Vanajah Siva

Universitetslektor Logistik
Teknologie doktor
För en presentation av Vanajah Siva, se engelska presentationsidan.


Ahmed, W., Siva, V., Bäckstrand, J., Sarius, N., Sundberg, H. (2024). Circular economy: Extending end-of-life strategies Sustainable Production and Consumption, 51, 67-78. More information
Siva, V., Gremyr, I., Halldórsson, Á. (2018). Organising sustainability competencies through quality management: Integration or specialisation Sustainability, 10(5). More information
Siva, V., Gremyr, I., Raharjo, H., Svensson, B. (2016). A life cycle approach to robust design methodology International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 18(2-3), 137-149. More information
Siva, V., Gremyr, I., Bergquist, B., Garvare, R., Zobel, T., Isaksson, R. (2016). The support of Quality Management to sustainable development: a literature review. More information
Gremyr, I., Siva, V., Raharjo, H., Goh, T. (2014). Adapting the Robust Design Methodology to support sustainable product development Journal of Cleaner Production, 79, 231-238. More information
Siva, V. (2012). Improvement in product development: Use of back-end data to support upstream efforts of robust design methodology Quality Innovation Prosperity, 16(2), 84-102. More information


Siva, V. (2016). Quality Management for sustainable product development: Adaptations of practices and tools (Doctoral thesis, Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology). More information


Ahmed, W., Siva, V., Bäckstrand, J., Sundberg, H., Sarius, N. (2024). Component-level circularity: A new approach to resource recovery and climate action. 12th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), "Solutions for the future!", September 19-21, 2024, New York, United States. More information
Netz, J., Axelsson, M., Siva, V., Jafari, H., Jensen, L., Eslami, M. (2021). Sustainability Trade-offs in Business Model Innovation. 21th International CINet Conference, 13-15 September, Gothenburg, Sweden, Online. More information
Siva, V., Coughlan, P., Mc Nabola, A. (2018). Knowledge integration strategies within a smart specialization cluster: Enabling sustainability in the water-energy nexus. 25th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24-26 June 2018. More information
Siva, V., Coughlan, P., Mc Nabola, A. (2017). Building collaboration within a smart specialisation cluster through action learning. 4th International European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Milan, Italy. More information
Siva, V., Gremyr, I. (2017). Integration or specialization – Organizing competences to support sustainable product development. 4th International European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Milan, Italy. More information
Siva, V., Peters, K. (2015). Integration of sustainability in product development - a comparative study. 22nd European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. More information
Siva, V., Gremyr, I., Hildenbrand, J., Axelsson, A. (2015). Easier said than done: Integrating environmental considerations into product development projects. 2nd International European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Barcelona, Spain. More information
Siva, V., Gremyr, I., Bergquist, B., Garvare, R., Isaksson, R., Zobel, T. (2014). Quality Management and Sustainability Initiatives: a literature review. 17th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production Conference, 14-16 October 2014, Portorož, Slovenia. More information
Siva, V. (2014). Co-organizing specialty competences of quality and sustainability. 1st International European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Groningen, the Netherlands. More information
Siva, V., Gremyr, I. (2013). Organizing specialty competence in product development - the case of robust design methodology. 20th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Dublin, Ireland. More information
Siva, V. (2012). Improvement in product development: Application of back-end data. 15th QMOD Conference (Quality Management & Organizational Development), 5-7 September 2012, Poznan, Poland. More information
Gremyr, I., Siva, V., Raharjo, H., Goh, T. (2012). Robust Design Methodology for Sustainability. Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Asian Conference June 28-30, 2012, Singapore. More information
Siva, V., Raharjo, H., Svensson, B., Gremyr, I. (2011). Robust Design Methodology for Sustainability. 14th Quality Management and Organizational Development (QMOD) Conference, San Sebastian, Spain. More information


Siva, V. (2013). Extended Application of Robust Design Methodology (Licentiate thesis, Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology). More information