Sarah Fitz-Koch

Assistant Professor
Business Administration , Jönköping International Business School


Fitz-Koch, S., Nordqvist, M., Carter, S., Hunter, E. (2018). Entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector: A literature review and future research opportunities. More information
Fitz-Koch, S., Nordqvist, M. (2017). The Reciprocal Relationship of Innovation Capabilities and Socioemotional Wealth in a Family Firm Journal of small business management (Print), 55(4), 547-570. More information


Fitz-Koch, S. (2020). Who am I, and if so, how many? Identity dynamics in agricultural entrepreneurship (Doctoral thesis, Alnarp: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences). More information


Fitz-Koch, S., Cooper, S., Discua Cruz, A. (2018). Entrepreneurship and rural family identity: Understanding portfolio development in a family farm business. In: M. Rautiainen, P. Rosa, T. Pihkala, M. J. Parada, & A. Discua Cruz (Ed.), The family business group phenomenon: Emergence and complexities (pp. 353 -383). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Parada, M., Akhter, N., Basco, R., Cruz, A., Fitz-Koch, S. (2018). Understanding the Dynamics of Business Group Development: A Transgenerational Perspective. In: M. Rautiainen, P. Rosa, T. Pihkala, M. J. Parada, & A. Discua Cruz (Ed.), The Family Business Group Phenomenon: Emergence and Complexities (pp. 201 -222). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information


Akhter, N., Chirico, F., Sieger, P., Fitz-Koch, S. (2020). Portfolio entrepreneurship in family firms: A review and agenda for future research. IFERA 2020 Annual Conference, 24-26 June, 2020, Santander, Spain. More information
Fitz-Koch, S., Cyron, T. (2020). The interplay of micro and macro transitions in founder identity construction. 2020 BERC, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 3-6, 2020, Knoxville, TN, USA. More information
Fitz-Koch, S., Nordqvist, M., Akhter, N. (2019). Positive Identity Development and Portfolio Entrepreneurship: The Role of Entrepreneurial Identity in Family Businesses. International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) 17-21 of June, Bergamo, Italy. More information
Fitz-Koch, S. (2019). The quest for well-being: Understanding the role of entrepreneurial identity. ACERE 2019, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE) Research Exchange Conference, 5–8 February, 2019, Sydney, Australia. More information
Fitz-Koch, S., Nordqvist, M., Akhter, N. (2019). Portfolio Entrepreneurship as Pathway for Positive Identity Development in Family Businesses. AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings, August 9-13 2019, Boston, USA. More information
Fitz-Koch, S. (2018). The willful pursuit of entrepreneurial identity: Understanding its role for well-being. 2018 BCERC, 38th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 6-9, 2018, Waterford, Ireland. More information
Fitz-Koch, S. (2017). Family entrepreneurship and well-being: Understanding the nature and effect of identity. IFERA 2017 Conference, 28-30 June, 2017, Zadar, Croatia. More information
Fitz-Koch, S. (2016). Habitual entrepreneurship and identity construction in farming families. RENT XXX, 30th anniversary of the RENT conference, 16-18 November, Antwerp, Belgium. More information