Britt-Marie Leivik Knowles

Doctoral Student in Media and Communications
Doctoral Programmes , School of Education and Communication


Britt-Marie Leivik Knowles is a doctoral candidate within Media- and Communication Science, at Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Jönköping University. She is conducting research within the field of Crisis Management and Crisis Communication. She is at present working on her doctoral thesis about Swedish authorities and the media regarding their interplay in connection with the Estonia disaster in 1994 – a historic event. The study has an Actor-structure Approach, i.e., the frame of reference is sensemaking and system theory. Britt-Marie has over the years participated in multi-scientific research projects, with the focus on the civil part of the Swedish total defence. She has also participated in networks with practitioners from civil preparedness organizations in the Swedish society and has been engaged in different municipalities´ educational days and lecture series.


Britt-Marie received her Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Media- and Communication Science from JMG, at the University of Gothenburg. Apart from media studies, the degree also contains studies in Political science, from the University of Gothenburg, and Law studies, from Lund University.

Britt-Marie has been teaching at several universities in Sweden, for example at the University of Gothenburg, University West, Örebro University, the Swedish Defence University, and Jönköping University. In 2006 Britt-Marie was awarded The Student Union´s prize for best teacher at Jönköping University. She was also the chairman for Saco (Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations) between 2015-2019 at Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Jönköping University.






Leivik-Knowles, B. (2008). Vad är egentligen en kris?. In: Medier och kommunikation i förändring: Forskning vid den 30-årsjubilerande medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapliga utbildningen i Jönköping (pp. 99 -115). Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation More information
Leivik-Knowles, B. (2000). Sekundäranalys. In: Mats Ekström, Larsåke Larsson (Ed.), Metoder i kommunikationsvetenskap Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Leivik-Knowles, B. (1998). Inter-organizational Communication between the Authorities and the Media. In: Civil beredskap: Risk, kris, säkerhet och sårbarhet i samhälletMore information


Leivik-Knowles, B. (2017). Inter-organizational crisis communication. NordMedia 2017, 23rd Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research, Tampere, Finland, 17-19 August, 2017. More information
Leivik-Knowles, B. (2015). Societal crisis communication. The 5th annual international crisis and risk communication (ICRC) conference , UCF, Orlando, March 2015. More information
Leivik-Knowles, B. (2014). Crisis Communication Between the Authorities and the Media in the Event of Extraordinary Societal Situations. 5th ECREA conference 2014 in Lisboa, Portugal. More information
Leivik-Knowles, B. (2013). Kriskommunikation mellan myndigheter och medier. Nordiska mediekonferensen i Oslo, augusti 2013. More information
Leivik-Knowles, B. (2011). Posterpresentation av avhandlingsmaterial. NordMedia, augusti 2011, Akureyri, Island. More information
Leivik-Knowles, B. (2007). Kris eller ingen kris, det är frågan: reflektion kring krisbgereppet. NordMedia, augusti 2007, Helsinki, Finland. More information
Leivik-Knowles, B. (2005). Organisatoriskt lärande och kriskommunikation: En fruktbar kombination?. Nordiska mediekonferensen i Aalborg, Danmark, augusti 2005. More information
Leivik-Knowles, B. (2001). Mediers och myndigheters kommunikation i samband med extraordinära händelser: Sekundäranalys av två fallstudier. Nordiska mediekonferensen i Reykjavik, Island, augusti 2001. More information
Leivik-Knowles, B., Pettersson, C., Skoglund, P. (1994). Dealing with the unforeseen: With routines developed for the expected. Local Authorities Confronting Disasters and Emergencies, 16-19 October, 1994, Tel-Aviv, Israel. More information


Leivik-Knowles, B. (1997). Inter-organisatorisk kommunikation mellan myndigheter och medier. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation More information
Leivik-Knowles, B., Nohrstedt, S., Pettersson, C., Skoglund, P. (1997). Möta eller mota: Båtflyktingmottagning på Gotland 1992/93. Örebro: Novemus, Högskolan i Örebro More information
Skoglund, P., Pettersson, C., Leivik-Knowles, B. (1996). Mellan fred och krig: Tre perspektiv på extraordinära händelser och svensk risk- och krishantering. Örebro: Novemus, Högsk. i Örebro More information
Leivik-Knowles, B., Nohrstedt, S., Pettersson, C., Skoglund, P. (1995). Möta eller mota: Båtflyktingmottagning på Gotland 1992/93. Örebro: Högskolan i Örebro More information
Leivik-Knowles, B., Jansson, H., Skoglund, P. (1993). Information och kommunikation om civil beredskap: mönster och förutsättningar : en studie genomförd av Novemus på uppdrag av ÖCBs informationscentrum. Stockholm: Överstyrelsen för civil beredskap More information