Daniela Mihailescu

Assistant Professor Business Administration
Business Administration , Jönköping International Business School
Ph.D. in Science
Licentiate of Technology


Daniela Mihailescu is a PhD Candidate in Informatics at Lund University and Associated PhD Candidate at the National Research School of Management and Information Technology. She holds a BTech in Information Technology from JTH, MSc in Informatics from JIBS and a Licentiate in Technology from Linköping University. Since 2000, when she started at JIBS, Daniela has been Program Manager for two external programmes, and currently she is lecturer in informatics.


Daniela's research focuses on two areas Information Systems Design and Enterprise Systems. In her PhD thesis she approaches enterprise systems implementation methodology from a realist and human-centered perspective. Daniela has published in European Journal of Information Systems Evaluation and she served as a reviewer and presented her research in several academic conferences such as European Conference on Information Systems, Americas Conference on Information Systems, and the European and the International Conferences on Information Management and Evaluation.


Daniela's current teaching focuses on enterprise systems but over the years she has been involved in a variety of courses such as databases, programming, systems development and e-commerce. In addition to her practical experience from teaching courses on different levels and tutoring various projects, Daniela has also completed two courses in higher education pedagogy.


Mihailescu, D., Mihailescu, M., Carlsson, S. (2013). The Conditions of Complex Innovation Adoption Occurrence: A Critical Realist Perspective Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 16(3), 220-231. More information
Mihailescu, D., Mihailescu, M. (2010). Exploring the Nature of Information Systems Development Methodology: A Synthesized View Based on a Literature Review Journal of Service Science and Management, 3(2), 265-271. More information
Mihailescu, D., Carlsson, S., Mihailescu, M. (2007). Evaluating Enterprise Systems Implementation Methodologies in Action: Focusing Formalized and Situational Aspects Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 10(1), 83-90. More information


Mihailescu, D., Mihailescu, M., Carlsson, S. (2016). The evolution of an enterprise system implementation methodology by adaptation through reflexivity. 49th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2016; Grand Hyatt ; United States; 5 January - 8 January 2016. More information
Mihailescu, M., Mihailescu, D., Carlsson, S. (2013). Explaining the Adoption of Complex Innovations by Reflexive Agents: A Critical Realist Perspective. Reading: Academic conferences and publishing international limited, The 4th International Conference on IS Management and Evaluation, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, 13-14 May 2013. More information
Mihailescu, D., Mihailescu, M. (2012). Exploring the Adaptation of Enterprise Systems Implementation Methodology: A morphogenetic approach. Atlanta, Ga.: Association for Information Systems, The 33rd International Conference on Information Systems. More information
Mihailescu, D., Mihailescu, M. (2010). A Realist Conceptualization for Studying Information System Development Methodology. International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, University of Cape Town, South Africa 25-26 March 2010. More information
Mihailescu, D. (2010). What characterizes an Enterprise Systems Implementation Methodology?. 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 12-15, 2010, Lima. Peru. More information
Mihailescu, D., Carlsson, S., Mihailescu, M. (2006). A Framework for Evaluating Enterprise Systems Implementation Methodologies in Action. 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 12-15, 2010, Lima. Peru. More information
Mihailescu, D., Carlsson, S., Mihailescu, M. (2006). An Exploratory Study of an Enterprise Systems Implementation Methodology in Action. 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 12-15, 2010, Lima. Peru. More information
Mihailescu, D., Mihailescu, M., Carlsson, S. (2006). An Exploratory Study of an Enterprise Systems Implementation Methodology in Action. 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 12-15, 2010, Lima. Peru. More information
Mihailescu, D., Mihailescu, M. (2006). A Framework for Evaluating Enterprise Systems Implementation Methodologies in Action. 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 12-15, 2010, Lima. Peru. More information


Mihailescu, D., Mihailescu, M. (2008). The contextualisation of an IS artefact: A synthetic framework grounded on a critical realist perspective on the development and deployment of IS development methodology. More information


Mihailescu, D. (2006). Implementation Methodology In Action: A study of an Enterprise Systems implementation methodology (Licentiate thesis, Linköping: Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköpings universitet). More information