Accelerating a Sustainability Transition, 15 credits
Accelerating a Sustainability Transition, 15 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Autumn 2021
Course Code:JSTR21
Confirmed by:Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education Mar 29, 2021
Valid From:Aug 23, 2021
Education Cycle:Second-cycle level
Disciplinary domain:Social sciences
Subject group:FE1
Specialised in:A1N
Main field of study:Business Administration

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Intended learning outcomes define the sought result of study, for each individual student who follows and completes the course. It is important to use the appropriate ‘Action Verbs’ in the ILO statements. Please follow the additional sub-headings:

On completion of the course the students will be able to

Knowledge and understanding

1. Understand the global context of sustaining human prosperity and ecological resilience within planetary limits.
2. Develop knowledge, understanding, and explain theory on organizational transformation and multi-stakeholder collaboration for sustainability transitioning.

Skills and abilities

3. Develop skills for analyzing sustainability innovations and transitioning processes.
4. Develop and evaluate a strategic sustainability vision and integrate this vision within an organization’s value chain.

Judgement and approach

5. Lead sustainability transitioning at the organization level. Support participants leverage their expertise to drive sustainability and create opportunities.
6. Create systemic transformational strategies for social-ecological and economic development within planetary boundaries.


Help transform your organization and accelerate its transition towards regenerative sustainability by joining JIBS Executive Lifelong Learning Course: Accelerating a sustainability transition.
This course is designed to inspire and enable participants to collaborate and lead effective change towards sustainability. The course is designed to support change makers for sustainability and help them navigate the complexity, the urgency and the multiple layers of decision-making related to the global environmental and social challenges and opportunities, while contributing to a regenerative economy.
The course is created to empower and prepare anyone that is willing to coach their organization or another organization to accelerate their sustainability transition.

The 15 credits course on Accelerating A Sustainability Transition is designed in 5 parts of 3 credits each:

Module 1: Back to nature!
Starting this course with a close look at our planet and at our living systems will help us connect to the essence of holistic sustainability. In this module we explore our environment, our living system and how it is affecting life and health. We look at the impact of human life on Earth, we explore our current context and evaluate humankind’s footprint. Zooming in, we study the various relevant industries, their social and environmental impacts and the interconnection between our professional activities and life.

Special focus: How much do our organizations depend on a healthy living system?
Principles: Regenerative thinking, holistic systems, reconnecting to the biosphere

Module 2: Envision your organization’s future
To help gain insights into the latest research, you will be introduced to sustainability theories and innovations developed to help transform societies and organizations for a regenerative world. Based on research and pioneering case studies, you will brainstorm and envision various scenarios and forecast the development of your organization and your region in the next years and decades.
Inspired from nature, from research, and best practice we will assess our organizational processes and strategies with a regenerative perspective and consider how our organizations can contribute to a healthy living system and a sustainable society.

Special focus: How organizations, value chains, business activities and national economies are affecting life on our planet?
Principles: Biomimicry, circularity, planetary boundaries, envisioning

Module 3: Be your own expert
To help your organization accelerate the adoption of sustainability standards and tools, and to help you successfully integrate sustainability values within your organization, you will develop your own toolbox. This journey will be supported by regular coaching and mentoring sessions. Together with your coach, you will assemble and design the most relevant processes to help accelerate sustainability transitioning within your project or organization. You will be introduced to theoretical frameworks and how they are applied in other contexts (e.g.: doughnut economics, circular design, social innovation principles, flourishing business canvas, business sustainability models and the Sustainable Development Goals).

Special focus: What tools can help your organization accelerate a sustainability transition?
Principles: Circular design, flourishing business canvass, doughnut economic, transformative approach, transitioning

Module 4: Transform your value chain
The course will explore several Swedish and international value chain transformation cases. Through examining these examples of value chain transformations for sustainability, you will address opportunities and challenges created by your entire value chain, you will look at the complexity and interdependency between various actors and fields. Together, you will enhance your collaboration with other partners to develop scale-up and scale deep solutions to address the complexity of selected sustainability challenges. You will be invited to collaborate with peers and your “competitors”, develop multi-stakeholder engagement strategies and transform your value chain.

