Mart Ots

Universitetslektor, Docent
Programme Director
Företagsekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
Universitetslektor, Docent
MMTC - Media, Management and Transformation Centre , Jönköping International Business School
Ekonomie doktor

För en presentation av Mart Ots och hans forskning, se hans engelska presentation.


Carlsson-Wall, M., Laurell, C., Lindqvist Parbratt, O., Ots, M. (2024). Accounting for digital promises: restoring and transforming promissory narratives Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. More information
Ots, M., Berglez, P., Nord, L. (2024). Who Watches the Watchdog?: Understanding Media Systems as Information Regimes Media and Communication, 12. More information
Feng, S., Berndt, A., Ots, M. (2023). Residents and the place branding process: socio-spatial construction of a locked-down city's brand identity Journal of Place Management and Development, 16(3), 440-462. More information
Feng, S., Berndt, A., Ots, M. (2023). Residents' videographic practices on TikTok (Douyin): Enacting and communicating social sustainability during a COVID-19 lockdown Journal of Media Business Studies. More information
Cestino-Castilla, J., Naldi, L., Ots, M. (2023). External enablers in existing organizations: Emergence, novelty, and persistence of entrepreneurial initiatives Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 17(2), 335-371. More information
Garz, M., Ots, M., Sjøvaag, H. (2023). Political Viewpoint Diversity in the News: Market and Ownership Conditions for a Pluralistic Media System The International Journal of Press/Politics. More information
Johnson, P., Laurell, C., Ots, M., Sandström, C. (2022). Digital innovation and the effects of artificial intelligence on firms’ research and development – Automation or augmentation, exploration or exploitation? Technological forecasting & social change, 179. More information
Dumont, G., Ots, M. (2020). Social dynamics and stakeholder relationships in personal branding Journal of Business Research, 106, 118-128. More information
Ots, M., Weibull, L., Melesko, S. (2019). On the dynamics of media markets: Professor Karl Erik Gustafsson in memoriam Journal of Media Business Studies, 16(2), 153-161. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Melesko, S., Ots, M. (2018). Upholding the 4th estate—exploring the corporate governance of the media ownership form of business foundations JMM - The International Journal on Media Management, 20(2), 129-150. More information
Feng, S., Ots, M. (2018). Seeing Native Advertising Production via the Business Model Lens: The Case of Forbes’s BrandVoice Unit Journal of Interactive Advertising, 18(2), 148-161. More information
Ots, M., Nyilasy, G. (2017). Just doing it: theorising integrated marketing communications (IMC) practices European Journal of Marketing, 51(3), 490-510. More information
Krumsvik, A., Ots, M. (2016). What is Nordic Media Business Research? Nordicom Information, 38(1), 8-11. More information
Ots, M., Krumsvik, A., Ala-Fossi, M., Rendahl, P. (2016). The shifting role of value-added tax (VAT) as a media policy tool: A three-country comparison of political justifications Javnost - The Public, 23(2), 170-187. More information
Ots, M., Krumsvik, A. (2016). Media policy’s new challenges Journal of Media Business Studies, 13(3), 125-127. More information
Ots, M. (2015). Journal of Media Business Studies: Perspectives on joining an academic publisher Nordicom Information, 37(3-4), 117-120. More information
Ots, M., Picard, R. (2015). A new chapter in the history of Journal of Media Business Studies Journal of Media Business Studies, 12(1), 1-2. More information
Ots, M., Nyilasy, G., Rohn, U., Wikström, P. (2015). Media business studies as we see it: Why does it matter, for whom, and how do you get published? Journal of Media Business Studies, 12(2), 103-106. More information
Ots, M., Nyilasy, G. (2015). Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC): Why does it fail? An analysis of practitioner mental models exposes barriers of IMC implementation Journal of Advertising Research, 55(2), 132-145. More information
