Intercultural Encounters 7.5 hp
This course focuses on intercultural encounters in work- and everyday life, the theories, concepts, and methods used in intercultural encounters, cultural competence and its meaning and ethical considerations in intercultural encounters. Of central interest in the course is reflexivity and the role of researchers and research in society.
General entry requirements or the equivalent. English proficiency is required. Exemption is granted from the requirement in Swedish.
Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå
Kurskod/Ladokkod: LIEG12
Kursen ges vid: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Label | Value |
Typ av Kurs | Programkurstillfälle |
Studieform | Normal |
Termin | Våren 2026: vecka 14 – vecka 18 |
Studietakt | Helfart |
Undervisningsspråk | Engelska |
Ort | Jönköping |
Kurstid | Dagtid |
Platser | 5.0 |
Studieavgift Gäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz: | 12375 SEK |
Kursplan (PDF) | |
Anmälningskod | HJ-22758 |