Marita Falkmer


Marita Falkmer lade fram sin avhandling "From Eye to Us - prerequisites for and levels of participation in mainstream school of persons with Autism Spectrum Conditions" i januari 2013. Doktorandprojektet bedrevs inom forskargruppen CHILD och med stöd av Norrköpings Kommun, Sven Jerrings Fond, Stiftelsen Sunnerdahls Handikappfond, Claes Groschinskys Minnesfond och Allmänna Arvsfonden.


Marita Falkmer är specialpedagog med inriktning mot barn och ungdomar inom autismspektrat. Hon har lång erfarenhet av arbete med denna elevgrupp inom olika skolformer samt av handledning och utbildning i personalgrupper. Marita Falkmer kommer även fortsättningsvis att ingå i forskarnätverket CHILD även om hon har sin anställning vid Curtin University i Perth, Australien.

Länk till presentation av Marita Falkmer vid Curtin University


Afsharnejad, B., Black, M., Falkmer, M., Bölte, S., Girdler, S. (2024). The Methodological Quality and Intervention Fidelity of Randomised Controlled Trials Evaluating Social Skills Group Programs in Autistic Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. More information
Jones, M., Milbourn, B., Falkmer, M., Tan, T., Bölte, S., Girdler, S. (2023). Strength-based technology clubs for autistic adolescents: A feasibility study PLOS ONE, 18(2 February). More information
Jones, M., Falkmer, M., Milbourn, B., Tan, T., Bölte, S., Girdler, S. (2023). The Core Elements of Strength-Based Technology Programs for Youth on the Autism Spectrum: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Evidence. More information
White, J., McGarry, S., Falkmer, M., Scott, M., Williams, P., Black, M. (2023). Creating Inclusive Schools for Autistic Students: A Scoping Review on Elements Contributing to Strengths-Based Approaches. More information
Li, L., Møller Christensen, B., Falkmer, M., Zhao, Y., Huus, K. (2023). Content validity of the instrument 'Picture My Participation' for measuring participation of children with and without autism spectrum disorder in mainland China Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30(8), 1237-1247. More information
Jones, M., Milbourn, B., Falkmer, M., Vinci, B., Tan, T., Bölte, S., Girdler, S. (2023). A Practical Framework for Delivering Strength-Based Technology Clubs for Autistic Adolescents Autism In Adulthood, 5(4), 356-365. More information
Afsharnejad, B. Falkmer, M. Picen, T. Black, M. Alach, T. Fridell, A. , ... Girdler S. (2022). “I Met Someone Like Me!”: Autistic Adolescents and Their Parents’ Experience of the KONTAKT® Social Skills Group Training Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 52, 1458-1477. More information
Afsharnejad, B. Falkmer, M. Black, M. Alach, T. Lenhard, F. Fridell, A. , ... Girdler S. (2022). KONTAKT (R) social skills group training for Australian adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: a randomized controlled trial European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 31, 1695-1713. More information
Scott, M., Falkmer, M., Kuzminski, R., Falkmer, T., Girdler, S. (2022). Process evaluation of an autism-specific workplace tool for employers Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 29(8), 686-698. More information
Smith, R., Netto, J., Gribble, N., Falkmer, M. (2021). ‘At the End of the Day, It’s Love’: An Exploration of Relationships in Neurodiverse Couples Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 51, 3311-3321. More information
Tang, J., Falkmer, M., Chen, N., Bölte, S., Girdler, S. (2021). Development and feasibility of MindChip™: A social emotional telehealth intervention for autistic adults Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 51, 1107-1130. More information
Jones, M., Falkmer, M., Milbourn, B., Tan, T., Bölte, S., Girdler, S. (2021). Identifying the Essential Components of Strength-based Technology Clubs for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 24(5), 323-336. More information
D’Arcy, E. Girdler, S. Falkmer, M. Falkmer, T. Whitehouse, A. Wray, J. , ... Evans K. (2021). Get it right, make it easy, see it all: Viewpoints of autistic individuals and parents of autistic individuals about the autism diagnostic process in Australia Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 85. More information
Dreaver, J., Thompson, C., Girdler, S., Adolfsson, M., Black, M., Falkmer, M. (2020). Success Factors Enabling Employment for Adults on the Autism Spectrum from Employers' Perspective Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 50(5), 1657-1667. More information
Afsharnejad, B. Falkmer, M. Black, M. Alach, T. Lenhard, F. Fridell, A. , ... Girdler S. (2020). Cross-cultural adaptation to Australia of the KONTAKT© Social Skills Group Training Program for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A feasibility study Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 50, 4297-4316. More information
Lee, E., Black, M., Falkmer, M., Tan, T., Sheehy, L., Bölte, S., Girdler, S. (2020). "We can see a bright future": Parents' perceptions of the outcomes of participating in a strengths-based program for adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 50, 3179-3194. More information
