Satya Brink

Affiliated researcher
Affiliated researchers , School of Education and Communication


Brink, S. (2023). The right to lifelong learning: Addressing policy challenges for late-life learning in Canada International Journal of Population Studies, 9(2). More information
Brink, S. (2023). Model of environmental intergenerational learning extending to the later years Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica: Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 18(2), 67-79. More information
Brink, S. (2017). Learning in later years in the lifelong learning trajectory Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 15(1), 14-25. More information
Brink, S. (2014). Barn som läser blir framgångsrika Språkbruk, 5-7. More information
Samuelsson, G., Brink, S. (1997). Quality attributes of home help services in Sweden and Canada - A consumer view International Journal of Social Welfare, 6(2), 82-90. More information
Brink, S. (1994). Short note: Shifting from public to private housing- policy under new political realities Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 11(2), 113-120. More information
Brink, S. (1990). International policy trends in housing the elderly in developed countries Ageing International, 17(2), 13-20. More information
Brink, S. (1989). Social equity or distributive justice? The reliance on mainstream and targeted housing policies to serve the elderly in Canada, the United States, Sweden and France Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 6(2), 103-113. More information
Brink, S. (1988). Housing the elderly: governmental reliance on mainstream and targeted housing policies Urban Law & Policy, 9(5), 465-476. More information
Brink, S., Johnston, K. (1979). Housing Satisfaction ‐ The Concept and Evidence from Home Purchase Behavior Home Economics Research Journal, 7(6), 338-345. More information


Brink, S. (2023). The Longevity Dividend: Later Life, Lifelong Learning and Productive Societies. Cham: Springer More information


Brink, S. (2021). Formellt, icke-formellt och informellt lärande. In: Livslångt lärande - för välbefinnande, mångfald och delaktighet (pp. 20). Jönköping: Encell - Nationellt centrum för livslångt lärande More information
Brink, S. (2017). The high performance of Canada’s education systems is confirmed by multiple international assessments. In: Maciez Jakubowski, Krzysztof Konarsewski, Marek Muszynzki, Marek Sulczyk & Pyotr Walicki (Ed.), Szkolne talenty Europy u progu zmian - Polscy uczniowie w najnowszych badaniach Międzynarodowych Warsaw: Evidence Institute More information
Brink, S., King, D., Audet, M., Bayard, J. (2012). Competencies in Canada in a globalisation context. In: B. Della Chiesa, J. Scott & C. Hinton (Ed.), Languages in a global world: Learning for better cultural understanding (pp. 201 -227). Paris: OECD Publishing More information
Brink, S. (2010). Striving for excellence and equity: The value of OECD assessment programs for policy in Canada. In: PISA, PIAAC, AHELO: Miksi ja miten OECD mittaa osaamista? (pp. 19 -32). More information


Brink, S. (2024). Literacy for those on the wrong side of the digital divide. Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning (NAEL) Conference, May 22-24, 2024, Reykjavík, Iceland. More information
Brink, S. (2023). Desirable environmental policies for an aging world​. International Perspectives on Climate Change Policy, Gerontological Society of America, December 12, 2023. More information
Brink, S. (2021). Model of Environmental Learning for People 75+ Based on the Theory of Relatedness. 11th conference of the ESREA Research Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults (ELOA), Bologna, Italy, 2021, 21-22 October. More information
Bjursell, C., Brink, S. (2021). Serial intergenerational learning: Turning absence to presence of grandmothers and mothers in our lives. 11th conference of the ESREA Research Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults (ELOA), Bologna, Italy, 2021, 21-22 October 2021. More information
Brink, S. (2019). The contribution of capital assets to the well-being of adult Canadians as they age and appropriate adult learning responses. 9th conference of the ESREA-Research Network on Education and Learning for Older Adults (ELOA), Gambelas, Faro: University of Algarve, 2019. More information


Brink, S. (2021). Lifelong learning in later life: Active aging through learning [blog post]. More information
Brink, S. (2021). Speak for yourself [blog post]. More information
Brink, S. (2020). 75 years and over in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic [blog post]. More information
Brink, S. (2020). The importance of writing skills [blog post]. More information
Brink, S. (2020). Reading becomes you [blog post]. More information


Brink, S., Nissinen, K. (2018). The challenge for equity and excellence in bilingual Finland: Evidence for future successful action. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research More information
(2016). 3rd global report on adult learning and education: the impact of adult learning and education on health and well-being, employment and the labour market and social civic and community life. Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning More information
Brink, S. (2014). Canadians and 21st century skills: Paper prepared in support of the work of C21 Canada: Canadians for 21st Century Learning and Innovation. Toronto: C21 Canada More information
Brink, S., Nissinen, K., Vettenranta, J. (2013). Equity and excellence: Evidence for policy formulation to reduce the difference in PISA performance between Swedish speaking and Finnish speaking students in Finland. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research More information
Brink, S. (2004). Elder care: the nexus for family, work and health policy. Ottawa: The Caledon Institute of Social Policy More information