
Events in English
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Spikning - Djordje Popovic

1 september - 1 september

09:30 - 09:45

Entré JTH

<p>Djordje Popovic, doktorand i produktionssystem, spikar sin doktorsavhandling tisdagen den 1 september. Spikningen &auml;ger rum i JTHs entr&eacute; och alla &auml;r v&auml;lkomna att n&auml;rvara vid ceremonin. D&auml;refter, p&aring; grund av den p&aring;g&aring;ende coronapandemin, bjuds det p&aring; kaffe och individuellt f&ouml;rpackat tilltugg i sal E1028 (Husqvarna).</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Spikning &auml;r en gammal tradition som inneb&auml;r att avhandlingen offentlig&ouml;rs och att inga &auml;ndringar l&auml;ngre f&aring;r g&ouml;ras. Djordjes avhandling blir den femtiofemte p&aring; JTH sedan J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University fick r&auml;tt att utf&auml;rda doktorsexamen inom omr&aring;det Industriell Produktframtagning 2010.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Djordje Popovics avhandling har titeln &quot;<em>The Development and Use of Product Platforms in Single-Family Industrialized House Building</em>&quot;. Djordje f&ouml;rsvarar sin avhandling fredagen den 25 september, kl 10.00 i E1405 (Gjuterisalen).&nbsp;</p>
1 september - 1 september
09:30 - 09:45


Entré JTH


Spikning - Djordje Popovic

Djordje Popovic, doktorand i produktionssystem, spikar sin doktorsavhandling tisdagen den 1 september. Spikningen äger rum i JTHs entré och alla är välkomna att närvara vid ceremonin. Därefter, på grund av den pågående coronapandemin, bjuds det på kaffe och individuellt förpackat tilltugg i sal E1028 (Husqvarna).


Spikning är en gammal tradition som innebär att avhandlingen offentligörs och att inga ändringar längre får göras. Djordjes avhandling blir den femtiofemte på JTH sedan Jönköping University fick rätt att utfärda doktorsexamen inom området Industriell Produktframtagning 2010.


Djordje Popovics avhandling har titeln "The Development and Use of Product Platforms in Single-Family Industrialized House Building". Djordje försvarar sin avhandling fredagen den 25 september, kl 10.00 i E1405 (Gjuterisalen). 

Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

PhD Research Proposal presented by MMTC PhD candidate Annika Ehlers

1 september - 1 september

10:00 - 12:00

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>PhD Research Proposal presented by MMTC PhD candidate&nbsp;Annika Ehlers</p><p>Discussants: Christian Sandstr&ouml;m and Jiyoung&nbsp;Kim</p>
1 september - 1 september
10:00 - 12:00


Online - contact for zoom link


PhD Research Proposal presented by MMTC PhD candidate Annika Ehlers

PhD Research Proposal presented by MMTC PhD candidate Annika Ehlers

Discussants: Christian Sandström and Jiyoung Kim

Arrangör: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Docentföreläsning - Roland Stolt

1 september - 1 september

11:00 - 12:00


<p>V&auml;lkommen att delta i Roland Stolts docentf&ouml;rel&auml;sning!</p><p><strong>Titel:&nbsp;</strong><em>Platforms in Product and Production Development &ndash; Evolution and Future Outlook</em></p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p><p>In this lecture, highlights from eleven years of research will be presented. The research has been devoted to manufacturability of components and their relation to manufacturing processes. Passed research has also been about setting up, tracing, and maintaining Design Automation systems. Further, product and production platforms have been a central part of the research and continuous to be. Therefore, this lecture will pay special attention to platforms and&nbsp; look at their historical development and discuss what prospects they hold and what is expected to be required from them in the future.</p>
1 september - 1 september
11:00 - 12:00




Docentföreläsning - Roland Stolt

Välkommen att delta i Roland Stolts docentföreläsning!

Titel: Platforms in Product and Production Development – Evolution and Future Outlook


In this lecture, highlights from eleven years of research will be presented. The research has been devoted to manufacturability of components and their relation to manufacturing processes. Passed research has also been about setting up, tracing, and maintaining Design Automation systems. Further, product and production platforms have been a central part of the research and continuous to be. Therefore, this lecture will pay special attention to platforms and  look at their historical development and discuss what prospects they hold and what is expected to be required from them in the future.

Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars

2 september - 2 september

12:00 - 13:00

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars</p><p><a href="https://eufbc.org/">https://eufbc.org/</a></p>
2 september - 2 september
12:00 - 13:00


Online - contact for zoom link


European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars

European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars


Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

MMTC Research Seminar presented by Mohammad Eslami

2 september - 2 september

12:00 - 13:00

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>MMTC Research Seminar presented by Mohammad Eslami</p><p><strong>Seminar Title:&nbsp;&ldquo;Mapping inclusive innovation: A bibliometric study and literature review&rdquo;. </strong></p>
2 september - 2 september
12:00 - 13:00


Online - contact for zoom link


MMTC Research Seminar presented by Mohammad Eslami

MMTC Research Seminar presented by Mohammad Eslami

Seminar Title: “Mapping inclusive innovation: A bibliometric study and literature review”.

