Johannes Hagen

Associate Professor
Director of Studies
Economics , Jönköping International Business School
PhD in Economics

Johannes Hagen is an Associate Professor in Economics at JIBS since 2017. He has a PhD in Economics from Uppsala University (defended in March 2016).

Hagen conducts research within the area of Public Economics with a focus on retirement and pensions. He has published several scientific articles in well-ranked international journals, including The Economic Journal, European Economic Review, Journal of Population Economics, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, and International Tax and Public Finance.  He is an expert on the Swedish pension system and takes active part in the national public pension debate. 

Hagen is affiliated with the Uppsala Center For Fiscal Studies (UCFS), Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Studies (CEnSE), the Global Labor Organization (GLO), Institute for Evaluation of Labor Market and Education Policy (IFAU). He is also a Research Fellow at Netspar.

Hagen is currently involved in two research projects at JIBS: “Ageing and Entrepreneurship”  (funded by Marianne and Marcus Wallenbergs stiftelse) and "Digitilization of Pension Claiming in Sweden" (funded by Familjen Kamprads Stiftelse). He is also involved in an international, EU-funded research project (JPI, Horizon 2020) called “Unequal ageing: life-expectancy, care needs and reforms to the welfare state” led by Professor Antoine Bozio (Paris School of Economics). 

More information can be found on Hagen's personal webpage:


Engström, P., Hagen, J., Khoshghadam, A., Schneider, A. (2024). Effects of electronic cash registers on reported revenue International Tax and Public Finance. More information
Backman, M., Hagen, J., Kekezi, O., Naldi, L., Wallin, T. (2023). In the Eye of the Storm: Entrepreneurs and Well-Being During the COVID-19 Crisis Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 47(3), 751-787. More information
Hagen, J., Malisa, A., Post, T. (2023). Trading behavior of Swedish retirement investors during the COVID-19 pandemic Review of Behavioral Finance, 15(5), 694-708. More information
Engström, P., Hagen, J., Johansson, E. (2023). Estimating tax noncompliance among the self-employed: evidence from pleasure boat registers Small Business Economics, 61, 1747-1771. More information
Hagen, J., Hallberg, D., Sjögren Lindquist, G. (2022). A Nudge to Quit? The Effect of a Change in Pension Information on Annuitization, Labour Supply, and Retirement Choices Among Older Workers Economic Journal, 132(643), 1060-1094. More information
Hagen, J., Malmberg, H. (2022). A cofinancing model for disability insurance and local government employers Social Policy & Administration, 56(4), 661-680. More information
Hagen, J., Malisa, A. (2022). Financial fraud and individual investment behavior Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 203, 593-626. More information
Elinder, M., Hagen, J., Nordin, M., Save-Soderbergh, J. (2022). Who Lacks Pension Knowledge, Why and Does it Matter?: Evidence From Swedish Retirement Savers Public Finance Review, 50(4), 379-435. More information
Hagen, J. (2022). Partial recall: differences between actual and self-reported annuitization decisions in Sweden Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 21(3), 375-404. More information
Hagen, J. (2022). Pensionssystemet behöver höjd pensionsålder, inte fler tillägg Ekonomisk Debatt, 50(3), 79-86. More information
Engström, P., Forsell, E., Hagen, J., Stefánsson, A. (2019). Increasing the Take-Up of the Housing Allowance Among Swedish Pensioners: A Field Experiment International Tax and Public Finance, 26(6), 1353-1382. More information
Hagen, J. (2018). The effects of increasing the normal retirement age on health care utilization and mortality Journal of Population Economics, 31(1), 193-234. More information
Engström, P., Forsell, E., Hagen, J., Stefansson, A. (2018). Bostadstillägg för pensionärer: ett randomiserat informationsexperiment Ekonomisk Debatt, 46(5), 29-37. More information
Hagen, J. (2017). Pension principles in the Swedish pension system Scandinavian Economic History Review, 65(1), 28-51. More information
Engström, P., Hagen, J. (2017). Income underreporting among the self-employed: a permanent income approach European Economic Review, 92, 92-109. More information
Hagen, J. (2015). The determinants of annuitization: evidence from Sweden International Tax and Public Finance, 22(4), 549-578. More information


Hagen, J., Malmberg, H. (2018). Hur kan tidiga hälsorelaterade utträden ur arbetslivet minskas?. Stockholm: SNS förlag More information
Hagen, J., Elinder, M. (2018). Den komplexa tjänstepensionen. Stockholm: SNS förlag More information
Hagen, J. (2017). Utbetalningstider i tjänstepensionssystemet. Stockholm: SNS förlag More information


