Timur Uman

Professor företagsekonomi
Företagsekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
Doktor i företagsekonomi


Gil, M., Uman, T., Hiebl, M., Seifner, S. (2024). Auditing in family firms: Past trends and future research directions. More information
Wu, Z., Naldi, L., Wennberg, K., Uman, T. (2024). Learning from Their Daughters: Family Exposure to Gender Disparity and Female Representation in Male-Led Ventures Management science, 70(2), 671-693. More information
Hellerstedt, K., Uman, T., Wennberg, K. (2024). FOOLED BY DIVERSITY?: WHEN DIVERSITY INITIATIVES EXACERBATE RATHER THAN MITIGATE BIAS AND INEQUALITY Academy of Management Perspectives, 38(1), 23-42. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2024). The role of the strategic apex in shaping the disclosure strategy: A family firm in crisis The British Accounting Review, 56(3). More information
Schmidt, M., Uman, T. (2024). ‘You shouldn't ignore it just because it's sensitive’: The perceived needs of healthcare professionals working in culturally diverse teams Diversity & Inclusion Research, 1(2). More information
Nahum, N., Carmeli, A., Uman, T. (2024). On the Power of Professional and Relational Respect of Chairpersons PSYCHOLOGY OF LEADERS AND LEADERSHIP. More information
Lauring, J., Butler, C., Paunova, M., Uman, T., Zander, L. (2024). Openness towards language differences and cultural differences in multicultural teams: how do they interact? European Journal of International Management, 24(1), 1-24. More information
Maine, J., Uman, T., Florin Samuelsson, E. (2024). Actors constructing accountability in hybrid organisations: The case of a Swedish municipal corporation The British Accounting Review, 56(5). More information
Uman, T., Argento, D., Grossi, G., Mattei, G. (2023). Supportive leadership and job satisfaction at the European Court of Auditors International Review of Administrative Sciences. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2023). Accountants in family firms: a systematic literature review. More information
Smith, E., Uman, T., Collin, S. (2023). Exploring Board Behavior in a Public Context: Experiences from a Swedish Municipal Corporation Public Performance & Management Review, 46(3), 612-643. More information
Uman, T., Edfors, E., Padoan, S., Edberg, A. (2023). Contribution of an inclusive climate to the work of culturally diverse healthcare teams: A qualitative descriptive design Nordic journal of nursing research, 43(1). More information
Uman, T., Argento, D., Mattei, G., Grossi, G. (2023). Actorhood of the European Court of Auditors: A Visual Analysis Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, 35(4), 493-514. More information
Schmidt, M., Steigenberger, N., Berndtzon, M., Uman, T. (2023). Cultural diversity in health care teams: A systematic integrative review and research agenda. More information
Ahlberg, J., Collin, S., Smith, E., Uman, T. (2023). Board functions in governance arenas: a comparative case study of four Swedish family firms Journal of Family Business Management, 14(3), 672-696. More information
Maine, J., Florin Samuelsson, E., Uman, T. (2022). Ambidextrous sustainability, organisational structure and performance in hybrid organisations Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 35(3), 734-769. More information
Sarwary, Z., Uman, T. (2022). Managerial discretion and the choice of capital budgeting techniques International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, 14(3), 197-216. More information
Shen, W., Ponomareva, Y., Uman, T. (2022). Can you catch two birds with one stone?: The impacts of nominating committee composition on board monitoring and resource provision Long range planning, 55(3). More information
Malki, B., Uman, T., Pittino, D. (2022). The entrepreneurial financing of the immigrant entrepreneurs: a literature review. More information
Ponomareva, Y., Uman, T., Bodolica, V., Wennberg, K. (2022). Cultural diversity in top management teams: Review and agenda for future research. More information
Broberg, P., Uman, T. (2020). Kommersiellt inriktade byråer ger välmående revisorer Balans : tidskrift för redovisning och revision, 32-33. More information
Uman, T., Smith, E., Andersson, W., Planken, W. (2020). Top management teams’ shared leadership and ambidexterity: the role of management control systems International Review of Administrative Sciences, 86(3), 444-462. More information
Uman, T., Broberg, P., Tagesson, T. (2020). Exploring the antecedents of the mental health of business professionals in Sweden Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, 67(3), 665-669. More information
Arteaga, R., Uman, T. (2020). Managing family business tensions: the narrative of family history Baltic Journal of Management, 15(5), 669-686. More information
Ponomareva, Y., Uman, T., Broberg, P., Vinberg, E., Karlsson, K. (2020). Commercialization of audit firms and auditors’ subjective well-being Meditari Accountancy Research, 28(4), 565-585. More information