Black, M. Mahdi, S. Milbourn, B. Scott, M. Gerber, A. Esposito, C. , ... Girdler S. (2020). Multi-informant International Perspectives on the Facilitators and Barriers to Employment for Autistic Adults Autism Research, 13(7), 1195-1214. More information
Scott, M. Milbourn, B. Falkmer, M. Black, M. Bölte, S. Halladay, A. , ... Girdler S. (2019). Factors impacting employment for people with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review. More information
Tang, J., Falkmer, M., Chen, N., Bölte, S., Girdler, S. (2019). Designing a Serious Game for Youth with ASD: Perspectives from End-Users and Professionals Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 49(3), 978-995. More information
Tang, J., Chen, N., Falkmer, M., Bölte, S., Girdler, S. (2019). A systematic review and meta-analysis of social emotional computer based interventions for autistic individuals using the serious game framework. More information
Black, M. Vaz, S. Parsons, R. Falkmer, T. Tang, J. Morris, S. , ... Falkmer M. (2019). Disembedding performance and eye gaze behavior of adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 66. More information
Black, M. Mahdi, S. Milbourn, B. Thompson, C. D'Angelo, A. Ström, E. , ... Bölte S. (2019). Perspectives of key stakeholders on employment of autistic adults across the United States, Australia and Sweden Autism Research, 12(11), 1648-1662. More information
Rogerson, J., Falkmer, M., Cuomo, B., Falkmer, T., Whitehouse, A., Granich, J., Vaz, S. (2019). Parental experiences using the Therapy Outcomes by You (TOBY) application to deliver early intervention to their child with autism Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 22(4), 219-227. More information
Earl, R., Morris, S., Girdler, S., Falkmer, T., Cowan, G., Falkmer, M. (2019). Visual search strategies in a shared zone in pedestrians with and without intellectual disability Research in Developmental Disabilities, 94. More information
Evans, K., Millsteed, J., Richmond, J., Falkmer, M., Falkmer, T., Girdler, S. (2019). The impact of within and between role experiences on role balance outcomes for working Sandwich Generation Women Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 26(3), 184-193. More information
Kuzminski, R., Netto, J., Wilson, J., Falkmer, T., Chamberlain, A., Falkmer, M. (2019). Linking knowledge and attitudes: Determining neurotypical knowledge about and attitudes towards autism PLOS ONE, 14(7). More information
Arnold, S. Foley, K. Hwang, Y. Richdale, A. Uljarevic, M. Lawson, L. , ... Trollor J. (2019). Cohort profile: The Australian Longitudinal Study of Adults with Autism BMJ Open, 9(12). More information
Afsharnejad, B. Falkmer, M. Black, M. Alach, T. Lenhard, F. Fridell, A. , ... Girdler S. (2019). KONTAKT© for Australian adolescents on the autism spectrum: Protocol of a randomized control trial Trials, 20(1). More information
Mattinson, S., Falkmer, M., Black, M., Girdler, S. (2018). Participation profiles and the barriers and facilitators that impact on participation of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders living in regional and remote Western Australia Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology, 6(4), 170-182. More information
Scott, M., Falkmer, M., Falkmer, T., Girdler, S. (2018). Evaluating the effectiveness of an autism-specific workplace tool for employers: A randomised controlled trial Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 48(10), 3377-3392. More information
Hatfield, M., Falkmer, M., Falkmer, T., Ciccarelli, M. (2018). Process evaluation of the BOOST-A™ Transition Planning Program for Adolescents on the autism spectrum: A strengths-based approach Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 48(2), 377-388. More information
Earl, R., Falkmer, T., Girdler, S., Morris, S., Falkmer, M. (2018). Viewpoints of pedestrians with and without cognitive impairment on shared zones and zebra crossings PLOS ONE, 13(9). More information
Hatfield, M., Ciccarelli, M., Falkmer, T., Falkmer, M. (2018). Factors related to successful transition planning for adolescents on the autism spectrum Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 18(1), 3-14. More information
Cowan, G., Earl, R., Falkmer, T., Girdler, S., Morris, S., Falkmer, M. (2018). Fixation patterns of individuals with and without Autism Spectrum disorder: Do they differ in shared zones and in zebra crossings? Journal of Transport & Health, 8, 112-122. More information
Hatfield, M., Murray, N., Ciccarelli, M., Falkmer, T., Falkmer, M. (2017). Pilot of the BOOST-A™: An online transition planning program for adolescents with autism Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64(6), 448-456. More information
Black, M. Chen, N. Iyer, K. Lipp, O. Bölte, S. Falkmer, M. , ... Girdler S. (2017). Mechanisms of facial emotion recognition in autism spectrum disorders: Insights from eye tracking and electroencephalography. More information
Scott, M., Jacob, A., Hendrie, D., Parsons, R., Girdler, S., Falkmer, T., Falkmer, M. (2017). Employers' perception of the costs and the benefits of hiring individuals with autism spectrum disorder in open employment in Australia PLOS ONE, 12(5). More information
