Per Davidsson

Professor Entrepreneurship
Business Administration , Jönköping International Business School
PhD in Business Administration


Per Davidsson is regarded one of the leading entrepreneurship researchers worldwide. He is currently (2022-) focusing on ‘external enablement’, that is, how business-environmental changes (e.g., new technology and/or macroeconomic, regulatory, sociocultural, demographic and natural-environmental changes) create potentials that entrepreneurs can leverage for entrepreneurial action and success. He has also made well-cited contributions on small firm growth; nascent entrepreneurship; the venture creation process; entrepreneurial bricolage; and the role of entrepreneurship for regional development and job creation.  


Per Davidsson is Professor of Entrepreneurship at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) since 1996. Retaining his affiliation with JIBS while his main affiliation was with Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, 2004-2023 he has recently increased his engagement with JIBS and made it his main affiliation. His international assignments have also included affiliations with Zhejiang University (China) and University of Louisville (US). In addition, he holds an honorary doctorate with Leuphana University, Germany. 

From 2007 to 2012, Davidsson served as elected officer of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management, including being its Chair in 2010/11. He has also served as Associate Editor for several leading, scholarly journal.

Curriculum Vitae

Download Per Davidsson's CV


Zarea, F., Burgers, J., Obschonka, M., Davidsson, P. (2024). Imprinting parental signals: a key driver of network status for new spinoff firms Small Business Economics. More information
Kuckertz, A., Scheu, M., Davidsson, P. (2023). Chasing mythical creatures – A (not-so-sympathetic) critique of entrepreneurship's obsession with unicorn startups Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 19. More information
Sakhdari, K., Burgers, J., Davidsson, P. (2023). Alliance portfolio management capabilities, corporate entrepreneurship, and relative firm performance in SMEs Journal of small business management (Print), 61(2), 802-830. More information
Davidsson, P. (2023). Ditching Discovery-Creation for Unified Venture Creation Research Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 47(2), 594-612. More information
Steffens, P., Baker, T., Davidsson, P., Senyard, J. (2023). When Is Less More?: Boundary Conditions of Effective Entrepreneurial Bricolage Journal of Management, 49(4), 1277-1311. More information
Zarea Fazlelahi, F., Burgers, J., Obschonka, M., Davidsson, P. (2023). Spinoffs’ alliance network growth beyond parental ties: performance diminishing, then performance enhancing Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 40, 743-773. More information
Davidsson, P., Sufyan, M. (2023). What does AI think of AI as an external enabler (EE) of entrepreneurship?: An assessment through and of the EE framework Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 20. More information
Davidsson, P., Recker, J., Chalmers, D., Carter, S. (2023). Environmental change, strategic entrepreneurial action, and success: Introduction to a special issue on an important, neglected topic Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 17(2), 322-334. More information
Davidsson, P. (2023). Making contributions: personal reflections from the co-creative evolution of entrepreneurship research Small Business Economics, 61, 1391-1410. More information
Parker, S. Åstebro, T. Audretsch, D. Blackburn, R. Burke, A. Coad, A. , ... Thurik R. (2023). “Remembering David J Storey, a pioneer of the entrepreneurship field” Small Business Economics, 62, 1-21. More information
Ardianti, R., Obschonka, M., Davidsson, P. (2022). Psychological well-being of hybrid entrepreneurs Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 17. More information
Davidsson, P. (2022). McBride and Wuebker's Socially Objective Opportunities: Do they move the field forward? Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 18. More information
Davidsson, P., Gruenhagen, J. (2022). Two types of entrepreneurship process research revisited: Solidifying the evidence and moving forward Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 18. More information