Arrangör: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Jönköping University Sustainability Network - Frukostmöte

8 september - 8 september

08:30 - 09:30


<p>Delta i JU Sustainability Networks kvartalsfrukostm&ouml;te och f&aring; reda p&aring; mer kring de senaste projekten och hur du kan engagera dig i h&aring;llbarhetsaktiviteter p&aring; JU.</p><p>Agenda:<br />- Organisera&nbsp;JU Sustainability Festival 2020<br />- H&ouml;sten 2020 &amp; H&aring;llbarhetsagenda p&aring; JU och i regionen<br />- JU SDG Scorecard</p><p>Registrera dig <strong><a href="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=j7xkdTg3TUu9V1oCymIV--agM6ADrQFFmCvtLvtwguNUNkJYWDdTTFM3WkFRWkhYNEVVNDYyQ084QSQlQCN0PWcu">H&Auml;R</a></strong></p><p>Join URL: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61944106427 or<br />Meeting ID: 619 4410 6427</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
8 september - 8 september
08:30 - 09:30




Jönköping University Sustainability Network - Frukostmöte

Delta i JU Sustainability Networks kvartalsfrukostmöte och få reda på mer kring de senaste projekten och hur du kan engagera dig i hållbarhetsaktiviteter på JU.

- Organisera JU Sustainability Festival 2020
- Hösten 2020 & Hållbarhetsagenda på JU och i regionen
- JU SDG Scorecard

Registrera dig HÄR

Join URL: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/61944106427 or
Meeting ID: 619 4410 6427


Arrangör: Jönköping University

Suicidpreventiv dag arrangeras vid JU

8 september - 8 september

09:30 - 15:30


<p><strong>N&auml;sta vecka arrangerar J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University den Suicidpreventiva dagen och om du &auml;r intresserad kan du delta i dagen via Zoom. </strong></p><p>F&ouml;ljande presentationer sker p&aring; svenska den 8 september mellan 13:00-15:30 via Zoom.</p><p>13:00-13:05 <strong>H&auml;lsoh&ouml;gskolans VD Marie Ernsth Bravell</strong> v&auml;lkomnar</p><p>13:10-13:30 <strong>Suicidprevention &ndash; s&aring; h&auml;r kan du bidra och r&auml;dda liv</strong>, Elin Isfall, Brandingenj&ouml;r, R&auml;ddningstj&auml;nsten, J&ouml;nk&ouml;pings kommun.</p><p>13:35-13:55 <strong>F&ouml;rsta hj&auml;lpen till psykisk h&auml;lsa i Vetlanda kommun</strong>, Morgan Miledal, Folkh&auml;lsosamordnare, Kris och beredskap/Insatsledare p&aring; H&ouml;glandets r&auml;ddningstj&auml;nstf&ouml;rbund.</p><p>14:00-14:25 <strong>Sj&auml;lvskadebeteende</strong>, Nina Gunnarsson, Avdelningen f&ouml;r socialt arbete, H&auml;lsoh&ouml;gskolan.</p><p>14:25-14:45 Fikapaus</p><p>14:45-15:05 <strong>Existentiella fr&aring;gor kring suicidprevention</strong>, John Ahlstr&ouml;m, studentpastor</p><p>15:10-15:30 <strong>Studenth&auml;lsans verksamhet</strong>, Marie B&ouml;wing-Lindstr&ouml;m och Ann-Louice Jorikson, KBT-terapeuter</p><p>Om du &auml;r intresserad av den Suicidpreventiva dagen, v&auml;nligen anm&auml;l dig via mejl till: <a href="mailto:Helena.Engkvist@ju.se?subject=Suicidpreventiv%20dag">Helena.Engkvist@ju.se</a> f&ouml;r att f&aring; tillg&aring;ng till Zoom-l&auml;nken.</p>
8 september - 8 september
09:30 - 15:30




Suicidpreventiv dag arrangeras vid JU

Nästa vecka arrangerar Jönköping University den Suicidpreventiva dagen och om du är intresserad kan du delta i dagen via Zoom.

Följande presentationer sker på svenska den 8 september mellan 13:00-15:30 via Zoom.

13:00-13:05 Hälsohögskolans VD Marie Ernsth Bravell välkomnar

13:10-13:30 Suicidprevention – så här kan du bidra och rädda liv, Elin Isfall, Brandingenjör, Räddningstjänsten, Jönköpings kommun.

13:35-13:55 Första hjälpen till psykisk hälsa i Vetlanda kommun, Morgan Miledal, Folkhälsosamordnare, Kris och beredskap/Insatsledare på Höglandets räddningstjänstförbund.

14:00-14:25 Självskadebeteende, Nina Gunnarsson, Avdelningen för socialt arbete, Hälsohögskolan.

14:25-14:45 Fikapaus

14:45-15:05 Existentiella frågor kring suicidprevention, John Ahlström, studentpastor

15:10-15:30 Studenthälsans verksamhet, Marie Böwing-Lindström och Ann-Louice Jorikson, KBT-terapeuter

Om du är intresserad av den Suicidpreventiva dagen, vänligen anmäl dig via mejl till: Helena.Engkvist@ju.se för att få tillgång till Zoom-länken.

