Kristina Säfsten

Professor Production Systems


Kristina (Kicki) Säfsten's research interest concerns various aspects of the interface between product development and production. To exemplify relevant questions a few research projects can be mentioned. In the research project RobustSTART focus was on production ramp-up. In the research project INTERFACE both the interface beween technology development and product development and between produt development and prouction are adressed. In another research project (KNOP) focus was on learning during product introduction. In the project INDUS a wider scope was applied, and challenges related to production start-up in a supply chain was in focus. In the current research project, IDEAL, focus is on integrated product and production platforms aiming at supporting agile and customer driven product realisation. In this project there are four sub-projects involved, and Kicki is project manager in a subproject adressing integration with support from so called boundary objects.

All research is carried out in close cooperation with industry.


MSc in Mechanical Engineering in 1991 from the Institute of Technology, Linköping university (LiTH). After that Kristina worked for Ericsson Telecom AB in Stockholm (and Dublin) until 1995 when she was admitted to the research education and IMIE (International Graduate School of Management and Industrial Engineering). She got her PhD in Assembly Technology in 2002 from LiTH. Since 2014 she holds a position as Professor in Production Systems at the School of Engineering, Jönköping university (JTH). Besides research and education Kristina is also involved in the research education at JTH and has acted as associate dean of doctoral programmes for many years.


Vestin, A., Säfsten, K., Popovic, D. (2023). Mitigating product data management challenges in the wooden single-family house industry Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 28, 757-773. More information
Säfsten, K., Harlin, U., Johansen, K., Larsson, L., Rönnbäck, A. (2023). Resilient and sustainable production systems: towards a research agenda International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 18(4), 343-365. More information
Salim, R., Johansen, K., Manduchi, A., Säfsten, K. (2022). Automation Decisions in Manufacturing System Development Projects: The Wood Products Industry Perspective BioProducts Business, 7(1), 1-12. More information
Alayón, C., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2022). Barriers and Enablers for the Adoption of Sustainable Manufacturing by Manufacturing SMEs Sustainability, 14(4). More information
Vestin, A., Säfsten, K., Löfving, M. (2021). Smart factories for single-family wooden houses: a practitioner’s perspective Construction Innovation, 21(1), 64-84. More information
Berglund, M., Harlin, U., Säfsten, K. (2020). Interactive research in production start-up—application and outcomes Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 31(8), 1561-1581. More information
Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2020). Special Issue: Collaborative Research Approaches in Operations Management: Guest editorial Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 31(8), 1509-1515. More information
Wlazlak, P., Säfsten, K., Hilletofth, P. (2019). Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)-supplier integration to prepare for production ramp-up Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(2), 506-530. More information
Wlazlak, P., Säfsten, K., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, G. (2018). Integration of Suppliers’ Workflows in the OEMs’ New Product Development Process Procedia Manufacturing, 25, 479-486. More information
Alayón, C., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2017). Conceptual sustainable production principles in practice: Do they reflect what companies do? Journal of Cleaner Production, 141, 693-701. More information
Larsson, C., Syberfeldt, A., Säfsten, K. (2017). How to visualize performance measures in a manufacturing SME Measuring Business Excellence, 21(4), 337-350. More information
Gustavsson, M., Säfsten, K. (2017). The Learning Potential of Boundary Crossing in the Context of Product Introduction Vocations and Learning, 10(2), 235-252. More information
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2016). Manufacturing strategy formulation, leadership style and organisational culture in small and medium-sized enterprises International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), 30(5), 306-325. More information
Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2015). Managing uncertainty, complexity and dispersion in product development projects International Journal of Product Development, 20(1), 25-48. More information
Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Lakemond, N., Magnusson, T. (2014). Interface challenges and managerial issues in the industrial innovation process Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25(2), 218-239. More information
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2014). Manufacturing strategy frameworks suitable for SMEs Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25(1), 7-26. More information
Rösiö, C., Säfsten, K. (2013). Reconfigurable Production System Design - theoretical and practical challenges Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 24(7), 998-1018. More information
Lakemond, N., Magnusson, T., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2013). Assessing interface challenges in product development projects Research technology management, 56(1), 40-48. More information
Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2013). Towards management of challenges in the innovation process: a case study on the application of the interface assessment tool Product: Management & Development, 11(1), 15-23. More information
Berglund, M., Harlin, U., Gustavsson, M., Säfsten, K. (2012). New ways of organizing product introductions Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, 41(supplement 1), 4856-4861. More information
Lakemond, N., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T. (2012). From Product Development to Production: On the Complexity of Geographical and Organizational Dispersion Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research, 2(3), 125-137. More information
Fjällström, S., Säfsten, K., Harlin, U., Stahre, J. (2009). Information enabling production ramp-up Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(2), 178-196 Bingley: Emerald . More information
Lakemond, N., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T., Säfsten, K. (2007). Interfaces between technology development, product development and production: critical factors and a conceptual model International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (IJTIP), 3(4), 317-330. More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Stahre, J. (2007). The content and process of automation strategies International Journal of Production Economics, 110(1-2), 25-38. More information
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Stahre, J. (2007). Automation strategies: Existing theory or ad hoc solutions? International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), 11(1), 98-114. More information
Säfsten, K., Aresu, E. (2002). Assembly System Design and Evaluation of 15 Manufacturing Companies in Sweden Manufactoring Systems, 31(1). More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2002). Analysis of the congruence between manufacturing strategy and production system in SMME Computers in industry (Print), 49(1), 91-106. More information


