Bruce Ferwerda

Universitetslektor Informationsteknik
Docent i Informationsteknik
Programansvarig UX-design och IT-arkitektur


Bruce’s main research interests lies in investigating the user experience of consumer products. The user experience involves many different aspects in which special interest is taken in:

  • User experience
  • Experimental psychology
  • Personalization
  • User modeling
  • Persuasive technologies
  • Recommender systems



Born and raised in the Netherlands, Bruce completed his bachelor and master degree there. He holds an engineering bachelor (BEng) from Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in E-Technology (2009) and received a science master (MSc) from Eindhoven University of Technology in Human-Technology Interaction (2012). After that, he pursued his PhD at the Johannes Kepler University (Linz, Austria) in Technical Science (2016). In 2017 he started to work as an assistant professor at Jönköping University in the Department of Computer Science and Informatics (School of Engineering) and is a recurring visiting assistant professor at Kasetsart University (Bangkok, Thailand) in the Department of Computer Engineering (Faculty of Engineering). At Jönköping University, Bruce leads the HCI-Lab (for more information see: HCI Lab).

Bruce furthermore was a (visiting) researcher at Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan), Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea), and University of California, Irvine (Irvine, CA, USA).

More information about Bruce’s work and publications (previous to joining Jönköping University) can be found on his Google Scholar profile or website ( The publications section on this page only represent work that has been done at Jönköping University.


Ghaffari, M., Khan, G., Singh, S., Ferwerda, B. (2023). The impact of COVID-19 on online music listening behaviors in light of listeners’ social interactions Multimedia tools and applications. More information
Ferwerda, B. Hanbury, A. Knijnenburg, B. Larsen, B. Michiels, L. Papenmeier, A. , ... Willemsen M. (2023). Reality Check – Conducting Real World Studies Dagstuhl Reports, 13(1), 20-40. More information
Eriksson, M., Ferwerda, B. (2021). Towards a User Experience Framework for Business Intelligence Journal of Computer Information Systems, 61(5), 428-437. More information
Ferwerda, B., Chen, L., Tkalčič, M. (2021). Editorial: Psychological Models for Personalized Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Frontiers in Psychology, 12. More information
Ferwerda, B., Yang, E., Schedl, M., Tkalcic, M. (2019). Personality and taxonomy preferences, and the influence of category choice on the user experience for music streaming services Multimedia tools and applications, 78(14), 20157-20190. More information


Knees, P., Schedl, M., Ferwerda, B., Laplante, A. (2023). Listener awareness in music recommender systems: directions and current trends. In: M. Augstein, E. Herder & W. Wörndl (Ed.), Personalized human-computer interaction (pp. 279 -312). Oldenbourg: Walter de Gruyter More information
Graus, M., Ferwerda, B. (2023). Theory-grounded user modeling for personalized HCI. In: M. Augstein, E. Herder & W. Wörndl (Ed.), Personalized human-computer interaction (pp. 3 -31). Oldenbourg: Walter de Gruyter More information
Knees, P., Schedl, M., Ferwerda, B., Laplante, A. (2019). User Awareness in Music Recommender Systems. In: M. Augstein, E. Herder & W. Wörndl (Ed.), Personalized human-computer interaction Berlin: Walter de Gruyter More information
Graus, M., Ferwerda, B. (2019). Theory-grounded user modeling for personalized HCI. In: M. Augstein, E. Herder & W. Wörndl (Ed.), Personalized human-computer interaction Berlin: Walter de Gruyter More information