Fazlelahi, F., Burgers, J., Obschonka, M., Davidsson, P. (2022). The imprinting effects of parent firms on the evolution of young spinoff alliance networks Journal of small business management (Print). More information
Kim, J., Davidsson, P. (2022). External Enablers of Entrepreneurship: A Review and Agenda for Accumulation of Strategically Actionable Knowledge Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 46(3), 643-687. More information
Berger, E., von Briel, F., Davidsson, P., Kuckertz, A. (2021). Digital or not – The future of entrepreneurship and innovation: Introduction to the special issue Journal of Business Research, 125, 436-442. More information
Davidsson, P., Grégoire, D., Lex, M. (2021). Venture Idea Assessment (VIA): Development of a needed concept, measure, and research agenda Journal of Business Venturing, 36(5). More information
Kachlami, H., Davidsson, P., Obschonka, M., Yazdanfar, D., Lundström, A. (2021). The regional employment effects of new social firm entry Small Business Economics, 57, 1221-1241. More information
Davidsson, P., Gruenhagen, J. (2021). Fulfilling the Process Promise: A Review and Agenda for New Venture Creation Process Research Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 45(5), 1083-1118. More information
Hor, S., Chang, A., Oliveira, R., Davidsson, P. (2021). From the theories of financial resource acquisition to a theory for acquiring financial resources - how should digital ventures raise equity capital beyond seed funding Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 16. More information
Davidsson, P. (2021). It’s the Product-Market Fit, Stupid! A Commentary on “Early Indicators of Very Long Term Venture Performance: A 20 Year Panel Study” by Gimmon, Eli and Levie, Jonathan Academy of Management Discoveries, 7(2), 317-319. More information
Davidsson, P. (2021). External Enablement of Entrepreneurial Action and Success The Brunswik Society Newsletter, 36, 27-29. More information
Davidsson, P., Recker, J., von Briel, F. (2021). COVID-19 as External Enabler of entrepreneurship practice and research BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 24(3), 214-223. More information
Gruenhagen, J., Davidsson, P., Sawang, S. (2020). Returnee Entrepreneurs: A Systematic Literature Review, Thematic Analysis, And Research Agenda. More information
Davidsson, P., Recker, J., von Briel, F. (2020). External enablement of new venture creation: A framework Academy of Management Perspectives, 34(3), 311-332. More information
Davidsson, P. (2020). Look out! See change? Sea change ahead! Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(3), 321-324. More information
Shu, C., Liu, J., Zhao, M., Davidsson, P. (2020). Proactive environmental strategy and firm performance: The moderating role of corporate venturing International Small Business Journal, 38(7), 654-676. More information
von Briel, F., Davidsson, P., Recker, J. (2018). Digital Technologies as External Enablers of New Venture Creation in the IT Hardware Sector Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 42(1), 47-69. More information
Gruenhagen, J., Sawang, S., Gordon, S., Davidsson, P. (2018). International experience, growth aspirations, and the internationalisation of new ventures Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 16(3), 421-440. More information
von Briel, F., Recker, J., Davidsson, P. (2018). Not all digital venture ideas are created equal: Implications for venture creation processes Journal of strategic information systems, 27(4), 278-295. More information
Shim, J., Davidsson, P. (2018). Shorter than we thought: The duration of venture creation processes Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 9, 10-16. More information
Gruenhagen, J., Davidsson, P. (2018). Returnee Entrepreneurs: Do They All Boost Emerging Economies? International Review of Entrepreneurship, 16(4), 455-488. More information
Davidsson, P. (2017). Opportunities, propensities, and misgivings: Some closing comments Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 8, 123-124. More information
Davidsson, P. (2017). Reflections on misgivings about “dismantling” the opportunity construct Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 7, 65-67. More information
Davidsson, P. (2017). Entrepreneurial opportunities as propensities: Do Ramoglou & Tsang move the field forward? Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 7, 82-85. More information
