodology for film analysis Verso e Reverso, 23(54). More information
Gambarato, R. (2009). Talking objects of Denys Arcand Lumina, 3(2). More information
Gambarato, R., Malaguti, S. (2006). Objects of Desire: Methodology for Film Analysis in the Sense of Peircean Semiotics and Intermedial Studies Kodikas/Code: Ars Semeiotica, 29(1-3), 157-176. More information
Gambarato, R. (2005). O desenho do processo: diagrama tridimensional representativo da lógica recursiva da filosofia de Peirce [Design Process: Tridimensional Diagram Representing the Recursive Logic of Peirce’s Philosophy] Cognitio-Estudos: Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia, 2(2), 54-63. More information
Gambarato, R., Malaguti, S. (2005). Objetos do Desejo de Wim Wenders [Objects of Desire of Wim Wenders] Revista Digital Art&, 3(4), 20-40. More information
Gambarato, R. (2005). Signo, Significação, Representação: Um Percurso Semiótico [Sign, Signification, Representation: A Semiotic Path] Communicare, 45-53. More information
Gambarato, R. (2005). Signo, Significação, Representação: Um Percurso Semiótico [Sign, Signification, Representation: A Semiotic Path] Revista Contemporânea, 3(1), 204-214. More information
Gambarato, R., Malaguti, S. (2004). Objetos do Desejo. Metodologia de Análise Fílmica à Luz da Semiótica Peirceana e Estudos Intermediais [Objects of Desire: Methodology of Film Analysis according to Peircean Semiotics and Intermedial Studies] Revista Lumina, 41-73. More information
Gambarato, R. (2004). Para um bom entendedor, um ícone basta [One Icon is Sufficient for the Ones Who can Get it] Revista Prosa, 31-37. More information
Gambarato, R. (2004). Extudo do pós-tudo [Study of Post-Everything] Revista Textos de la Cibersociedad. More information


Gambarato, R., Heuman, J. (2025). Streaming Media and Cultural Memory in a Postdigital Society. More information
Gambarato, R., Alzamora, G., Tárcia, L. (2020). Theory, development, and strategy in transmedia storytelling. Abingdon: Routledge More information