Arrangör: Jönköping University

Docentföreläsning - Lilly Augustine

10 september - 10 september

14:00 - 15:00


<p>V&auml;lkomna p&aring; Lilly Augustines docentf&ouml;rel&auml;sning med titeln&nbsp;&quot;Functioning and Mental Health in School-Aged Children with and without disabilities&quot;.</p><p>F&ouml;rel&auml;sningen ges p&aring; engelska.</p><p>Efter f&ouml;rel&auml;sningen anordnas mingel utanf&ouml;r Hb116.</p><p>Du kan f&ouml;lja f&ouml;rel&auml;sningen &auml;ven via Zoom:<br /><a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fju-se.zoom.us%2Fj%2F63659699810&amp;data=02%7C01%7Chakan.strahl%40ju.se%7Cd9df9509b2d4440b6a1308d84fcf895a%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637347100058928497&amp;sdata=Ahq3cfYegrrgo1b%2FyXJUiQ2wm51cxLVR9TsAPw%2BGRZQ%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63659699810</a></p>
10 september - 10 september
14:00 - 15:00




Docentföreläsning - Lilly Augustine

Välkomna på Lilly Augustines docentföreläsning med titeln "Functioning and Mental Health in School-Aged Children with and without disabilities".

Föreläsningen ges på engelska.

Efter föreläsningen anordnas mingel utanför Hb116.

Du kan följa föreläsningen även via Zoom:

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Higher seminar - Human and artificial intelligence

11 september - 11 september

13:00 - 15:00

Ha208, HLK

<p>Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of society. The AI technology is currently very limited but has been proven to be very effective in narrow applications. The question is how humans and computers can collaborate to solve problems more efficiently and effectively.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Welcome to this seminar with&nbsp;Professor Niklas Lavesson, Applied AI, JAIL/JTH.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>It&#39;s possible to participate via Zoom:&nbsp;JU-SE.ZOOM.US/J/7262330985&nbsp;</p>
11 september - 11 september
13:00 - 15:00


Ha208, HLK


Higher seminar - Human and artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of society. The AI technology is currently very limited but has been proven to be very effective in narrow applications. The question is how humans and computers can collaborate to solve problems more efficiently and effectively.


Welcome to this seminar with Professor Niklas Lavesson, Applied AI, JAIL/JTH.


It's possible to participate via Zoom: JU-SE.ZOOM.US/J/7262330985 

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

Final Seminar presented by MMTC member Thomas Cyron

11 september - 11 september

13:00 - 15:00

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>Final Seminar presented by MMTC member Thomas Cyron</p><p><strong>&ldquo;Medial and model affordances in stakeholder communication.&rdquo;</strong></p><p>External faculty opponent:</p><p>Prof. Dennis Schoeneborn, Copenhagen Business School</p><p>Supervisors: Leona Achtenhagen, Massimo Bau, Per Davidsson</p>
11 september - 11 september
13:00 - 15:00


Online - contact for zoom link


Final Seminar presented by MMTC member Thomas Cyron

Final Seminar presented by MMTC member Thomas Cyron

“Medial and model affordances in stakeholder communication.”

External faculty opponent:

Prof. Dennis Schoeneborn, Copenhagen Business School

Supervisors: Leona Achtenhagen, Massimo Bau, Per Davidsson

Arrangör: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

14 september - 14 september

12:10 - 12:55


<p>You are welcome to join us for the&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&quot;&nbsp;</em></p><p>presented by&nbsp;Thomas Ericson from Linn&aelig;us University</p><p><strong>Title:&nbsp;</strong>Motives to delay retirement</p><p><strong>Date: </strong>Monday, September 14<br /><strong>Time: </strong>12:10-12:55<br /><strong>Room: </strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121</a><br />Fix Meeting-ID for Autumn 1: 637 381 251 21 (or in B5002)</p><p>Have a look at the&nbsp;seminar&nbsp;program for A1&nbsp;<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/jqompfwuftiax1c/Schedule_BrownBag_2020A1.pdf?dl=0">here</a>.</p><p><strong>Most welcome to join!</strong></p>
14 september - 14 september
12:10 - 12:55




Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

You are welcome to join us for the “Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance" 

presented by Thomas Ericson from Linnæus University

Title: Motives to delay retirement

Date: Monday, September 14
Time: 12:10-12:55
Room: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121
Fix Meeting-ID for Autumn 1: 637 381 251 21 (or in B5002)

Have a look at the seminar program for A1 here.

Most welcome to join!

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

Anmälan öppnar till vårens program och kurser

15 september - 15 september

På campus och på distans

<p>Tisdag 15 september &ouml;ppnar anm&auml;lan till v&aring;rens program och kurser. Vid JU startar tre&nbsp;utbildningsprogram: teknisk bastermin, sjuksk&ouml;terska och socionom samt ca 100 frist&aring;ende kurser inom olika omr&aring;den. Dessutom kan du s&ouml;ka en av v&aring;ra yrkesh&ouml;gskoleutbildningar.</p><p>V&auml;lkommen att anm&auml;la dig senast torsdag&nbsp;15 oktober.</p><p>Se utbudet h&auml;r:<br />-Utbildningsprogram:&nbsp;<a href="http://ju.se/program">ju.se/program</a><br />-Frist&aring;ende kurser: j<a href="http://ju.se/kurser">u.se/kurser</a><br />-Yrkesh&ouml;gskoleutbildningar:&nbsp;<a href="http://ju.se/yh">ju.se/yh</a></p>
15 september - 15 september


På campus och på distans


Anmälan öppnar till vårens program och kurser

Tisdag 15 september öppnar anmälan till vårens program och kurser. Vid JU startar tre utbildningsprogram: teknisk bastermin, sjuksköterska och socionom samt ca 100 fristående kurser inom olika områden. Dessutom kan du söka en av våra yrkeshögskoleutbildningar.