Davidsson, P. (2017). The market for lemons in serial entrepreneurship: a commentary , 3(1), 104-106. More information
Davidsson, P., Baker, T., Senyard, J. (2017). A measure of entrepreneurial bricolage behavior International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 23(1), 114-135. More information
Davidsson, P., Gordon, S. (2016). Much ado about nothing? The surprising persistence of nascent entrepreneurs through macroeconomic crisis Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 40(4), 915-941. More information
Davidsson, P. (2016). A “Business Researcher” View on Opportunities for Psychology in Entrepreneurship Research Applied Psychology: an international review, 65(3), 628-636. More information
Naldi, L., Achtenhagen, L., Davidsson, P. (2015). International Corporate Entrepreneurship among SMEs: A test of Stevenson’s notion of Entrepreneurial Management Journal of small business management (Print), 53(3), 780-800. More information
Davidsson, P. (2015). Entrepreneurial opportunities and the entrepreneurship nexus: A re-conceptualization Journal of Business Venturing, 30(5), 674-695. More information
Davidsson, P. (2015). Data replication and extension: A commentary Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 3, 12-15. More information
Crawford, G., Aguinis, H., Lichtenstein, B., Davidsson, P., McKelvey, B. (2015). Power law distributions in entrepreneurship: Implications for theory and research Journal of Business Venturing, 30(5), 696-713. More information
Naldi, L., Davidsson, P. (2014). Entrepreneurial growth: the role of international knowledge acquisition as moderated by firm age Journal of Business Venturing, 29(5), 687-703. More information
Senyard, J., Baker, T., Steffens, P., Davidsson, P. (2014). Bricolage as a path to innovativeness for resource-constrained new firms The Journal of product innovation management, 31(2), 211-230. More information
Steffens, P., Weeks, C., Davidsson, P., Isaak, L. (2014). Shouting from the ivory tower: A marketing approach to improve communication of academic research to entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 38(2), 399-426. More information
Davidsson, P. (2013). Some reflection on research 'Schools' and geographies Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 25(1-2), 100-110. More information
Coeurderoy, R., Davidsson, P., Lwango, A., Murray, G., Tywoniak, S. (2013). L’internationalisation des jeunes entreprises de hautes technologies : Le rôle des compétences internationales des fondateurs: [The internationalization of new technology based Firms: the Role of the international Skills of founding Teams] Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 16(1). More information
Stuetzer, M., Obschonka, M., Davidsson, P., Schmitt-Rodermund, E. (2013). Where do entrepreneurial skills come from? Applied Economics Letters, 20(12), 1183-1186. More information
Davidsson, P., Gordon, S. (2012). Panel studies of new venture creation: a methods-focused review and suggestions for future research. More information
Steffens, P., Terjesen, S., Davidsson, P. (2012). Birds of a feather get lost together: new venture team composition and performance Small Business Economics, 39(3), 727-743. More information
Wiklund, J., Davidsson, P., Audretsch, D., Karlsson, C. (2011). The Future of Entrepreneurship Research Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 35(1), 1-9. More information
Lockett, A., Wiklund, J., Davidsson, P., Girma, S. (2011). Organic and acquisitive growth: Re-examining, testing and extending Penrose’s growth theory Journal of Management Studies, 48(1), 48-74. More information
Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2010). Small Firm Growth. More information
Davidsson, P., Wiklund, J. (2009). Scott A. Shane: winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research. More information
McKelvie, A., Davidsson, P. (2009). From Resource Base to Dynamic Capabilities: An investigation of new firms British Journal of Management, 20(1), 63-80. More information
Samuelsson, M., Davidsson, P. (2009). Does venture opportunity variation matter?: Investigating systematic process differences between innovative and imitative new ventures Small Business Economics, 33(2), 229-255. More information