Broberg, P., Tagesson, T., Uman, T. (2020). Antecedents of psychological well-being among Swedish audit firm employees International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10). More information
Uman, T., Edfors, E., Jakobsson, L. (2020). Cultural diversity in nursing teams: Triggers, team process and contingencies [Kulturelle Vielfalt in Pflegeteams: Triggers, Teamprozesse und Kontext] International Journal of Health Professions, 7(1), 90-100. More information
Li, H., Terjesen, S., Umans, T. (2020). Corporate governance in entrepreneurial firms: a systematic review and research agenda Small Business Economics, 54, 43-74. More information
Schmidt, M., Uman, T. (2020). Experiences of acute care by persons with mental health problems: An integrative literature review. More information
Collin, S., Umans, T., Lindqvist, K., Tjörnebrant, K. (2019). Explaining the functional orientation of the budget: a survey of Swedish organisations , 9(1), 28-46. More information
Ponomareva, Y., Shen, W., Umans, T. (2019). Organizational discretion, board control, and shareholder wealth: a contingency perspective Corporate governance: An International Review, 27(4), 248-260. More information
Iastremska, O., Strokovych, H., Dzenis, O., Shestakova, O., Uman, T. (2019). Investment and innovative development of industrial enterprises as the basis for the technological singularity Problems & Perspectives in Management, 17(3), 477-491. More information
Balachandran, C., Wennberg, K., Uman, T. (2019). National culture diversity in new venture boards: The role of founders' relational demography Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 13(3), 410-434. More information
Agevall, L., Broberg, P., Umans, T. (2018). The new generation of auditors meeting praxis: dual learning's role in audit students' professional development Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 62(2), 307-324. More information
Smith, E., Umans, T., Thomasson, A. (2018). Stages of PPP and principal–agent conflicts: the Swedish water and sewerage sector Public Performance & Management Review, 41(1), 100-129. More information
Argento, D., Umans, T., Håkansson, P., Johansson, A. (2018). Reliance on the internal auditors’ work: experiences of Swedish external auditors Journal of Management Control, 29(3-4), 95-325. More information
Lidén, A., Umans, T. (2018). Editorial conclusions , 201-207 Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press . More information
Umans, T., Kockum, M., Nilsson, E., Sofie, L. (2018). Digitalisation in the banking industry and workers subjective well-being: contingency perspective International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 11(6), 411-423. More information
Broberg, P., Umans, T., Skog, P., Theodorsson, E. (2018). Auditors’ professional and organizational identities and perceived commercialization in auditing firm Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 31(2), 374-399. More information
Umans, T., Lidén, A. (2018). Collaborative learning and foreign students happiness: implementation and reflections , 6-20 Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press . More information
Collin, S., Umans, T. (2017). Revisorn behöver mer ekonomi, inte mindre . More information
Collin, S., Umans, T. (2017). Högskolor tvingas godkänna examensarbeten . More information
Umans, T., Broberg, P., Schmidt, M., Nilsson, S., Olsson, E. (2016). Feeling well by being together: study of Swedish auditors Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, 54(1), 79-86. More information
Wennberg, K., Umans, T. (2015). Enkelspårig syn på jämställda styrelser . More information
Ponomareva, Y., Umans, T. (2015). An integrative view on managerial discretion: a study of a Russian firm in transition Journal for East European Management Studies, 20(1), 36-67. More information
Smith, E., Umans, T. (2015). Organizational ambidexterity at the local government level: the effects of managerial focus Public Management Review, 17(6), 812-833. More information
Schmidt, M., Umans, T. (2014). Experiences of well-being among female doctoral students in Sweden International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 9. More information
Collin, S., Smith, E., Umans, T., Broberg, P., Tagesson, T. (2013). Mechanisms of corporate governance going international: testing its performance effects in the Swedish economy, 2004 Baltic Journal of Management, 8(1), 79-101. More information
Umans, T. (2013). Top management team’s cultural diversity and firm performance: the mediating role of ambidextrous orientation Corporate Ownership & Control, 11(1), 882-891. More information
Umans, T., Smith, E. (2013). Isolated islands in the upper apex of organisations: in search of interaction between the board of directors and the top management team Corporate Ownership & Control, 10(2), 80-90. More information
Broberg, P., Umans, T., Gerlofstig, C. (2013). Balance between auditing and marketing: an explorative study Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 22(1), 57-70. More information
