Susanne Kvarnström

Licentiate of Medicine

The research project is aimed at exploring and describing collaboration in health and social care, with a focus on the clients and the professionals´ perceptions and the structure of collaborative care in micro-systems. The aim of the preliminary study was to explore how members of multi-profession healthcare teams talk about their team. In the second study the aim was to identify and describe difficulties perceived by health professionals in inter-profession team projects. Statements regarding verbal actions and resolutions were explored to enable discussions of the implications for inter-profession learning. In the forthcoming studies the focus will be on how clients, relatives and professionals experience client involvement in the team and in micro-systems. The studies are being held within the framework of the research programme “Bridging the Gaps".


Kvarnström, S., Jangland, E., Dahlgren, M. (2018). Introducing the nurse practitioner into the surgical ward: an ethnographic study of interprofessional teamwork practice Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 32(2), 765-771. More information
Kvarnström, S., Hedberg, B., Cedersund, E. (2013). The dual faces of service user participation: Implications for empowerment processes in interprofessional practice Journal of Social Work, 13(3), 287-307. More information
Kvarnström, S., Willumsen, E., Andersson-Gäre, B., Hedberg, B. (2012). How Service Users Perceive the Concept of Participation, Specifically in interprofessional practice British Journal of Social Work, 42(1), 129-146. More information
Kvarnström, S. (2008). Difficulties in collaboration: A critical incident study of interprofessional healthcare teamwork Journal of Interprofessional Care, 22(2), 191-203. More information
Kvarnström, S., Cedersund, E. (2006). Discursive Patterns in multiprofessional healthcare teams Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53(2), 244-252. More information


Kvarnström, S. (2011). Collaboration in Health and Social Care: Service User Participation and Teamwork in Interprofessional Clinical Microsystems (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: School of Health Sciences). More information


Kvarnström, S. (2009). Samarbeid og laering i det tverrprofesjonelle teamet. In: Elisabeth Willumsen (Ed.), Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid: i praksis og utdanning (pp. 88 -103). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget More information
Kvarnström, S. (2009). Gemensamt lärande för att studera och utveckla samarbete i vård och omsorg. In: Mattias Elg och Boel Andersson Gäre (Ed.), Vägval och dilemman i interaktiv forskning: kurspaper från Bridging the gaps doktorandkurs Interaktiv forskning 2008 (pp. 199 -213). Linköping: Linköpings universitet More information
Kvarnström, S., Cedersund, E. (2009). Självpresentationer i tvärprofessionella vårdteam. In: Berlin, Johan, Carlström, Eric, Sanberg, Håkan (Ed.), Team i vård, behandling och omsorg: Erfarenheter och reflektioner (pp. 125 -148). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information


Kvarnström, S. (2011). Applications of Clinical Microsystem theory and interactive approaches in research practice: methodological experiences from a Briging the Gaps PhD-project. Micosystems in healthcare - a scientific perspective. More information
Kvarnström, S. (2011). Scientific approaches to patient involvement: Service user participation in the clinical microsystem. 8th International Clinical Microsystem Festival 2011. More information
Kvarnström, S. (2010). Client participation in the interprofessional context of the clinical microsystem.. Microsystem Festival, Scientific workshop, Jönköping 2 mars 2010. More information
Kvarnström, S., Cedersund, E., Hedberg, B., Andersson Gäre, B. (2009). Multiparty team talk: Constructions of user participation in an interprofessional team context. Seventh Interdisciplinary Conference: Communication, Medicine & Ethics. More information
Kvarnström, S., Cedersund, E., Hedberg, B., Andersson-Gäre, B. (2009). Studying collaborative care in Clinical Microsystems Using a collaborative research design. Microsystem Festival, Scientific workshop, Jönköping, 3 april 2009. More information