Chandler, G., McKelvie, A., Davidsson, P. (2009). Asset specificity and behavioral uncertainty as moderators of the sales growth: employment growth relationship in emerging ventures Journal of Business Venturing, 24(4), 373-387. More information
Davidsson, P., Steffens, P., Fitzsimmons, J. (2009). Growing profitable or growing from profits: Putting the horse in front of the cart? Journal of Business Venturing, 24(4), 388-406. More information
Steffens, P., Davidsson, P., Fitzsimmons, J. (2009). Performance Configurations over time: Implications for growth- and profit-orientated strategies Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 33(1), 125-148. More information
Hunter, E., Davidsson, P. (2007). Celebrity Entrepreneurship: Communication Effectiveness through Perceived Involvement International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 4(5), 505-527. More information
Robinson, D., Davidsson, P., van der Mescht, H., Court, P. (2007). How entrepreneurs deal with ethical challenges: An application of the business ethics synergy star technique Journal of Business Ethics, 71(4), 411-423. More information
Gartner, W., Davidsson, P., Zahra, S. (2006). Are You Talking to Me? The Nature of Community in Entrepreneurship Scholarship Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 30(3), 321-331. More information
Davidsson, P., Hunter, E., Klofsten, M. (2006). Institutional forces: The invisible hand that shapes venture ideas? International Small Business Journal, 24(2), 115-131. More information
Zahra, S., Sapienza, H., Davidsson, P. (2006). Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Capabilities: A Review, Model and Research Agenda Journal of Management Studies, 25(4), 917-955. More information
Gartner, W., Davidsson, P., Zahra, S. (2006). Are you talking to me?: The nature of community in entrepreneurship scholarship Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 30(3), 321-333. More information
Davidsson, P. (2005). Methodological approaches to entrepreneurship: Past research and suggestions for the future Small Enterprise Research, 13(1), 1-21. More information
Davidsson, P. (2005). Paul D. Reynolds: Entrepreneurship research innovator, coordinator, and disseminator Small Business Economics, 24(4), 351-358. More information
Davidsson, P. (2005). The types and contextual fit of entrepreneurial processes International Journal Entrepreneurship Education, 2(4), 407-430. More information
Marell, A., Davidsson, P., Gärling, T., Laitila, T. (2004). Direct and indirect effects on households’ intentions to replace the old car Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 11(1), 1-8. More information
Davidsson, P., Klofsten, M. (2003). The Business Platform: Developing an instrument to gauge and assist the development of young firms Journal of small business management (Print), 41(1), 1-26. More information
Delmar, F., Davidsson, P., Gartner, W. (2003). Arriving at the high growth firm Journal of Business Venturing, 18(2), 189-216. More information
Wiklund, J., Davidsson, P., Delmar, F. (2003). What do they think and feel about growth?: An expectancy-value approach to small business managers’ attitudes toward growth Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 27(3), 247-269. More information
Davidsson, P., Honig, B. (2003). The role of social and human capital among nascent entrepreneurs Journal of Business Venturing, 18(3), 301-331. More information
Davidsson, P. (2002). What entrepreneurship research can do for business and policy practice International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 1, 5-24 Dublin: Senate Hall Academic Publishing . More information
Davidsson, P., Delmar, F. (2002). Les entreprises à forte croissance et leur contribution à l’emploi: le cas de la Suède 1987-1996 Revue Gestion 2000, 5, 167-190. More information
Davidsson, P., Kirchhoff, B., Hatemi-J, A., Gustavsson, H. (2002). Empirical analysis of growth factors using Swedish data Journal of small business management (Print), 40(4), 332-349. More information
Davidsson, P., Henreksson, M. (2002). Determinants of the prevalence of start-ups and high-growth firms Small Business Economics, 19(2), 81-104. More information
Dahlqvist, J., Davidsson, P., Wiklund, J. (2000). Initial Conditions as Predictors of New Venture Performance: A Replication and Extension of the Cooper et al. study Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 1(1), 1-18. More information


