Jakob Olofsson

Universitetslektor material och tillverkning - gjutning
Teknologie doktor


Jakob Olofssons forskning bedrivs inom produktutveckling av gjutna komponenter, där han fokuserar på hållfasthetsberäkningar där man tar hänsyn till de lokala variationer i mekaniska egenskaper som uppstår i gjutna komponenter. Genom att ta hänsyn till dessa variationer kan man bättre förutsäga hur komponenten verkligen kommer att bete sig när den belastas. Detta möjliggör en effektivare produktutveckling av gjutna komponenter och gör att man bättre kan förutsäga t.ex. hur mycket last komponenten kommer klara av, var komponenten riskerar att gå sönder eller hur länge komponenten kan hålla. Datorsimuleringar av olika steg i gjutprocessen används för att förutsäga de lokala variationerna i både elastiska och plastiska mekaniska egenskaper, och simuleringar baserade på Finita Element Metoden (FEM) används för att förutsäga hur stora spänningar och töjningar som uppstår i komponenten när den belastas.

Forskningen bedrivs huvudsakligen i forskningsprojektet CCSIM inom forskningsprofilen CompCAST. Projektet syftar till att möjliggöra en sluten kedja av simuleringar för gjutna komponenter, från gjutning till användning av komponenten. I projektet fokuserar man huvudsakligen på aluminiumlegeringar, men Jakobs forskning innefattar även olika sorters gjutjärn. Tidigare har Jakob även varit inblandad i forskningsprojekten VI och VIKTOR, med fokus på kopplingen mellan mikrostruktur och mekaniska egenskaper hos värmebehandat segjärn (ADI) samt aluminium.


Jakob Olofsson tog sin Civilingenjörsexamen vid Linköpings Universitet i januari 2005. Studierna bedrevs inom ämnet Maskinteknik med inriktning mot Konstruktionsteknik och specialiseringar inom Hållfasthetslära och Konstruktionsmaterial. Därefter arbetade Jakob fem år inom industrin. De första tre åren var som konstruktör och konstruktionsansvarig av kraftturbindelar för gasturbiner, därefter ett år med konstruktion av växelföringar för bilundustrin samt ett år som beräkningsingenjör inom bilindustrin. I september 2009 påbörjade Jakob sin doktorandtjänst vid avdelningen Maskinteknik inom forskningsmiljön  Material- och tillverkningsteknik — Gjutning vid Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping. 2012 presenterade Jakob sin licentiatavhandling, och 2014 disputerade Jakob med sin avhandling med titeln “Simulation of Microstructure-based Mechanical behaviour of Cast Components".

Från juni 2014 är Jakob tillförordnad Universitetslektor i Maskinteknik, och är bl.a. kursansvarig för och föreläsare i kursen Hållfasthetslära som ges för högskoleingenjörer i Maskinteknik och Ortopedingenjörer ifrån Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping.


