Johan Eklund

Professor Economics
Economics , Jönköping International Business School
CeFEO - Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership , Jönköping International Business School
PhD in Economics


Johan is Professor in Economics at Jönköping International Business School. Johan is also Managing Director at the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and affiliated affiliated Research Fellow at Center for Excellence in Science and Innovations Studies (CESIS) at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.


Johan's research focuses on the linkages between corporate governance systems and capital markets. How the corporate governance system distributes rights and obligations among corporate stakeholders, such as banks, owners, investors et cetera, will affect the way in which the capital markets function and operates. In particular Johan studies how ownership structure and composition is affected by control mechanisms such as dual-class shares and how this in turn affects investment decisions and firm performance. These mechanisms are often crucial for maintaining and transferring family control of firms. With in this area can be mentioned the two most recent articles. Johan has coauthored one article that is forthcoming in Applied Financial Economics and one article that has been published in The Journal of the Swedish Economic Association, Ekonomisk Debatt.


Andersson, M., Eklund, J., Tsvetkova, A. (2023). Spatial variations in financial constraints of SMEs-evidence from firm-level estimates of investment-cash flow sensitivities in Sweden Small Business Economics, 60, 1683-1698. More information
Lappi, E., Eklund, J., Klaesson, J. (2022). Does education matter for the earnings of former entrepreneurs?: Longitudinal evidence using entry and exit dynamics Journal of evolutionary economics, 32, 827-865. More information
Braunerhjelm, P., Eklund, J., Thulin, P. (2021). Taxes, the tax administrative burden and the entrepreneurial life cycle Small Business Economics, 56(2), 681-694. More information
Eklund, J. (2020). Varför engagerar sig inte fler ekonomer i debatten? Ekonomisk Debatt, 48(3), 3-5. More information
Eklund, J. (2020). Inför självförsörjningsmål Dagens Industri, 1 juli. More information
Eklund, J. (2020). Rädda landets ekonomi och öka statsskulden Dagens Industri, 1 april. More information
Eklund, J. (2020). Alltför ljus bild av den ekonomiska integrationen Svenska Dagbladet, 16 april. More information
Andersson, M., Braunerhjelm, P., Eklund, J. (2020). Äldre krisåtgärder håller inte nu, regeringen Svenska Dagbladet, 5 april. More information
Andersson, M., Braunerhjelm, P., Eklund, J. (2020). Regeringens krispaket löser inte småföretagens problem Dagens Nyheter, 22 mars. More information
Karlsson-Tuula, M., Persson, A., Braunerhjelm, P., Eklund, J. (2020). Rädda våra företagare nu! Dagens Juridik, 6 maj. More information
Desai, S., Eklund, J., Lappi, E. (2020). Entry Regulation and Persistence of Profits in Incumbent Firms Review of Industrial Organization, 57, 537-558. More information
Eklund, J., Levratto, N., Ramello, G. (2020). Entrepreneurship and failure: two sides of the same coin? Small Business Economics, 54(2), 373-382. More information
Eklund, J., Lappi, E. (2019). Persistence of profits in the EU: how competitive are EU member countries? Empirica, 46(2), 327-351. More information
Eklund, J., Lappi, E. (2018). Product regulations and persistence of profits: OECD evidence Journal of Regulatory Economics, 54(2), 147-164. More information