Säfsten, K., Gustavsson, M. (2020). Research methodology: For engineers and other problem-solvers. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Säfsten, K., Gustavsson, M. (2019). Forskningsmetodik: för ingenjörer och andra problemlösare. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Abrahamsson, L. Bengtsson, L. Gremyr, I. Kowalkowski, C. Lindahl, M. Nilsson, A. , ... Öhman P. (2016). Industriell ekonomi och organisering. Stockholm: Liber More information
Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Lakemond, N., Magnusson, T. (2010). Effektiv Produktframtagning: analys och hantering av osäkerhet, komplexitet och spridning. Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Bellgran, M., Säfsten, K. (2009). Production Development: Design and Operation of Production Systems. London: Springer More information
Bellgran, M., Säfsten, K. (2005). Produktionsutveckling: utveckling och drift av produktionssystem. Lund: Studentlitteratur More information


Säfsten, K. (2002). Evaluation of assembly systems: An exploratory study of evaluation (Doctoral thesis, Linköping). More information


Bellgran, M., Säfsten, K. (2006). Produktionsutveckling. In: Håkan Ylinenpää, Bo Johansson, Jan Johansson (Ed.), Ledning i småföretag (pp. 161 -197). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Säfsten, K. (2000). Evaluation of Assembly Systems in the Context of Change. In: Performance Measurement: Past, Present and Future Cranfield, England: Centre for Business Performance, Cranfield School of Management More information


