Andreas Briggert

Assistant Professor Building Projects


+46 73-910 16 95
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Andreas Briggert was born in Jönköping in 1984. In 2009 Andreas moved to Växjö and started to study at Linnaeus University. After receiving his Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Building Technology in 2014, Andreas started his PhD studies. During the spring of 2020 Andreas graduated as a PhD in Building Technology at Linnaeus University. Since July 2020 Andreas is employed as Assistant Professor at the Department of Construction Engineering and Lighting Science at Jönköping University and is a teacher in structural mechanics and structural engineering.

Research activities

The purpose of Andreas research during his PhD studies was to investigate and suggests grading methods to improve the grading accuracy of machine strength graded structural timber and glulam lamellae to achieve a better material utilization of wood in load-bearing structures. Machine strength grading of sawn timber is a sawmill process in which density, modulus of elasticity and bending or tensile strength are predicted such that the timber can be assigned to strength classes. Andreas was during his years as a PhD student involved in several strength grading projects and has worked in close collaboration with both national and international sawmill companies.


Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2020). Prediction of tensile strength of sawn timber: definitions and performance of indicating properties based on surface laser scanning and dynamic excitation Materials and Structures, 53(3), 1-20. More information
Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2020). Prediction of tensile strength of sawn timber: models for calculation of yield in strength classes Materials and Structures, 53(3), 1-15. More information
Olsson, A., Briggert, A., Oscarsson, J. (2019). Increased yield of finger jointed structural timber by accounting for grain orientation utilizing the tracheid effect European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 77(6), 1063-1077. More information
Briggert, A., Hu, M., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2018). Tracheid effect scanning and evaluation of in-plane and out-of-plane fibre direction in Norway spruce using Wood and Fiber Science, 50(4), 411-429. More information
Hu, M., Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Oscarsson, J., Säll, H. (2018). Growth layer and fibre orientation around knots in Norway spruce: a laboratory investigation Wood Science and Technology, 52(1), 7-27. More information
Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2016). Three-dimensional modelling of knots and pith location in Norway spruce boards using tracheid-effect scanning European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 74(5), 725-739. More information


Briggert, A. (2020). Modelling and strength grading of structural timber and glulam lamellae on the basis of optical scanning and dynamic excitation (Doctoral thesis, Växjö: Linnaeus University Press). More information


Lemke, U., Johansson, M., Ziethén, R., Briggert, A. (2023). New Criteria For Visual Strength Grading of Sawn Timber From Birch Grown In Sweden. 13th World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2023. More information
Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2019). Prediction of tensile strength in sawn timber by means of surface laser scanning and dynamic excitation. Växjö: Linnaeus University Press, CompWood 2019, International Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics – from Material Properties to Timber Structures, June 17–19, 2019, Växjö, Sweden. More information
Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2019). Predicting tensile strength in sawn timber using in plane fibre directions and dynamic modulus of elasticity. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 21st International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Freiburg, Germany, September 24–27, 2019. More information
Hu, M., Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Oscarsson, J., Säll, H. (2016). Three dimensional growth layer geometry and fibre orientation around knots: a laboratory investigation. Vienna: Vienna University of Technology, World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016), August 22-25, 2016, Vienna, Austria. More information
Briggert, A., Hu, M., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2016). Evaluation of three dimensional fibre orientation in Norway spruce using a laboratory laser scanner. Vienna: Vienna University of Technology, World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), Vienna, August 22-25, 2016. More information
Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2015). Three dimensional knot models based on surface laser scanning. Madison, USA: USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 19th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23 -25 September, 2015.. More information
Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Oscarsson, J. (2015). Modelling 3D orientation of knots in timber on the basis of dot laser scanning and the tracheid effect. EUROMECH-Colloqium 556 Theoretical, Numerical, and xperimental Analysis in Wood Mechanics, 27 May – 29 May 2015, Dresden, Germany. More information