Pathway Year, 60 högskolepoäng
Pathway Year, 60 credits
Kursplan för studenter höst 2019
Fastställd av:Utbildningsrådet 2018-09-05
Reviderad av:Utbildningsrådet 2018-12-13
Gäller fr.o.m.:2019-08-26
Utbildningsområde:Humanistiska området (90%) och samhällsvetenskapliga området (10%)


On successful completion of the Pathway Year course, students will:

Kunskap och förståelse

1. Understand the main content and essential details of English spoken at a relatively rapid pace, and in written English of various genres, and in more formal contexts.
2. Know the basics of academic writing and formal composition.
3. Know general principles of academic writing and formal composition.
4. Know how to plan and deliver a formal presentation in English using basic rhetorical principles.
5. Know how to plan and deliver a formal presentation in English using rhetorical principles.
6. Know how to apply and use a range of academic study techniques and language strategies.
7. Know how to communicate in Swedish on a basic level.
8. Have basic knowledge of Swedish grammar and vocabulary.
9. Have improved knowledge of Swedish grammar and vocabulary.
10. Understand and make themselves understood in situations occurring in daily life in Sweden based on their knowledge of Swedish society and culture.

Färdighet och förmåga

11. In oral and written production and interaction in English, students will demonstrate the ability to present and discuss information accurately and clearly with some adaptation to purpose, recipient and situation.
12. Carry out effective research based on different research methods, using a range of sources, and critically assess and evaluate these.
13. Participate actively in classroom activities and be able to perform a range of tasks both individually and in a group setting.
14. Show basic skills to speak, write and understand spoken and written Swedish.
15. Show improved skills to speak, write and understand spoken and written Swedish.
16. Participate in basic oral and written conversations in Swedish about familiar subjects.
17. Show an awareness of grammatical concepts in Swedish, in production.
18. Be familiar with different aspects of Swedish society and culture.

Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt

The Intended Learning Outcomes concerning judgement and approach permeate and underscore the teaching methodology of the entire course, and are not specific to any sub-course or exam.
- Self and peer reflection on the development of skills and abilities.
- Critical evaluation of relevant information related to the different parts of the course.


The Pathway Year course is a preparatory course for students who do not meet the level of required English proficiency for university studies in Sweden.

The horizontal aim is to develop and strengthen student skills within higher education through group work, social engagement, peer learning, reflective learning and autonomous learning whilst developing intercultural communication skills, metacognitive skills, information literacy and critical thinking.

The purpose of the course is to provide English language preparation in reading, writing, listening and speaking corresponding to the Swedish upper secondary school course English 6.

The purpose is also to prepare students for Higher Education in Sweden by giving support in adjusting to the demands, challenges and expectations of Swedish Higher Education as well as learning the Swedish language. The course will also provide knowledge of Swedish culture, and society in preparation for studies and life in Sweden.

The course consists of six sub-courses; Preparatory English 1, Preparatory English 2, Swedish 1, Swedish 2, Life and Studies 1 and Life and Studies 2.

Preparatory English 1 and 2 (40 credits, total)
The English part of the course consists of lectures, seminars and group activities in various fields of academic English and have been designed specifically to meet the needs of non-native English speakers who wish to develop their English language competencies and be able to communicate effectively in an academic environment. In addition to the development of the four main areas of language (reading, writing, speaking and listening), there is also a strong focus on academic skills including research ethics, critical thinking, academic writing and presentations.
English will be taught in an international context with a strong focus on active participation and group discussion. Students will be given opportunities to share their own experiences and in turn gain a deeper knowledge of living conditions, social issues and cultural features in different parts of the world.
Course content and objectives include:
- Applied grammar
- Vocabulary building - academic language. Both general and subject specific.
- Academic reading and research
- Listening comprehension and note-taking
- Academic writing – summaries, essays, research papers and similar text types
- Language strategies
- Oral proficiency - presentation, group discussion and debating skills, pronunciation
- Introduction to rhetoric - the art of persuasive speaking and writing
- Narrative text and analysis

Swedish 1 and 2
The Swedish language will be taught aiming to give students basic Swedish language skills. This will better equip students to interact with and understand their new surroundings. The language sessions contain grammar lectures, media creation, text reading, listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary and pronunciation. Written and oral exercises are given as part of the course. The mentoring session’s aims to help monitoring and supporting your progress. Course content and objectives include:
- Spoken communication such as oral conversations and presentations
- Swedish pronunciation and prosody
- Reading and listening comprehension
- Texts and conversations focusing on everyday phrases
- Swedish grammar and vocabulary