Ponomareva, Y., Umans, T. (2013). Managerial discretion: balancing opportunities and threats Academy of Management Proceedings, 13759-. More information
Umans, T. (2011). Globalisation in the lecture room?: gender and cultural diversity in work groups Issues in educational research, 21(1), 88-103. More information
Umans, T. (2009). Research angles on cultural diversity in top management teams Problems & Perspectives in Management, 7(1), 90-105. More information
Umans, T. (2008). Ethnic identity, power, and communication in top management teams Baltic Journal of Management, 3(2), 159-173. More information
Umans, T., Collin, S., Tagesson, T. (2008). Ethnic and gender diversity, process and performance in groups of business students in Sweden Intercultural Education, 19(3), 243-254. More information
Collin, S., Umans, T. (2008). Turnover and heterogeneity in top management networks: a demographic analysis of two Swedish business groups International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 3(3), 31-55. More information


Umans, T. (2012). The bottom line of cultural diversity at the top: the top management team's cultural diversity and its influence on organisational outcomes (Doctoral thesis, Lund: Lund Institute of Economic Research, School of Economics and Management, Lund University). More information


Jansson, A., Uman, T., Florin Samuelsson, E., Kantonenko, A., Karlström, T. (2023). Digitalisation and professional scepticism of Swedish auditors. In: J. Marton, F. Nilsson, P. Öhman (Ed.), Auditing Transformation: Regulation, Digitalisation and Sustainability (pp. 136 -156). More information
Umans, T. (2019). Russian Speaking Latvians: A Bridge to the West or Trojan Horse from the East. The life of Russian Business. In: The life of Russian BusinessMore information
Ponomareva, Y., Nordqvist, M., Umans, T. (2019). Family firm identities and firm outcomes: A corporate governance bundles perspective. In: E. Memili & C. Dibrell (Ed.), The Palgrave handbook of heterogeneity among family firms (pp. 89 -114). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Li, H., Uman, T., Terjesen, S. (2019). Corporate Governance and Innovation. In: Audretsch, D.B., Lehmann E. E., Link A.,N (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and InnovationMore information
Collin, S., Umans, T., Broberg, P., Smith, E., Tagesson, T. (2016). Producing academic theses: the Kristianstad model. In: Ekaterina Astahova (Ed.), Scientific works (pp. 441 -462). Kharkov, Ukraine: Peoples Ukrainian Academy University Press More information
Zander, L. Butler, C. Mockaitis, A. Herbert, K. Lauring, J. Mäkelä, K. , ... Zettinig P. (2015). Team-based global organizations: the future of global organizing. In: Verbeke, Alain, van Tulder, Rob, Drogendijk, Rian (Ed.), The future of global organizing: progress in international business research (pp. 227 -243). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited More information


Schmidt, M., Berndtzon, M., Uman, T. (2023). Cultural diversity in healthcare teams: Review and research agenda. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 4-8 aug 2023, Boston, USA. More information
Uman, T., Schmidt, M. (2023). Interprofessionella team. SvIPnets nätverksmöte, Jönköping, 23–24 mars 2023. More information
Uman, T., Schmidt, M. (2023). Workshop: Cultural diversity in multi-professional teams. Nordic Simulation User Network, 12-13 September 2023, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Berndtzon, M., Schmidt, M., Uman, T. (2023). Teamwork i simulering. KlinSim 2023, 20-24 mars 2023, Jönköping. More information
Maine, J., Uman, T., Florin Samuelsson, E. (2022). Actors constructing accountability in hybrid organisations: the case of a Swedish municipal corporation. 12th International EIASM Public Sector Conference, Public Service Accounting, Accountability And Management, Madrid, Spain, August 30-31, 2022. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2022). The upper apex role in shaping a disclosure strategy: A family firm in crisis. 44th Annual European Accounting Association Congress, 11‐13 May 2022, Bergen, Norway. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2022). The upper apex role in shaping a disclosure strategy: A family firm in crisis. National Accounting Conference (NSAC), 1-2 December 2022, Lund, Sweden. More information
Schmidt, M., Steigenberger, N., Berndtzon, M., Uman, T. (2022). Cultural diversity in healthcare teams: an integrative review. 6th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare, 29-30 September 2022, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Argento, D., Uman, T., Grossi, G., Giorgia, M. (2021). Supportive Leadership and Job Satisfaction at the European Court of Auditors. 43rd European Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Congress 2021, 26-28 May 2021. More information
