Staffan Bengtsson

Senior Lecturer Social Work
Deputy Head of Department
Department of Social work , School of Health and Welfare
Associate Professor
Philosophy doctor in social work

Staffan Bengtsson is an assistant professor in Social work, and an associate professor in Disability research. He is also research manager at the School of health and welfare.

Staffan´s main interest is in Disability Research, where he also holds a PhD. His thesis has a historical and sociological approach regarding citizenship and disability. The purpose of the study was to outline some aspects of disability and Swedish society during the 19th century. This involved an analysis of the issue of integration and how politicians and educators motivated the establishment of compulsory schooling for children with disabilities. Social policies in the past are likely to be described in terms of control, repression and barriers. The study looks at disability from a more anthropological view, which implies the use of hermeneutics, seeking to identify the agent´s own understanding of a problem in order to learn more about how social categorization, citizenship and social recognition are integrated and how they change over time.

At the center of ongoing research stands disability as a societal phenomenon in relation to various theoretical perspectives and models, in which socio-cultural dimensions are accentuated in connection to religious and ideological value systems. This approach illustrates how people with disabilities are given different positions and functions that in turn captures some of the tension between inclusion and exclusion. Other research projects deals with labour market policies, and also patient narratives.


Pakpour, A., Eriksson, M., Erixon, I., Broström, A., Bengtsson, S., Jakobsson, M., Huus, K. (2024). The Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (SWEMWBS): A psychometric evaluation of adolescents in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic Heliyon, 10(6). More information
Egonsdotter, G., Bengtsson, S. (2023). Reflections in Case-Based Learning: Experiences of Computer-Based Simulations in Social Work Education Journal of social work education, 59(4), 964-976. More information
Bengtsson, S., Panican, A., Ulmestig, R. (2022). Activation measures through the lens of governmentality Critical and radical social work An international journal. More information
Olsson, L., Bengtsson, S., Granlund, M., Huus, K., Elgmark Andersson, E., Kåreholt, I. (2020). Social service utilisation in relation to class setting - a longitudinal study among children with mild intellectual disability in Sweden European Journal of Special Needs Education, 35(4), 544-558. More information
Egonsdotter, G., Bengtsson, S., Israelsson, M., Borell, K. (2020). Child protection and cultural awareness: Simulation-based learning Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 29(5), 362-376. More information
Bengtsson, S. (2018). The nation’s body: disability and deviance in the writings of Adolf Hitler Disability & Society, 33(3), 416-432. More information
Bengtsson, S. (2018). Building a community: Disability and identity in the Qur’an Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 20(1), 210-218. More information
Bengtsson, S. (2017). Out of the frame: disability and the body in the writings of Karl Marx Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 19(2), 151-160. More information
Bengtsson, S., Bülow, P. (2016). The myth of the total institution: Written narratives of patients' views of sanatorium care 1908–1959 Social Science and Medicine, 153, 54-61. More information
Bengtsson, S. (2016). The two-sided coin – disability, normalcy and social categorization in the New Testament Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 18(3), 269-279. More information
Börjesson, U., Cedersund, E., Bengtsson, S. (2015). Reflection in action: implications for care work Reflective Practice, 16(2), 285-295. More information
Bengtsson, S. (2014). On the borderline – representations of disability in the Old Testament Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 16(3), 280-292. More information
Bengtsson, S., Svensson, L. (2014). Projektmänniskan: arbetsrehabiliteringens möte med den enskilde Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 20(2), 25-40 Karlstad: Karlstads universitet . More information
Börjesson, U., Bengtsson, S., Cedersund, E. (2014). “You have to have a certain feeling for this work”: Exploring tacit knowledge in elder care SAGE Open, 4(2). More information
Alexandersson, K., Beijer, E., Bengtsson, S., Hyvönen, U., Karlsson, P., Nyman, M. (2009). Producing and consuming knowledge in social work practice: research and development activities in a Swedish context Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 5(2), 127-139. More information


Bengtsson, S. (2005). Varför får jag icke följa med dit fram?: Medborgarskapet och den offentliga debatten om dövstumma och blinda 1860-1914 (Doctoral thesis, Linköping; Örebro: Linköpings universitet; Örebro universitet). More information


