Leadership in Crisis Management 7.5 hp
The student will learn and practice leadership skills in crises. The course provides an understanding of strategic focus areas for crisis leadership and exposes the student to techniques and processes to construct and evaluate crisis management plans designed to prevent and respond to crisis events for human service organisations including healthcare and social services. Theories and practices of strategic and operational planning for crisis management, leadership and collaboration, crisis support and ethical concerns in relation to leadership and crises will be discussed and analysed.
General entry requirements and completed courses of 30 credits in higher education or the equivalent.
Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå
Kurskod/Ladokkod: HLCK16
Kursen ges vid: Hälsohögskolan
Label | Value |
Studieform | Normal |
Termin | Hösten 2024: vecka 50 – vecka 3 |
Studietakt | Helfart |
Undervisningsspråk | Engelska |
Ort | Jönköping |
Kurstid | Dagtid |
Studieavgift Gäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz: | 15000 SEK |
Kursplan (PDF) | |
Anmälningskod | HJ-11225 |