Maria Mattus

Assistant Professor of Media and Communications
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication


Maria is currently working on a project within Encell where she is looking at Wikipedia as a place for adult learning. The starting point is that the involvement in the creation of the user generated wiki encyclopedia Wikipedia is developing the individual and is part of her/his lifelong learning.
Maria's research interests concern both communicative and learning aspects of the Internet - questions about credibility, criticism of sources, creation processes, cooperation/collaboration and media literacy become part of the picture.


Maria is a senior lecturer in Media and Communication Science at the School of Education and Communication since 2008, but has had different assignments as a teacher since 1994. Maria has previously worked as a commercial artist at a newspaper and a advertising agency for several years.
Her doctoral thesis, "The linked words. The dynamics of a digital arena" was published at Linköping university in 2008.

Her basic university education contains disciplines like Media and Communication Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Pedagogy, and Conflict resolution, as well as a number of courses related to communication, art, design. Her post-graduate studies first resulted in a licentiate degree in 2005.


Mattus, M. (2020). Too dead? Image analyses of humanitarian photos of the Kurdi brothers Visual Studies, 35(1), 51-64. More information
Mattus, M. (2015). A living lie or living truth: Hypertextual, intertextual and discursive aspects of web pages dealing with the Protocols of Zion Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies, 4(3), 417-434. More information
Mattus, M. (2014). The Anyone-Can-Edit Syndrome: Intercreation stories of three featured articles on Wikipedia Nordicom Review, 35(Special Issue), 189-203. More information
Mattus, M. (2014). Wikipedia som lärkontext - ett resonemang om hur engagemanget i wikiproduktionen bidrar till det livslånga lärandet Utbildning och lärande, 8(1) Skövde: Avdelningen pedagogik, socialpsykologi och språk vid Högskolan i Skövde . More information


Mattus, M. (2019). Wikipedia’s falling stars. Arguments for demotion when articles lose their status as featured articles. In: Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg & Ylva Lindberg (Ed.), Virtual sites as learning spaces: Critical issues on languaging research in changing eduscapes (pp. 97 -120). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information


Mattus, M. (2017). Too dead?: Image analyses of humanitarian photos of the Kurdi brothers. NordMedia 2017, Mediated Realities - Global Challenges, 23rd Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research, Tampere, Finland, 17-19 August, 2017. More information
Mattus, M., Wennström, K. (2017). Pink Power: Pussyhats as political statements in women’s networking on social media. NordMedia 2017, Mediated Realities - Global Challenges, 23rd Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research, Tampere, Finland, 17-19 August, 2017. More information
Mattus, M. (2015). Wikipedia's falling stars – why some articles have lost their status as Featured Articles. NordMedia 2015, Media Presence - Mobile Modernities, University of Copenhagen, August 13th to 15th. More information