Nord, L., Ots, M., Strömbäck, J., Wadbring, I., Weibull, L. (2014). Stoppa ökande medieklyfta för vår demokratis skull Dagens Nyheter. More information
Ots, M., Krumsvik, A. (2014). Is there such a thing as a Nordic approach to media business research? Journal of Media Business Studies, 11(1), 1-4. More information
Tarkiainen, A., Ellonen, H., Ots, M., Stocchi, L. (2014). Creating Loyalty Towards Magazine Websites: Insights from the Double Jeopardy Phenomenon International Journal of E-Business Research, 10(1), 1-14. More information
Ots, M., Wadbring, I., Lagerström, A. (2013). Utredningens experter: Därför tror vi inte på förslaget Medievärlden Stockholm: Medievärlden . More information
Ots, M., Lagerström, A., Wadbring, I. (2013). Förslaget konserverar en papperstidningstradition Svenska Dagbladet, 11 sept Stockholm: Svenska Dagbladet . More information
Ots, M., Karlsson, M. (2012). Out of control?: how online papers are both shaping and being shaped by user generated content Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication, 7(1), 51-58. More information
Ots, M. (2012). Competition, collaboration and cooperation: Swedish provincial newspaper markets in transition Journal of Media Business Studies, 9(2), 43-63. More information
Ots, M. (2009). Efficient servants of pluralism or marginalized media policy tools?: The case of Swedish Press Subsidies Journal of Communication Inquiry, 33(4), 376-392 Thousand Oaks: SAGE . More information
Ots, M. (2009). Who is the customer in the "customer value?": Inherent problems in the marketing of advertising media JMM - The International Journal on Media Management, 11(3-4), 124-134. More information


Ots, M. (2010). Understanding value formation: A study of marketing communications practices at the food retailer ICA (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: JIBS). More information


Ots, M. (2024). Teorier om mediemarknader och mediers affärsmodeller. In: Michael Karlsson & Jesper Strömbäck (Ed.), Handbok i journalistikforskning (pp. 145 -156). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Kõuts-Klemm, R., Raycheva, L., Jansová, I., Velinova, N., Ots, M. (2024). Assessing media usage research from the perspective of access, trust and news consumption. In: E. Lauk, M. O. Alonso & H. Harro-Loit (Ed.), Monitoring mediascapes: A premise of wisdom-based EU media governance (pp. 135 -161). Tartu: University of Tartu More information
Berglez, P. Waschková Císařová, L. Krakovsky, C. Lauk, E. Miteva, N. Ots, M. , ... Rožukalne A. (2024). What is journalism's contribution to deliberative communication and democracy?. In: Z. Peruško, E. Lauk, & H. Harro-Loit (Ed.), European media systems for deliberative communication: Risks and opportunities (pp. 64 -81). New York: Routledge More information
Nord, L., Ots, M., Vozab, D. (2024). Deliberative communication: From normative theory to empirical operationalization and measurement. In: Z. Peruško, E. Lauk, & H. Harro-Loit (Ed.), European media systems for deliberative communication: Risks and opportunities (pp. 13 -28). New York: Routledge More information
Ots, M. (2023). Ett ekonomiskt skitår för mediebranschen – men vad var det egentligen som hände?. In: Mediestudiers årsbok 2023: Annonsras och sparpaket (pp. 23 -35). Stockholm: Institutet för mediestudier More information
Berglez, P., Nord, L., Ots, M. (2022). SWEDEN. Risks and Opportunities Related to Media and Journalism Studies (2000–2020): Case Study on the National Research and Monitoring Capabilities. In: Studies on national media research capability as a contextual domain of the sources of ROs: Approaching deliberative communication: Studies on monitoring capability and on critical junctures of media development in 14 EU countries, CS1, D-2.1 (pp. 431 -461). Tartu: European Union (EU) More information