Davidsson, P. (2016). Researching entrepreneurship: conceptualization and design. Cham: Springer More information
Davidsson, P. (2008). The Entrepreneurship Research Challenge. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Davidsson, P. (2006). Nascent Entrepreneurship: Empirical Studies and Developments. Hanover: Now Publishers More information
Davidsson, P., Delmar, F., Wiklund, J. (2006). Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms. Chelterham: Edward Elgar More information
Davidsson, P. (2004). Researching Entrepreneurship. New York: Springer More information
Davidsson, P., Lindmark, L., Olofsson, C. (1996). Näringslivsdynamik under 90-talet. Stockholm: Nutek More information


Davidsson, P. (2021). Mike Wright: A Special Issue. In: D. B. Audretsch, D. F. Kuratko & A. N. Link (Ed.), Entrepreneurship, Finance and Management: Essays in Honor of Mike Wright (pp. 705 -712). More information
Davidsson, P. (2021). Psychology, Process, and the Entrepreneurial Artifact. In: M. M. Gielnik, M. S. Cardon, & M. Frese (Ed.), The Psychology of Entrepreneurship: New Perspectives (pp. 357 -376). New York, NY: Routledge More information
Davidsson, P. (2019). David B. Audretsch: Spilling Knowledge All Over the World. In: Lehmann E., Keilbach M. (Ed.), From Industrial Organization to Entrepreneurship (pp. 95 -98). Cham: Springer More information
Davidsson, P. (2017). A future of entrepreneurship research: domain, data, theory, and impact. In: G. Ahmetoglu, T. Chamorro-Premuzic, B. Klinger and T. Karcisky (Ed.), The Wiley handbook of entrepreneurship (pp. 3 -23). More information
Davidsson, P. (2017). What an opportunity!. In: David B. Audretsch, Erik E. Lehmann (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Modern Entrepreneurship (pp. 74 -90). More information
Davidsson, P. (2016). The field of entrepreneurship research: Some significant developments. In: Dieter Bögenhold, Jean Bonnet, Marcus Dejardin, & Domingo Garcia Pérez de Lema (Ed.), Contemporary entrepreneurship: Multidisciplinary perspectives on innovation and growth (pp. 17 -28). Cham: Springer More information
Garonne, C., Davidsson, P. (2016). An exploration of the phenomenon of business planning in nascent and young firms. In: Jerome A. Katz, Andrew C. Corbett (Ed.), Models of Start-up Thinking and Action: Theoretical, Empirical and Pedagogical Approaches (pp. 213 -236). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited More information
Wicker, C., Davidsson, P. (2015). The entrepreneurial break-up: disengaging from the start-up phase. In: Dawn R. DeTienne and Karl Wennberg (Ed.), Research Handbook of Entrepreneurial Exit (pp. 197 -213). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Davidsson, P. (2015). Nascent Entrepreneurship. In: D.B. Audretsch, C.S. Hayter and A.N. Link (Ed.), Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation (pp. 31 -136). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Davidsson, P. (2014). Getting published – and cited in entrepreneurship: Reflections on ten papers. In: Alain Fayolle and Mike Wright (Ed.), How to get published in the best entrepreneurship journals: a guide to steer your academic career (pp. 46 -71). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Davidsson, P. (2014). Entrepreneurial growth. In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume III: EntrepreneurshipMore information
Davidsson, P. (2012). The entrepreneurial process. In: Carter, S & D. & Jones-Evans, D. (Ed.), Enterprise and Small Business: principles, practice and policy (pp. 95 -119). Harlow: Pearson More information
Davidsson, P., Steffens, P., Gordon, S. (2011). Comprehensive Australian study of entrepreneurial emergence (CAUSEE): design, data collection and descriptive results. In: K. Hindle, K. Klyver (Ed.), Handbook of Research on New Venture Creation (pp. 216 -250). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Davidsson, P., Steffens, P. (2011). Comprehensive Australian study of entrepreneurial emergence (CAUSEE): project presentations and early results. In: P. Reynolds, & R. Curtin (Ed.), New Business Creation: An international Overview: International Studies in Entrepreneurship (pp. 27 -52). London: Springer More information
Reynolds, P., Davidsson, P. (2009). PSED II and the Comprehensive Australian Study of Entrepreneurial Emergence (CAUSEE). In: New Firm Creation in the United States: Initial Explorations with the PSED II Data Set New York: Springer More information
Hunter, E., Burgers, H., Davidsson, P. (2009). Celebrity capital as a strategic asset: Implications for new venture strategies. In: Entrepreneurial Strategic Content (pp. 137 -160). Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press More information