Välkommen att anmäla dig senast torsdag 15 oktober.

Se utbudet här:
-Utbildningsprogram: ju.se/program
-Fristående kurser: ju.se/kurser
-Yrkeshögskoleutbildningar: ju.se/yh

Arrangör: Jönköping University

Docentföreläsning - Jessica Elfsberg

15 september - 15 september

10:00 - 12:00

B3051 (JIBS)

<p>V&auml;lkommen att delta i Jessica Elfsbergs docentf&ouml;rel&auml;sning!</p><p><strong>Titel:</strong>&nbsp;<em>Cast Iron Parts in Heavy Duty Vehicles</em></p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p><p>Heavy Duty Vehicles are vehicles performing some kind of heavy work. Often by transporting goods or transporting people. The vehicles from Scania CV AB have cast iron parts operating under very different conditions. The three cast iron types LGI (Lamellar Graphite Iron), CGI (Compacted Graphite Iron) and SGI (Spheroidal Graphite Iron) are all used by Scania since they are suitable for different applications. Some parts are exposed to high, cyclic, temperatures, other may in some climates experience very low temperatures. Furthermore there are for example high static loads, cyclic loads causing fatigue and different corrosive media to consider. Material properties of interest are not only strength but also thermal conductivity, mechanical damping and oxidation resistance. Material properties are generally&nbsp; controlled by microstructural features as for example graphite shape and matrix structure. The microstructure is controlled by the chemical composition and by the manufacturing process. However, the properties are also limited by the presence of defects. It is not possible to cast 100% defect free parts, thus the defects need to be considered during the design process.</p><p>The development of cast iron parts at Scania focus not only on the actual material properties, but also on the possibility to model their behavior for optimizing the design and estimating their life length at different conditions. Models and tools are developed internally as well as in cooperation with academic partners. Two examples are the correlation between strength and microstructure for two cast iron types (LGI and CGI) and a diagram describing the static strength as a function of defect size in SGI.</p>
15 september - 15 september
10:00 - 12:00


B3051 (JIBS)


Docentföreläsning - Jessica Elfsberg

Välkommen att delta i Jessica Elfsbergs docentföreläsning!

Titel: Cast Iron Parts in Heavy Duty Vehicles


Heavy Duty Vehicles are vehicles performing some kind of heavy work. Often by transporting goods or transporting people. The vehicles from Scania CV AB have cast iron parts operating under very different conditions. The three cast iron types LGI (Lamellar Graphite Iron), CGI (Compacted Graphite Iron) and SGI (Spheroidal Graphite Iron) are all used by Scania since they are suitable for different applications. Some parts are exposed to high, cyclic, temperatures, other may in some climates experience very low temperatures. Furthermore there are for example high static loads, cyclic loads causing fatigue and different corrosive media to consider. Material properties of interest are not only strength but also thermal conductivity, mechanical damping and oxidation resistance. Material properties are generally  controlled by microstructural features as for example graphite shape and matrix structure. The microstructure is controlled by the chemical composition and by the manufacturing process. However, the properties are also limited by the presence of defects. It is not possible to cast 100% defect free parts, thus the defects need to be considered during the design process.

The development of cast iron parts at Scania focus not only on the actual material properties, but also on the possibility to model their behavior for optimizing the design and estimating their life length at different conditions. Models and tools are developed internally as well as in cooperation with academic partners. Two examples are the correlation between strength and microstructure for two cast iron types (LGI and CGI) and a diagram describing the static strength as a function of defect size in SGI.

Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

CEnSE research seminar presented by visiting guest Raluca Mariana GROSU from Bucharest University

15 september - 15 september

14:00 - 15:00


<p>You are welcome to join us for a CEnSE research seminar presented by visiting guest Raluca Mariana GROSU from The Bucharest University (Read Raluca&acute;s biograph below)</p><p><strong>Title:</strong> &quot;Senior entrepreneurship in the context of the silver economy. Some evidence from Romania&quot;</p><p><strong>Date:</strong> Tuesday September 15</p><p><strong>Time:</strong> 14:00-15:00</p><p><strong>Room:</strong> B5002 OR Join Zoom Meeting <a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68931197244">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68931197244</a></p><p><strong>Biograph Raluca Mariana GROSU:</strong></p><p>Raluca Mariana Grosu, PhD is a Lecturer of Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Business and Tourism, within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in Romania, currently being a Visiting Scholar at J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School, in Sweden.</p><p>Highly passionate about entrepreneurship, with over 10 years of experience in academia - implicitly in teaching and researching about entrepreneurship - Raluca Mariana Grosu is the author/co-author of various books, chapters in edited books, scientific articles, and conference papers in the field. With a theoretical and practical background also consolidated during visiting/research stays at the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), the University of Seville (Spain) and the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy), Raluca Mariana Grosu was involved in many specific activities: research projects, training courses for entrepreneurs, consultancy services for business startup, coordination of bachelor&rsquo;s theses on entrepreneurial topics, including the articulation by students of viable business plans, some of which in the process of implementation. Furthermore, Raluca Mariana Grosu is a founding member of the FRESHconsult project. An unique project within Romanian academia, this implies the capitalization, in an innovative way, of students&rsquo; &ldquo;fresh&rdquo; ideas, through free generic consultancy activities they offer to micro and small Romanian businesses, under the strict coordination of the professors involved in the project.</p><p>Raluca Mariana Grosu is part of the Romanian Regional Science Association Board and member of the European Regional Science Association, the Regional Science Association International and the Association for Innovation and Quality in Sustainable Business. She is part of the editorial board of &lsquo;Amfiteatru Economic&rsquo; and &lsquo;Romanian Journal of Regional Science&rsquo; scientific journals. Her main general research areas cover entrepreneurship, regional science, and demographics, mainly focusing on relationships between entrepreneurship, migration, aging, and local and regional development.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
15 september - 15 september
14:00 - 15:00