Hagen, J. (2016). Essays on pensions, retirement and tax evasion (Doctoral thesis, Uppsala: Department of Economics, Uppsala University). More information


Hagen, J. (2022). Country case: Sweden. In: A. Mączyńska, J. Šebo & Ş. D. Voicu (Ed.), Pension Savings: The Real Return, 2022 Edition: A research report by Better Finance (pp. 450 -477). Brussels: Better Finance More information
Hagen, J. (2021). Country case: Sweden. In: A. Mączyńska, J. Šebo & Ş. D. Voicu (Ed.), Pension Savings: The Real Return, 2021 Edition: A research report by Better Finance (pp. 452 -477). Brussels: Better Finance More information
Hagen, J. (2020). Country case: Sweden. In: A. Mączyńska, J. Šebo & Ş. D. Voicu (Ed.), Pension Savings: The Real Return, 2020 Edition: A research report by Better Finance (pp. 407 -429). Brussels: Better Finance More information
Hagen, J. (2019). Country case: Sweden. In: J. Šebo & Ş. D. Voicu (Ed.), Pension Savings: The Real Return, 2019 Edition: A research report by Better Finance (pp. 453 -478). Brussels: Better Finance More information
Hagen, J. (2018). Country case: Sweden. In: J. Šebo & Ş. D. Voicu (Ed.), Pension Savings: The Real Return, 2018 Edition: A research report by Better Finance (pp. 438 -460). Brussels: Better Finance More information
Hagen, J. (2017). Country case: Sweden. In: M. Klages & Á. R. Toscano (Ed.), Pension Savings: The Real Return, 2017 Edition: A research report by Better Finance (pp. 442 -468). Brussels: Better Finance More information


Malisa, A., Hagen, J., Nystedt, P. . Intelligence and financial fraud victimization. More information


Hagen, J., Hodor, M., Hurwitz, A. (2024). Hälsochocker och val av utbetalningstid i tjänstepensionen. Uppsala: Institutet för arbetsmarknadspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU) More information
Hagen, J., Hodor, M., Hurwitz, A. (2024). Health shocks, risk preferences and annuity choices. Uppsala: Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation More information
Hagen, J., Laun, L., Palme, M. (2022). Pensionärernas inkomster i Sverige 1991–2019. Stockholm: Finanspolitiska rådet More information
Hagen, J., Malisa, A., Post, T. (2021). Keep calm and do nothing - trading behavior of Swedish retirement investors during the COVID19 pandemic. More information
Engström, P., Hagen, J., Johansson, E. (2021). Estimating tax noncompliance among the self-employed – Evidence from pleasure boat registers. Turku: Aboa Centre for Economics More information
Hagen, J., Malmberg, H. (2020). Ekonomiska drivkrafter vid hälsorelaterade utträden ur arbetslivet. Uppsala: Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU) More information
Hagen, J. (2020). Partial recall: Differences between actual and self-reported annuitization decisions in Sweden. More information
Elinder, M., Hagen, J., Nordin, M., Säve-Söderbergh, J. (2020). Who lacks pension knowledge, why and does it matter?: Evidence from Swedish retirement savers. Uppsala: Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU) More information
Elinder, M., Hagen, J., Nordin, M., Säve-Söderbergh, J. (2020). Svenska folkets kunskaper om pensionen. Uppsala: Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU) More information
Hagen, J., Hallberg, D., Sjögren Lindquist, G. (2018). A nudge to quit? The effect of a change in pension information on annuitization, labor supply and retirement choices among older workers. Maastricht: Global Labor Organization More information
Engstrom, P., Forsell, E., Hagen, J., Stefánsson, A. (2018). Increasing the Take-Up of the Housing Allowance Among Swedish Pensioners: A Field Experiment. Berlin: NORFACE Welfare State Futures More information
Hagen, J. (2016). Hälsoeffekter av senarelagd pensionering. Uppsala: Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering More information
Hagen, J. (2016). What are the health effects of postponing retirement? An instrumental variable approach. Uppsala: Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation More information
Hagen, J. (2014). The determinants of annuitization: evidence from Sweden. Uppsala: Uppsala University More information
Hagen, J. (2013). A history of the Swedish pension system. Uppsala: Uppsala University More information