Uman, T., Edfors, E., Edberg, A., Padoan, S. (2021). Contribution of an inclusive climate to the work of culturally diverse healthcare teams. 81st Virtual Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2021). The accountant in family firms – A systematic literature review. IFERA 2021 Annual Conference, June 14-25, 2021, Virtual edition. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2021). The accountant in family firms – A systematic literature review. 43rd European Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Congress 2021, 26-28 May 2021. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2021). What shapes disclosure strategy in a family firm: A case of crisis. FIRE conference 2021, 9th November 2021. More information
Maine, J., Florin Samuelsson, E., Uman, T. (2021). Navigating the paradoxes of accountability: The case of a Swedish Municipal Corporation. FIRE conference 2021. More information
Wu, Z., Naldi, L., Wennberg, K., Uman, T. (2020). The mighty girl: Vicarious vulnerability and male founders’ gender-egalitarian hiring decisions in new entures. The online seminar on the Economics of Discrimination and Disparities. More information
Ponomareva, Y., Uman, T., Bodolica, V., Wennberg, K. (2020). Cultural diversity in top management teams – Review and agenda for future research. 7th CATG Corporate Governance Research Symposium, 25-27 June 2020, Barcelona, Spain. More information
Mattei, G., Grossi, G., Uman, T., Argento, D. (2020). Actorhood of the European Court of Auditors: Visual analysis. CIGAR Workshop 2020, June 16-17 2020, Drammen, Norway. More information
Malki, B., Uman, T., Pittino, D. (2020). The entrepreneurial financing for the immigrant entrepreneurs: A systematic literature review. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 7-11 August, 2020, Vancouver, Canada. More information
Maine, J., Florin Samuelsson, E., Uman, T. (2020). Ambidextrous sustainability, organisational structure, and performance in hybrid organisations. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 7-11 August, 2020, Vancouver, Canada. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2020). The accountant in family firms – A systematic literature review. CeFEO Writing Workshop 2020, 7th edition. More information
Balachandran, C., Umans, T., Wennberg, K. (2019). Turnover in new venture boards. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. More information
Umans, T., Broberg, P., Emsfors, J., Källström, L., Tjärnemo, H. (2019). Images of the accounting profession and its development: Gender, Contextual Domains and Role. 42st European Accounting Association Annual Meeting. More information
Sarwary, Z., Umans, T. (2019). Puzzling the Choice of Capital Budgeting Techniques. 42st European Accounting Association Annual Meeting. More information
Broberg, P., Tagesson, T., Umans, T. (2019). Exploring antecedents of psychological well-being among Swedish auditors. 42st European Accounting Association Annual Meeting. More information
Mattei, G., Umans, T., Grossi, G. (2019). Actorhood of the European Court of Auditors: Visual Analysis. 17th Biennial CIGAR Conference. More information
Uman, T., Argento, D., Grossi, G., Mattei, G. (2019). Supportive leadership and job satisfaction at the European Court of Auditors. 2019 Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration, 11-13 September 2019, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. More information
Schmidt, M., Umans, T. (2019). Experiences of acute care by persons with mental health problems: a systematic literature review. Horatio Festival of Psychiatric Nursing, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-12 May 2019. More information
Umans, T., Kockum, M., Lindberg, S., Nilsson, E. (2018). Digitalization in the banking industry and workers subjective well-being: contingency perspective. 9th Nordic Work Life Conference. More information
Ponamarev, Y., Shen, W., Umans, T. (2018). Increase in board monitoring and firm performance: an alternative perspective. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. More information
Li, H., Terjesen, S., Umans, T. (2018). Corporate governance of entrepreneurial firms: a systematic review and research agenda. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference. More information
Broberg, P., Ponamarev, Y., Umans, T., Karlsson, K., Vinberg, E. (2018). Commercialization of audit firms and auditors’ subjective well-being. 41st European Accounting Association Annual Meeting Milan, Italy - May 30 - June 1, 2018. More information
Umans, T., Smith, E., Andersson, W., Planken, W. (2017). Top management team’s shared leadership, organizational control systems and organizational ambidexterity: study of Swedish municipal corporations. 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA. More information
Broberg, P., Umans, T., Agevall, L. (2017). Work integrated learning in business education: Kristianstad model. International Conference on Cooperation Between Institutions of Higher Education and Stakeholder, Kharkov, Ukraine. More information
Balachandran, C., Umans, T., Wennberg, K. (2017). Diversity in New Venture Boards. 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA. More information
