Gustav Persson
Universitetslektor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap
Avdelningen för kommunikation och beteendevetenskaper
, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Persson, G.
Speaking on behalf of oneself and others: Negotiating speaker identities in journalistic discourse on refugee activism in Sweden Discourse & Society, 30(2), 117-216.
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Persson, G.
Love, Affiliation, and Emotional Recognition in #kämpamalmö — The Social Role of Emotional Language in Twitter Discourse Social Media + Society, 3(1).
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Persson, G.
Ideological struggle over epistemic and political positions in news discourse on migrant activism in Sweden Critical Discourse Studies, 13(3), 278-293.
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Persson, G.
Being political in the media – Political identities in journalistic and Twitter discourse
(Doctoral thesis, Göteborg:
Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation, Göteborgs universitet).
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