CEnSE research seminar presented by visiting guest Raluca Mariana GROSU from Bucharest University

You are welcome to join us for a CEnSE research seminar presented by visiting guest Raluca Mariana GROSU from The Bucharest University (Read Raluca´s biograph below)

Title: "Senior entrepreneurship in the context of the silver economy. Some evidence from Romania"

Date: Tuesday September 15

Time: 14:00-15:00

Room: B5002 OR Join Zoom Meeting https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68931197244

Biograph Raluca Mariana GROSU:

Raluca Mariana Grosu, PhD is a Lecturer of Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Business and Tourism, within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in Romania, currently being a Visiting Scholar at Jönköping International Business School, in Sweden.

Highly passionate about entrepreneurship, with over 10 years of experience in academia - implicitly in teaching and researching about entrepreneurship - Raluca Mariana Grosu is the author/co-author of various books, chapters in edited books, scientific articles, and conference papers in the field. With a theoretical and practical background also consolidated during visiting/research stays at the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), the University of Seville (Spain) and the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy), Raluca Mariana Grosu was involved in many specific activities: research projects, training courses for entrepreneurs, consultancy services for business startup, coordination of bachelor’s theses on entrepreneurial topics, including the articulation by students of viable business plans, some of which in the process of implementation. Furthermore, Raluca Mariana Grosu is a founding member of the FRESHconsult project. An unique project within Romanian academia, this implies the capitalization, in an innovative way, of students’ “fresh” ideas, through free generic consultancy activities they offer to micro and small Romanian businesses, under the strict coordination of the professors involved in the project.

Raluca Mariana Grosu is part of the Romanian Regional Science Association Board and member of the European Regional Science Association, the Regional Science Association International and the Association for Innovation and Quality in Sustainable Business. She is part of the editorial board of ‘Amfiteatru Economic’ and ‘Romanian Journal of Regional Science’ scientific journals. Her main general research areas cover entrepreneurship, regional science, and demographics, mainly focusing on relationships between entrepreneurship, migration, aging, and local and regional development.



Arrangör: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars

16 september - 16 september

12:00 - 13:00

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars&nbsp;</p>
16 september - 16 september
12:00 - 13:00


Online - contact for zoom link


European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars

European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars 

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

Invigning av Klimatveckan

16 september - 16 september



<p>Digital invigning av&nbsp;Klimatveckan i J&ouml;nk&ouml;pings l&auml;n, med h&auml;lsningar fr&aring;n Klimatr&aring;dets medlemsorganisationer.<br />L&auml;s mer <a href="https://klimatveckan.klimatradet.se/program-2020/">via den h&auml;r l&auml;nken!</a></p>
16 september - 16 september




Invigning av Klimatveckan

Digital invigning av Klimatveckan i Jönköpings län, med hälsningar från Klimatrådets medlemsorganisationer.
Läs mer via den här länken!

Arrangör: Extern arrangör

EUFBC Seminar - Sabrina Schell

16 september - 16 september

12:00 - 13:00

Link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68855796991

<p>The next EuFBC seminar&nbsp;will be presented by&nbsp;<a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Franialabaki%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7CIngrid.Aronsson%40ju.se%7C7fcce1c81c5c406c3dfd08d853e0421e%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637351569974661214&amp;sdata=4666MD0S4qUKaDdjujWQJsttAJfYjN%2FHbBVILxmyvso%3D&amp;reserved=0">Sabrina</a> Schell, Senior Researcher at Institute for Organization and Human Resource Management, University of Bern in Switzerland.&nbsp;</p><p><strong><em>I</em></strong><strong><em>t&rsquo;s a match!&nbsp;</em></strong><strong><em>External Top Management Team Member in Family Firms</em></strong><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p><em>Sabrina Schell, University of Berne<br />Julia de Groote, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management<br />Salome Richard, University of Berne<br />Andreas Hack, University of Berne<br />Franz Kellermanns, UNC Charlotte</em></p><p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><p>Link:&nbsp;<a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fju-se.zoom.us%2Fj%2F68855796991&amp;data=02%7C01%7CIngrid.Aronsson%40ju.se%7C7fcce1c81c5c406c3dfd08d853e0421e%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637351569974661214&amp;sdata=gkduxsBGcfVQ30a2HQpx0PIDF22BsbnylsvM8vAiXjk%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68855796991</a></p>
16 september - 16 september
12:00 - 13:00


Link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68855796991


EUFBC Seminar - Sabrina Schell

The next EuFBC seminar will be presented by Sabrina Schell, Senior Researcher at Institute for Organization and Human Resource Management, University of Bern in Switzerland. 

