Guénola Nonet

Assistant Professor Business Administration
JIBS Champion for Responsibility in Action
Business Administration , Jönköping International Business School


Abord-Hugon Nonet, G., Gössling, T., Van Tulder, R., Bryson, J. (2022). Multi-stakeholder Engagement for the Sustainable Development Goals: Introduction to the Special Issue Journal of Business Ethics, 180, 945-957. More information
Atkins, R., Deranek, K., Nonet, G. (2018). Supply chain food waste reduction and the triple bottom line Social Business, 8(2), 121-144. More information
Nonet, G., Kassel, K., Meijs, L. (2016). Understanding responsible management: Emerging themes and variations from European business school programs Journal of Business Ethics, 139(4), 717-736. More information
Cavico, F., Mujtaba, B., Nonet, G., Rimanoczy, I., Samuel, M. (2015). Developing a legal, ethical, and socially responsible mindset for business leadership Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2(6), 9-26. More information
Nonet, G., Kassel, K., Rodhain, F. (2015). How do business schools support internal innovation and work on their strategy and their reputation? The case of responsible management Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2(17), 69-98. More information
Nonet, G., Kassel, K., Meijs, L. (2014). Business Schools and Responsible Management: A Long Road to Freedom Nitte Management Review, 8(2), 1-10. More information


Nonet, G. (2010). Une introduction au développement durable. Paris: IFORE Institut de FORmation de l’Environnement, French Ministry in Ecology, Sustainable development – Ministère Français de l’Ecologie, de l’Energie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer More information


Kassel, K., Mitchell, S., Abord-Hugon Nonet, G. (2020). A comparative analysis of USA enterprise supportorganizations for conscious capitalism and conventional capitalism. In: A. Novotny, E. Rasmussen, T. H. Clausen & J. Wiklund (Ed.), Research handbook on start-up incubation ecosystems (pp. 239 -253). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Nonet, G., Petrescu, M. (2018). AIM2Flourish – Students connecting with businesses doing good for our own good. In: P. M. Flynn, T. K. Tan, & M. Gudić (Ed.), Redefining success: Integrating sustainability into management education (pp. 215 -226). Abingdon: Routledge More information
Nonet, G. (2015). An interconnected and sustainable way of life according to Nikola Tesla. In: Aleksandr Protić (Ed.), The essential Nikola Tesla: peacebuilding endeavor (pp. 52 -53). Paris: Tesla Memory Project More information
Nonet, G. (2013). Into the wild: Pedagogical Innovation for Responsible Management - Rotterdam Schoolof Management - Erasmus University. In: Inspirational guide for the implementation of PRME: learning to go beyond (pp. 69 -74). Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing Ltd More information
Nonet, G. (2013). Business schools, a new era?. In: Nadine Richez-Battesti, Francesca Petrella, Patrick Gianfaldoni (Ed.), Travail, organisations et politiques publiques: quelle soutenabilité à l'heure de la mondialisation ? (pp. 203 -214). Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain More information


Edwards, M., Abord-Hugon Nonet, G. (2019). "Jobs and Growth": An Inquiry into the transformation of organisational purpose. Leverage Points 2019, International conference on sustainability researchand transformation, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany, 6-8 February 2019. More information
Nonet, G., Kassel, K. (2016). Understanding responsible management. Academy Of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, 5-9 August 2016. More information
Nonet, G., Atkins, R. (2015). Food Poverty and Food Waste Management - Governmental and Business Grass Roots Strategies in Food Waste Supply Chain Management. Second Responsible management education research conference: Inclusive Business, United Nations PRME & American University of Cairo, Egypt, 7-8 September 2015. More information
Nonet, G., Collard, C., Naim Indrajaya, A. (2014). Poverty Eradication through Social and Pedagogical Innovation. Responsible Management Education Research Conference, “The Future of Responsible Management Education”, University of Applied Sciences HTW, Chur, Switzerland, 30-31 October 2014.. More information
Nonet, G., Rodhain, F. (2014). Business Schools and Responsible Management, A New Strategy?. 5th LAEMOS Colloquium, Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies, "How can we organize for alternative social, economic and ecological balance?", Havana, Cuba, 2-5 April 2014. More information
Mejis, L., Nonet, G. (2014). Business Schools and Responsible Management: A Long Road to Freedom. Nitte 4th International Conference, Justice K. S. Hedge Institute of Management, Nitte, India, 29-30 December 2014. More information
Da Fonseca, M., Nonet, G. (2013). Stratégies de Coopération pour un Développement Durable, Quelles Problématiques de Légitimité. RIODD Conference, “Quelles articulations de politiques sociales et environnementales au sein des organisations?”, June 2013, Lille, France. More information
Nonet, G., Rodhain, F. (2013). Into the wild, pedagogical innovation for responsible management?. ESEE, European Society for Ecological, Economics Annual Conference, June 2013, Lille. More information
Nonet, G. (2013). Into the wild and the Principles of Responsible Management Education. United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, 24-27 September 2013, Bled, Slovenia. More information
Nonet, G., Rodhain, F. (2013). Into the wild, pedagogical innovation for responsible management?. ESEE 2013 Conference: Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics, 10th biennal conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, 18-21 Jun 2013 Lille (France). More information
Da Fonseca, M., Nonet, G. (2013). Strategies collectives pour un développement durable, quelles problématiques de légitimité?. RIODD, Réseau International de recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable, June 2013. More information
Nonet, G. (2012). An alternative education to enhance responsible leadership and management?. EURAM Doctoral Colloquium, Rottterdam, The Netherlands, 5-6 June 2012. More information
Nonet, G. (2012). Business schools, a new era?. XXXIIèmes journées de l’association d’Economie Sociale, Aix en Provence, 13-14 September 2012, LEST CNRS. More information
Nonet, G. (2012). Business school, innovation for responsible management. ADERSE, Nice, April 2012. More information
Nonet, G., Rodhain, F. (2012). Business school, pedagogical innovation for responsible management?. Summer school RRI (Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation), September 2012. More information
Nonet, G. (2011). Quelle pédagogie au sein d’écoles de commerce favorise un approche managériale responsable?. Tutorat Grand Sud 2011, Montpellier Research in Management ISEM Université Montpellier 1, France. More information
Nonet, G. (2010). Emotional Competencies’ relevance for Ethical Business. 2nd Intergenerational Encounter for Dreaming Business – Values for Nature and Willingness to Act, New ethical Business Foundation, AIESEC, INSEAD Social Innovation Center and ESADE Institute For Social Innovation, Barcelona, Spain, 28th October 2010. More information