Paul Nystedt
Ekonomie Doktor
Nämnder, råd m.m.
Hansen, F., Nystedt, P.
Rävsax - underskatta inte fotbollens samhällsnytta Värnamo Nyheter, 17 juni, 13.
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Andersson, L., Eriksson, L., Nystedt, P.
Workplace accidents and workers’ solidarity: mutual health insurance in early twentieth-century Sweden Economic history review, 75(1), 203-234.
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Björklund Carlstedt, A., Jacobsson, G., Bjursell, C., Nystedt, P., Sternäng, O.
Staffing agency: A bridge to working during retirement Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, 72(2), 529-537.
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Fristedt, S., Nystedt, P., Skogar, Ö.
Mobile geriatric teams – A cost-effective way of improving patient safety and reducing traditional healthcare utilization among the frail elderly? A randomized controlled trial Clinical Interventions in Aging, 14, 1911-1924.
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Lång, E., Nystedt, P.
Two by Two, Inch by Inch: Height as an Indicator of Environmental Conditions during Childhood and its Influence on Earnings over the Life Cycle among Twins Economics and Human Biology, 28, 53-66.
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Lång, E., Nystedt, P.
Blowing up money? The earnings penalty of smoking in the 1970s and the 21st century Journal of Health Economics, 60, 39-52.
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Björklund Carlstedt, A., Brushammar, G., Bjursell, C., Nystedt, P., Nilsson, G.
A scoping review of the incentives for a prolonged work life after pensionable age and the importance of “bridge employment”.
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Bjursell, C., Nystedt, P., Björklund, A., Sternäng, O.
Education level explains participation in work and education later in life Educational gerontology, 43(10), 511-521.
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Age Homogamy, Gender, and Earnings: Sweden 1990-2009 Social Forces, 96(1), 239-263.
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Gerdtham, U., Lundborg, P., Lyttkens, C., Nystedt, P.
Do education and income really explain inequalities in health? Applying a twin design Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 118(1), 25-48.
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Lundborg, P., Lyttkens, C., Nystedt, P.
The effect of schooling on mortality: New evidence from 50,000 Swedish twins Demography, 53(4), 1135-1168.
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Dribe, M., Nystedt, P.
Is there an intermarriage premium for male immigrants? Exogamy and earnings in Sweden 1990–2009 The international migration review, 49(1), 3-35.
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van den Berg, G., Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Rooth, D.
Critical periods during childhood and adolescence Journal of the European Economic Association, 12(6), 1521-1557.
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Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Rooth, D.
Height and earnings: The role of cognitive and noncognitive skills The Journal of human resources, 49(1), 141-166.
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Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Rooth, D.
Body Size, Skills, and Income: Evidence From 150,000 Teenage Siblings Demography, 51(5), 1573-1596.
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Educational Homogamy and Gender-Specific Earnings: Sweden, 1990-2009 Demography, 50(4), 1197-1216.
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Getting ready for the marriage market?: A response Journal of Biosocial Science, 44(2), 235-242.
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Unga feta mäns magra inkomster − vad vet vi om orsakerna? Ekonomisk Debatt, 39(4), 44-54.
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Holm, H., Nystedt, P.
Collective trust behavior Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112(1), 25-53.
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Holm, H., Nystedt, P.
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Lundborg, P., Nystedt, P., Lindgren, B.
Getting ready for the marriage market?: The association between divorce risks and investments in attractive body mass among married Europeans Journal of Biosocial Science, 39(4), 531-544.
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Dribe, M., Lundh, C., Nystedt, P.
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Nystedt, P.
Martial life course events and smoking behaviour in Sweden 1980-2000 Social Science and Medicine, 62(6), 1427-1442.
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Berggren, F., Nystedt, P.
Changes in alcohol consumption: An analysis of self-reported use of alcohol in a Swedish national sample 1988-89 and 1996-97 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 34(3), 304-311.
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Intra-generational trust - A semi-experimental study of trust among different generations Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58(3), 403-419.
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Investments in social capital - Implications of social interactions for the production of health Social Science and Medicine, 56(12), 2379-2390.
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Age diffusion never stops?: Carotid endarterectomy among the elderly. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2(1), 3-7.
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Lång, E., Nystedt, P.
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Gerdtham, U., Lundborg, P., Lyttkens, C., Nystedt, P.
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Lund University
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