Davidsson, P. (2008). Looking back at 20 years of entrepreneurship research: What did we learn?. In: Entrepreneurship, sustainable growth and performance: frontiers in European entrepreneurship research (pp. 13 -26). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Davidsson, P. (2008). What Entrepreneurship Research Can Do for Business and Policy Practice. In: The Entrepreneurship Research Challenge (pp. 213 -233). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Naldi, L., Davidsson, P. (2008). International knowledge and the growth(s) of the firm. In: Best Paper Proceedings of the 2008 Academy of Management Meeting Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.: Academy of Management More information
Davidsson, P. (2007). Method Challenges and Opportunities in the Psychological Study of Entrepreneurship. In: The Psychology of Entrepreneurship (pp. 287 -323). Mahway, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum More information
Delmar, F., Davidsson, P., Gartner, W. (2006). Arriving at the high-growth firm. In: P. Davidsson, F. Delmar & J. Wiklund (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms (pp. 179 -214). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Davidsson, P. (2006). The types and contextual fit of entrepreneurial processes. In: Modern Perspectives on Entrepreneurship (pp. 1 -22). Dublin: Senate Hall More information
Wiklund, J., McKelvie, A., Davidsson, P. (2006). Organisk tillväxt och förvärvstillväxt: Skillnader, deras orsaker och konsekvenser för samhälle och företag. In: Entreprenörskap och tillväxt: Kunskap, kommersialisering och ekonomisk politik (pp. 51 -70). Stockholm: Forum för Småföretagsforskning More information
McKelvie, A., Wiklund, J., Davidsson, P. (2006). A resource-based view on organic and acquired growth. In: Entrepreneurship: Frameworks and Empirical Investigations from Forthcoming Leaders of European Research (pp. 175 -194). Amsterdam: Elsevier More information
Wiklund, J., Davidsson, P., Delmar, F. (2006). What do they think and feel about growth?. In: P. Davidsson, F. Delmar & J. Wiklund (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms (pp. 109 -138). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Davidsson, P., Delmar, F., Wiklund, J. (2006). Entrepreneurship as growth: growth as entrepreneurship. In: P. Davidsson, F. Delmar & J. Wiklund (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms (pp. 21 -38). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Davidsson, P., Wiklund, J. (2006). Conceptual and empirical challenges in the study of firm growth. In: P. Davidsson, F. Delmar & J. Wiklund (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms (pp. 39 -61). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Davidsson, P., Delmar, F., Wiklund, J. (2006). Introduction. In: P. Davidsson, F. Delmar & J. Wiklund (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms (pp. 1 -18). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2006). What do we know about small firm growth?. In: The life cycle of entrepreneurial ventures (pp. 361 -398). New York: Springer More information
Davidsson, P. (2005). Method issues in the study of venture start-up processes. In: Entrepreneurship Research in Europe: Outcomes and Perspectives (pp. 35 -54). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Davidsson, P. (2005). Entrepreneurial Growth. In: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management: Volume 3: Entrepreneurship (pp. 80 -82). Maden, MA: Blackwell More information
Honig, B., Davidsson, P., Karlsson, T. (2005). Learning strategies of nascent entrepreneurs. In: A Focused Issue on Managing Knowledge Assets and Organizational Learning Amsterdam: Elsevier More information
Davidsson, P., Klofsten, M. (2004). The business platform model: A practical tool for understanding and analyzing firms in early development. In: New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium: Volume 3 (pp. 55 -66). Amsterdam: Elsevier More information
Davidsson, P. (2004). Role Models and Perceived Social Support. In: Handbook of Entrepreneurial Dynamics: The Process of Business Creation in Contemporary America (pp. 179 -185). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage More information
Dahlqvist, J., Chandler, G., Davidsson, P. (2004). Patterns of search and the newness of venture ideas. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2004: proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference (pp. 315 -326). Welleseley, MA: Babson College More information
Davidsson, P., Hunter, E., Klofsten, M. (2004). The discovery process: External influences on refinement of the venture idea. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2004: proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference (pp. 327 -337). Wellesley, MA.: Babson College More information