Life and Studies 1 and 2
The Life & Studies part of the course aims to enable familiarity with Sweden. You will study and explore different aspects of Sweden such as politics, history, religion, governmental structure and traditions.
Course content and objectives include:
- Lectures (in English) on Swedish society and culture
- Compulsory study visits
Sub courses

Preparatory English 1, 20,0 hp
Preparatory English 2, 20,0 hp
Swedish 1, 7,5 hp
Swedish 2, 7,5 hp
Life and Studies 1, 2,5 hp
Life and Studies 2, 2,5 hp


Lectures, seminars, group discussions, study visits as well as mentoring sessions. Active participation required in seminars, group discussions and mentoring sessions is compulsory in order to meet the requirements of the course. The final grade of the course is issued only when all course units have been passed.

Undervisningen bedrivs på engelska.


High School Diploma and English language skills corresponding to:
IELTS 5.0 (no part below 4.5) or equivalent
Internet based TOEFL test 61 written test 14 or equivalent

Examination och betyg

Kursen bedöms med betygen Underkänd eller Godkänd.

The examination consists of written and oral assignments. Active participation throughout the course is required.

Poängregistrering av examinationen för delkursen 'Preparatory English 1' sker enligt följande system:
Eng1 Written exam13 hpU/G
Eng1 Paper25 hpU/G
Eng1 Oral exam31 hpU/G
Eng1 Group project and writing46 hpU/G
Eng1 Literature project55 hpU/G
1 ILO1; ILO2; ILO6
2 ILO1; ILO2; ILO6; ILO11
3 ILO4; ILO11; ILO13
4 ILO2; ILO4; ILO11; ILO12; ILO13
5 ILO2; ILO4; ILO11; ILO13

Poängregistrering av examinationen för delkursen 'Preparatory English 2' sker enligt följande system:
Eng2 Paper16 hpU/G
Eng2 First oral exam22 hpU/G
Eng2 Second oral exam32 hpU/G
Eng2 Essay and Speech45 hpU/G
Eng2 Literature project55 hpU/G
1 ILO1; ILO3; ILO6; ILO11; ILO12
2 ILO5; ILO11; ILO13
3 ILO1; ILO5; ILO6; ILO11; ILO13
4 ILO1; ILO3; ILO5; ILO6; ILO11; ILO12; ILO13
5 ILO1; ILO3; ILO6; ILO11

Poängregistrering av examinationen för delkursen 'Swedish 1' sker enligt följande system:
Swe1 First oral exam11 hpU/G
Swe1 Second oral exam11,5 hpU/G
Swe1 First written exam22 hpU/G
Swe1 Second written exam23 hpU/G
1 ILO7; ILO8; ILO14; ILO16; ILO17
2 ILO8; ILO14; ILO16; ILO17

Poängregistrering av examinationen för delkursen 'Swedish 2' sker enligt följande system:
Swe2 First oral exam11 hpU/G
Swe2 Second oral exam11,5 hpU/G
Swe2 First written exam22 hpU/G
Swe2 Second written exam33 hpU/G
1 ILO7; ILO9; ILO15; ILO16; ILO17
2 ILO9, ILO15, ILO16; ILO17
3 ILO9; ILO15; ILO16; ILO17

Poängregistrering av examinationen för delkursen 'Life and Studies 1' sker enligt följande system:
Life1 Examination12,5 hpU/G
1 ILO10; ILO18

Poängregistrering av examinationen för delkursen 'Life and Studies 2' sker enligt följande system:
Life2 Examination12,5 hpU/G
1 ILO10; ILO18


Qualification Requirements
To obtain the Course Certificate the student shall complete the course requirements of 60 credits. Active participation in seminars, group discussions and mentoring sessions is compulsory in order to meet the requirements of the course.
Title of qualification
The course gives you a Course Certificate demonstrating skills equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary school course English 6 (English language requirement for degree programmes at Jönköping University).


All reference books and work books are provided on an individual and whole class basis.
Bespoke teaching materials, articles, a contemporary novel, other fiction and handouts for English, Swedish and Life and Studies will be distributed by the class teacher or lecturer.