Eklund, J., Thulin, P. (2018). 250 miljarder fattigare! Svensk produktivitetsutveckling 1950–2027 Ekonomisk Debatt, 46(8), 70-78. More information
Button, K., Eklund, J. (2018). Are there inherent biases in applying cost–benefit analysis? Applied Economics Letters, 25(7), 461-464. More information
Eklund, J., Henrekson, M., Stenkula, M. (2017). Alla kan bli vinnare i en globaliserad värld , 14 maj. More information
Bjuggren, P., Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2016). Institutional ownership and returns on investment Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(4Cont3), 419-430. More information
Eklund, J. (2015). Penning- kontra bostadspolitik – en dåligt hanterad spänning Ekonomisk Debatt, 43(7), 3-5 Stockholm: Nationalekonomiska Föreningen . More information
Bjuggren, P., Eklund, J. (2015). Property rights and the cost of capital European Journal of Law and Economics, 39(3), 523-537. More information
Braunerhjelm, P., Desai, S., Eklund, J. (2015). Regulation, firm dynamics and entrepreneurship European Journal of Law and Economics, 40(1), 1-11. More information
Eklund, J. (2014). På vilket sätt bidrar svenska ekonomer till debatten? Ekonomisk Debatt, 42(6), 3-4 Stockholm: Nationalekomiska Föreningen . More information
Eklund, J., Braunerhjelm, P. (2014). Taxes, tax administrative burdens and new firm formation Kyklos (Basel), 67(1), 1-11. More information
Eklund, J., Desai, S. (2014). Ownership and Allocation of Capital: Evidence from 44 Countries Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 170(3), 427-452. More information
Eklund, J., Braunerhjelm, P. (2013). Hunden, frisbeen och optimala regleringar Ekonomisk Debatt, 41(7), 42-53. More information
Eklund, J., Palmberg, J., Wiberg, D. (2013). Inherited Corporate Control and Returns on Investment Small Business Economics, 41(2), 419-431. More information
Desai, S., Eklund, J., Högberg, A. (2011). Pro-market reforms and allocation of capital in India Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 3(2), 123-139. More information
Eklund, J., Falkenhall, B. (2011). Regler – Till vilken nytta och till vilken kostnad? Ekonomiska samfundets tidskrift, 169-182. More information
Bjuggren, P., Eklund, J. (2010). Svenska storföretag måste höja sina aktieutdelningar , 6 april. More information
Eklund, J. (2010). Q-theory of investment and earnings retentions: Evidence from Scandinavia Empirical Economics, 39(3), 793-813. More information
Palmberg, J., Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2009). Ownership Structure, Board Composition and Investment Performance Corporate Ownership and Control, 7(1), 117-127 Ukraine: Virtus Interpress . More information
Wiberg, D., Eklund, J. (2008). R&D and the Persistence of Profits The Icfai Journal of Managerial Economics, 6(2), 40-53. More information
Bjuggren, P., Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2007). Ändra hellre skattereglerna än lex Leo , 24 april. More information
Bjuggren, P., Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2007). Ownership structure, control and firm performance: The effects of vote-differentiated shares Applied Financial Economics, 17(6), 1323-1334. More information
Eklund, J. (2006). Förbjuda Insiderhandel? Ekonomisk Debatt, 31(5), 18-28. More information
Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2006). A- mot B-laget: en match för den svenska ägarmodellen Ekonomisk Debatt, 17-26. More information


