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Project and Communication Management 7,5 hp

Undervisningen bedrivs på engelska.


  • Basic concepts and theories
  • The role and importance of communication
  • Project and communication planning, execution and evalutation
  • Tools for assessing project scope, time, cost, quality and risk
  • Basic skills and practices
  • Communication with project stakeholders
  • Documentation
  • Experiences from the field


General entry requirements and passed courses of at least 45 credits in Media and Communication Science or equivalent. English proficiency is required. Exemption is granted from the requirement in Swedish.

Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå
Kurskod/Ladokkod: LPMK13
Kursen ges vid: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Senast ändrad 2023-06-08 12:53:01