van Bree, L., Graus, M., Ferwerda, B. (2024). Framing Theory on Music Streaming Platforms: How Vocabulary Influences Music Playlist Decision-Making and Expectations. 2024 ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Workshops, IUI-WS 2024 Greenville 18 March 2024. More information
Germanakos, P., Dimitrova, V., Steichen, B., Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M. (2024). HAAPIE 2024: 9th International Workshop on Human Aspects in Adaptive and Personalized Interactive Environments. UMAP '24: 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization Cagliari Italy July 1 - 4, 2024. More information
Ferwerda, B., Germanakos, P., Tkalcic, M. (2024). Seventh HUMANIZE Workshop on Transparency and Explainability in Adaptive Systems Through User Modeling Grounded in Psychological Theory: Summary. IUI'24: 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Greenville SC USA March 18 - 21, 2024. More information
Bauer, C., Ferwerda, B. (2023). The Effect of Ingroup Identification on Conformity Behavior in Group Decision-Making: The Flipping Direction Matters. 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science Virtual, Online 3 January 2023 through 6 January 2023. More information
Germanakos, P., Dimitrova, V., Steichen, B., Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M. (2023). HAAPIE 2023: 8th International Workshop on Human Aspects in Adaptive and Personalized Interactive Environments. UMAP '23: 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization Limassol Cyprus June 26 - 29, 2023. More information
Ferwerda, B., Ingesson, E., Berndl, M., Schedl, M. (2023). I Don't Care How Popular You Are! Investigating Popularity Bias in Music Recommendations from a User's Perspective. ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR ’23), March 19–23, 2023, Austin, TX, USA. More information
Horikawa, R., Nakajima, T., Ferwerda, B. (2023). Investigating the psychological impact of emotion visualization and heart rate sharing in online communication. Cham: Springer, 11th International Conference, DAPI 2023, Held as Part of the 25th HCI International Conference, HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, 2023. More information
Ferwerda, B., Boksjö, N., Petricioiu, N., Wollny, C. (2023). What’s in a Name?: How Perceived Music Playlist Personalization Influences Content Expectations. 19th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, INTERACT 2023 York 28 August 2023 through 1 September 2023. More information
Lesota, O. Escobedo, G. Deldjoo, Y. Ferwerda, B. Kopeinik, S. Lex, E. , ... Schedl M. (2023). Computational Versus Perceived Popularity Miscalibration in Recommender Systems. 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, July 23–27, 2023, Taipei, Taiwan. More information
Starke, A., Emami, K., Makarová, A., Ferwerda, B. (2023). Using Visual and Linguistic Framing to Support Sustainable Decisions in an Online Store. 10th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems, IntRS 2023 Hybrid, Singapore 18 September 2023. More information
Alklind Taylor, A., Nalin, K., Holgersson, J., Gising, A., Ferwerda, B., Chen, L. (2023). Guardian Angel: Using Lighting Drones to Improve Traffic Safety, Sense of Security, and Comfort for Cyclists. 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2023 Copenhagen 23 July 2023 through 28 July 2023. More information
Ferwerda, B., Tkalčič, M., Germanakos, P. (2022). Sixth HUMANIZE Workshop on Transparency and Explainability in Adaptive Systems Through User Modeling Grounded in Psychological Theory: Summary. IUI '22: 27th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Helsinki Finland, March 22 - 25, 2022. More information
Germanakos, P., Dimitrova, V., Steichen, B., Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M. (2022). HAAPIE 2022: 7th International Workshop on Human Aspects in Adaptive and Personalized Interactive Environments. 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, UMAP 2022 Virtual, Online 4 July 2022 through 7 July 2022. More information
Ferwerda, B., Bauer, C. (2022). To Flip or Not to Flip: Conformity Effect Across Cultures. CHI '22, CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA, 29 April 2022 - 5 May 2022. More information
Ferwerda, B., Kiunsi, D., Tkalčič, M. (2022). Too Much of a Good Thing: When In-Car Driver Assistance Notifications Become Too Much. AutomotiveUI '22, 14th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Seoul Republic of Korea, September 17 - 20, 2022. More information
Landia, N., Cheung, F., North, D., Kalloori, S., Srivastava, A., Ferwerda, B. (2022). RecSys Challenge 2022: Fashion Purchase Prediction. RecSys '22, Sixteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Seattle, WA, USA, September 18 - 23, 2022. More information
Starke, A., Sedkowska, J., Chouhan, M., Ferwerda, B. (2022). Examining Choice Overload across Single-list andMulti-list User Interfaces. IntRS’22: Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems, September 22, 2022, Seattle, US (hybrid event). More information
Landia, N., McAlister, R., North, D., Kalloori, S., Srivastava, A., Ferwerda, B. (2022). RecSys Challenge 2022 Dataset: Dressipi 1M Fashion Sessions. RecsysChallenge22, RecSys Challenge 2022, Seattle, WA, USA, September 18 - 23, 2022. More information
Knees, P. Ferwerda, B. Rauber, A. Strumbelj, S. Resch, A. Tomandl, L. , ... Dizdar R. (2022). A Reproducibility Study On User-Centric Mir Researchand Why It Is Important. 23rd ISMIR Conference, Bengaluru, India, December 4-8, 2022. More information
Graus, M., Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M., Germanakos, P. (2021). Fifth HUMANIZE workshop on transparency and explainability in adaptive systems through user modeling grounded in psychological theory: Summary. 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces: Where HCI Meets AI, IUI 2021, 14 April 2021 through 17 April 2021. More information
