Claudia Gillberg

Affiliated researcher
Affiliated researchers , School of Education and Communication


Claudia Gillberg, PhD in Education, initially specialised on worklife and adult education, and has remained affiliated with the School of Communiation and Education at the JU. Claudia's research interests include societal development, knowledge producation and barriers to learning. Claudia consders the concept of lifelong learning to be an open-minded and pluralistic approach to life and its challenges which require all of us to develop new insights through reflection, critical evaluation, and, ideally, collaborative learning, no matter where we are. 


Claudia Gillberg has higher education teaching experience at all levels. Examples of taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses are The History and Philosophy of Education, Knowledge Paradigms, Social Science Methodologies, Qualitative Methods, The Politics of Education, Teaching Methods in Higher Education for University Teachers, Professional Development in Preschool through Teacher Initiated Projects, and School Leadership and Inclusion. Claudia has also been managing teacher education programmes and developing new modules, especially on collaborative learning and action research in the field of professional development. Claudia has initiated and carried out organisational learning in the public sector, e.g. the healthcare system and human resources. She is affiliated with a number of research and education organisations worldwide. In the past six years, Claudia has shifted her focus towards issues of access, parity of participation and power for sick and disabled children and adults. She has also been vocal about the urgent need of feminist methods of inquiry in healthcare, especially for chronically ill patients. She is currently working on a book chapter on Ableism in Academia and several other research projects of a collaborative nature. She is a trustee of the newly established ME Patient Foundation and a Fellow at the UK based  Centre fore Welfare Reform. 


Gillberg, C. (2023). Uneindeutigkeit aushalten lernen: Fortbildungen schwedischer Vorschullehrkräfte zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit Weiter Bilden: DIE Zeitschrift fuer Erwachsenenbildung, 30(4), 36-37. More information
Gillberg, C., Pettersson, A. (2019). Between duty and right: disabled schoolchildren and teachers’ ableist manifestations in Sweden Disability & Society, 34(9-10), 1668-1673. More information
Pajalic, Z., Persson, L., Gillberg, C. (2014). Implementing the Action Research approach in the context of Swedish municipal care: A facilitator’s reflections Action Learning Action Research Journal (ALARj), 20(2), 114-129 Brisbane: Action Learning Action Research Association, Australia . More information
Gillberg, C., Vo, L. (2014). Contributions from pragmatist perspectives towards an understanding of knowledge and learning in organizations Philosophy of Management, 13(2), 33-51. More information
Gillberg, C., Vo, L. (2011). Approche pragmatiste de la connaissance et de l'apprentissage dans les organisations Management & Avenir, 410-427 Frankrike: a Société de Philosophie des Sciences de Gestion . More information
Gillberg, C. (2011). A narrative of an action research study in preschool: choice points and their implications for professional and organisational development Educational action research, 19(2), 137-152. More information


Gillberg, C. (2009). Transformativa kunskapsprocesser för verksamhetsutveckling: En feministisk aktionsforskningsstudie i förskolan (Doctoral thesis, Växjö: Växjö University Press). More information


Gillberg, C., Rosengren, E. (2022). Head Teachers as the last outpost for Disabled Pupils? Knowledge-based leadership to safeguard the right to Education. A research insight paper. In: CollectivED: Professional Learning and Development Special Issue (pp. 21 -28). Leeds, UK: Centre for Mentoring, Coaching and Professional Learning, Leeds Beckett University More information
Gillberg, C. (2022). Jane Addams’ Pragmatist Feminist Thoughts and Actions For and With Ill and Disabled Women. In: Patricia M. Shields, Maurice Hamington & Joseph Soeters (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Jane Addams (pp. 603 -623). More information
Gillberg, C. (2021). Kunskapsbildning i samhällets marginaler – dit etablerade forskare inte brukar nå. In: Livslångt lärande - för välbefinnande, mångfald och delaktighet (pp. 74 -75). Jönköping: Encell - Nationellt centrum för livslångt lärande More information
Gillberg, C. (2020). The significance of crashing past gatekeepers of knowledge: Towards full participation of disabled scholars in ableist academic structures. In: N. Brown & J. Leigh (Ed.), Ableism in Academia: Theorising experiences of disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education (pp. 11 -30). London: UCL Press More information
Gillberg, C. (2019). Working in knowledge-intensive organisations when it is impossible to be physically present: female employees who suffer from chronic illnesses. In: Helene Ahl, Ingela Bergmo Prvulovic & Karin Kilhammar (Ed.), Human resource management: A Nordic perspective (pp. 177 -189). London: Routledge More information
Gillberg, C. (2019). Feminism and healthcare: Toward a feminist pragmatist model of healthcare provision. In: P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in health social sciences Singapore: Springer More information
Gillberg, C. (2017). Arbete i kunskapsintensiva organisationer när den fysiska närvaron blir omöjlig: kvinnliga anställda med kroniska sjukdomar. In: Helene Ahl, Ingela Bergmo Prvulovic & Karin Kilhammar (Ed.), HR: Att ta tillvara mänskliga resurser (pp. 223 -236). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Reid, C., Gillberg, C. (2014). Feminist Participatory Action Research. In: David Coghlan; Mary Brydon-Miller (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research (pp. 344 -348). More information
Gillberg, C. (2014). Feminism. In: David Coghlan; Mary Brydon-Miller (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research (pp. 337 -341). London: Sage Publications More information
Gillberg, C. (2012). A Methodological Interpretation of Feminist Pragmatism. In: Maurice Hamington & Cecilia Bardwell Jones (Ed.), Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism (pp. 217 -237). London: Routledge More information
Gillberg, C., Lund, S. (2009). Kampen om utrymme för lärande på en arbetsplats som förskolan. In: Christina Angelfors & Eva Schörner (Ed.), En bok om genus: nyfikenhet, nytänkande, nytta (pp. 143 -157). Växjö: Växjö University Press More information
Gillberg, C. (2008). Professionell autonomi för förskollärare: illusion eller möjlighet. In: Karin Jonnergård, Elin K. Funck, Maria Wolmesjö (Ed.), När den professionella autonomin blir ett problem (pp. 163 -175). Växjö: Växjö University Press More information