Hussmo, D., Säfsten, K., Wlazlak, P. (2023). Aspects affecting boundary objects in product realization: A systematic literature review. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 30th ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, Hua Hin Cha Am, Thailand, July 11–14, 2023. More information
Säfsten, K., Elgh, F., Rösiö, C., Stolt, R. (2022). Integrated product and production platforms: Towards a research agenda. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), School of Engineering Science, University of Skövde, Sweden, April 26–29 2022. More information
Säfsten, K., Harlin, U., Johansen, K., Larsson, L., Vult Von Steyern, C., Öhrwall Rönnbäck, A. (2022). Towards Resilient and Sustainable Production Systems: A Research Agenda. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), School of Engineering Science, University of Skövde, Sweden, April 26–29 2022. More information
Vestin, A., Säfsten, K., Popovic, D. (2022). Information Management in the Wooden Single-Family House Industry-Challenges and Potential Solutions. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), School of Engineering Science, University of Skövde, Sweden, April 26–29 2022. More information
Hussmo, D., Säfsten, K., Wlazlak, P. (2022). Engineering Tools as Boundary Objects Between Product Development and Production. 29th ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, 5–8 July 2022, Cambridge, MA, USA. More information
Hussmo, D., Säfsten, K., Wlazlak, P. (2022). Knowledge Integration in Industrialized House Building – Current Practice and Challenges. Cham: Springer, CARV2021, 8th Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production Conference and the World Mass Customization & Personalization Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, October/November 2021. More information
Vestin, A., Säfsten, K. (2021). Smart Manufacturing in the Wooden Single-Family House Industry - Status of Industry 4.0. 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Ssystems, CMS 2021, 22 September 2021 through 24 September 2021. More information
Wlazlak, P., Hussmo, D., Säfsten, K. (2021). Integration Across Knowledge Boundaries During New Product Introduction. Amsterdam: IOS Press, Proceedings of the 28th ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, July 5 – July 9, 2021. More information
Vestin, A., Säfsten, K., Löfving, M. (2020). Revealing the content of Industry 4.0: A review of literature. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 9th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2020), 7-8 October 2020, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2018). Research Results Improve Learning and Understanding in Master Courses - The use of a manufacturing strategy tool. 8th Swedish Production Symposium, SPS 2018, Waterfront Convention Centre Stockholm, Sweden, 16 - 18 May 2018. More information
Vestin, A., Säfsten, K., Löfving, M. (2018). On the way to a smart factory for single-family wooden house builders in Sweden. 8th Swedish Production Symposium, SPS 2018, 16-18 May 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Bäckstrand, J., Säfsten, K. (2017). Rigor, relevance, funding and qualifications: The catch 22 of University – industry interaction research. 2017 University-Industry Interaction Conference, Dublin, June 7-9, 2017.. More information
Alayón, C., Sannö, A., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2016). Sustainable production in surface treatment SMEs: an explorative study of challenges and enablers from the CEOs perspective. 1rst Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption- GCPSC Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, 1-4 November, 2015. More information
Salim, R., Andersson, O., Schneider, C., Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2016). Levels of Automation in the wood products industry: A case study. 23rd EurOMA Conference, Trondheim, 17th-22nd June, 2016.. More information
Säfsten, K., Bäckstrand, J. (2016). Co-creation of knowledge: Key aspects for relevance in collaborative research projects. Trondheim: International Annual EurOMA Conference, 23rd EurOMA International Annual Conference, Trondheim, 17th-22nd June, 2016. More information
Hilletofth, P., Wlazlak, P., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2015). Challenges with industralization in a supply chain network: A supplier perspective. MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference. More information
Johansson, G., Säfsten, K., Adolfsson, A. (2015). Implementation of R&D management models in global organisations. 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), JUL 27-31, 2015, Milan, ITALY. More information
Alayón, C., Sannö, A., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2015). Sustainable production adoption by surface treatment SMEs: Challenges and enablers. .. More information
Larsson, C., Säfsten, K., Syberfeldt, A. (2015). Performance measurement follow-up supporting continuous improvements in manufacturing companies: A systematic review. 22nd Euroma conference, Operations management for sustainable competitiveness, June 28 - 1 July, 2015, University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. More information
Wlazlak, P., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2015). Supplier involvement in product development: Critical issues from a supplier perspective. 22nd EurOMA International Annual Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 26 June–1 July, 2015. More information
Salim, R., Kristina, S., Mats, W. (2015). Current situation analysis: Manufacturing challenges in woodworking sector. The 23th International Conference on Production Research, Manila, August 2-5, 2015.. More information
Alayón, C., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2014). Implementation of sustainable production principles within Swedish manufacturers. Göteborg: Chalmers university, The 6th International Swedish Production Symposium 2014, Gothenburg, September 16-18, 2014.. More information
Larsson, C., Säfsten, K., Syberfeldt, A. (2014). Performance measurement communication supporting lean production in SMEs. PMA 2014 conference, Aarhus, 2-27 June, 2014.. More information