Graus, M., Ferwerda, B. (2021). The moderating effect of active engagement on appreciation of popularity in song recommendations. Cham: Springer, 16th International Conference, iConference 2021, Beijing, China, March 17–31, 2021. More information
Anelli, V. Kalloori, S. Ferwerda, B. Belli, L. Tejani, A. Portman, F. , ... Shi W. (2021). RecSys 2021 challenge workshop: Fairness-aware engagement prediction at scale on Twiter's Home Timeline. 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2021, 27 September 2021 through 1 October 2021. More information
Belli, L. Tejani, A. Portman, F. Lung-Yut-Fong, A. Chamberlain, B. Xie, Y. , ... Shi W. (2021). The 2021 RecSys Challenge Dataset: Fairness is Not Optional. RecSysChallenge '21, the Recommender Systems Challenge 2021, October 2021. More information
Xu, Y., Ferwerda, B., Lee, M. (2020). A Qualitative Study of User Participation and Challenges in a Social Shopping Context. 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2020, Cagliary, Italy, 17 - 20 March 2020. More information
Ferwerda, B., Tkalčič, M. (2020). Exploring the Prediction of Personality Traits from Drug Consumption Profiles. UMAP '20: 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, Genoa, Italy, 12-18 July, 2020. More information
Ghaffari, M., Khan, G., Ferwerda, B., Singh, S. (2020). Music Oh my Music: A Network Perspective on Online Music Listening Behaviour. Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 1-4 December 2020, Wellington, New Zealand. More information
Bauer, C., Ferwerda, B. (2020). Conformity Behavior in Group Playlist Creation. CHI 2020, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 25-30, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. More information
Graus, M., Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M., Germanakos, P. (2020). Fourth HUMANIZE workshop on transparency and explainability in adaptive systems through user modeling grounded in psychological theory: Summary. 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2020, 17-20 March 2020, Cagliari, Italy. More information
Ferwerda, B., Lee, M. (2019). Tamagotchi++: A Serious, Personalized Game to Encourage Healthy Behavior. 24th International on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), March 16-20, 2019, Los Angeles, USA. More information
Kiunsi, D., Ferwerda, B. (2019). Using a Serious Game to Teach User-Centered Design. 24th International on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), March 16-20, 2019, Los Angeles, USA. More information
Graus, M., Ferwerda, B., Tkalčič, M., Germanakos, P. (2019). A summary of the third workshop on theory-informed user modeling for tailoring and personalizing interfaces. 2019 Joint ACM IUI Workshops, ACMIUI-WS 2019; Los Angeles, United States, 20 March 2019. More information
Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M. (2019). Exploring Online Music Listening Behaviors of Musically Sophisticated Users. The 27th ACM Conference On User Modeling, Adaptation And Personalization, 9-12 June, Larnaca, Cyprus. More information
Graus, M., Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M., Germanakos, P. (2019). Third workshop on theory-informed user modeling for tailoring and personalizing interfaces (HUMANIZE): preface. 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2019, Marina del Ray, United States, 16 - 20 March 2019. More information
Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M. (2018). Predicting Users' Personality from Instagram Pictures: Using Visual and/or Content Features?. The 26th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, Singapore, 8 - 11 July, 2018. More information
Tkalcic, M., Ferwerda, B. (2018). Eudaimonic Modeling of Moviegoers. The 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, Singapore (2018). More information
Tkalcic, M., Ferwerda, B. (2018). Theory-driven Recommendations: Modeling Hedonic and Eudaimonic Movie Preferences. Aachen: CEUR-WS, 9th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop, Rome, May 28 – 30, 2018. More information
Lay, A., Ferwerda, B. (2018). Predicting Users’ Personality Based on Their ‘Liked’ Images on Instagram. The 23rd International on Intelligent User Interfaces, March 7-11, 2018. More information
Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M. (2018). You Are What You Post: What the Content of Instagram Pictures Tells About Users’ Personality. The 23rd International on Intelligent User Interfaces, March 7-11, Tokyo, Japan. More information
Ferwerda, B., Graus, M. (2018). Predicting Musical Sophistication from Music Listening Behaviors: A Preliminary Study. 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. More information
Graus, M., Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M., Germanakos, P. (2018). Second workshop on theory-informed user modeling for tailoring and personalizing interfaces (HUMANIZE): Workshop preface. 2018 Joint ACM IUI Workshops, ACMIUI-WS 2018, Tokyo, Japan, 11 March 2018. More information
Schedl, M., Ferwerda, B. (2017). Large-scale Analysis of Group-specific Music Genre Taste From Collaborative Tags. The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2017), Taichung, Taiwan, December 11-13, 2017.. More information
Schedl, M., Lemmerich, F., Ferwerda, B., Skowron, M., Knees, P. (2017). Indicators of Country Similarity in Terms of Music Taste, Cultural, and Socio-economic Factors. The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2017), Taichung, Taiwan, December 11-13, 2017.. More information
Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M., Schedl, M. (2017). Personality Traits and Music Genre Preferences: How Music Taste Varies Over Age Groups. 1st Workshop on Temporal Reasoning in Recommender Systems (RecTemp) at the 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Como, August 31, 2017.. More information

Proceedings (redaktörskap)

Graus, M., Ferwerda, B., Tkalcic, M., Germanakos, P. (Eds.). (2018). Second Workshop on Theory-Informed User Modeling for Tailoring and Personalizing Interfaces (HUMANIZE). More information