Berglez, P., Nord, L., Ots, M. (2022). SWEDEN: Critical Junctures in the media transformation process. In: Country case studies on critical junctures in the media transformation process in Four Domains of Potential ROs (2000–2020): Approaching deliberative communication: Studies on monitoring capability and on critical junctures of media development in 14 EU countries, CS2, D-2.1 (pp. 520 -540). Tartu: European Union (EU) More information
Ots, M. (2019). Teorier om mediernas ekonomiska strategier. In: Michael Karlsson & Jesper Strömbäck (Ed.), Handbok i Journalistikforskning (pp. 145 -156). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Nord, L., Ots, M. (2019). Politiken och journalistiken. In: Gunnar Nygren & Ingela Wadbring (Ed.), På väg mot medievärlden 2030: Journalistikens villkor och utmaningar (pp. 53 -74). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Ots, M., Picard, R. (2018). Press subsidies. In: Jon F. Nussbaum (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of CommunicationMore information
Lucchi, N., Ots, M., Ohlsson, J. (2017). Market Structure and Innovation Policies in Sweden. In: Hans van Kranenburg (Ed.), Innovation Policies in the European News and Media Industry: A Comparative Study (pp. 191 -205). Cham: Springer More information
Berglez, P., Olausson, U., Ots, M. (2017). What is Sustainable Journalism?: An introduction. In: What Is Sustainable Journalism?: Integrating the Environmental, Social, and Economic Challenges of Journalism (pp. 11 -26). More information
Abidin, C., Ots, M. (2016). Influencers Tell All?: Unravelling Authenticity and Credibility in a Brand Scandal. In: Maria Edström, Andrew T. Kenyon & Eva-Maria Svensson (Ed.), Blurring the lines: Market-driven and democracy-driven freedom of expression (pp. 153 -161). More information
Tarkiainen, A., Ellonen, H., Ots, M., Stocchi, L. (2016). Double jeopardy phenomenon in consumer magazine websites. In: In Lee (Ed.), Encyclopedia of e-commerce development, implementation, and management (pp. 2228 -2238). Hershey, PA: IGI Global More information
Picard, R., Ots, M., Forsander, M. (2016). Sweden. In: Eli M. Noam (Ed.), Who Owns the World's Media? Media Concentration and Ownership around the World (pp. 338 -357). Oxford: Oxford University Press More information
Ots, M., Hartmann, B. (2015). Media Brand Cultures: Researching and Theorizing How Consumers Engage in the Social Construction of Media Brands. In: Siegert, Förster, Chan-Olmsted, Ots (Ed.), Handbook of media branding (pp. 217 -229). Heidelberg: Springer More information
Ots, M. (2015). Teorier om mediernas ekonomiska strategier. In: Michael Karlsson, Jesper Strömbäck (Ed.), Handbok i journalistikforskning (pp. 169 -185). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Siegert, G., Förster, K., Chan-Olmsted, S., Ots, M. (2015). What Is So Special About Media Branding?: Peculiarities and Commonalities of a Growing Research Area. In: Siegert; Förster; Chan-Olmsted; Ots (Ed.), Handbook of Media Branding (pp. 1 -8). Heidelberg: Springer More information
Ots, M. (2014). Sweden: State Support to Newspapers in Transition. In: Paul Murschetz (Ed.), State Aid for Newspapers: Theories, Cases, Actions (pp. 307 -322). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer More information
Ots, M. (2014). Betalmodeller. In: Ulla Carlsson & Ulrika Facht (Ed.), MedieSverige 2014: Statistik och analys (pp. 65 -68). Göteborg: Nordicom More information
Ots, M. (2013). Varumärkets betydelse för medierna. In: Gunnar Nygren & Ingela Wadbring (Ed.), På väg mot medievärlden 2020: Journalistik, teknik, marknad (pp. 143 -157). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Wadbring, I., Lagerström, A., Ots, M. (2013). Särskilt yttrande. In: SOU 2013:66 Översyn av det statliga stödet till dagspressen: Slutbetänkande av Presstödskommittén (pp. 451 -454). Stockholm: Fritzes More information
Ots, M., Murschetz, P. (2013). Presspolitiska åtgärder inom Europa. In: SOU 2013:66 Översyn av det statliga stödet till dagspressen: Slutbetänkande av Presstödskommittén (pp. 159 -216). Stockholm: Fritzes More information
Ots, M. (2013). 2013 - betalväggarnas år. In: Enström, O. & Ohlsson, J. (Ed.), Dagspressens ekonomi 2012 (pp. 4 -6). Stockholm: Presstödsnämnden More information
