Lucia Pizzichini

Programme Director
Företagsekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
För en presentation av Lucia Pizzichini, se engelska presentationsidan.


Basile, V., Sorooshian, S., Pizzichini, L. (2024). A scientometrics-based journal Management framework: A strategic move Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 93. More information
Pascucci, F., Pizzichini, L., Sabatini, A., Temperini, V., Mueller, J. (2024). Knowledge-based dynamic capabilities for managing paradoxical tensions in circular business model innovation: an empirical exploration of an incumbent firm Journal of Knowledge Management, 28(11), 255-282. More information
Appolloni, A., Basile, V., Caboni, F., Pizzichini, L. (2023). An innovative approach to online consumer behaviour segmentation: the self-determination theory in an uncertain scenario European Journal of Innovation Management, 26(7), 308-327. More information
Pizzichini, L., Temperini, V., Caboni, F., Papa, A. (2023). The role of digital knowledge servitization in supply chain management International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 53(5/6), 589-611. More information
Caboni, F., Pizzichini, L. (2022). How the COVID-19 pandemic may accelerate millennials’ adoption of augmented reality International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 50(13), 95-115. More information
Pizzichini, L., Andersson, T., Gregori, G. (2022). Seafood festivals for local development in Italy and Sweden British Food Journal, 124(2), 613-633. More information
Caboni, F., Pizzichini, L. (2021). Two Years of Covid-19 in Retailing: Issues and Changes International Journal of Business and Management, 16(12), 76. More information
Pizzichini, L., Temperini, V., Gregori, G. (2020). Place branding and local food souvenirs: the ethical attributes of national parks’ brands Journal of Place Management and Development, 13(2), 163-175. More information
D'Andrea, A., Pizzichini, L., Marasca, S., Gregori, G. (2019). CSR Communication: The Use of Internet-Based Tools Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, 38-59. More information
Temperini, V., Gregori, G., Pizzichini, L. (2019). E-learning as a marketing tool for Tour Operators: The ‘Go Academy’ case study Tourismos : An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, 14(1), 137-150. More information
Pizzichini, L., Costantini, D. (2015). The corporate communication in no profit organizations Arethuse: Scientific Journal of Economics and Business Management, 157-. More information
Costantini, D., Pizzichini, L. (2015). Marketing metrics in the cultural sector Arethuse: Scientific Journal of Economics and Business Management, 1-18. More information


Pizzichini, L. (2020). Corporate communication: aspetti evolutivi e strumenti operativi nelle fondazioni bancarie. Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore More information
Bellagamba, A., Palanga, P., Pizzichini, L. (2016). Evoluzione e prospettive di sviluppo delle start-up innovative e dell’economia green nelle Marche. Ancona: Clua Edizioni More information


Pizzichini, L. (2024). Green tourism. In: Research Handbook on the Green Economy (pp. 220 -242). More information
Caboni, F., Pizzichini, L. (2023). Smart Extended Reality in the Metaverse-Tailing: The Rise of New Retail Landscape. In: Vladimir Geroimenko (Ed.), Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence: The Fusion of Advanced Technologies (pp. 307 -321). Cham: Springer More information
Basile, V., Caboni, F., Pizzichini, L. (2022). The new profile of the online consumer behaviour in a post-pandemic world. In: Handbook of Research on Global Networking Post COVID-19 (pp. 38 -54). Hershey: IGI Global More information
Baraldi, E., Perna, A., Pizzichini, L. (2019). Comprendere e gestire il cliente nel contesto business-to-business: Processi, variabili e strumenti operativi. In: Gian Luca Gregori & Andrea Perna (Ed.), BtoB marketing: Il business marketing tra teoria e managerialità (pp. 125 -150). Milano: Egea More information
Moscatelli, L., Pizzichini, L. (2017). Propensione delle micro e piccole imprese all'innovazione. In: Artigianato e piccole imprese patrimonio per i territori: Nuove traiettorie di sviluppoMore information


Caboni, F., Pizzichini, L., Basile, V. (2022). Online consumer behavior towards a “new normal” era. Sinergie-SIMA (2022) Conference, Boosting Knowledge & Trust for A Sustainable Business, June 30th and July 1st 2022, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy. More information
Gallegati, S., Pizzichini, L., Temperini, V., Gregori, G. (2021). Developing relationships to survive the Covid-19 crisis: the case of e-learning in tourism supply chain. SIM Conference 2021, XVIII Italian Marketing Association Annual Congress, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università degli Studi di Macerata, Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Ancona, Italy, 14-15 October 2021. More information
Caboni, F., Pizzichini, L. (2021). The retail industry in the Covid-19 pandemic: what opportunity from the AR?. Sinergie-SIMA (2021) Conference, “Leveraging Intersections in management theory and practice”, University of Palermo, Italy, 10-11 June 2021. More information
Temperini, V., Pizzichini, L., Gallegati, S., Gregori, G. (2019). Green marketing adoption in hotels industry: a literature review. Tourman 2019, 3rd International Scientific Conference "Tourism, travel and hospitality at crossroads: The way ahead", October 24-27, 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. More information
Temperini, V., Gregori, G., Pizzichini, L. (2018). The role of e-learning in Tour Operators’ marketing strategies. 7th Research Symposium of the Society for the Global Business and Economic Development Managing Business in a Digital Age: Opportunities & Challenges, Skyline University College (UAED), December 17-19, 2018. More information
Temperini, V., Pizzichini, L., Gregori, G. (2018). E-learning as a marketing tool for Tour Operators: The GoAcademy case study. TOURMAN 2018 Conference “In search of excellence in tourism, travel and hospitality management”, Rhodes island, Greece, 25–28 October 2018. More information
Pizzichini, L., Lundberg, E. (2018). Shopping as a tourist activity: On meaning creation and the salience of place. 27th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research, UIT The Artic University of Norway, Aalta (Norway), 24-26 September 2018. More information
Pizzichini, L. (2018). Retail channels evolution in the car industry: Early findings from the Volvo car ‘Studio’ experience. Sinergie-SIMA Conference, “Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation”, Universitá Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy, 14-15 June 2018. More information
Pizzichini, L., Andersson, T. (2017). Sea food tourism and events. Culinary and Wine Tourism Conference 2017, IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria, October 18-21 2017. More information
Pizzichini, L., Gregori, G. (2017). The Creation of Sea Food Festivals. 26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Dalarna University, Falun (Sweden), 4-6 October 2017. More information
Pizzichini, L., Andersson, T., Gregori, G. (2017). The role of food festivals for the development of the local maritime economy. International Congress on Coastal and Marine Tourism (CMT2017), June 13-16, 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Pizzichini, L., Gregori, G. (2016). Critical Issues And Prospects For The Start-Up Companies. 14th International Conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED), Montclair, New Jersey, USA, June 21-24, 2016. More information