David Rusaw

Avdelningen för rehabilitering , Hälsohögskolan

David’s research and teaching is primarily focused on rehabilitation biomechanics.  More specifically:

  • How is that individuals who use assistive technology – such as prostheses and orthoses – compensate during standing and walking to safely and effectively ambulate?
  • Are there ways that we can make these movements more effective or safer?
  • Are the methods in which we analyze movement effective in describing this in these individuals?
  • Are there clinical measures we can use to identify individuals who are at increased risk of injury due to the way in which they move?

David collaborates nationally and internationally in his efforts to answer the above questions.  Amongst others, this involves collaborations with:

  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
  • Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway)
  • Nottingham-Trent University (UK)
  • University of Hull (UK).

David is a member of the following associations:

  • AAATE (Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe)
  • ISB (International Society of Biomechanics)
  • ISPO International (International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics)
  • ISPO-S (International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics-Sweden)
  • SOIF (Sveriges Ortopedingenjörers Förening/Swedish Prosthetics and Orthotics Association)
  • SSFr (Svenska statistikfrämjandet/Swedish Statistical Society).


Hellstrand Tang, U., Jarl, G., Eriksson, M., Johannesson, G., Rusaw, D. (2024). Clinical guidelines recommending prosthetics and orthotics in Sweden: agreement between national and regional guidelines. More information
Goihl, T., Rusaw, D., Roeleveld, K., Brændvik, S. (2024). Provision of ankle foot orthoses for children with cerebral palsy in Norway Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering. More information
Bergman, P., Jansson, I., Bülow, P., Rusaw, D., Skillmark, M., Eriksson, O. (2024). Arts on prescription’s influence on sense of coherence: A one-year follow up controlled study with people having mental health problems Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health, 6(2), 1-19. More information
Jarl, G., Rusaw, D., Terrill, A., Barnett, C., Woodruff, M., Lazzarini, P. (2023). Personalized offloading treatments for healing plantar diabetic foot ulcers Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 17(1), 99-106. More information
Burrola-Mendez, Y. Kamalakannan, S. Rushton, P. Bouziane, S. Giesbrecht, E. Kirby, R. , ... Pearlman J. (2023). Wheelchair service provision education for healthcare professional students, healthcare personnel and educators across low- to high-resourced settings: a scoping review. More information
Kamalakannan, S. Rushton, P. Giesbrecht, E. Rusaw, D. Bouziane, S. Nadeau, M. , ... Pearlman J. (2023). Wheelchair service provision education for healthcare professional students, healthcare personnel and educators across low- to high-resourced settings: a scoping review protocol. More information
Bergman, P., Rusaw, D., Bülow, P., Skillmark, M., Jansson, I. (2023). Effects of arts on prescription for persons with common mental disorders and/or musculoskeletal pain: A controlled study with 12 months follow-up Cogent Public Health, 10(1). More information
Johansson, R., Jensen, L., Barnett, C., Rusaw, D. (2023). Quantitative methods used to evaluate balance, postural control and the fear of falling in lower limb prosthesis users: A systematic review. More information
Anderson, S., Barnett, C., Rusaw, D. (2022). Exploring the perspectives of prosthetic and orthotic users: Past and present experiences and insights for the future Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(18), 5284-5290. More information
Nylander, E., Ramstrand, N., Hjort, M., Rusaw, D. (2021). Development and validation of a sensitive MEDLINE search strategy to identify literature relevant to limb prostheses Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 45(3), 289-294. More information
Rusaw, D., Alinder, R., Edholm, S., Hallstedt, K., Runesson, J., Barnett, C. (2021). Development of a theoretical model for upright postural control in lower limb prosthesis users Scientific Reports, 11(1). More information
Möller, S., Ramstrand, N., Hagberg, K., Rusaw, D. (2020). Cortical brain activity in transfemoral or knee-disarticulation prosthesis users performing single and dual-task walking activities Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 7. More information