Ots, M. (2012). Mediernas ekonomiska villkor. In: Lars Nord & Jesper Strömbäck (Ed.), Medierna och demokratin (pp. 117 -147). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Ots, M. (2011). Analys: Tvåtidningsorterna. In: Karl Erik Gustafsson, Jonas Ohlsson, Kajsa Rohdin och Per Sandén (Ed.), Dagspressens ekonomi 2010 (pp. 6 -9). Stockholm: Presstödsnämnden (Swedish Press Subsidies Council) More information
Ots, M. (2010). European press incentives. In: Paolo Faustino (Ed.), Public Policies and Management of the Regional Press: Políticas Públicas e Gestão da Imprensa Regional Lisbon: Media XXI More information
Ots, M. (2010). Newspaper Acquisitions and Swedish Media Policy: The Past, The Present and The Future. In: Olof Hultén, Sune Tjärnström & Stefan Melesko (Ed.), Media Mergers and The Defence of Pluralism (pp. 115 -132). Göteborg: Nordicom More information
Ots, M. (2008). Media and Brands: New Ground to Explore. In: Media Brands and Branding (pp. 1 -10). Jönköping: Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School More information
Ots, M. (2008). Media Consumer Brand Equity: Implications for advertising media planning. In: Media Brands and Branding (pp. 95 -112). Jönköping: Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School More information
Ots, M., Picard, R. (2008). En ny ekonomisk omgivning för medierna. In: På väg mot medievärlden 2020: Journalistik, teknik, marknad (pp. 57 -74). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Norbäck, M., Ots, M. (2007). One format fits all: The development of the commercial radio in the nordic countries. In: Mönster i nordisk medieutveckling (pp. 77 -104). Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation (HLK) More information
Ots, M. (2006). Strukturaffärer och samarbeten på tvåtidningsorter. In: Mångfald och Räckvidd: Slutbetänkande av Presskommittén 2004 (pp. 545 -624). Stockholm: Fritzes More information
Norbäck, M., Ots, M. (2005). A Game With No Winners: The Policing of Commercial Local Radio in Sweden. In: Radio in the World: Papers from the 2005 Melbourne Radio Conference (pp. 160 -171). Melbourne: RMIT Publishing More information
Ots, M. (2005). Strategic Direction and Control of Portfolios: Can Standard Models Create Cross-Media Benefits?. In: Media Product Portfolios: Issues in Management of Multiple Products and Services (pp. 167 -190). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum More information


Berglez, P. Eberwein, T. Jansová, I. Krakovsky, C. Nord, L. Ots, M. , ... Waschková Císařová L. (2023). Media Change in Europe as a Structure-Agency Process: Results from a Comparative Study of Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Latvia and Sweden. 14th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference (CEECOM 2023), Brno, Czech Republic, June 29-30, 2023. More information
Berglez, P., Nord, L., Ots, M., Rapado, I. (2023). Transformation of Swedish media landscape and conditions for deliberative democracy: Critical junctures, risks, and opportunities during 2000-2020. NordMedia Conference 2023, Bergen, Norway, 16-18 August 2023. More information
Feng, S., Berndt, A., Ots, M. (2021). Striving for a sustainable and resilient life amidst Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis of Wuhan citizens’ short video production on social media app Douyin during the lockdown. EMMA (Europe Media Management Association), 27-29 October, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Ots, M., Lopez-Vega, H., Johansson, A. (2019). Stretching the knowledge boundaries of the firm: How local newspapers reinvent organizational practices in a digital world. European Media Management Association Conference, "Media Management and Actionable Knowledge: The Relationship between Theory and Practice", Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus, June 5-9. More information
Ots, M., Berglez, P., Olausson, U. (2019). Sustainable news media: Organizational reconciliation of economic, democratic, and environmental challenges in media firms. 6th RME Research Conference, 1-3 oct 2019 Jönköping. More information
