Nivå: Avancerad nivå
Ansökningstid: 2025-03-17 – 2025-04-15
Programstart: Hösten 2025
Ort: Jönköping
Examen: Filosofie masterexamen med huvudområdet pedagogik inriktning livslångt lärande
Omfattning: 120 hp


The master programme WorkS - Lifelong Learning, Sustainability and Work, focuses on social sustainability perspectives and strategies for the shaping of a socially just and socially sustainable working life. The master programme addresses the shared responsibility among different parties involved in the relation between and within education and the world of work for the common creation of social sustainability, in an increasingly challenged and continuously changing society.

The working life of today is undergoing several transformations, provoked by an increasingly challenged, digitalized, and globalized society. Societal changes and various crises, new ways of organizing and working, shifting ways of communicating, practicing, and regulating the labour market and workplaces, challenges both people, leaders, managers, and different career supportive professions with the mission of managing and supporting people’s navigation in the world of work. Changes forces forward new forms of leadership, new governing strategies, and new ways of supporting people in their career navigation and continuous lifelong learning. The world of work is inhabited by different stakeholders, all playing important roles in the arrangement of education, and work, and the bridges in between them, and how the future development of a sustainable working life can be shaped.

The challenges in the working life sector, and how these influence the educational sector, peoples’ work and career paths, as well as the bridging professional practices in between these sectors, need to be scrutinized and studied from a sustainability aspect, with specific focus on social sustainability, to create future-oriented learning, socially sustainable and socially just and decent working life conditions, and shape sustainable leadership that matters for coming generations.

The WorkS programme responds to societal, organizational, institutional, and individual needs of critical and practical thinking, and awareness creation regarding the shared responsibilities among parties involved in education and the world of work. Involved parties and their specific roles and functions, are explored in relation to the shared challenges and responsibilities for how the creation of a sustainable working life can be designed.

The WorkS programme is designed to develop various professionals in various positions in the world of work, to deepen their understanding of challenges, possibilities and potential strategies to strengthen social sustainability in the world of work. The programme deepens their understanding of the role of learning in different contexts. In the programme, students will acquire the necessary critical thinking skills to inform policy, implement sustainable strategies into various professional contexts.

Programmet ges vid Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation
Omfattning: 120 hp
Nivå: Avancerad nivå
Språk: Engelska
Studietakt: Helfart
Ort: Jönköping
Studieform: Normal
Programstart: Hösten 2025
Urval: Avancerad nivå. Urvalet bygger på tidigare studiemeriter vid sista anmälningdag. Rangordning sker i fallande skala.
Behörighet: The applicant must hold the minimum of a bachelor’s degree (i.e. the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90 credits in Education, Social science, Social Work or Study and career guidance. English proficiency is required.
Anmälningskod: HJ-MS204
Examen: Filosofie masterexamen med huvudområdet pedagogik inriktning livslångt lärande

This is overview

Arbetets betydelse - meningsskapande, identitet och lärande, 7,5 hp

Att leda för hållbar karriärutveckling genom mångriktade karriärer, 7,5 hp

Att leda livslångt lärande för hållbara arbetsplatser, 7,5 hp

Forskningsmetodik I i Livslångt lärande, hållbarhet och arbete, 7,5 hp

Forskningsmetodik II i Livslångt lärande, hållbarhet och arbete, 7,5 hp

Fältstudier i arbetslivets sammanhang, 7,5 hp

Individuell litteraturkurs - Systematisk litteraturöversikt, 7,5 hp

Masteruppsats i Livslångt lärande, hållbarhet och arbete, 7,5 hp

Meta-kritiska perspektiv på arbetslivets omvandling, 7,5 hp

Social hållbarhet i arbetslivet, 2,5 hp

Social Sciences of Sustainability, 5 hp





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Jönköping - den moderna studentstaden

Jönköping är den moderna studentstaden med ett gemensamt och sammanhållet campus som ligger mitt i stan. Här finns våra fyra fackhögskolor med 12 000 studenter tillsammans med Högskolebiblioteket, träningsanläggning, caféer, restauranger och Service Center. Med en stark internationell prägel och samverkan med arbetslivet redan under studietiden ger vi dig rätta förutsättningar för din framtid.

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