Eklund, J., Pettersson, L. (2017). Högskola i otakt. Stockholm: Dialogos Förlag More information


Eklund, J. (2008). Corporate Governance, Private Property and Investment (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping International Business School). More information


Braunerhjelm, P., Andersson, M., Blind, K., Eklund, J. (2023). Handbook of Innovation and Regulation: Introductory chapter. In: Handbook of Innovation and Regulation (pp. 1 -20). More information
Braunerhjelm, P., Eklund, J., Kugler, M. (2023). Labor market regulations, innovation and technological change. In: Handbook of Innovation and Regulation (pp. 70 -92). More information
Andersson, M., Deiaco, E., Eklund, J. (2021). Swedish perspectives on industrial policy: The Washington Consensus and beyond. In: M. Andersson, E. Deiaco & J. Eklund (Ed.), Swedish perspectives on industrial policy: The Washington Consensus and beyond (pp. 7 -24). Örebro: Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum More information
Eklund, J., Thulin, P. (2020). Svensk konkurrenskraft: Hur kan Sverige säkerställa ett långsiktigt välstånd?. In: J. Eklund & P. Thulin (Ed.), Svensk konkurrenskraft: Hur kan Sverige säkerställa ett långsiktigt välstånd? (pp. 7 -21). Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Eklund, J., Thulin, P. (2020). Vad förklarar Sveriges fall i välståndsligan?. In: J. Eklund & P. Thulin (Ed.), Svensk konkurrenskraft: Hur kan Sverige säkerställa ett långsiktigt välstånd? (pp. 49 -65). Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Eklund, J., Pettersson, L. (2019). Education, human capital spillovers and productivity: Evidence from swedish firm level production functions. In: E. Lehmann & M. Keilbach (Ed.), From Industrial Organization to Entrepreneurship: A Tribute to David B. Audretsch (pp. 203 -223). More information
Andersson, M., Eklund, J. (2018). Navigera under osäkerhet: entreprenörskap, innovationer och experimentell policy. In: M. Andersson & J. Eklund (Ed.), Navigera under osäkerhet: entreprenörskap, innovationer och experimentell policy (pp. 7 -19). Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Eklund, J. (2018). Entreprenörens återintåg i ekonomi och politik: En personlig betraktelse av Pontus Braunerhjelms bidrag. In: J. Eklund & P. Norlin (Ed.), Festskrift till Pontus Braunerhjelm (pp. 57 -64). Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Eklund, J. (2015). Vinster, välfärd och entreprenörskap. In: Johan Eklund (Ed.), Vinster, välfärd och entreprenörskap (pp. 7 -16). Stockholm: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Braunerhjelm, P., Eklund, J. (2014). En fungerande arbetsmarknad – Nyckel till innovation och kunskapsdriven tillväxt. In: Pontus Braunerhjelm, Johan Eklund (Ed.), En fungerande arbetsmarknad – Nyckel till innovation och kunskapsdriven tillväxt (pp. 7 -16). Stockholm: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Eklund, J., Braunerhjelm, P. (2013). Innovationer eller regleringar?: Europas konkurrensproblematik under och efter skuldkrisen. In: Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Lars Oxelheim & Thomas Persson (Ed.), Ett konkurrenskraftigt EU till rätt prisMore information
Eklund, J., Larsson, J. (2011). The use of knowledge in investment theory. In: David Emanuel Andersson (Ed.), The Spatial Market Process (pp. 335 -351). More information
Bjuggren, P., Eklund, J. (2009). The cost of legal uncertainty: The impact of insecure property rights on cost of capital. In: Per-Olof Bjuggren, Dennis C. Mueller (Ed.), The Modern Firm, Corporate Governance and Investment (pp. 167 -184). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar More information
Eklund, J. (2009). Corporate governance and investments in Scandinavia: ownership concentration and dual-class equity structure. In: Per-Olof Bjuggren, Dennis C. Mueller (Ed.), The Modern Firm, Corporate Governance and Investment (pp. 139 -166). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Bjuggren, P., Eklund, J. (2006). Turnover and mobility of firms and establishments in the Swedish service sector: A structural survey. In: Entrepreneurship and Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy (pp. 149 -166). New York: Routledge More information


Eklund, J. (2013). Entreprenöriella Ekosystem – en konstig och förrädisk metafor. More information


Palmberg, J., Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2009). Ownership Structure, Board Composition and Investments Performance. 36th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), 3-5 September 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia. More information
Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2009). Profit dynamics and new firms: Regional entry and exit of firms and the persistence of profits. WRSA 48th Annual Meeting, Napa, California, February 22–25, 2009. More information
Wiberg, D., Eklund, J. (2009). Institutional Ownership and the Return on Investment. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J. (2007). Institutional Owners and Firm Performance: the Impact of Ownership categories on Investments. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J. (2007). Corporate Governance and Investments in Scandinavia: Ownership Concentration and Dual-Class Equity Structure. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J. (2007). Q-theory of Investments and Retentions: Evidence from Scandinavian Firms. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J. (2007). Ownership, Economic Entrenchment and Allocation of Capital. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J. (2007). Institutional Owners and the Return on Investments. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2007). Persistence of Profits and the Systematic Search for Knowledge: R&D links to firm above-norm profits. Trollhättan: Department of Economics and Informatics, University West, Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J. (2007). Institutional Owners and Firm Performance. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J. (2006). Persistence of Profits and the Systematic Search for Knowledge. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J. (2006). The Cost of Legal Uncertainty: R2 Revisited. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2005). Ownership, Succession and Entrepreneurship in an Aging Society. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J. (2005). Ownership, Vote-Differentials and Performance in Swedish Listed Firms.. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2005). Ownership Structure, Control and Firm Performance: the effect of vote-differentiated shares.. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information
Bjuggren, P., Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2004). Ownership, Control and Performance in Swedish Listed Companies. Corporate Governance Workshop, European Corporate Governance and Investment Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, CBS, 2009. More information


