Leading Change: Accelerating AI Adoption 5 hp

Unlock the power of AI and revolutionize your organization with our cutting-edge course! Designed for visionary leaders, this course equips you with the skills to accelerate transformation and stay ahead in today’s fast-evolving business landscape. Lead AI-driven change, drive effective adoption, and understand the global impact of AI on business. Elevate your leadership and secure a competitive edge in the AI era!


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The applicant must hold the minimum of a bachelor's degree (i.e. the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) or equivalent with 2 years of relevant work experience. OR The applicant has a minimum of 4 years of relevant work experience in the field of management/entrepreneurship/leadership/project management, marketing, production in the public/private and/ sector(s). AND Proof of English proficiency is required. (level 6 or equivalent).


Läs mer om urvalsregler

Utbildningsnivå: Avancerad nivå

Kurskod/Ladokkod: JLAR24

Kursen ges vid: Internationella Handelshögskolan

Label Value
Studieform Nätbaserad distans
Antal träffar 0
Termin Våren 2025
Studietakt 33%
Undervisningsspråk Engelska
Ort Ortsoberoende
Kurstid Blandad undervisningstid
Platser 0.0
Studieavgift Gäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz: 12500 SEK
Kursplan PDF
Anmälningskod HJ-24117