Lopez-Vega, H., Ots, M. (2019). How do digital capabilities change institutionalised professionalpractices? A response from Swedish media companies. R&D Management Conference. More information
Lopez-Vega, H., Ots, M. (2019). How digitalization disrupts boundaries: Organizational and individual knowledge boundaries. Organizing in the Era of Digital Technology 2019: Hosted by: Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation, ETH Zurich. More information
Ots, M., Achtenhagen, L., Melesko, S. (2018). Do the forms of media ownership matter?: Exploring the corporate governance of business foundations. 13th World Media Economics and Management Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, May 6-9. More information
Dumont, G., Ots, M. (2017). Self-branding as collaborative labor: Brand management and networks of cooperation. 46th EMAC Annual Conference, 23-26 May, Groningen, Netherlands. More information
Barry, D., Caccamo, M., Ots, M., Markowska, M. (2017). Alterities and Innovation: Conjectures from Haute Cuisine. 33rd EGOS Colloquium in Copenhagen, Denmark, July 6-8, 2017. More information
Jafari, H., Ots, M. (2016). Omni-Channel Innovation in Grocery Retailing: The Drivers of Mobile Shopping. The 5th Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference (NRWC), 8-10 November, Aarhus University, Denmark. More information
Abidin, C., Ots, M. (2016). Consumer-led innovation in social media advertising formats. EMMA Annual Conference 2016, Creativity, Coopetition and Uncertainty in Media, Porto, June 2-5, 2016.. More information
Abidin, C., Ots, M. (2016). Microcelebrity influencers and advertorial disclosure: Practicing the advertising/editorial divide on Instagram. 16th ICORIA, International Conference on Research in Advertising: Challenges in an age of (dis)engagement, Ljubljana, June 30 - July 2, 2016.. More information
Ots, M. (2016). Teaching digital media in a business school environment. When media realities and media teaching meet, Tallinn, 17 November, 2016.. More information
Ots, M. (2016). Non-professional content creation, social media influencers and online consumer culture. STM-symposiet 2016, Oslo, April 22, 2016.. More information
Ots, M. (2015). Is there such a thing as a Nordic Media Policy?. The European Symposium on Media Policy, HiOA, Oslo, November 20. More information
Ots, M., Abidin, C. (2015). Commercialism, audience intimacy and brand credibility in fashion blogging. COMMUNICATIVE DEMOCRACY.PROTECTING, PROMOTING AND DEVELOPING FREE SPEECH IN THE DIGITAL ERA, UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG, OCTOBER 6-7 2015. More information
Abidin, C., Ots, M. (2015). The Influencer’s dilemma: The shaping of new brand professions between credibility and commerce. AEJMC 2015, Annual Conference, San Fransisco, CA, August 6-9. More information
Jafari, H., Hartmann, B., Ots, M. (2014). Mobile Media and In-Store Shopping Experiences: Profiling App Usage in Food Retailing. Stockholm: Stockholm school of economics, Babson Shopper Marketing & Pricing Conference, May 8-10, 2014, Stockholm school of economics. More information
Hartmann, B., Jafari, H., Ots, M. (2014). The Mediatisation of Shopping: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding and Studying How Shoppers Use Apps in Retail Environments. Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference (NRWC), November 5th – 6th, Stockholm, Sweden.. More information
Ots, M., Ala-Fossi, M., Krumsvik, A., Rendahl, P., Reunanen, E. (2014). The magnitude and political justification of VAT as an indirect media subsidy: A three-country comparison. 11th World media economics and management Conference, 12-16 May 2014, Rio de Janeiro. More information
Ots, M., Rendahl, P., Ala-Fossi, M., Krumsvik, A., Reunanen, E. (2013). Does low VAT on legacy media dwarf digital media?: An overview of VAT policy and the press in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Nordmedia 2013: Defending democracy, Oslo, August 8-11. More information