Special focus: How can we inspire our suppliers and customers to transform our value chain?
Principles: Social return on investment, environmental return on investment, collaboration

Module 5: Profile your sustainability ID
To allow participants to gain visibility about their work and accelerate the transformation of their organization, this course will help you strengthen your company’s reputation and profile. Together you will look at how your innovations for sustainability can be positioned at the core of your communication and be made visible to your stakeholders. You will profile your marketing according to your identified values and impact.

Special focus: How to help communicate about your transition and inspire other stakeholders further?
Principles: Talk the walk, visibility, communication & integration

Connection to Research and Practice
This course is designed in collaboration with JIBS MMTC Research Center.
During this course, JIBS researchers will share their expertise about social innovation, environmental degradation and the necessity to accelerate change so that the IPCC global goals and 2030 agenda can be achieved.
In partnership with Region Jönköping, Science Park and other experts we will explore how to build resilience to environmental and social risks, how transforming for regenerative economy is successfully done in existing organizations and how this could be accelerated in your organization.

Based on the global calls for decarbonization and creating a regenerative economy, this course introduces the global context for sustainability, necessary changes within the individual to facilitate sustainable innovation, the social dynamics of transformation, innovation within the organization, innovation within the infrastructure/environment to finally create a roadmap to sustainability transformation.

Type of instruction

This course will be delivered online with the possibility of face-to-face meetings, or hybrid sessions. The course sessions will offer a balance mix between short lectures, seminars and workshops. Keynote speakers will be invited, and guest lectures will be organized.

Coaching and mentoring can be conducted in Swedish depending on the participants.

The teaching is conducted in English.


Bachelor’s degree in business administration or economics (i.e., the equivalent of 180 ECTS at an accredited university) and at least 2 years of work experience, or Bachelor’s degree in a different discipline and relevant work experience in the field of management/entrepreneurship/leadership/project management, at least 2 years.

Applicants without a bachelor’s degree need extensive relevant work experience in the field of management/entrepreneurship/leadership/project management in the public/private and/or not-for profit sector(s), at least 4 years.

English proficiency is required (level 6/B or equivalent).

Examination and grades

The course is graded A, B, C, D, E, FX or F.

The ILOs listed above are assessed through the following types of examination:
Individual and group assignments for each module.
Individual assignment (ILOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) representing 7,5 credits
Group assignment (ILOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) representing 7,5 credits

To pass the course, participants must pass each element of examination:

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Module 1: Individual assignment11.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Module 1: Group assignment11.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Module 2: Individual assignment11.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Module 2: Group assignment11.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Module 3: Individual assignment11.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Module 3: Group assignment11.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Module 4: Individual assignment11.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Module 4: Group assignment11.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Module 5: Individual assignment11.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Module 5: Group assignment11.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
1 All parts of compulsory examination in the course must be passed with a passing grade (A-E) before a final grade can be set. The final grade of the course is determined by the sum total of points for all parts of examination in the course (0-100 points). Grade is set in accordance to JIBS grading policy.

Course evaluation

It is the responsibility of the examiner to ensure that each course is evaluated. There must be course evaluators identified among the students. The evaluation is carried out continuously as well as at the end of the course, through a survey. After the course the course Examiner meets with student evaluators to discuss the survey results and possible improvements. A summary report is also created. The report is followed up by program directors and discussed with faculty and relevant others (e.g. Associate Dean of Education, Associate Dean of faculty, Director of PhD Candidates, Dean, or Director of Studies). The next time the course runs, students should be informed of any measures taken to improve the course based on the previous course evaluation.

Other information

Academic integrity
JIBS students are expected to maintain a strong academic integrity. This implies to behave within the boundaries of academic rules and expectations relating to all types of teaching and examination.
Copying someone else’s work is a particularly serious offence and can lead to disciplinary action. When you copy someone else’s work, you are plagiarizing. You must not copy sections of work (such as paragraphs, diagrams, tables and words) from any other person, including another student or any other author. Cutting and pasting is a clear example of plagiarism. There is a workshop and online resources to assist you in not plagiarizing called the Interactive Anti-Plagiarism Guide.
Other forms of breaking academic integrity include (but are not limited to) adding your name to a project you did not work on (or allowing someone to add their name), cheating on an examination, helping other students to cheat and submitting other students work as your own, and using non-allowed electronic equipment during an examination. All of these make you liable to disciplinary action.

Course literature

A reading list will be supplied at the course introduction.