
Events in Swedish
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Workshop - Learn the basics of LinkedIn (4/3)

4 March - 4 March

12:00 - 13:00


<p>Do you want to get started with LinkedIn? Do you want to know how recruiters work with&nbsp;Linkedin&nbsp;for recruiting? How to you build your network? Bring your computer for practical exercises. For beginners. Limited number of participants.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Monday March 4th&nbsp; 4-5.15 pm&nbsp;<br />B3008 J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School</p>
4 March - 4 March
12:00 - 13:00




Workshop - Learn the basics of LinkedIn (4/3)

Do you want to get started with LinkedIn? Do you want to know how recruiters work with Linkedin for recruiting? How to you build your network? Bring your computer for practical exercises. For beginners. Limited number of participants.  

Monday March 4th  4-5.15 pm 
B3008 Jönköping International Business School

Organizer: Career Center

Rapid HIV-test available for students

4 March - 4 March

12:30 - 16:00

Student Health Care

<p><strong>The 4th Mars Noaks Ark will be here and offer to all of our students for a rapid HIV-test.</strong></p><p>If you would like to know your HIV status, welcome to the Student Health Care for a rapid HIV-test.</p><p>The test is free and anonymous. You will get your result within 15 minutes.</p><p>While waiting for the test result, you will have time to ask questions and receive information regarding HIV.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Time and place</strong></p><p>Monday 4 Mars at Student Health Care, drop-in between 12:30-16:00.</p><p>No registration is needed. First come first served!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Student Health Care</strong> in cooperation with <strong>Noaks Ark, </strong>V&auml;xj&ouml;.</p>
4 March - 4 March
12:30 - 16:00


Student Health Care


Rapid HIV-test available for students

The 4th Mars Noaks Ark will be here and offer to all of our students for a rapid HIV-test.

If you would like to know your HIV status, welcome to the Student Health Care for a rapid HIV-test.

The test is free and anonymous. You will get your result within 15 minutes.

While waiting for the test result, you will have time to ask questions and receive information regarding HIV.


Time and place

Monday 4 Mars at Student Health Care, drop-in between 12:30-16:00.

No registration is needed. First come first served!


Student Health Care in cooperation with Noaks Ark, Växjö.

Organizer: Student Health Care

Are you an international student looking for work in Sweden? (11/3)

11 March - 11 March

12:00 - 13:00


<p>Meet EURES-adviser Anders&nbsp;Bergkvist, who will give you tips and advice on practical issues that will make your job hunting in Sweden easier. He will show you who&rsquo;s currently looking for staff to hire, which businesses to focus on in Sweden, and information about work permits, service from the government and information about the Swedish labor market.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Monday March 11th&nbsp;12-1 pm&nbsp;</p><p>B1014 J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students. Please sign up&nbsp;<strong><em><a href="https://ju.se/student/karriar/career-center/anmalan-registration.html">here</a></em></strong>&nbsp;at least two working days before the lecture to be guarenteed lunch!</p>
11 March - 11 March
12:00 - 13:00




Are you an international student looking for work in Sweden? (11/3)

Meet EURES-adviser Anders Bergkvist, who will give you tips and advice on practical issues that will make your job hunting in Sweden easier. He will show you who’s currently looking for staff to hire, which businesses to focus on in Sweden, and information about work permits, service from the government and information about the Swedish labor market.  

Monday March 11th 12-1 pm 

B1014 Jönköping International Business School 

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students. Please sign up here at least two working days before the lecture to be guarenteed lunch!

Organizer: Career Center

Looking for work around the globe (12/3

12 March - 12 March

16:00 - 18:00


<p>Career&nbsp;Planning for a Global&nbsp;Career! Planning,&nbsp;preparing&nbsp;and&nbsp;how&nbsp;to make international&nbsp;career&nbsp;decisions.&nbsp;Nannette&nbsp;Ripmeester&nbsp;-&nbsp;Founder&nbsp;&amp; Director &ndash; ELM (ELM -&nbsp;Expertise&nbsp;in Labour&nbsp;Mobility)&nbsp;</p><p>Tuesday&nbsp;March&nbsp;12th&nbsp;&nbsp;4-6pm&nbsp;</p><p>B1033, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School</p><p><em><a href="https://ju.se/student/karriar/career-center/anmalan-registration.html">Sign up here</a></em></p>
12 March - 12 March
16:00 - 18:00




Looking for work around the globe (12/3

Career Planning for a Global Career! Planning, preparing and how to make international career decisions. Nannette Ripmeester - Founder & Director – ELM (ELM - Expertise in Labour Mobility) 

Tuesday March 12th  4-6pm 

B1033, Jönköping International Business School

Sign up here

Organizer: Career Center

Internships in Sweden and abroad - how to get them and where to start (19/3)

19 March - 19 March

12:00 - 13:00


<p>Want to do an Internship, maybe even in a foreign country? Get information about different opportunities for professional internships, information about how to find them and how to apply.&nbsp;</p><p>Tuesday&nbsp; March&nbsp;19th&nbsp;12-1 pm&nbsp;<br />B1033&nbsp;J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students. Please sign up&nbsp;<strong><em><a href="https://ju.se/student/karriar/career-center/anmalan-registration.html">here</a></em></strong>&nbsp;at least two working days before the lecture to be guarenteed lunch!</p>
19 March - 19 March
12:00 - 13:00




Internships in Sweden and abroad - how to get them and where to start (19/3)

Want to do an Internship, maybe even in a foreign country? Get information about different opportunities for professional internships, information about how to find them and how to apply. 

Tuesday  March 19th 12-1 pm 
B1033 Jönköping International Business School 

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students. Please sign up here at least two working days before the lecture to be guarenteed lunch!

Organizer: Career Center

Doctoral Thesis Defence in Business Administration - Samuel Mutarindwa

22 March - 22 March



<p>Samuel Mutarindwa will defend his doctoral thesis in Business Administration at a public dissertation defense on Friday, 22 March 2019 at 1 pm in B1014 at JIBS.<br />The thesis title is: <a href="http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-43218"><strong>Institutions, regulations, performance and stability of African banks</strong>&nbsp;</a></p><p>Faculty opponent is Professor Thorsten Beck, Cass Business School, London, UK</p><p>Members of the examining committee are Professor Martin Holm&eacute;n, University of Gothenburg, Associate Professor Stefan Wendt, Reykjavik University Business School, Iceland, and Professor Charlotta Melander, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
22 March - 22 March




Doctoral Thesis Defence in Business Administration - Samuel Mutarindwa

Samuel Mutarindwa will defend his doctoral thesis in Business Administration at a public dissertation defense on Friday, 22 March 2019 at 1 pm in B1014 at JIBS.
The thesis title is: Institutions, regulations, performance and stability of African banks 

Faculty opponent is Professor Thorsten Beck, Cass Business School, London, UK

Members of the examining committee are Professor Martin Holmén, University of Gothenburg, Associate Professor Stefan Wendt, Reykjavik University Business School, Iceland, and Professor Charlotta Melander, Jönköping International Business School


Organizer: Jönköping International Business School