Lise-Lotte Jonasson

Universitetslektor omvårdnad
Avdelningen för omvårdnad , Hälsohögskolan

Lise-Lotte är medicine doktor, universitetslektor och docent inom hälsa och vårdvetenskap och verksam inom avdelning för omvårdnad.  Hennes forskning är främst inriktad på ledarskap, den äldre människans livsvillkor, etiska frågor i omvårdnadsmöten, och frågeställningar inom distriktssköterskans kontext.  Undervisning sker framför allt inom områden som belyser distriktssköterskans arbetsområde samt områden som ligger nära Lise-Lottes forskning.

Pågående forskning har fokus på personer som på olika sätt har ohälsa. Nämnas kan personer med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom och kvinnor som har lipödem. Dessa två forskningsstudier är doktorandprojekt där Lise-Lotte är bihandledare. Vidare forskning handlar om frågeställningar inom området om personer som har urininkontinensproblem. Likaså handlar det om fördjupade studier om att implementera och använda  reflekterande arbetssätt i omvårdnadsarbetet, samt ta hjälp av tekniska lösningar och arbeta för hållbara förbättringar.   Exempel på tekniska lösningar är personer som har cerebral pares eller  stroke och deras upplevelser av att använda själv administrerad elektroterapi sk. Elektrodress.


Odzakovic, E. Eliasson, A. Jansson, P. Lagerqwist, M. Fridlund, B. Jonasson, L. , ... Broström A. (2025). Prerequisites for self-care actions in individuals with restless legs syndrome-A deductive qualitative analysis based on the COM-B model Journal of Health Psychology. More information
Odzakovic, E. Allgurin, M. Jonasson, L. Öberg, S. Fridlund, B. Ulander, M. , ... Broström A. (2024). Experiences of facilitators and barriers for fulfilment of human needs when living with restless legs syndrome: a qualitative study International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 19(1). More information
Johansson, H., Berg, K., Jonasson, L., Berterö, C. (2024). Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseasés impact on the affected person and next of kin: A mixed methods study Chronic Illness, 20(2), 296-308. More information
Odzakovic, E. Allgurin, M. Jonasson, L. Öberg, S. Fridlund, B. Ulander, M. , ... Broström A. (2024). I Guess I Should Go To Sleep: An exploratory study of how patients with restless legs syndrome experience their life situation Journal of Sleep Research, 33(Supplement 1), 96-97. More information
Odzakovic, E. Eliasson, A. Lagerqwist, M. Jansson, P. Fridlund, B. Jonasson, L. , ... Broström A. (2024). "Exploring all options": Essential self-care practices for individuals with restless legs syndrome-A deductive qualitative analysis using the COM-B model Journal of Sleep Research, 33(Supplement 1), 113. More information
Johansson, H., Berterö, C., Jonasson, L., Berg, K. (2023). The experience of caregiver burden when being next of kin to a person with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A qualitative study. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 20(January-December). More information
Jonasson, L., Bångsbo, A., Billhult, A., Wolmesjö, M. (2023). Older adults' experiences of participation in daily activities in Swedish assisted living BMC Geriatrics, 23(1). More information
Jonasson, L., Sörbo, A., Ertzgaard, P., Sandsjö, L. (2022). Patients' experiences of self-administered electrotherapy for spasticity in stroke and cerebral palsy: A qualitative study Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 54. More information
Falck, J., Rolander, B., Nygårdh, A., Jonasson, L., Mårtensson, J. (2022). Women with lipoedema: a national survey on their health, health-related quality of life, and sense of coherence BMC Women's Health, 22(1). More information
Wolmesjo, M., Jonasson, L., Bangsbo, A., Billhult, A. (2022). Co-production for shared value-based care to increase the quality of life of older persons in Swedish eldercare International Journal of Integrated Care, 22. More information
Jonasson, L., Josefsson, K. (2021). Empirical Ethical Values Promoting Good Caring Encounters with Older Patients and Relatives in a Geriatric Setting Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, 4(1). More information
Fjällman, C., Hilli, Y., Jonasson, L. (2021). Home health nurses' views on participating in pre-ambulance emergency treatment: A qualitative descriptive study Nordic journal of nursing research, 41(2), 92-100. More information
Claesson, M., Josefsson, K., Jonasson, L. (2021). 'My registered nurse': Older people's experiences of registered nurses' leadership close to them in community home care in Sweden International Journal of Older People Nursing, 16(5). More information
Claesson, M., Jonasson, L., Josefsson, K. (2021). Next of kin's experiences of registered nurses' leadership close to older adults in municipal home care in Sweden: an interview study BMC Nursing, 20(1). More information
Koltsida, V., Jonasson, L. (2021). Registered nurses’ experiences of information technology use in home health care - from a sustainable development perspective BMC Nursing, 20(1). More information
Claesson, M., Josefsson, K., Jonasson, L., Lindberg, E. (2020). What implies registered nurses’ leadershipclose to older adults in municipal homehealth care? A systematic review BMC Nursing, 19(30), 1-11. More information
Jonasson, L., Lindö, P., Lindh, T., Josefsson, K. (2019). Life situation and participation as experienced by adult patients in palliative home care Nursing and Palliative Care, 4(2). More information
Johansson, H., Berterö, C., Berg, K., Jonasson, L. (2019). To live a life with COPD: the consequences of symptom burden The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 14, 905-909 Auckland, New Zealand: Dovepress . More information
Jonasson, L., Sandman, L., Bremer, A. (2019). Managers experiences of ethical problems in municipal elderly care: a qualitative study of written reflections as part of leadership training Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 11, 63-74. More information
Jonasson, L., Nyström, M., Rydström, I. (2017). Reflective team in caring for people living with dementia: A base for care improvement Reflective Practice, 18(3), 397-409. More information
Josefsson, K., Jonasson, L., Holgersson, A., Nytomt, M. (2017). Preconditions for district nurses’ telephone counselling at call-time in municipal home care: An observational study Nordic journal of nursing research, 37(1), 1-8. More information
Andersson, H., Lindholm, M., Pettersson, M., Jonasson, L. (2017). Nurses competencies in Home health care: An interview study BMC Nursing, 16(65). More information
Jonasson, L., Josefsson, K. (2016). Staff experiences of the management of older adults with urinary incontinence Healthy Aging Research, 5(16). More information
Jonasson, L., Carlsson, G., Nyström, M. (2014). Prerequisites for sustainable care improvement using the reflective team as a work model International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 9(23934). More information
Jonasson, L., Berterö, C. (2012). The importance of approaching older people: a grounded theory International Journal of Older People Nursing, 7(1), 29-36. More information
Jonasson, L., Liss, P., Westerlind, B., Berterö, C. (2011). Corroborating indicates nurses' ethical values in a geriatric ward International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 6(3). More information
Jonasson, L., Liss, P., Westerlind, B., Berterö, C. (2011). Empirical and normative ethics: a synthesis relating to the care of older patients Nursing Ethics, 18(6), 814-824. More information
Jonasson, L., Liss, P., Westerlind, B., Berterö, C. (2010). Ethical values in caring encounters on a geriatric ward from the next of kin's perspective: An interview study International Journal of Nursing Practice, 16(1), 20-26. More information


