Occupational Therapy, Theory and Evidence-based Practice II 15 hp

Occupational therapists need to base their practice on theory and evidence. At the end of this course you will be able to critically review and problematise theories within occupational therapy and science as well as apply and critically discuss relevant concepts on evidence-based practice. You will also be able to integrate theory and evidence in practical and research settings.

Utbildningsnivå: Avancerad nivå

Kurskod/Ladokkod: HO2S20

Kursen ges vid: Hälsohögskolan

Label Value
Typ av Kurs Programkurstillfälle
Studieform Nätbaserad distans
Antal träffar 0
Termin Våren 2025: vecka 4 – vecka 23
Studietakt Halvfart
Undervisningsspråk Engelska
Ort Ortsoberoende
Kurstid Blandad undervisningstid
Studieavgift Gäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz: 32000 SEK
Kursplan PDF
Anmälningskod HJ-H4036