Säfsten, K., Allert, A. (2014). Business support agencies introducing lean production in SMEs – does it make any difference?. 6th Swedish Production Symposium, September 16-18, Göteborg, Sweden. More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Löfving, M. (2014). Usability of a manufacturing strategy framework developed for SMEs. Proceedings of the 6th Swedish Production Symposium, September 16-18, Göteborg, Sweden. More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Löfving, M. (2014). Development of a manufacturing strategy framework for SMEs. The 21st EurOMA International Annual Conference on Operations Management in an Innovation Economy, June 20-25, Palermo, Italy. More information
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Lim Yan Guan, R. (2014). The use of a manufacturing strategy tool and the role of national culture. 21st EurOMA International Annual Conference on Operations Management in an Innovation Economy, Palermo, Italy, June 20-25. More information
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2013). Development Of A Manufacturing Strategy Tool Useful To SME – An Interactive Approach. The 22nd International Conference on Production Research, July 28-Aug 1, Iguassu Falls, Brasil. More information
Alayón, C., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2013). Sustainability in manufacturing: A literature review. 20th EurOMA International Annual Conference (European Operations Management Association), Dublin, June 7-12th, 2013.. More information
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2013). The role of contextual factors for manufacturing strategy formulation in SMEs. 20th EurOMA conference, 7-12 June, Dublin, Ireland. More information
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2013). Leadership Style, Organisation Culture And Manufacturing Strategy Formulation; Empirical Evidence From Swedish Smes. Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Production Research. More information
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2013). Leadership style, organization culture and manufacturing strategy formulation - Empirical evidence from Swedish SMEs. 22nd International Conference on Production Research. More information
Edh, N., Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2012). Organizational comprehension of manufacturing strategy - A case study of a SMME. 45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems Technology, May 16-18 2012, Athens, Greece. More information
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2012). Manufacturing strategy formulation process – evidence from SMEs. The 3rd EurOMA-POMS World Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. More information
Edh, N., Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2012). Production-related Staff's Perception of Manufacturing at a SMME. 45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2012. More information
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2012). Manufacturing strategy formulation process: evidence from SMEs. 4th World conference P&OM, 1-5 July 2012, Amsterdam. More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Löfving, M. (2012). Requirements on manufacturing strategy frameworks for SMME. Proceedings of Swedish Production Symposium, Nov. 6-8, Linköping, Sweden. More information
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Löfving, M., Edh, N. (2012). A tentative comprehensive manufacturing strategy framework adapted to the requirements in SME. POMS 23rd Annual Conference "Socially Responsible Operations", April 20-23, 2012, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.. More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2011). Manufacturing strategies supporting competiveness in SMME. The 4th Swedish Production Symposium, Lund, 4-5 maj, 2011.. More information
Säfsten, K., Berglund, M., Harlin, U., Gustavsson, M. (2011). Development activities in product introductions – a cross functional approach. 10th International Symposium on Human Factors in Organisational Design and Management, 4-6 April 2011, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa. More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2011). Manufacturing supporting strategies in SMME. EUROMA, Cambridge, UK, 3-5 July.. More information
Säfsten, K., Gustavsson, M., Berglund, M., Harlin, U. (2009). Preparatory Production Activities and Learning During product Introduction. The International 3rd Swedish Production Symposium, SPS'09, Göteborg, Sweden, 2-3 December 2009. More information
Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2009). Assessment of challenges in the innovation process: Experiences from application of the interface management method. The International 3rd Swedish Production Symposium, SPS'09, Göteborg, Sweden, 2-3 December 2009. More information
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K. (2008). Automation Strategies: Implications on strategy process from refinement of manufacturing strategy content. 19th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society. May 9-12 La Jolla, California. More information
Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Lakemond, N., Magnusson, T. (2008). Managing Interfaces in the Industrial Innovation Process. Swedish Production Symposium, 2008. More information
Säfsten, K., Harlin, U., Fjällström, S., Berglund, M. (2008). Proactive and Reactive Ways of Managing Product Introduction. The Swedish Production Sympoisum. More information
Säfsten, K., Berglund, M., Gustavsson, M., Harlin, U. (2008). Learning and Competence Driven Product Introduction. The Swedish Production Symposium 2008. More information
Berglund, M., Harlin, U., Säfsten, K. (2008). Knowledge gained from product introduction and implications for organizational learning. The ninth International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management. More information
Lakemond, N., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T., Säfsten, K. (2007). A model for managing interfaces between technology development, product development and production. R&D Management Conference, Bremen, Germany. More information
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Stahre, J., Granell, V., Frohm, J. (2007). Strategic automation: Refinement of classical manufacturing strategy. 1st Swedish Production Symposium, Gothenburg 28-30 August. More information
Fjällström, S., Säfsten, K., Stahre, J. (2007). Differences concerning information when handling predictable and enpredictable events in production systems. The 8th IFAC Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation. More information