Bramann, H., Olofsson, J., Sturm, J. (2025). Probabilistic Property Modeling for Reliable Casting Design and Production International Journal of metalcasting, 19(2), 1212-1227. More information
Olofsson, J., Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioğlu, M. (2024). On revealing hidden entrainment damage during in situ tensile testing of cast aluminum alloy components Materials Characterization, 208. More information
Olofsson, J., Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M. (2024). On the Competition between Pores and Hidden Entrainment Damage during In Situ Tensile Testing of Cast Aluminum Alloy Components Metals, 14(10). More information
Olofsson, J., Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M., Bramann, H., Sturm, J. (2024). The Effect of Hidden Damage on Local Process Variability in Al-10 Pct Si Alloy High-Pressure Die Castings Metallurgical and materials transactions. B, process metallurgy and materials processing science. More information
Bramann, H., Olofsson, J., Sturm, J. (2024). Probabilistische Eigenschaftsvorhersage: Methodik zur abgesicherten Gussteilauslegung und -fertigung, Teil 2 von 2 Giesserei, 111(7-8), 94-103. More information
Bramann, H., Olofsson, J., Sturm, J. (2024). Probabilistische Eigenschaftsvorhersage: Methodik zur abgesicherten Gussteilauslegung und -fertigung, Teil 1 von 2 Giesserei, 111(6), 50-56. More information
Olofsson, J., Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioğlu, M. (2023). Revealing and simulating the effect of hidden damage on local and full-field deformation behaviour of cast aluminium IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1281(1). More information
Olofsson, J. (2023). Integrated fatigue life predictions of aluminium castings using simulated local microstructure and defects IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1281(1). More information
Jansson, J., Salomonsson, K., Olofsson, J. (2021). Image-based semi-multiscale finite element analysis using elastic subdomain homogenization Meccanica (Milano. Print), 56, 2799-2811. More information
Jansson, J., Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K. (2020). Simulation-driven product development of cast components with allowance for process-induced material behaviour Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 7(1), 78-85. More information
Olofsson, J. (2018). Local microstructure-based material performance and damage in design and finite element simulations of cast components , 5(4), 419-426. More information
Olofsson, J., Cenni, R., Cova, M., Bertuzzi, G., Salomonsson, K., Johansson, J. (2018). Multidisciplinary shape optimization of ductile iron castings by considering local microstructure and material behaviour Structural and multidisciplinary optimization (Print), 57(5), 1889-1903. More information
Malakizadi, A., Ghasemi, R., Behring, C., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A., Nyborg, L., Krajnik, P. (2018). Effects of workpiece microstructure, mechanical properties and machining conditions on tool wear when milling compacted graphite iron Wear, 410-411, 190-201. More information
Thomser, C., Olofsson, J., Gurevitch, V. (2018). Influence of local microstructure on stresses, durability and fracture mechanics of cast iron components Materials Science Forum, 925, 264-271. More information
Jansson, J., Gustafsson, T., Salomonsson, K., Olofsson, J., Johansson, J., Appelsved, P., Palm, M. (2018). An anisotropic non-linear material model for glass fibre reinforced plastics Composite structures, 195, 93-98. More information
Ghasemi, R., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A., Svensson, I. (2017). Modelling and simulation of local mechanical properties of high silicon solution-strengthened ferritic compacted graphite iron International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 30(3), 125-132. More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Svensson, I., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A. (2017). Characterization and modeling of the mechanical behavior of high silicon ductile iron Materials Science & Engineering: A, 708, 159-170. More information
Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K., Johansson, J., Amouzgar, K. (2017). A methodology for microstructure-based structural optimization of cast and injection moulded parts using knowledge-based design automation Advances in Engineering Software, 109, 44-52. More information
Olofsson, J., Svensson, I., Lava, P., Debruyne, D. (2014). Characterisation and investigation of local variations in mechanical behaviour in cast aluminium using gradient solidification, Digital Image Correlation and finite element simulation Materials & Design, 56, 755-762. More information
Olofsson, J., Svensson, I. (2014). Closed chain simulations of a cast aluminium component - Incorporating casting process simulation and local material characterization into stress-strain simulations ISIJ International, 54(2), 259-265 Tokyo, Japan: The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan . More information
Olofsson, J., Svensson, I. (2013). The effects of local variations in mechanical behaviour – Numerical investigation of a ductile iron component Materials & design, 43, 264-271. More information
Olofsson, J. (2012). Simulation of mechanical behaviour of cast aluminium components. More information
Olofsson, J., Svensson, I. (2012). Incorporating predicted local mechanical behaviour of cast components into finite element simulations Materials & Design, 34, 494-500. More information
Olofsson, J., Larsson, D., Svensson, I. (2011). Effect of Austempering on Plastic Behavior of Some Austempered Ductile Iron Alloys Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, 42(13), 3999-4007. More information


Olofsson, J. (2014). Simulation of Microstructure-based Mechanical Behaviour of Cast Components (Doctoral thesis). School of Engineering, Jönköping University More information


Svensson, I., Olofsson, J. (2017). Computer-aided prediction of mechanical properties. In: Doru M. Stefanescu (Ed.), ASM Handbook, Volume 1A: Cast Iron Science and Technology (pp. 516 -524). Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International More information