Gillberg, C. (2021). Undoing ableism: teaching about disability in K-12 classrooms. More information
Gillberg, C. (2020). Book review: Disability experiences, memoirs, autobiographies, and other personal narratives, volume 1 and 2. Editors: Thomas Couser and Susannah B. Mint. More information
Gillberg, C. (2019). Crip times. Disability, globalization, and resistance. More information
Gillberg, C. (2018). Child pain, migraine, and invisible disability. More information
Gillberg, C. (2017). Against purity: living ethically in compromised times, by Alexis Shotwell, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2016. More information
Gillberg, C. (2011). [Review of] Contours of citizenship: Women, diversity and practices of citizenship. Gender in a global/local world. Milton Park, Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis More information
Gillberg, C. (2010). Feminist Pedagogy: Looking Back to Move Forward. More information
Gillberg, C. (2010). Becoming visible in Iran: Women in contemporary Iranian society, by Mehri Honarbin-Holliday. More information
Gillberg, C. (2010). Whose University Is It Anyway?: Power and Privilege on Gendered Terrain. More information


Gillberg, C. (2024). Ambiguities and ongoing professionalisation processes in Swedish preschools: Curriculum reform and participatory knowledge production for sustainability. OMEP European Conference and Assembly, April 24-26, 2024, Kristianstad, Sweden. More information
Hansson, E., Gillberg, C., Svensson, N., Ivarsson, L., Åkerhag, M., Barrera Espinoza, E. (2024). What's leadership got to do with it? Children's sustainable futures. OMEP European Conference and Assembly, April 24-26, 2024, Kristianstad, Sweden. More information
Gillberg, C. (2018). The inappropriate applicant. Navigating Ableism in recruitment to academia. Ableism in Academia, 23 March 2018, London, UK. More information
Gillberg, C. (2018). The significance of gatecrashing past Barriers in Higher Education: making marginalised knowledge mainstream. Ableism in Academia, 23 March 2018, London, UK. More information
Gillberg, C. (2011). Pragmatist perspectives on knowledge in organizations. EGOS 2011. More information
Gillberg, C., Hansson, E. (2010). The Creative Transformation of Practices and Theories: Democratic Principles for Learning and Knowledge Sharing. Melbourne: ALAR, ALARA World Congress, 2010. More information
Gillberg, C. (2010). Organisational boundary work and AR inside and outside higher education. Participatory Action Research and Action Learning, 8th World Congress 2010, 6th - 9th September, Melbourne, Australia. More information
Gillberg, C. (2010). Feminist Action Research and Pragmatism: How to avoid faulty validity claims in organisations. Action Learning, Action Research World Congress 2010, ALARA. More information
Gillberg, C. (2010). Challenging Higher Education: Knowledge, Learning, and Organisational Development by doing Action Research. Action Learning Action Research World Congress 2010. More information
Björn, M., Gillberg, C. (2006). Democracy and Diversity in Swedish Higher Education. NERA/NFPF Congress, Örebro, March 9-11, 2006. More information
Gillberg, C., Krantz, J. (2005). In what way is methodology compatible with democratic principles of participation?. NERA/NFPF Congress, Örebro, March 9-11, 2006. More information
Gillberg, C., Hartman, T. (2005). Gender Equality in Higher Education: Democracy and Student Access. Gender Equality in Higher Education. More information


Gillberg, C. (2022). Harnessing power in education settings [blog post]. More information
Adams Lyngbäck, L., Bylund, C., Gillberg, C., Jones, G., Larsdotter, M., Nelson, B. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on disabled citizens in Sweden [blog post]. More information
Gillberg, C., Jones, G., Barker, G. (2018). A constitution for disability rights: Eight reasons why disability rights activists should join the fight for a written constitution. More information


Gillberg, C. (2020). Pyjamas-wearing mentors? Dissolving the inclusion / exclusion divide in professional development: A think piece working paper. Leeds: Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University More information
Duffy, S., Gillberg, C. (2018). Extreme poverty in a time of austerity: Submission to UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights. Sheffield, England: Centre for Welfare Reform More information
Gillberg, C. (2016). A Troubling Truth: Chronic Illness, Participation and Learning for Change. Sheffield: Centre for Welfare Reform More information