Gorjy, R., Fielding, A., Falkmer, M. (2017). "It's better than it used to be": Perspectives of adolescent siblings of children with an autism spectrum condition Child & Family Social Work, 22(4), 1488-1496. More information
Almberg, M., Selander, H., Falkmer, M., Vaz, S., Ciccarelli, M., Falkmer, T. (2017). Experiences of facilitators or barriers in driving education from learner and novice drivers with ADHD or ASD and their driving instructors Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 20(2), 59-67. More information
Milbourn, B., Falkmer, M., Black, M., Girdler, S., Falkmer, T., Horlin, C. (2017). An exploration of the experience of parents with children with autism spectrum disorder after diagnosis and intervention Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology, 5(3), 104-110. More information
Hatfield, M., Falkmer, M., Falkmer, T., Ciccarelli, M. (2017). Effectiveness of the BOOST-A online transition planning program for adolescents on the autism spectrum: A quasi-randomized controlled trial Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 11(1). More information
Murray, N., Hatfield, M., Falkmer, M., Falkmer, T. (2016). Evaluation of career planning tools for use with individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 23, 188-202. More information
Joosten, A. Girdler, S. Albrecht, M. Horlin, C. Falkmer, M. Leung, D. , ... Falkmer T. (2016). Gaze and visual search strategies of children with Asperger syndrome/high functioning autism viewing a magic trick Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 19(2), 95-102. More information
Evans, K., Millsteed, J., Richmond, J., Falkmer, M., Falkmer, T. (2016). Working Sandwich Generation Women Utilize Strategies within and between Roles to Achieve Role Balance PLOS ONE, 11(6). More information
Vaz, S. Cordier, R. Boyes, M. Parsons, R. Joosten, A. Ciccarelli, M. , ... Falkmer T. (2016). Is using the strengths and difficulties questionnaire in a community sample the optimal way to assess mental health functioning? PLOS ONE, 11(1). More information
Falkmer, M. Black, M. Tang, J. Fitzgerald, P. Girdler, S. Leung, D. , ... Falkmer T. (2016). Local visual perception bias in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders: do we have the whole picture? Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 19(2), 117-122. More information
Hatfield, M., Falkmer, M., Falkmer, T., Ciccarelli, M. (2016). Evaluation of the effectiveness of an online transition planning program for adolescents on the autism spectrum: Trial protocol Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 10(48), 1-11. More information
Andrews, J., Falkmer, M., Girdler, S. (2015). Community participation interventions for children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental intellectual disability: A systematic review Disability and Rehabilitation, 37(10), 825-833. More information
Falkmer, M., Anderson, K., Joosten, A., Falkmer, T. (2015). Parents’ perspectives on inclusive schools for children with Autism Spectrum Conditions. More information
Albrecht, M., Stuart, G., Falkmer, M., Ordqvist, A., Leung, D., Foster, J., Falkmer, T. (2014). Brief Report: Visual Acuity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 44(9), 2369-2374. More information
Falkmer, M., Parsons, R., Granlund, M. (2012). Looking through the Same Eyes?: Do Teachers’ Participation Ratings Match with Ratings of Students with Autism Spectrum Conditions in Mainstream Schools? Autism Research and Treatment, 2012, 1-13. More information
Falkmer, M., Granlund, M., Nilholm, C., Falkmer, T. (2012). From my perspective - Perceived participation in mainstream schools in students with autism spectrum conditions Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 15(3), 191-201. More information
Falkmer, M., Bjällmark, A., Larsson, M., Falkmer, T. (2011). The influences of static and interactive dynamic facial stimuli on visual strategies in persons with Asperger syndrome Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(2), 935-940. More information
Falkmer, M., Bjällmark, A., Larsson, M., Falkmer, T. (2011). Recognition of facially expressed emotions and visual search strategies in adults with Asperger syndrome Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(1), 210-217. More information
Falkmer, M., Stuart, G., Danielsson, H., Brahm, S., Lönebrink, M., Falkmer, T. (2011). Visual acuity in adults with Asperger's syndrome: No evidence for "eagle-eyed" vision Biological Psychiatry, 70(812), 812-816. More information
Falkmer, M., Larsson, M., Bjällmark, A., Falkmer, T. (2010). The importance of the eye area in face identification abilities and visual search strategies in persons with Asperger syndrome Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4(4), 724-730. More information
Falkmer, T., Anund, A., Sörensen, G., Falkmer, M. (2004). The transport mobility situation for children with autism spectrum disorders. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 11(2), 90-100. More information