Bengtsson, S. (2023). For society and the individual: Disability and work in post-war Sweden. In: R. H. Dinu & S. Bengtsson (Ed.), Disability and labour in the twentieth century: Historical and comparative perspectives (pp. 88 -103). London: Routledge More information
Dinu, R., Bengtsson, S. (2023). Introduction: Disability and labour in modern societies. In: R. H. Dinu & S. Bengtsson (Ed.), Disability and labour in the twentieth century: Historical and comparative perspectives (pp. 1 -14). London: Routledge More information
Bengtsson, S., Kalin, T. (2021). Marknadsorienteringen och välfärdssystemens legitimitet. In: M. Dahlstedt, S. Gruber, M. Herz & P. Lalander (Ed.), Socialt arbete - rörelse, motstånd, förändring (pp. 165 -186). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Bengtsson, S. (2021). Funktionshinder i historien. In: L. Kilman, J. Andin, H. Hua & J. Rönnberg (Ed.), Leva som andra: Ett biopsykosocialt perspektiv på funktionsnedsättning och funktionshinder (pp. 329 -343). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Bengtsson, S., Svensson, L. (2013). Erkännandets pedagogik - exemplet lärcenterbaserad utbildning. In: Lisbeth Eriksson, Gunilla Nilsson & Lars A. Svensson (Ed.), Gemenskaper: Socialpedagogiska perspektiv (pp. 181 -207). Göteborg: Daidalos More information
Bengtsson, S. (2012). Arbete för individen och samhället. In: Kristina Engwall & Stig Larsson (Ed.), Utanförskapets historia: Om funktionsnedsättning och funktionshinder Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Bengtsson, S. (2004). Anstaltens utveckling och innebörd. In: Funktionshinder i ett historiskt perspektiv (pp. 67 -85). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Bengtsson, S. (2004). Historisk forskning i ett internationellt perspektiv. In: Funktionshinder i ett historiskt perspektiv (pp. 145 -164). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information


Dinu, R., Bengtsson, S. (2022). Funktionshinder och arbete – internationella utblickar i ett historiskt perspektiv. Arbetarhistorikermötet 2022, Det nionde svenska arbetarhistorikermötet, 27–28 oktober 2022, Helsingborg. More information


Olsson, L., Bengtsson, S., Granlund, M., Huus, K., Elgmark Andersson, E., Kåreholt, I. . Integration of pupils with mild intellectual disability in mainstream school settings - goog or bad for social service utilisation? A longitudinal study among children with mild intellectual disability in Sweden. More information
Börjesson, U., Cedersund, E., Bengtsson, S. . Reflection in Action: A multi-layered approach. “Cause I am good at that, you are supposed to say what you are good at these days!”. More information
Börjesson, U., Bengtsson, S., Cedersund, E. . “You have to have a certain feeling for this”: Exploring tacit knowledge in elder care. More information
Börjesson, U., Bengtsson, S., Henning, C. . A Free regulated work?: Organizational culture and shared knowledge in elder care. More information
Niia, A., Almqvist, L., Granlund, M., Bengtsson, S. . Mono- and bilingual students' frequency of attending school activities. More information


(2023). Disability and labour in the twentieth century: Historical and comparative perspectives. London: Routledge More information


Bengtsson, S., Svensson, L. (2011). Närhet och kommunikation på distans: En studie om hur studenter och lärare beskriver och upplever lärcenter/högskolecentrumbaserad utbildning. Trollhättan More information
Bengtsson, S. (2008). Arbete, sysselsättning och neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder: En utvärdering av Steget i Jönköping. Jönköping: Luppen kunskapscentrum More information
Bengtsson, S. (2007). Etiskt forum: En arena för att diskutera psykiska funktionshinder. Jönköping: Luppen kunskapscentrum More information
Bengtsson, S. (2007). LSS i praktiken: En studie av LSS-handläggares syn på biståndsbedömning och yrkesroll. Jönköping: Luppen kunskapscentrum More information