It’s a match! External Top Management Team Member in Family Firms 

Sabrina Schell, University of Berne
Julia de Groote, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Salome Richard, University of Berne
Andreas Hack, University of Berne
Franz Kellermanns, UNC Charlotte


Link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68855796991

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

MSI vid Jönköping University arrangerar Samhällsnyttiga samtal

17 september - 17 september

12:30 - 16:00

Digitalt - anmäl dig via socialinnovation.se

<p>17/9 kl. 12.30-16.00<br />Webinarium: Samh&auml;llsnyttiga samtal<br />T&auml;nk innanf&ouml;r boxen med oss! Hur vill du bidra till ett h&aring;llbart J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping?</p><p>Anslut till en dag utan powerpoints och pekpinnar. Inga f&ouml;rel&auml;sningar eller f&auml;rdiga svar. Bara samh&auml;llsnyttiga samtal med beslutsfattare och sociala innovat&ouml;rer om hur vi tillsammans kan bygga ett h&aring;llbart J&ouml;nk&ouml;pings l&auml;n. Under dagen kommer du att m&ouml;ta en rad sp&auml;nnande g&auml;ster som kliver upp p&aring; v&aring;r scen, sjunker ner i soffan och tar en kopp kaffe med dagens moderator Angeli S Hederberg, samh&auml;llsentrepren&ouml;r och aff&auml;rsutvecklare f&ouml;r sociala entrepren&ouml;rer.</p><ul></ul><p><strong>Dagen livestreamas och du kan vara med p&aring; hela eller delar av dagen!</strong></p><p>L&auml;s mer och registrera dig via <a href="https://samhallsnyttigt.confetti.events/">socialinnovation.se</a>&nbsp;</p>
17 september - 17 september
12:30 - 16:00


Digitalt - anmäl dig via socialinnovation.se


MSI vid Jönköping University arrangerar Samhällsnyttiga samtal

17/9 kl. 12.30-16.00
Webinarium: Samhällsnyttiga samtal
Tänk innanför boxen med oss! Hur vill du bidra till ett hållbart Jönköping?

Anslut till en dag utan powerpoints och pekpinnar. Inga föreläsningar eller färdiga svar. Bara samhällsnyttiga samtal med beslutsfattare och sociala innovatörer om hur vi tillsammans kan bygga ett hållbart Jönköpings län. Under dagen kommer du att möta en rad spännande gäster som kliver upp på vår scen, sjunker ner i soffan och tar en kopp kaffe med dagens moderator Angeli S Hederberg, samhällsentreprenör och affärsutvecklare för sociala entreprenörer.

    Dagen livestreamas och du kan vara med på hela eller delar av dagen!

    Läs mer och registrera dig via socialinnovation.se 

    Arrangör: Jönköping University

    Klimatveckan: Prat om god mat för människa & miljö

    18 september - 18 september

    07:30 - 08:30

    Elmia och online

    <p>Den nya m&auml;ssan Elmia Matbruk tar under Klimatveckan tempen p&aring; livsmedelsproduktionen i l&auml;net. Flera&nbsp;intressanta g&auml;ster kommer att prata&nbsp;om god mat f&ouml;r m&auml;nniska och milj&ouml;. Lives&auml;ndning fr&aring;n Studio Elmia. Du kikar via webben och ingen inloggning kr&auml;vs. Ett begr&auml;nsat antal personer kan delta i publiken p&aring; plats. D&aring; bjuds p&aring; en n&auml;rproducerad och klimatsmart frukost fr&aring;n kl.&nbsp;07.30.<br />Mer information och anm&auml;lan sker<a href="https://klimatveckan.klimatradet.se/program-2020/"> via den h&auml;r l&auml;nken!</a></p>
    18 september - 18 september
    07:30 - 08:30


    Elmia och online


    Klimatveckan: Prat om god mat för människa & miljö

    Den nya mässan Elmia Matbruk tar under Klimatveckan tempen på livsmedelsproduktionen i länet. Flera intressanta gäster kommer att prata om god mat för människa och miljö. Livesändning från Studio Elmia. Du kikar via webben och ingen inloggning krävs. Ett begränsat antal personer kan delta i publiken på plats. Då bjuds på en närproducerad och klimatsmart frukost från kl. 07.30.
    Mer information och anmälan sker via den här länken!

    Arrangör: Extern arrangör

    CeFEO Research Seminar

    21 september - 21 september

    12:00 - 13:00

    Online - contact for zoom link

    <p>CeFEO Research Seminar</p>
    21 september - 21 september
    12:00 - 13:00


    Online - contact for zoom link


    CeFEO Research Seminar

    CeFEO Research Seminar

    Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

    CeFEO Research Seminar - Francesco Chirico and Daniel Pittino

    21 september - 21 september

    12:00 - 13:00


    <p>Professor Francesco Chirico and Senior Associate Professor Daniel Pittino</p><p>&ldquo;KEEPING FAMILY FIRMS IN A REGION: FAMILY FIRM DENSITY, JOB SECURITY AND FIRM PERFORMANCE&rdquo;</p><p>Monday, 21st September</p><p>12.00 &ndash; 13.00</p><p>On line - <a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo">https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo</a></p>
    21 september - 21 september
    12:00 - 13:00