Hill, S., Rusaw, D., Goihl, T., Hjerman, A., Schwannborg, L., Bauge, K. (2020). Development of national curriculum guidelines using a modified RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method Quality in Higher Education, 26(3), 323-336. More information
Anderson, S., Barnett, C., Rusaw, D. (2020). Celebrating 50 years of the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics: Past, present, and future Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 44(6), 365-367. More information
Ramstrand, N., Möller, S., Rusaw, D. (2020). Transitioning to a microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee – Executive functioning during single and dual-task gait Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 44(1), 27-35. More information
Jarl, G., Rusaw, D., Johannesson, A. (2020). Comment on van Netten, et al.: Definitions and criteria for diabetic foot disease Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, 3(3). More information
Ramstrand, N., Gjøvaag, T., Starholm, I., Rusaw, D. (2019). Effects of knee orthoses on kinesthetic awareness and balance in healthy individuals , 6. More information
Rusaw, D. (2019). Adaptations from the prosthetic and intact limb during standing on a sway referenced support surface for transtibial prosthesis users Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 14(7), 682-691. More information
Möller, S., Rusaw, D., Hagberg, K., Ramstrand, N. (2019). Reduced cortical brain activity with the use of microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knees during walking Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 43(3), 257-265. More information
Jarl, G., Hellstrand Tang, U., Nordén, E., Johannesson, A., Rusaw, D. (2019). Nordic clinical guidelines for orthotic treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: A systematic review using the AGREE II instrument. More information
Barnett, C., Vanicek, N., Rusaw, D. (2018). Do predictive relationships exist between postural control and falls efficacy in unilateral transtibial prosthesis users? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 99(11), 2271-2278. More information
Rusaw, D. (2017). The validity of forceplate data as a measure of rapid and targeted volitional movements of the center of mass in transtibial prosthesis users Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 12(7), 686-693. More information
Rusaw, D., Rudholmer, E., Barnett, C. (2017). Development of a limits of stability protocol for use in transtibial prosthesis users: Learning effects and reliability of outcome variables Gait & Posture, 58, 539-545. More information
Rusaw, D., Ramstrand, S. (2016). Validation of the Inverted Pendulum Model in standing for transtibial prosthesis users Clinical Biomechanics, 31, 100-106. More information
Barnett, C., Vanicek, N., Rusaw, D. (2015). Does postural control predict falling and the fear of falling in lower limb amputees? Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 39(1 (suppl.)). More information
Rusaw, D., Hagberg, K., Nolan, L., Ramstrand, N. (2013). Bilateral electromyogram response latency following platform perturbation in unilateral transtibial prosthesis users: Influence of weight distribution and limb position Journal of rehabilitation research and development, 50(4), 531-544. More information
Rusaw, D., Hagberg, K., Nolan, L., Ramstrand, N. (2012). Can vibratory feedback be used to improve postural stability in persons with transtibial limb loss? Journal of rehabilitation research and development, 49(8), 1239-1254. More information
Rusaw, D., Ramstrand, N. (2011). Motion-analysis studies of transtibial prosthesis users: a systematic review Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 35(1), 8-19. More information
Ramstrand, N., Thuesen, A., Nielsen, D., Rusaw, D. (2010). Effects of an unstable shoe construction on balance in women aged over 50 years. Clinical Biomechanics, 25(5), 455-460. More information
Rusaw, D., Ramstrand, N. (2010). Sagittal plane position of the functional joint centre of prosthetic foot-ankle mechanisms Clinical Biomechanics, 25(7), 713-720. More information
Ramstrand, N., Andersson, C., Rusaw, D. (2008). Effects of an unstable shoe construction on standing balance in children with developmental disabilities: a pilot study Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 32(4), 422-433 London: Informa Healthcare Ltd. . More information