Lappi, E., Eklund, J., Klaesson, J. . Post-entrepreneurship earnings across education. More information


(2023). Handbook of innovation and regulation. More information
(2021). Swedish perspectives on industrial policy: The Washington Consensus and beyond. Örebro: Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum More information
(2020). Svensk konkurrenskraft: Hur kan Sverige säkerställa ett långsiktigt välstånd?. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
(2019). Entreprenörskapsutbildning – går det att lära ut entreprenörskap?. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
(2018). Navigera under osäkerhet: entreprenörskap, innovationer och experimentell policy. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
(2017). Svensk konkurrenskraft: Har vi problem med den ekonomiska förnyelseförmågan?. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
(2015). Vinster, välfärd och entreprenörskap. Stockholm: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
(2014). En fungerande arbetsmarknad – Nyckel till innovation och kunskapsdriven tillväxt. Stockholm: Entreprenörskapsforum More information


Broström, A., Eklund, J., Kardelo, M., Svensson, M., Thulin, P. (2022). Entreprenörskap i Sverige – Nationell GEM-rapport 2022. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Eklund, J., Deiaco, E., Ageberg, E., Wiberg, D. (2021). Återstart, lägre arbetslöshet och högre självförsörjningsgrad: vilka hinder ser företagen för att anställa?. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Deiaco, E., Eklund, J. (2020). Vägar till självförsörjning: Slutrapport i projektet Integration Sverige. Stockholm: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Eklund, J., Larsson, J. (2020). När blir utrikes födda självförsörjande?. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Wikström, M., Eklund, J. (2018). Studiedestination Sverige - privat kapital för ökad kompetensförsörjning och konkurrenskraft?. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Eklund, J., Thulin, P. (2018). 250 miljarder fattigare! Svensk produktivitetsutveckling 1950–2027. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Braunerhjelm, P., Eklund, J., Henrekson, M., Kreicbergs, J., Malm, A. (2017). Skatterna och entreprenörskapet: Företagsbyggande, optioner och tillväxt. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Eklund, J., Lappi, E. (2016). Persistence of profits in the EU: How competitive are EU member countries?. More information
Eklund, J., Thulin, P. (2015). Flytt- eller stannfågel?: Högre utbildning, dynamik och matchning på Örebro arbetsmarknad. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Eklund, J. (2015). Utbildningspremie och kompetensförsörjning: Effekter för matchningsproblemen på arbetsmarknaden?. Örebro: Entreprenörskapsforum More information
Palmberg, J., Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2010). Family Ownership and Return on Investments: Founders, Heirs and External Managers. More information
Eklund, J., Palmberg, J., Wiberg, D. (2009). Ownership Structure, Board Composition and Investment Performance. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information
Wiberg, D., Eklund, J. (2009). Persistence of profits and the systematic search for knowledge: R&D and profits above the norm. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information
Högberg, A., Eklund, J., Desai, S. (2009). Promarket reforms and allocation of capital in India. Stockholm More information
Eklund, J., Desai, S. (2008). Ownership, Economic Entrenchment and Allocation of Capital. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information
Eklund, J., Wiberg, D. (2007). Persistence of Profits and the Systematic Search for Knowledge: R&D links to firm above-norm profits. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS More information