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Stahre, J. (2006). Automation Strategies: Requirements on the Strategy Process. the 39th CIRP International Seminar On Manufacturing Systems. More information
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Lindström, V., Frohm, J., Stahre, J. (2006). Automation Strategies: Refinement of Manufacturing Strategy Content. the 17th Annual POMS Conference. More information
Lakemond, N., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T. (2006). From Product Development to Production: On the Complexity of Geographical and Organizational Dispersion. R&D Management Conference, Lake Windermere, Cumbria, UK. More information
Magnusson, T., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2006). Bridging the boundaries between technology development, product development and production. 13th International Product Development Management Conference, Milan, Italy. More information
Lundin, R., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. (2006). Assessing performance of the Design-Manufacturing (DM) interface: a review of the literature. the Second European Conference on Management of Technology, Birmingham, 10th to 12th September 2006. More information
Johansson, G., Magnusson, T., Säfsten, K., Lakemond, N. (2006). Case studies on the application of interface dimensions in industrial innovation processes. 2nd European Conference on Management of Technology, 10th to 12th September 2006, Birmingham, United Kingdom. More information
Säfsten, K., Lakemond, N., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T. (2006). The Content and Role of Preparatory Production Activities in the Product Development to Production Interface. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, the 39th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems. More information
Groth, M., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2006). Research in Sweden on product and production development: A survey. Technology and global integration, the Second European Conference on Management of Technology, Birmingham, 10th to 12th September 2006. More information
Berg, M., Säfsten, K. (2006). Managing production ramp-up: Requirement on strategy content. POMS International 2006, Shanghai, China.. More information
Fjällström, S., Säfsten, K., Berg, M. (2006). Production ramp-up and the role of information. 8th Int. Conference on MITIP, September 11-12, 2006 in Budapest, Hungary,. More information
Bäckstrand, J., Säfsten, K. (2006). Supply Chain Interaction: Market Requirements Affecting the Level of Interaction. 15th International IPSERA Conference, 2006: Creating and Marketing Value in Supply Networks. More information
Winroth, M., Säfsten, K., Stahre, J. (2005). Automation strategies: Existing theory or ad hoc solutions?. 16th Annual POM Conference. More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Stahre, J. (2005). The content and process of automation strategies. 18th International Conference on Production Research. More information
Bäckstrand, J., Säfsten, K. (2005). Review of Supply Chain Collaboration Levels and Types. International conference on operations and supply chain management, Bali-Indonesia, 15-17 December 2005. More information
Berg, M., Säfsten, K. (2005). A performance measurement framework for evaluation of production ramp-up. International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management 2005, Nusa Dua, Bali.. More information
Berg, M., Fjällström, S., Stahre, J., Säfsten, K. (2005). Production ramp-up in the manufacturing industry: Findings from a case study. The 3rd International Conference on Reconfigurable Manufacturing, Ann Arbor, MI, US. More information
Bellgran, M., Säfsten, K. (2004). Production System Design and Evaluation for Increased System Robustness. Second World Conference on POM and 15th Annual POM Conference, Cancun, Mexico. More information
Johansson, J., Belov, I., Säfsten, K., Leisner, P. (2004). Thermal Analysis of an Electronic Module with a Double-sided PCB Housed in a 2-MCU Enclosure for Avionic Applications. Washington, D.C.: IMAPS--International Microelectronics and Packaging Society, 2004 International Symposium on Microelectronics, November 14-18, 2004, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, Ca. More information
Johansson, J., Belov, I., Säfsten, K., Leisner, P. (2004). Thermal design evaluation of an electronic module for helicopter applications. WEAG-CEPA2 Microelectronics Workshop on Thermal Management. More information
Säfsten, K., Bellgran, M. (2003). Strategies for Learning During Design and Evaluation of Production Systems. The 17th International Conferemce on Production Research. More information
Säfsten, K. (2003). Evaluation of assembly systems and different approaches to system design. Cork, Ireland 20th International Manufacturing Conference (IMC 20). More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2001). Analysis of the congruence between manufacturing strategy and production system in SMME. Fourth SMESME International Conference Stimulating Manufacturing Excellence in Small & Medium Enterprises, 14 - 16 May 2001Aalborg, Denmark. More information
Säfsten, K., Bellgran, M. (2001). Design Driven Evaluation of Production Systems. Prague, Czech republic The 16th International Conference on Production Research. More information
Broman, M., Eskilander, S., Säfsten, K. (2000). Interaction between Assembly System Suppliers and their Customers. Stockholm, Sweden The 33RD CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems. More information
Säfsten, K., Aresu, E. (2000). Assembly System Design and Evaluation at 15 Manufacturing Companies in Sweden. Stockholm, Sweden 33rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems. More information
Säfsten, K., Johansson, C. (1999). Systematic Evaluation Supports Efficiency in Assembly Systems. The Second International Conference. Managing Enterprises, Stakeholders, Engineering, Logistics and Achievement. 18-20 November 1999, Newcastle, Australia. More information
Säfsten, K. (1999). Strategic Preconditions for Efficient Assembly. Limerick, Ireland The fifteenth conference of the International Foundation for Production Research ; 9th-12th August 1999. More information


