Ulli Samuelsson

Associate Dean of Education
Assistant Professor of Education
The Unit for Education , School of Education and Communication
Dean's Office , School of Education and Communication


Ulli Samuelsson's research focuses on IT use and digital competence from an educational social perspective. At present, this research is being conducted within the framework of a three-year project funded by the Kamprad Family Foundation. In close collaboration with the target group, Ulli, together with researchers from Malmö University and Linnaeus University, is studying what can enable digital participation among older people. In a previous three-year project, funded by Forte, Ulli, together with researchers from Lund University and Linnaeus University, studied the elderly's use of IT. The research project aimed to increase knowledge of how different categories of older people, in their everyday lives and in different life stages, used or did not used, and perceived digital media and applications.

Knowledge of older people's digital participation is still limited, although there are political hopes that digital technology will address the challenges of an ageing population.


Ulli Samuelsson, born in 1967, has a background as an IT educator in the private business world, both as an employee and as an entrepreneur. Ulli has been employed at HLK since 2003, until 2014 as an assistant professor and from 2014 as associate professor of education. 

From February 2021 she is Associate Dean of Education at School of education and communication.

2019 and 2020 Ulli was active at the Jönköping Academy for Improvement in Health and Welfare. This is in the role of regional manager for the national project Mötesplats Social Innovation.

From 2011-2018, Ulli was also the director for the Human Resources Program, one of the bachelor programs at HLK. Under Ulli's leadership, this program was developed into the bachelor programs Human Resources with a specialization in Psychology or Business Administration.

In 2004, Ulli took the master's degree in pedagogy at HLK. The degree also included psychology and sociology. In addition, Ulli has a university education in project management, leadership and change management. 2014 she publicly defended her doctoral thesis “Digital (in)equality? ICT use in school and pupils' technological capital”. The general aim of the thesis is to increase the knowledge base of digital (in)equality by empirically charting and theoretically interpreting the use of information and communication technology (ICT) by young people.


Olsson, T., Samuelsson, U., Viscovi, D. (2019). At risk of exclusion? Degrees of ICT access and literacy among senior citizens Information, Communication and Society, 22(1), 55-72. More information
Olsson, T., Samuelsson, U., Viscovi, D. (2019). Resources and repertoires: Elderly online practices European Journal of Communication, 34(1), 38-56. More information
Samuelsson, U. (2012). Young People’s Information-seeking in School - A Breeding Ground for Digital Inequality? Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 7(2), 117-131 Oslo: Universitetsforlaget . More information
Samuelsson, U. (2010). ICT use among 13-year-old Swedish children Learning, Media & Technology, 35(1), 15-30 London: Routledge . More information


Samuelsson, U. (2014). Digital (o)jämlikhet? IKT-användning i skolan och elevers tekniska kapital (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: School of Education and Communication). More information


Samuelsson, U. (2022). Att kliva in, och vara kvar, i det digitala samhället. In: C. Bjursell & M. Malec Rawiński (Ed.), Äldres lärande: utblickar och insikter (pp. 137 -150). Stockholm: Natur och kultur More information
Samuelsson, U. (2021). Digitalt utanförskap. In: Nationalencyklopedin (NE.se) Malmö: Nationalencyklopedin More information
Samuelsson, U. (2021). Ålderspensionärer och digitaliseringen. In: Livslångt lärande - för välbefinnande, mångfald och delaktighet (pp. 86 -88). Jönköping: Encell - Nationellt centrum för livslångt lärande More information
Samuelsson, U., Olsson, T. (2014). Digital inequality in primary and secondary education: findings from a systematic literature review. In: Matteo Stocchetto (Ed.), Media and education in the digital age: concepts, assessments, subversions (pp. 41 -62). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publishing Group More information


Samuelsson, U. (2021). Support for digital inclusion among elderly – a complex challenge. ESRAD Online conference 2021, 23rd to 25th April, 2021. More information
Bjursell, C., Bergmo-Prvulovic, I., Hedegaard, J., Hugo, M., Samuelsson, U. (2021). Continued growth later in life – older adults learning. European Society for Research in Adult Development (ESRAD), Online conference 2021, 23rd to 25th April, 2021. More information
Olsson, T., Martinez, C., Samuelsson, U., Viscovi, D. (2019). Who Becomes a Silver Surfer? Resources, Repertoires and Technological Histories among Connected Seniors. The International Association for Media and Communication Research conference, July 7-11, Madrid, Spain. More information
Samuelsson, U., Olsson, T., Viscovi, D. (2017). Differences and similarities among Swedish senior users and non-users of the internet: Who and Why?. Senior Citizens Domesticating ICTs Symposium, Lund, April 27–28, 2017.. More information
Olsson, T., Samuelsson, U., Viscovi, D. (2016). Senior Citizens’ ICT Access, Use and Literacy: How Material Resources Matter. Prague: CZECH-IN, 6th European Communication Conference : Mediated (Dis)Continuities : Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures, Prague, 9-12 November, 2016.. More information
Samuelsson, U. (2015). The future is already here – Learn to master IT!. The 6th conference of the ESREA Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults, 14-16 October, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Samuelsson, U. (2010). ICT as a tool for learning or amusement among 13 years old Swedish children. The 6th conference of the ESREA Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults, 14-16 October, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Samuelsson, U. (2010). Present but not always used: Attitudes to and actual use of new media among 13-year-old Swedish children. The 6th conference of the ESREA Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults, 14-16 October, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