Sarwary, Z., Umans, T. (2017). Puzzling the choice of capital budgeting techniques. Swedish national accounting conference 2017. More information
Nilsson, D., Svenner, M., Umans, T., Naldi, L., Segerling, T. (2017). How do we succeed?: discussing bachelor and master theses. Swedish national conference of business administration. More information
Umans, T., Andersson, W., Planken, W., Genell, K., Smith, E. (2016). Top management team’s shared leadership, organizational control systems and organizational ambidexterity: study of Swedish municipal corporations. VII EIASM Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy, Groningen, Netherlands, 7-8 April, 2016. More information
Johanna, S., Umans, T., Lindberg, R. (2016). Strategic stakeholder management and its effects on non-financial performance in non-profit organizations – a study on Swedish golf clubs. 39th Annual Congress of European Accounting Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands. More information
Sylvander, J., Umans, T., Lindberg, R. (2016). The effects of strategic stakeholder management on non-profit organizations' reputation. 76rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, USA. More information
Mohammadi, A., Umans, T., Wennberg, K. (2016). Board’s human and social capital and performance in entrepreneurial ventures. 19th Uddevalla Symposium on "Geography, Open Innovation, Diversity and Entrepreneurship".. More information
Ponomareva, Y., Shen, W., Umans, T. (2016). Board Monitoring and Shareholder Wealth: strategic Opportunity vs. Managerial Opportunistic Costs. 76rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, USA. More information
Broberg, P., Agevall, L., Umans, T. (2015). The new generation of auditors meeting praxis. 38th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Glasgow, April 28-30, 2015.. More information
Umans, T., Broberg, P., Collin, S., Nilsson, S., Olsson, E. (2015). Organization culture and well-being of Swedish auditors. 38th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Glasgow, April 28-30, 2015.. More information
Ponomareva, Y., Umans, T. (2015). Managerial discretion: the missing link between governance and strategy. 6th EIASM workshop on top management teams and business strategy, Antwerp, March 26-27, 2015. More information
Umans, T., Broberg, P., Fjelkner, A., Smith, E. (2015). Diversity and learning outcomes in student dyads during work integrated learning projects. VILÄR, Högskolan Kristianstad, 8-9 december, 2015. More information
Umans, T., Broberg, P., Schmidt, M., Nilsson, S., Olsson, E. (2015). Feeling well by being together: study of Swedish auditors. 38th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Glasgow, April 28-30, 2015. More information
Edfors, E., Freij, M., Ljung-Djärf, A., Umans, T., Rehnstam-Holm, A. (2014). Pedagogisk karriärstege vid Högskolan Kristianstad – några reflektioner från beredningsgruppens arbete. Lärarlärdom, 20 augusti 2014, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. More information
Lauring, J., Paunova, M., Umans, T., Butler, C., Zander, L. (2014). Team-based global organizations: the future of global organizing: openness to language and value diversity fosters multicultural team creativity and performance. 40th EIBA Annual Conference - Uppsala, 11-13 December 2014. More information
Broberg, P., Umans, T., Skog, P., Emily, T. (2014). Auditors’ professional and organisational identities and perceived commercialisation in audit firms. 37th European Accounting Associationa Annual Meeting, Tallinn, Estonia. More information
Sarwary, Z., Umans, T., Igelström, B. (2013). Professionalism and relationship quality in banks: SME perspective. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland. More information
Ponomareva, Y., Umans, T. (2013). Managerial discretion: balancing opportunities and threats. 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, FL, USA. More information
Umans, T. (2012). Cultural diversity and firm performance: mediating role of ambidextrous orientation. 38th European International Business Annual Conference. More information
Collin, S., Smith, E., Umans, T., Broberg, P., Tagesson, T. (2008). Mechanisms of corporate governance going international: outlining a theory of and an initial test of the performance effects. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. More information


Kazlou, A., Uman, T. (2021). Näringspolitiska insatser för utrikesfödda entreprenörer och deras externa effekter på andra politiska områden. More information
Umans, T. (2007). Ethnic identity, power and communication in top management teams. Kristianstad: Department of Business Studies, Kristianstad University College More information
Umans, T., Collin, S., Tagesson, T. (2007). Ethnic and gender diversity, process and performance in groups of business students in Sweden. Kristianstad: Department of Business Studies, Kristianstad University College More information
Umans, T. (2007). Cultural diversity in top management teams: models, methods, definitions. Kristianstad: Department of Business Studies, Kristianstad University College More information