    CeFEO Research Seminar - Francesco Chirico and Daniel Pittino

    Professor Francesco Chirico and Senior Associate Professor Daniel Pittino


    Monday, 21st September

    12.00 – 13.00

    On line - https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo

    Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

    Spikning - Fredrik Tiedemann

    22 september - 22 september

    09:30 - 09:45

    Entré JTH

    <p>Fredrik Tiedemann, doktorand i produktionssystem, spikar sin doktorsavhandling tisdagen den 22 september. Spikningen &auml;ger rum i JTHs entr&eacute; och alla &auml;r v&auml;lkomna att n&auml;rvara vid ceremonin. D&auml;refter bjuder vi&nbsp;p&aring; kaffe och individuellt f&ouml;rpackat tilltugg.<br />&nbsp;</p><p>Spikning &auml;r en gammal tradition som inneb&auml;r att avhandlingen offentligg&ouml;rs och att inga &auml;ndringar l&auml;ngre f&aring;r g&ouml;ras. Fredriks avhandling blir den femtiosj&auml;tte p&aring; JTH sedan J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University fick r&auml;tt att utf&auml;rda doktorsexamen inom omr&aring;det Industriell Produktframtagning 2010.<br />&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;Fredrik Tiedemanns avhandling har titeln <em>Strategies for Demand-Driven Supply Chains - A Decoupling Thinking Perspective</em>. Fredrik&nbsp;f&ouml;rsvarar sin avhandling Torsdagen den 15 oktober, kl 10.00 i E1405 (Gjuterisalen).&nbsp;</p>
    22 september - 22 september
    09:30 - 09:45


    Entré JTH


    Spikning - Fredrik Tiedemann

    Fredrik Tiedemann, doktorand i produktionssystem, spikar sin doktorsavhandling tisdagen den 22 september. Spikningen äger rum i JTHs entré och alla är välkomna att närvara vid ceremonin. Därefter bjuder vi på kaffe och individuellt förpackat tilltugg.

    Spikning är en gammal tradition som innebär att avhandlingen offentliggörs och att inga ändringar längre får göras. Fredriks avhandling blir den femtiosjätte på JTH sedan Jönköping University fick rätt att utfärda doktorsexamen inom området Industriell Produktframtagning 2010.

     Fredrik Tiedemanns avhandling har titeln Strategies for Demand-Driven Supply Chains - A Decoupling Thinking Perspective. Fredrik försvarar sin avhandling Torsdagen den 15 oktober, kl 10.00 i E1405 (Gjuterisalen). 

    Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

    Klimatveckan: Naturvandringar i Jönköping

    22 september - 22 september

    14:00 - 18:30

    Östra Vätterbranterna, Jönköping

    <p>Vill du l&auml;ra dig mer om naturbetesmarkers rika flora och fauna och om svenskt naturbetesk&ouml;tt &ndash; ett k&ouml;tt som har f&aring;tt gr&ouml;nt ljus i WWF:s k&ouml;ttguide? H&auml;ng med p&aring; en naturbetesvandring i biosf&auml;romr&aring;det &Ouml;stra V&auml;tterbranterna 22 september. Tv&aring; naturvandringar erbjuds &ndash; en f&ouml;r producenter och en f&ouml;r konsumenter. Exakt plats meddelas vid anm&auml;lan, som &auml;r obligatorisk.</p><p>Mer information och anm&auml;lan hittar du <a href="https://klimatveckan.klimatradet.se/naturvandringar-tema-naturmarker-och-naturbeteskott/">via den h&auml;r l&auml;nken!</a></p>
    22 september - 22 september
    14:00 - 18:30


    Östra Vätterbranterna, Jönköping


    Klimatveckan: Naturvandringar i Jönköping

    Vill du lära dig mer om naturbetesmarkers rika flora och fauna och om svenskt naturbeteskött – ett kött som har fått grönt ljus i WWF:s köttguide? Häng med på en naturbetesvandring i biosfärområdet Östra Vätterbranterna 22 september. Två naturvandringar erbjuds – en för producenter och en för konsumenter. Exakt plats meddelas vid anmälan, som är obligatorisk.

    Mer information och anmälan hittar du via den här länken!

    Arrangör: Extern arrangör

    Anmälan till Högskoleprovet öppnar

    25 september - 1 oktober

    07:00 - 00:00


    <p>Besgr&auml;nsat antal deltagare under h&ouml;stens prov.&nbsp;Anm&auml;lan &ouml;ppnar 25 september och st&auml;nger senast 1 oktober. Anm&auml;lan kan komma att st&auml;nga&nbsp;tidigare beroende p&aring; n&auml;r platserna har&nbsp;fyllts. <a href="https://ju.se/studera/anmalan-och-antagning/hogskoleprovet.html">L&auml;s mer&nbsp;information om provet h&auml;r.</a></p>
    25 september - 1 oktober
    07:00 - 00:00




    Anmälan till Högskoleprovet öppnar

    Besgränsat antal deltagare under höstens prov. Anmälan öppnar 25 september och stänger senast 1 oktober. Anmälan kan komma att stänga tidigare beroende på när platserna har fyllts. Läs mer information om provet här.