Ots, M., Nyilasy, G. (2012). A Practice Theory approach to value discrepancies in IMC implementation: The case of customer magazines. ICORIA, Stockholm, June 28-30. More information
Ots, M., Nordfält, J. (2012). Finding the sweet spot in cooperative promotions: A comparison of the relative effects of traditional advertising, in-store exposure and price reduction.. Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference, Lund, Nov 8-9. More information
Ots, M., Nyilasy, G. (2012). Parallel Practitioner Mental Models of IMC Implementation. EMAC, European Marketing Academy, 41st Annual Conference, ISCTE, Lisbon, May 22-26. More information
Ots, M. (2011). Competition and collaboration between Swedish newspapers: Overview and case study of a restructuring market. Nordmedia 2011, University of Akkureyri, August 11-13. More information
Ots, M. (2011). Out of control?: Media branding in times of social and participatory media consumption. International conference for media brand management, University of Vienna, September 23-24. More information
Ots, M., Hartmann, B. (2010). All mashed up! Media value creation as socially networked production activities. Bogotá, Colombia IX World Media Economics Confererence, Bogotá, Colombia. More information
Hartmann, B., Ots, M. (2010). What The Heck Is A Mash-Up?: Consumer Generated Media, Value Creation And Resource Integration. Copenhagen: CBS Library, 39th EMAC Conference Copenhagen 1-4 June 2010. More information
Ots, M. (2009). Beyond audience segmentation: Are large retailers better suited than traditional media to serve advertisers' needs?. Advances in audience measurement, March 26-29, University of Miami. More information
Ots, M. (2009). Who is really the customer in the 'customer value'?. European Media Management Association, Annual conference, Feb 11-14, ESCP-EAP, Paris. More information
Ots, M. (2008). Newspaper acquisitions and Swedish media policy: past, present and future. European Media Management Association, Annual conference, Feb 11-14, ESCP-EAP, Paris. More information
Ots, M., Wolff, P. (2007). Media Buyers' Assessment of Audience Value: The Role of Brand Equity. European Media Management Association, Annual conference, Feb 11-14, ESCP-EAP, Paris. More information
Wolff, P., Ots, M. (2006). Branded Audiences. European Media Management Association, Annual conference, Feb 11-14, ESCP-EAP, Paris. More information
Ots, M. (2005). The Death of a media Policy System - or the dawning of a new era?. European Media Management Association, Annual conference, Feb 11-14, ESCP-EAP, Paris. More information
Ots, M. (2005). The impact of press subsidies on newspaper mergers. European Media Management Association, Annual conference, Feb 11-14, ESCP-EAP, Paris. More information
Norbäck, M., Ots, M. (2005). “A game with no winners - The policing of Commercial Local Radio in Sweden”. European Media Management Association, Annual conference, Feb 11-14, ESCP-EAP, Paris. More information


Ots, M. (2023). Sweden: Bibliographical database of Swedish journalism and media research related to risks and opportunities for deliberative communication (2000–2020). Tartu, Estonia More information


Berndt, A., Holmberg, U., Jafari, H., Hartmann, B., Ots, M. (2017). Mobilapplikationer inom dagligvaruhandeln: Konsumtionens medialisering genom nya digitala tjänster. Stockholm: Handelsrådet More information
Ots, M., Wolff, P. (2007). Consumer Brand Equity of the Media: The Value Perceptions of Professional Media Buyers. New York: Fordham University More information
Norbäck, M., Ots, M., Hang, M. (2004). Dominance over Swedish Advertising Expenditures: Changes in a Crucial Media Resource 1980-2003. Jönköping: Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School More information


(2017). What Is Sustainable Journalism?: Integrating the Environmental, Social, and Economic Challenges of Journalism. More information
(2015). Handbook of Media Branding. Heidelberg: Springer More information
(2008). Media Brands and Branding. Jönköping: Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School More information