Colette Henry

Affiliated researcher
Affiliated researchers , School of Education and Communication


Colette’s research began in the field of entrepreneurship education – the focus of her PhD. Over the years, it has evolved to incorporate entrepreneurship education in STEM (specifically veterinary medicine), evaluation frameworks, entrepreneurship and gender and, more recently, women’s entrepreneurship policy. She has published widely across these areas, disseminating her research through books, journal articles, reports and conference key notes, as well as through webinars and blogs. She is the Founding Editor of the International Journal of Gender & Entrepreneurship, and Founder and Chair of the Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Policy Research network (GWEP). She recently led the publication of a report with GWEP and the OECD (Entrepreneurship policies through a gender lens, OECD, May, 2021).


Colette is an academic manager and researcher with significant international teaching, programme development and research experience in Entrepreneurship Education, Leadership, Gender, Creative Industries and Veterinary Business. She began her career in industry, working in sales and marketing roles in Belgium and Northern Ireland, and subsequently joined Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) as External Services/Incubation Centre Manager. Upon obtaining her MBA, she joined DkIT’s Business School as Head of Department of Business Studies. She has also worked as Professor of Business & Enterprise at the Royal Veterinary College, London, and has held several visiting professorial roles. She worked as an Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship at UiT-The Artic University of Norway for ten years and is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Business Strategy & Innovation at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. Previous roles include Head of School of Business & Humanities (DkIT) and President of the Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (ISBE, London). In 2015 she was awarded the Diana Trailblazer Award from Babson college, and in 2017 she became the Sten K Johnston European Entrepreneurship Education laureate. Colette is a Fellow of the Royal Society, the Academy of Social Sciences and the Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (UK).


Henry, C., Lahikainen, K. (2024). Exploring Intrapreneurial Activities in the Context of the Entrepreneurial University: An analysis of five EU HEIs Technovation, 129. More information
Lewis, K., Henry, C., Roy, M. (2023). Tethering Mission to Context?: Exploring Narratives Underpinning the Competing Social and Financial Imperatives of Social Enterprise Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 14(3), 298-318. More information
Henry, C., Lewis, K. (2023). The art of dramatic construction: Enhancing the context dimension in women's entrepreneurship research Journal of Business Research, 155(Part B). More information
Henry, C., Coleman, S., Orser, B., Foss, L. (2022). Women's Entrepreneurship Policy and Access to Financial Capital in Different Countries: An Institutional Perspective Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 12(3), 227-262. More information


(2023). Women's entrepreneurship policy: A global perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information