Vestin, A., Säfsten, K., Popovic, D. (2023). Enablers for PLM implementation in the Wooden Single-Family House Industry. More information
Wlazlak, P., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, G., Säfsten, K. . Managing disturbances during the industrialisation process from a supplier perspective. More information
Salim, R., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Johansson, J. . Automation decisions from a manufacturing strategy perspective – A systematic literature review. More information
Salim, R., Johansson, A., Johansen, K., Manduchi, A., Säfsten, K. . Supporting automation decisions in manufacturing system development projects – The wood products industry perspective. More information
Hussmo, D., Säfsten, K., Wlazlak, P. . Aspects affecting boundary objects in product realization: A systematic literature review. More information
Hussmo, D., Säfsten, K., Wlazlak, P. . Boundary objects in product realization: The role of properties, situation, and interplay. More information

Proceedings (redaktörskap)

Säfsten, K., Elgh, F. (Eds.). (2020). SPS2020: Proceedings of the Swedish Production Symposium, October 7–8, 2020. , Amsterdam: IOS Press More information


Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Löfving, M. (2014). STRATEGO - Manufacturing strategies supporting competitiveness in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises: A Handbook. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M., Löfving, M. (2014). STRATEGO Produktionsstrategier som stöd för konkurrenskraft i små och medelstora tillverkande företag – en handbok. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information
Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2005). Forskningsverksamhet inom produktframtagning i Sverige: En ögonblicksbild år 2004. Stockholm: Verket för innovationssystem (VINNOVA) More information
Säfsten, K., Bellgran, M. (2002). Scientific considerations and methodological issues in research on assembly system design and assembly system evaluation. Linköping: Linköping University More information
Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2002). Produktionssystem och produktionsstrategi i balans. Linköping: Linköpings universitet More information
Säfsten, K., Aresu, E. (2000). Vad är bra monteringssystem?: En studie av utvärdering och utformning på 15 industriföretag i Sverige. Linköping: Linköpings universitet More information
Säfsten, K. (1998). Strategic management of technology: Implications for an assemmbly plant. Linköping: Linköpings universitet More information


Säfsten, K. (1998). Requirements and strategic precondictions for efficient assembly: a theoretical analysis (Licentiate thesis, Linköping: Linköping University). More information