Duncan Levinsohn
Ekonomie doktor

För en presentation av Duncan Levinsohn, se engelska presentationsidan.
Levinsohn, D.
Disembedded and beheaded? A critical review of the emerging field of sustainability entrepreneurship , 19(2), 190-211.
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Levinsohn, D.
No entrepreneur is an island: An exploration of social entrepreneurial learning in accelerators
(Doctoral thesis, Jönköping:
Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School).
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Greinert, A., Levinsohn, D.
The challenge of developing a sustainable hybrid organization: The case of Greenpop.
Leona Achtenhagen & Ethel Brundin
Entrepreneurship and SME management across Africa:
Context, challenges, cases
(pp. 105 -128).
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Pardillo-Baez, Y., Sequeira, M., Machado, C., Levinsohn, D.
Strategies for sustainable alternative food networks in uncertain times.
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, 9th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum, Zagreb, Croatia, 22nd to 23rd March, 2022.
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Levinsohn, D.
Splace for learning: the co-creation of social entrepreneurial capabilities in accelerators.
ICSB 2016 World Conference, New York, 15-18 June.
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Levinsohn, D.
Splaced out! Social entrepreneurial learning in accelerators.
5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise "Building a scientific field to foster social enterprise eco-system", Helsinki (Finland): June 30th -July 3rd, 2015.
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Levinsohn, D.
The Role of Accelerators in the Development of the Practising Social Entrepreneur.
Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship: The Future of Enterprise: The Innovation Revolution; Manchester, U.K. November 5-6, 2014.
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Levinsohn, D., Brundin, E.
Beyond “shades of green”: opportunities for a renewed conceptualisation of entrepreneurial sustainability in SMEs: a literature review.
The 56th Annual ICSB World Conference: Back to the future: Changes in Perspectives of Global Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Stockholm, Sweden 15-18 June 2011.
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Levinsohn, D.
Disembedded and beheaded: a critical review of the emerging field of sustainability entrepreneurship.
RENT XXV, Boden, Norway November 16-18, 2011.
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Levinsohn, D.
Cirkularitet och affärsmodeller.
Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School
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