Falkmer, M. (2013). From Eye to Us: Prerequisites for and levels of participation in mainstream school of persons with Autism Spectrum Conditions (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: School of Education and Communication). More information


Falkmer, M. (2009). Skolan och Aspergers syndrom Erfarenheter från skolpersonal och forskare: Inkluderande strategier för elever med Aspergers syndrom och andra autismspektrumtillstånd i grundskolan. In: Staffan Engström (Ed.), Skolan och Aspergers syndrom Erfarenheter från skolpersonal och forskare: Inkluderande strategier för elever med Aspergers syndrom och andra autismspektrumtillstånd i grundskolan (pp. 64 -88). More information
Falkmer, M. (2009). Inkluderande strategier för elever med Aspergers syndrom och andra autismspektrumtillstånd i grundskolan. In: Staffan Engström (Ed.), Skolan och Aspergers syndrom: Erfarenhet från skolpersonal och forskare (pp. 64 -85). Stockholm: Skolverket More information


Falkmer, T., Bjällmark, A., Larsson, M., Falkmer, M. (2011). Face Processing in Persons with Asperger Syndrome. Asia Pacific Autism Conference, 8 - 10 September, 2011 Perth, Australia. More information
Falkmer, T., Bjällmark, A., Larsson, M., Falkmer, M. (2006). Recognition of Faces and Expressions for People with Asperger Syndrome: The Nature of the Problem. 2nd World Autism Congress & Exhibition, 30 October – 2 November, 2006, Cape Town, South Africa. More information


Falkmer, M., Oehlers, K., Granlund, M., Falkmer, T. (2012). Can you see it too? Correlations between observed and self-rated participation in mainstream schools for students with and without autism spectrum conditions.. More information


Falkmer, T., Anund, A., Sörensen, G., Falkmer, M., Gerland, G. (2001). Kartlägning av transportsituationen för barn med autismspektrumstörning. Linköping: Väg- och transportforskningsinstitutet More information