Davidsson, P. (2015). Review of the book: Entrepreneurship Programs and the Modern University by M.H Morris, D.F. Kuratko and J.R. Cornwall. More information
Davidsson, P. (2006). The Creation and Destruction of Social Capital: Entrepreneurship, Co-operative Movements and Institutions. More information


Kim, J., Davidsson, P. (2020). External enablers of entrepreneurship: A review and research agenda. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 7-11 August, 2020, Vancouver, Canada. More information
Davidsson, P., Gregoire, D., Lex, M. (2019). Developing and Validating a New Measure of Opportunity Confidence. AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings Boston, 2019. More information
Kim, J., Davidsson, P. (2017). Entrepreneurship is no longer the young’s game? A cross-sectional, cross-country study of senior entrepreneurship. 37th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Norman, USA, 7–10 Jun 2017. More information
Sakhdari, K., Burgers, H., Davidsson, P. (2014). Unpacking the network capabilities and corporate entrepreneurship relationship. Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology, 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management August 1-5, 2014 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. More information
Sakhdari, K., Burgers, H., Davidsson, P. (2014). Capable but not able: the effect of institutional context and search breadth on the absorptive capacity-corporate entrepreneurship relationship. Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2014, 4-7 February 2014, Sydney, Australia. More information
Sakhdari, K., Burgers, H., Davidsson, P. (2014). The moderating role of entrepreneurial management in the relationship between absorptive capacity and corporate entrepreneurship: an attention-based view. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2014, 4-7 February 2014, Sydney, Australia. More information
Jenkins, A., Hunter, E., Hellerstedt, K., Davidsson, P. (2014). Stigmatization of failed entrepreneurs: prevalence and solutions. 2014 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 4 – 7 June, Ontario, Canada.. More information
Bakker, R., Shepard, D., Davidsson, P. (2014). When to pull the plug and when to take the plunge: timing strategic decisions about new ventures. Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology, 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management August 1-5, 2014 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. More information
Bakker, R., Davidsson, P., Shepard, D. (2014). When to “pull the plug” and when to “take the plunge”: the timing of strategic decisions towards new ventures. Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2014, 4-7 February 2014, Sydney, Australia. More information
Garonne, C., Davidsson, P. (2013). Business planning, innovation and performance in nascent firms. 2013 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange ACERE, Feb 6-8, 2013, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. More information
Davidsson, P., Tonelli, M. (2013). Killing our darling: why we need to let go of the entrepreneurial opportunity construct. 2013 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange ACERE, Feb 6-8, 2013, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. More information
Davidsson, P., Tonelli, M. (2013). Towards a operable entrepreneurship nexus: conceptualizing venture ideas and their characteristics. 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management : Capitalism in Question, 9-13 August 2013, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida. More information
Senyard, J., Powell Brown, E., Davidsson, P., Steffens, P. (2013). Born unfinished: boundaries of bricolage effectiveness. 2013 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange ACERE, Feb 6-8, 2013, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. More information
Senyard, J., Davidsson, P., Steffens, P. (2012). Waving or drowning? Managing resource constraints in entrepreneurial firm with bricolage as a response to the global financial crisis. 2012 Babson College Entrepreneurial Research Conference, 6-9 July 2012, Fort Worth, Texas.. More information
Senyard, J., Smith, E., Baker, T., Steffens, P., Davidsson, P. (2012). Stop whining and make the best of it: a cross-national comparison of responses to regional disadvantage in the wine industry. Paper presented at The Joint ACERE-DIANA International Entrepreneurship Conference, 31 January – 3 February, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, Australia. More information
Garonne, C., Davidsson, P. (2011). Business planning, idea change, flexibility and performance: the best of both worlds?. The 31st Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Syracuse, New York, USA - June 8-11, 2011. More information
Davidsson, P. (2011). Engagement, persistence, progress and success as theoretically distinct aspects of business creation processes. The 31st Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Syracuse, New York, USA - June 8-11, 2011. More information
Semasinghe, D., Davidsson, P., Steffens, P. (2011). Nascent venture performance: linking novelty of venture ideas and commitment of firm founders as predictors. the 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 February, 2011. More information
Senyard, J., Baker, T., Davidsson, P. (2011). Bricolage as a path to innovation for resource constrained new firms.. San Antonio: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: East Meets West – Enlightening, Balancing, Transcending, 12 – 16 August.. More information
Steffens, P., Tonelli, M., Davidsson, P. (2011). How do we reach them?: Comparing random samples from mobile and landline phones.. the 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 February, 2011. More information
Senyard, J., Davidsson, P., Baker, T., Steffens, P. (2011). Resource constraints in innovation: the role of bricolage in new venture creation and firm development.. the 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 February, 2011. More information
