Irene Rapado

Universitetslektor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap
Avdelningen för kommunikation och beteendevetenskaper , Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
För en presentation av Irene Rapado, se engelska presentationsidan.


Tsertsidis, A., Rapado, I. (2025). Examining the availability of information on welfare technologies for people living with dementia in Sweden: a scoping review. More information
Tsertsidis, A., Kolkowska, E., Rapado, I. (2023). Consumer direction in the field of digital technologies and people with dementia: a literature review. More information


Rapado, I. (2019). Performing and Re/Defining Democracy in Post-austerity Spain: Political Communication and Discursive Practices of the 'Podemos' Party-Movement (Doctoral thesis, Örebro: Örebro University). More information


Berglez, P. Eberwein, T. Jansová, I. Krakovsky, C. Nord, L. Ots, M. , ... Waschková Císařová L. (2023). Media Change in Europe as a Structure-Agency Process: Results from a Comparative Study of Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Latvia and Sweden. 14th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference (CEECOM 2023), Brno, Czech Republic, June 29-30, 2023. More information
Berglez, P., Nord, L., Ots, M., Rapado, I. (2023). Transformation of Swedish media landscape and conditions for deliberative democracy: Critical junctures, risks, and opportunities during 2000-2020. NordMedia Conference 2023, Bergen, Norway, 16-18 August 2023. More information
Rapado, I., Perales-García, C. (2022). Brecha de género en la comunicación política de Twitter: Presencia y cuestiones de género en las elecciones generalesespañolas de noviembre de 2019 [The gender gap in Twitter political communication in Spain: Gendered presence and issues in the 2019 Spanish general election]. XXVIII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Periodística (SEP): Desinformación y desórdenes informativos. El periodismo ante la crisis de la mediación, Valencia, Spain, 10-11 juni 2022. More information
Rapado, I. (2016). Re/defining and Performing Democracy on Twitter: The Case of the Spanish Podemos Party. ESA RN-32 (European Sociology Association Research Network), (Dis)locating Europe: Conflicts, challenges and changes, Brussels, Belgium, 28-29 October 2016. More information


Ots, M. (2023). Sweden: Bibliographical database of Swedish journalism and media research related to risks and opportunities for deliberative communication (2000–2020). Tartu, Estonia More information