Elvira Kaneberg
Doktor i företagsekonomi
Nämnder, råd m.m.
Kaneberg, E., Cura, F., Demir, S.
Overcoming Logistics Challenges in Large-Scale Disruptions: Dynamic Capabilities in Türkiye’s Earthquake Response Journal of Transportation and Logistics.
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Kaneberg, E.
Piotrowicz, W.
Abikova, J.
Listou, T.
Schiffling, S.
Paciarotti, C.
, ... Adalgeirsdottir K.
Defence organizations in emergency networks: the early response to COVID-19 in Europe Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 13(1), 91-105.
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Borgstrom, B., Hertz, S., Jensen, L., Kaneberg, E.
Third-party logistics providers’ strategic development in Sweden: Learning from a crisis Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management, 16, 1-12.
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Kaneberg, E., Rico-Cortez, M., Hertz, S., Jensen, L., Sandoval-Pineda, J., Gonzalez-Huerta, R.
Hydrogen technology for supply chain sustainability: The Mexican transportation impacts on society International journal of hydrogen energy, 47(70), 29999-30011.
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Kaneberg, E., Jensen, L., Hertz, S.
Managing network responsiveness in emergency preparedness supply chains for safety and security in developed nations Revista Científica General José María Córdova (Colombian Journal of Military and Strategic Studies), 19(34), 453-477.
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Kaneberg, E., Hertz, S., Jensen, L.
Voluntary defense networks in emergency preparedness in developed countries: the case of Sweden [Redes de defensa voluntarias en preparación ante emergencias en países desarrollados: el caso de Suecia] Revista Científica General José María Córdova, 17(26), 229-250.
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Kaneberg, E.
Managing commercial actors in strategic networks in emergency preparedness: A study of multiple networks from Sweden Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 8(2), 153-183.
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Kaneberg, E.
Managing military involvement in emergency preparedness in developed countries Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 7(3), 350-374.
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Kaneberg, E.
Emergency preparedness and civil defence: a strategy approach to safety and security in developed countries International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
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Kaneberg, E., Hertz, S., Jensen, L.
Voluntary sector networks in emergency preparedness in developed countries: the case of Sweden Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.
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Kaneberg, E., Hertz, S., Jensen, L.
Emergency preparedness planning in developed countries: the Swedish case Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 6(2), 145-172.
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Kaneberg, E.
Emergency preparedness management and civil defence in Sweden: An all-hazards approach for developed countries' supply chains
(Doctoral thesis, Jönköping:
Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School).
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Kaneberg, E., Jensen, L., Dachan, H., Sherif, S.
Supply Chain Performance: return logistics management of fast-moving consumer goods.
36th Annual NOFOMA Conference 12-14 June, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden.
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Kaneberg, E., Cura, F., Demir, S.
Disaster operations challenges: Logistics capabilities for the response to major earthquakes.
36th NOFOMA Conference, June 13‐14, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden.
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Wikner, S., Kaneberg, E., Hertz, S.
Dynamic Capability Learnings in Complex Crises.
33rd Annual International IPSERA Conference, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 24-27 March 2024.
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Kaneberg, E., Ruggiero, A., Jensen, L., Piotrowicz, W., Cyron, T.
Households' sensemaking of emergency preparedness and the impact of crisis information on customers' demands: From household to supply chain preparedness.
35th NOFOMA Conference, June 14‐16, 2023, Helsinki – Espoo, Finland.
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Kaneberg, E.
A missing perspective in the humanitarian logistics.
The 25th International NOFOMA conference, Gothenburg, June 3-5, 2013..
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