Pesämaa, O., Salunke, S., Davidsson, P. (2011). The role of digressive learning and uniqueness on performance: longitudinal evidence from young firms. the 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 February, 2011. More information
Davidsson, P. (2011). What do entrepreneurs learn in the venture creation process – when to quit or how to succeed. 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Exchange, Melbourne. More information
Hunter, E., Davidsson, P. (2008). Celebrity entrepreneurship: The effect of negative celebrity information on the new venture. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 5–7 June 2008, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.. More information
Davidsson, P., Coeurderoy, R., Tywoniak, S. (2008). The Role of Human Capital and Strategic Intent in Internationalisation Scope of New Technology-Based Firms. Brisbane: Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology, 16th Annual Conference On Pacific Basin : 2-4 July 2008, Brisbane Australia. More information
Davidsson, P., Naldi, L. (2008). Knowledge Augmentation and Growth in International SMEs. Brisbane 16th annual conference on Pacific basin finance economics accounting management,2–4 July, 2008, Brisbane, Australia. More information
Naldi, L., Davidsson, P. (2008). International knowledge and the growth(s) of the firm. Anaheim Academy of Management Meeting, August 8-13, 2008, Anaheim, California. More information
Hunter, E., Davidsson, P., Anderson, H. (2007). Celebrity Entrepreneurship: Insights for New Venture Strategy. Wellesley, MA.: Babson College, The Twenty-Seventh Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. More information
Wiklund, J., Lockett, A., Davidsson, P. (2007). Organic growth and acquisitive growth: Re-examining and extending Penrose’s growth theory.. The Twenty-Seventh Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. More information
Wiklund, J., Lockett, A., Davidsson, P. (2007). Organic growth and acquisitive growth: Re-examining and extending Penrose’s growth theory. The Twenty-Seventh Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. More information
Hunter, E., Davidsson, P. (2006). Celebrity Entrepreneurship: An Experimental Study of a Phenomenon in Emergence. Melbourne: The Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Swinburne University of Technology, The Twenty-Seventh Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. More information
Hunter, E., Davidsson, P., Anderson, H. (2006). Celebrity Entrepreneurship: An Experimental Study of a Phenomenon in Emergence. The Twenty-Seventh Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. More information
McKelvie, A., Davidsson, P. (2006). From resource base to dynamic capabilities: An investigation of new firms. The Twenty-Seventh Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. More information
Mitchell, R., Gustavsson, V., Smith, J., Davidsson, P., Mitchell, R. (2005). Thinking about thinking about thinking: Exploring how entrepreneurial meta-cognition affects entrepreneurial expertise. The Twenty-Seventh Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. More information
McKelvie, A., Davidsson, P. (2005). Dynamic Capabilities and the Growth of New Firms. The Twenty-Seventh Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. More information
McKelvie, A., Chandler, G., Davidsson, P. (2005). New Venture Growth: A Transaction Costs Perspective. The Twenty-Seventh Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. More information
Davidsson, P., Achtenhagen, L., Naldi, L. (2005). Research on small-firm growth: A review. 35th EISB Conference, Barcelona, September 2005. More information
Davidsson, P., Hunter, E., Klofsten, M. (2004). The discovery process: External influences on refinement of the venture idea. 35th EISB Conference, Barcelona, September 2005. More information
Chandler, G., Dahlqvist, J., Davidsson, P. (2002). Opportunity recognition processes: A taxonomy and outcome implications. Babson Park, Mass.: Babson College, The twenty-second annual Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Dahlqvist, J., Davidsson, P. (2000). Business start-up reasons and firm performance. Wellesley, Mass.: Babson College, The twentieth annual Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information


Kim, J., Pittino, D., Chirico, F., Davidsson, P. . Creation of a family vs. non-family venture: The role of external enablement characteristics. More information

Proceedings (redaktörskap)

Davidsson, P. (Eds.). (2014). Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference 2014, 4-7 February 2014, Sydney, Australia: Conference Proceedings. , Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology More information
Zahra, S. Brush, C. Davidsson, P. Fiet, J. Greene, P. Harrison, R. , ... Wright M. (Eds.). (2006). Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2006: proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. , Wellesley, MA: Babson College More information
Zahra, S. Brush, C. Davidsson, P. Fiet, J. Greene, P. Harrison, R. , ... Wright M. (Eds.). (2005). Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2005: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. , Wellesley, MA: Babson College More information
Zahra, S. Brush, . Davidsson, P. Fiet, . Greene, . Harrison, . , ... Wright . (Eds.). (2005). Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2005: proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. , Wellesley, MA: Babson College More information


(2013). New Perspectives On Firm Growth. More information
(2011). Nascent Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
(2006). New firm startups. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information


Davidsson, P., Steffens, P., Fitzsimmons, J. (2008). Performance assessment in entrepreneurship and management research: is there a pro-growth bias?. More information