Gambarato, R. (2025). Introduction - Audience modes: A granular approach. In: Annette Hill & Peter Lunt (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Media Audiences (pp. 205 -209). Abingdon: Routledge More information
Alzamora, G., Gambarato, R., Tárcia, L. (2024). #PrayforAmazonia: Transmedia mobilisation within national, transnational and international identities. In: J. Dalby & M. Freeman (Ed.), Transmedia selves: Identity and persona creation in the age of mobile and multiplatform media (pp. 161 -178). Abingdon: Routledge More information
Alzamora, G., Gambarato, R. (2024). Ativismo transmídia na Amazônia [Transmedia activism in the Amazon]. In: Lucia Santaella & Kalynka Cruz (Ed.), Amazônia digital (pp. 133 -152). São Paulo: Estação das Letras e Cores More information
Gambarato, R. (2024). Transmedia (anti-storytelling) audiences. In: Annette Hill & Peter Lunt (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Media Audiences (pp. 210 -221). Abingdon: Routledge More information
Gambarato, R., Heuman, J. (2024). Transcending the blurred boundaries of Chernobyl. In: Nicola Dusi & Charo Lacalle (Ed.), Chernobyl calling: Narrative, intermediality and cultural memory of a docu-fiction (pp. 161 -182). Thessaloniki: Hellenic Semiotic Society More information
Alzamora, G., Gambarato, R. (2023). Comunicação e design em semiose: Um percurso em andamento [Communication and design in semiosis: A journey in progress]. In: P. Borges & J. Franco (Ed.), Tempo da colheita: Homenagem à Lucia Santaella [Harvest time: Festschrift for Lucia Santaella] (pp. 317 -326). São Paulo: FiloCzar More information
Gambarato, R. (2021). Трансмедийный сторителлинг, пространство города и опыт участия: «Большой британский жилищный скандал [Transmedia storytelling, urban spaces, and participatory experiences: The Great British Property Scandal]. In: E. Lapina-Kratasyuk, O. Zaporozhets, & A. Vozianov (Ed.), Сети города: Люди. Технологии. Власть [Urban Networks. People. Technologies. Power] (pp. 445 -467). Moscow, Russia: Новое литературное обозрение [New Literary Observer] More information
Gambarato, R., Medvedev, S. (2020). ICT and Transmedia Storytelling for Democratic Development in the Russian Political Landscape. In: V. Kumar & G. Malhotra (Ed.), Examining the Roles of IT and Social Media in Democratic Development and Social Change (pp. 55 -91). More information
Gambarato, R., Alzamora, G., Tárcia, L. (2019). The transmedia news coverage of the 2016 Rio Olympics. In: María Isabel Villa, Diego Montoya Bermúdez & Mauricio Vásquez Arias (Ed.), Transmedia Earth Conference: medios, narrativas y audiencias en contextos de convergencia (pp. 59 -78). Medellin: Editorial EAFIT More information
Gambarato, R. (2019). Prefácio: A complexidade e a diversidade dos supersistemas transmidiáticos [Preface: The complexity and diversity of transmedia supersystems]. In: F. Irigaray, V. Gosciola, & T. Piñeiro-Otero (Ed.), Dimensões transmídia [Transmedia dimensions] (pp. 13 -18). Aveiro: Ria Editorial More information
Freeman, M., Gambarato, R. (2018). Introduction: Transmedia Studies—Where Now?. In: Matthew Freeman, Renira Rampazzo Gambarato (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies (pp. 1 -12). New York: Routledge More information
Gambarato, R. (2018). Transmedia Journalism: The Potentialities of Transmedia Dynamics in the News Coverage of Planned Events. In: Matthew Freeman, Renira Rampazzo Gambarato (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies (pp. 90 -98). New York: Routledge More information
Gambarato, R. (2018). A Design Approach to Transmedia Projects. In: Matthew Freeman, Renira Rampazzo Gambarato (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies (pp. 401 -409). New York: Routledge More information
Gambarato, R. (2018). The Sochi Project: Slow journalism within the transmedia space. In: Megan Le Masurier (Ed.), Slow Journalism London: Routledge More information
Gambarato, R., Alzamora, G., Tárcia, L. (2018). 2016 Rio Summer Olympics and the transmedia journalism of planned events. In: R. R. Gambarato & G. C. Alzamora (Ed.), Exploring transmedia journalism in the digital age (pp. 126 -146). Hershey: IGI Global More information
Gambarato, R. (2018). Transmedia journalism and the city: participation, information, and storytelling within the urban fabric. In: R. R. Gambarato & G. C. Alzamora (Ed.), Exploring transmedia journalism in the digital age (pp. 147 -161). Hershey: IGI Global More information
Gambarato, R., Alzamora, G. (2018). Challenges and opportunities of transmedia journalism. In: R. R. Gambarato & G. C. Alzamora (Ed.), Exploring transmedia journalism in the digital age (pp. xvi -xxii). Hershey: IGI Global More information
Gambarato, R. (2018). Russia: Interactive documentary, slow journalism and the transmediality of Grozny: Nine cities. In: M. Freeman & W. Proctor (Ed.), Global convergence cultures: Transmedia earth (pp. 206 -226). New York: Routledge More information
Tárcia, L., Alzamora, G., Gambarato, R. (2018). Cobertura jornalística transmídia de megaeventos esportivos: Proposta metodológica aplicada às Olimpíadas de Sochi (2014) e do Rio de Janeiro (2016): [Transmedia news coverage of sporting megaevents: Methodological proposal applied to the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics and 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics]. In: Marta Maia e Monica Martinez (Ed.), Narrativas midiaticas contemporaneas [Contemporary media narratives]: Perspectivas metodologicas [Methodological perspectives] (pp. 240 -253). Santa Cruz do Sul: Catarse More information
Gambarato, R., Medvedev, S. (2017). Grassroots political campaign in Russia: Alexey Navalny and transmedia strategies for democratic development. In: Media Influence: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice (pp. 194 -221). More information
Gambarato, R., Nanì, A. (2016). Blurring boundaries, transmedia storytelling and the ethics of C. S. Peirce. In: Steven Maras (Ed.), Ethics in screenwriting: new perspectives (pp. 147 -175). London: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Gambarato, R., Medvedev, S. (2016). Transmedia storytelling impact on government policy change. In: Yasmin Ibrahim (Ed.), Politics, Protest, and Empowerment in Digital Spaces (pp. 31 -51). More information
Gambarato, R., Medvedev, S. (2015). Grassroots political campaign in Russia: Alexey navalny and transmedia strategies for democratic development. In: Promoting Social Change and Democracy through Information Technology (pp. 165 -192). More information
Gambarato, R., Malaguti, S. (2008). Objekte des  Begehrens von Wim Wenders [Objects of Desire of Wim Wenders]. In: G. Alzamora, R. R. Gambarato, & S. Malaguti (Ed.), Kulturdialoge Brasilien-Deutschland: Design, Film, Literatur, Medien [Cultural Dialogue Brazil-Germany: Design, Film, Literature, Media] (pp. 37 -58). Berlin: Verlag Walter Frey More information
Gambarato, R. (2008). Ikonische Zeichen des Designs: vom Bauhaus zum Karneval [Design Iconinc Signs: From Bauhaus to Carnival]. In: G. Alzamora, R. R. Gambarato, & S. Malaguti (Ed.), Kulturdialoge Brasilien-Deutschland: Design, Film, Literatur, Medien [Cultural Dialogue Brazil-Germany: Design, Film, Literature, Media] (pp. 161 -176). Berlin: Verlag Walter Frey More information


Gambarato, R., Heuman, J. (2024). Transcending the blurred boundaries of Chernobyl. Prague: CZECH-IN, 10th ECREA 2024: Communication & Social Disorder, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 September 2024. More information
Bäcke, M., Gambarato, R., Tárcia, L., Alzamora, G., Cunha, L. (2023). Transmedia Educommunication Method for Social Sustainability. The 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, 22-26 August 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece. More information
Gambarato, R., Nanì, A. (2017). Workshop Transmedia Journalism and Interactive Documentary in Dialogue. 14 November 2017 through 17 November 2017. More information


Gambarato, R. (2023). Chernobyl beyond fact and fiction [blog post]. More information


(2018). The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies. New York: Routledge More information
(2018). Exploring transmedia journalism in the digital age. Hershey: IGI Global More information
(2008). Kulturdialoge Brasilien-Deutschland: Design, Film, Literatur, Medien [Cultural Dialogue Brazil-Germany: Design, Film, Literature, Media]. Berlin: Verlag Walter Frey More information