Dhariwal, A. Heitzmann, D. Rusaw, D. Barnett, C. Violasdotter Nilsson, P. Scheepers, L. , ... Miller W. (2024). A meta analysis of training interventions to improve gait, postural control, falling, and fear of falling in people with a Lower Limb Amputation: Miller WC.. CAPM&R 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting, 21-24 May 2024, Montebello, QC, Canada. More information
Barnett, C., Miller, B., Rusaw, D., Anderson, S., Dhariwal, A. (2023). Balance and postural control of people with lower limb amputations: Perspectives from an interdisciplinary group of professionals. ISPO 19th World Congress 2023, Guadalajara, Mexico, 24-27 April 2023. More information
Rusaw, D., Goldberg, M., Burrola-Mendez, Y. (2023). The Wheelchair Educators' Package (WEP): A tool to integrate wheelchair-related content into prosthetics and orthotics curricula. ISPO 19th World Congress 2023, Guadalajara, Mexico, 24-27 April 2023. More information
Cochrane, H., Rusaw, D., Mullen, A., Spaulding, S., Brinkman, J. (2023). Evidence-based practice in education for prosthetic orthotic occupations. ISPO 19th World Congress 2023, Guadalajara, Mexico, 24-27 April 2023. More information
Rusaw, D., Barnett, C., Lövgren Hallberg, C., Nilsson, M. (2023). Test-retest reliability of the Falls Efficacy Scale International for lower limb prosthesis users. The 2nd CDT P&O Conference, November 30th & December 1st, 2023, Glasgow, Scotland. More information
Weissova, L., Rusaw, D. (2022). One for all and all for one: involving all staff in Internationalisation at Home. The 32nd Annual EAIE Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 13-16 September, 2022. More information
Hellstrand Tang, U., Jarl, G., Eriksson, M., Johannesson, A., Rusaw, D. (2022). Kliniska riktlinjer som innefattar ortopedtekniska lösningar i Sverige. Ortopedtekniska Rådets Branschdagarna 2022, Stockholm, 26 april 2022. More information
Jarl, G., Rusaw, D., Eriksson, M., Hellstrand Tang, U., Johannesson, A. (2022). Regionala variationer i egenavgifter. Ortopedtekniska Rådets Branschdagarna 2022, Stockholm, 26 april 2022. More information
Fors, N., Rusaw, D. (2021). Languaged education: Developing language-conscious pedagogy for an undergraduate English-taught program at a Swedish university. AAAL 2021 Virtual Conference, March 20-23, 2021. More information
Rusaw, D., Alinder, R., Edholm, S., Hallstedt, K., Runesson, J., Barnett, C. (2021). Towards a new biomechanical model to explain upright postural control in unilateral transtibial prosthesis users. XXVIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Digital Congress 25-29 July, 2021, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Hill, S., Rusaw, D., Goihl, T., Hjerman, A., Reed Schwannborg, L., Bauger, K. (2019). Developing National Curriculum Guidelines: An Appropriateness-Based Approach. ISPO’s 17th World Congress (International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics), 5-8 October 2019, Kobe, Japan. More information
Rusaw, D., Ramstrand, N., Nylander, E. (2019). Optimizing strategies for literature searching in Prosthetics & Orthotics. ISPO’s 17th World Congress (International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics), 5-8 October 2019, Kobe, Japan. More information
Möller, S., Ramstrand, N., Hagberg, K., Rusaw, D. (2019). Can Microprocessor-Controlled Prosthetic Knees Reduce Attentional Demand during Single and Dual-task Walking?. ISPO’s 17th World Congress (International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics), 5-8 October 2019, Kobe, Japan. More information
Rusaw, D., Hellstrand Tang, U., Nordén, E., Johannesson, A., Jarl, G. (2018). Clinical guidelines for orthotic treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: a review with a nordic perspective. 11. Nordiske Bandagist Kongres, 6-8 September, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Rusaw, D. (2018). Biomechanical Models of Standing in Prosthetic Users. 11. Nordiske Bandagist Kongres, 6-8 September, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Rusaw, D. (2018). An Iterative Feedback Procedure for Course Evaluation and Structure. ISPO Global Educators Meeting 2018, Göttingen, Germany, 18-20 September 2018. More information
Ramstrand, N., Gjøvaag, T., Starholmen, I., Rusaw, D. (2017). Effects of knee orthosis design on proprioception and balance. ISPO 16th World Congress 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 May 2017. More information
Rusaw, D., Rudholmer, E., Barnett, C. (2017). A limits of stability protocol utilizing measures of the center of mass and center of pressure in transtibial prosthesis users: learning effects and reliability. ISPO 16th World Congress 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 May 2017. More information
Barnett, C., Vanicek, N., Rusaw, D. (2017). A longitudinal analysis of the relationships between postural control, falls efficacy and falling in unilateral transtibial prosthesis users. ISPO 16th World Congress 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 May 2017. More information
Rusaw, D. (2015). Limb prostheses and postural control: evaluation, interaction and functional consequence. Nordisk Ortopedteknisk Kongress, Reykjavik, Island 1-3 Oktober 2015. More information
Rusaw, D. (2013). The use of vibratory feedback to improve postural stability of individuals with transtibial amputation. 14th ISPO World Congress, Hyderabad, India, 4-7 February 2013. More information
Rusaw, D. (2013). The prosthesis and weight-bearing contributions on EMG response latency subsequent to rapid platform perturbation in transtibial prosthesis users. 14th ISPO World Congress, Hyderabad, India, 4-7 February 2013. More information
Rusaw, D. (2010). Instrumented motion analysis of trans-tibial prosthesis users: a systematic review of data capture and analysis techniques. 13th ISPO World Congress, Leipzig, Germany, 10-15 May 2010. More information
Rusaw, D. (2010). Sagittal plane position of the functional joint centre of prosthetic foot-ankle mechanisms. 13th ISPO World Congress, Leipzig, Germany, 10-15 May 2010. More information
Rusaw, D. (2009). Instrumented motion analysis and trans-tibial prosthetics: a systematic review. Ortopedteknik 2009, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Rusaw, D. (2007). The effects of liner thickness and suspension technique on knee joint proprioception in trans-tibial amputees. 12th ISPO World Congress, Vancouver, Canada, July 28 – August 3, 2007. More information
Rusaw, D. (2004). Observational gait analysis: The prosthetic challenges. Saskatchewan Association of Kinesiologists (2004), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. More information


Weissova, L., Rusaw, D., Johansson, P., Ekman, A. (2022). The implementation and measurement of internationalisation of the curriculum at home in higher education institutions: a scoping review [protocol]. Jönköping: Jönköping University More information
Heitzmann, D. Barnett, C. Berli, M. Johansson, P. Miller, W. Rusaw, D. , ... Dhariwal A. (2022). Balance and postural control of people with a lower-limb amputation: a systematic review of the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors [protocol]. York, UK: National Institute for Health Research (NIHR More information
Möller, S., Ramstrand, N., Rusaw, D., Hagberg, K. . Differences in mobility for individuals using a non-microprocessor-controlled versus a microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee. More information


(2020). Editorial Special Issue: ISPO 50th Anniversary: Prosthetics and Orthotics International, Volume 44 Issue 6, December 2020. More information