Jonasson, L. (2011). A comprehensive picture of ethical values in caring encounters, based on experiences of those involved: Analysis of concepts developed from empirical studies (Doctoral thesis). Linköping University Electronic Press More information


Falck, J., Rolander, B., Nygårdh, A., Jonasson, L., Mårtensson, J. (2023). Experiences of healthcare and treatments in women with lipedema - results from a Swedish national survey. FDRS 2023 Conference, 14-16 April 2023, Atlanta, USA. More information
Falck, J., Nygårdh, A., Rolander, B., Jonasson, L., Mårtensson, J. (2023). Healthcare experiences, health-related stigma, and social support among Swedish women with lipoedema – results from a national survey. Lipedema World Congress, 5-7 October 2023, Potsdam, Germany. More information
Claesson, M., Josefsson, K., Jonasson, L., Lindberg, E. (2019). What implies registered nurses leadership close to older adults in the municipality home health care?. 9th IAGG-ER Congress, May 23-25, 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden.. More information
Johansson, H., Berg, K., Berterö, C., Jonasson, L. (2017). Living with COPD: a life with strategies. Gotland. More information
Johansson, H., Berterö, C., Berg, K., Jonasson, L. (2016). The qualitative interview; not just data collection. Poster. Stockholm. More information
Bremer, A., Jonasson, L., Sandman, L. (2015). Ethical values among managers in elderly care. Paper presented at the Dilemmas for Human Services 2015: Organizing, Designing and Managing. 18th International Research Conference in Växjö, Växjö Sweden, September 10 – 11, 2015. More information


Jonasson, L., Nazarzadeh, A., Pettersson, C. (2019). Äldre personers urininkontinens på vård- och omsorgsboende. More information


Wolmesjö, M., Jonasson, L., Bångsbo, A., Billhult, A. (2021). Hållbart ledarskapande genom delaktighet - Värdegrundsarbete för ökad livskvalitet inom äldreomsorgen. Borås: Högskolan i Borås More information
Bremer, A., Kullén Engström, A., Fredman, M., Jonasson, L., Jutengren, G., Karlsson, P., Sandman, L. (2016). Ledarskap i äldreomsorgen: att leda integrerat värdeskapande i en röra av värden och förutsättningar. Borås: Högskolan i Borås More information
Jonasson, L. (2016). Inkontinensprojektet: Personalens uppfattningar om äldre vårdtagares urininkontinens vid tre kommunala vård- och omsorgsboenden och hantering av frågor kring detta. Borås: Högskolan i Borås More information


Jonasson, L. (2009). Ethical values in caring encounters from elderly patients' and next of kin's perspective (Licentiate thesis, Linköping: Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University). More information