Bogdanoff, T., Olofsson, J., Tiryakioğlu, M. (2024). The Visualisation of Hidden Damage in Cast Aluminium Components. TMS 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March 3–7, 2024, Orlando, Florida, USA. More information
Rosengren, A. Adlemo, A. Almusaed, A. Conway, P. Hansen, Å. Jensen, L. , ... Svensson Durics M. (2022). Collegial learning during the pandemic: Realized activities and lessons learnt. Reykjavík: Reykjavík University, 18th International CDIO Conference, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 13-15, 2022. More information
Olofsson, J., Bjurenstedt, A., Seifeddine, S. (2019). On the effects of defects and imperfections on tensile toughness of a secondary aluminium alloy. Shape casting : 7th International Symposium Celebrating Prof. John Campbell's 80th Birthday. More information
Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K., Dahle, A., Mathiesen, R. (2019). Three-dimensional study of nodule clustering and heterogeneous strain localization for tailored material properties in ductile iron. Joint 5th International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes, ICASP 2019 and 5th International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining, CSSCR 2019, 17-21 June 2019. More information
Jansson, J., Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K. (2019). On the use of heterogeneous thermomechanical and thermophysical material properties in finite element analyses of cast components. Joint 5th International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes, ICASP 2019, and 5th International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining, CSSCR 2019, 17-21 June 2019. More information
Olofsson, J., Cenni, R., Cova, M., Bertuzzi, G., Salomonsson, K., Johansson, J. (2017). Multidisciplinary shape optimization of ductile iron castings byconsidering local microstructure and material behaviour. 12th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation, Braunschweig, 5th – 9th June, 2017.. More information
Salomonsson, K., Olofsson, J. (2017). Analysis of Localized Plastic Strain in Heterogeneous Cast Iron Microstructures Using 3D Finite Element Simulations. Cham: Springer, 4th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, ICME 2017, Ypsilanti, United States, 21-25 May 2017. More information
Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K., Svensson, I. (2015). Modelling and simulations of ductile iron solidification-induced variations in mechanical behaviour on component and microstructural level. London: Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP), MCWASP XIV: International Conference on Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, Awaji island, Hyogo, Japan, 21–26 June, 2015. More information
Svensson, I., Olofsson, J. (2015). Understanding cast iron materials and components - a never ending story. Advances in the Science and Engineering of Casting Solidification: An MPMD Symposium Honoring Doru Michael Stefanescu - TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition; Walt Disney World, Orlando; United States; 15 March 2015 through 19 March 2015. More information
Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K., Svensson, I. (2015). The multi-scale closed chain of simulations – incorporating local variations in microstructure into finite element simulations. Cham: Springer, TMS2015, 144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Orlando, FL, USA, March 15-19, 2015. More information
Svensson, I., Olofsson, J. (2014). On microstructure-based mechanical behaviour of a ductile iron component. 10th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron - SPCI10, Mar del Plata, 10-13 November 2014. More information
Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Olofsson, J., Svensson, I. (2013). Critical Description of Defects and Mechanical Behaviour in Casting Process Modelling of Light Metals for Automotive Use. 22nd International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM XXII), Singapore, 18-20 December, 2013. More information
Olofsson, J., Svensson, I. (2012). Casting and stress-strain simulations of a cast ductile iron component using microstructure based mechanical behavior. London: IOP Publishing, MCWASP XIII: International Conference on Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, Schladming, Austria, 17-22, June 2012. More information


Malakizadi, A., Ghasemi, R., Behring, C., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A., Nyborg, L. . Machinability of solid solution-strengthened compacted graphite iron: Influence of the microstructure, mechanical properties and cutting conditions on tool wear response. More information
Ghasemi, R., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A., Svensson, I. . Modelling and simulation of local mechanical properties of high silicon solution-strengthened ferritic CGI materials. More information
Jansson, J., Salomonsson, K., Olofsson, J. . Voxel-based semi-multiscale finite element analysis using elastic subdomain homogenization. More information


Olofsson, J. (2012). Microstructure-based Mechanical Behaviour in Structural Analyses of Cast Components (Licentiate thesis, Jönköping: School of Engineering, Jönköping University). More information