    Arrangör: Extern arrangör

    Disputation - Djordje Popovic

    25 september - 25 september

    10:00 - 12:00

    E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

    <p><strong>Titel: </strong><a href="http://hj.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1461864/FULLTEXT01.pdf"><em>The Development and Use of Product Platforms in Single-Family Industrialized House Building</em></a><br /><strong>Respondent:</strong> Djordje Popovic<br /><strong>Forskarutbildnings&auml;mne:</strong> Produktionssystem<br /><strong>Opponent:</strong> Professor Detlef Heck, Graz University of Technology<br /><strong>Huvudhandledare: </strong>Professor Fredrik Elgh, JTH, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University</p><p>V&auml;lkomna!</p>
    25 september - 25 september
    10:00 - 12:00


    E1405 (Gjuterisalen)


    Disputation - Djordje Popovic

    Titel: The Development and Use of Product Platforms in Single-Family Industrialized House Building
    Respondent: Djordje Popovic
    Forskarutbildningsämne: Produktionssystem
    Opponent: Professor Detlef Heck, Graz University of Technology
    Huvudhandledare: Professor Fredrik Elgh, JTH, Jönköping University


    Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

    Disputation i Företagsekonomi - Marta Caccamo

    25 september - 25 september


    B1033 and on Zoom

    <p>Marta Caccamo, Business Administration, will defend her doctoral thesis in Business Administration at a public dissertation defense on Friday, 25 September 2020 at 1.15 pm on Zoom and in B1033 at JIBS.<br />The thesis title is: <em>Cross-boundary knowledge work in innovation: Understanding the role of space and objects</em></p><p><br /><em>Please register in advance for this webinar:<br />https://ju-se.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YpBAMEeUQg2ceJYG5_bTrA</em></p><p><br />Faculty examiner/opponent: Professor Robin Teigland, Chalmers University of Technology..&nbsp;<br />Members of the examining committee are: (Bitr.) Professor Susanne Ollila, Chalmers University of Technology, Professor Fredrik Tell, Uppsala University, and Senior Associate Professor Christian Sandstr&ouml;m, JIBS.&nbsp;<br />Substitute member in case needed is Associate Professor Caroline Wigren, Lund University.&nbsp;<br />Chairperson of the defense is Professor Ethel Brundin, JIBS</p>
    25 september - 25 september


    B1033 and on Zoom


    Disputation i Företagsekonomi - Marta Caccamo

    Marta Caccamo, Business Administration, will defend her doctoral thesis in Business Administration at a public dissertation defense on Friday, 25 September 2020 at 1.15 pm on Zoom and in B1033 at JIBS.
    The thesis title is: Cross-boundary knowledge work in innovation: Understanding the role of space and objects

    Please register in advance for this webinar:

    Faculty examiner/opponent: Professor Robin Teigland, Chalmers University of Technology.. 
    Members of the examining committee are: (Bitr.) Professor Susanne Ollila, Chalmers University of Technology, Professor Fredrik Tell, Uppsala University, and Senior Associate Professor Christian Sandström, JIBS. 
    Substitute member in case needed is Associate Professor Caroline Wigren, Lund University. 
    Chairperson of the defense is Professor Ethel Brundin, JIBS

    Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

    Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

    28 september - 28 september

    12:10 - 12:55


    <p>You are welcome to join us for the&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&quot;&nbsp;</em></p><p>presented by Andrea Mitrut from University of Gothenburg&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Title:&nbsp;</strong>The impact of corruption on&nbsp;health</p><p><strong>Date:&nbsp;</strong>Monday, September 28<br /><strong>Time:&nbsp;</strong>12:10-12:55<br /><strong>Room:&nbsp;</strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121</a><br />Fix Meeting-ID for Autumn 1: 637 381 251 21 (or in B5002)</p><p>Have a look at the&nbsp;seminar&nbsp;program for A1&nbsp;<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/jqompfwuftiax1c/Schedule_BrownBag_2020A1.pdf?dl=0">here</a>.</p><p><strong>Most welcome to join!</strong></p>
    28 september - 28 september
    12:10 - 12:55




    Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

    You are welcome to join us for the “Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance" 

    presented by Andrea Mitrut from University of Gothenburg 

    Title: The impact of corruption on health

    Date: Monday, September 28
    Time: 12:10-12:55
    Room: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63738125121
    Fix Meeting-ID for Autumn 1: 637 381 251 21 (or in B5002)

    Have a look at the seminar program for A1 here.

    Most welcome to join!

    Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

    IA inspired - arbetsmarknadsdag för globala studier

    29 september - 29 september

    13:00 - 18:00


    <p>Den&nbsp;29 september&nbsp;anordnar IA-programmet &quot;IA Inspired&quot;, en inspirationsdag f&ouml;r dig som &auml;r intresserad av globala studier och hur arbetsmarknaden ser ut.&nbsp;Dagen arrangeras av IA-studenter.</p><p>L&auml;s mer p&aring; webben: <a href="http://www.ju.se/iainspired">IA inspired</a> (sidan uppdateras efter hand)</p><p>Har du fr&aring;gor, kontakta <a href="https://ju.se/personinfo.html?sign=SvAS">Ann-Sofie&nbsp;Lekenstam</a>, programansvarig eller <a href="mailto:laol18vq@student.ju.se">Olivia Lange</a>, projektledare</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
    29 september - 29 september
    13:00 - 18:00




    IA inspired - arbetsmarknadsdag för globala studier

    Den 29 september anordnar IA-programmet "IA Inspired", en inspirationsdag för dig som är intresserad av globala studier och hur arbetsmarknaden ser ut. Dagen arrangeras av IA-studenter.

    Läs mer på webben: IA inspired (sidan uppdateras efter hand)

    Har du frågor, kontakta Ann-Sofie Lekenstam, programansvarig eller Olivia Lange, projektledare


    Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

    AI-dagen 2021

    30 september - 30 september

    09:30 - 15:00


    <p>AI-dagen &auml;r&nbsp;ett forum d&auml;r n&auml;ringsliv, akademi och offentliga akt&ouml;rer m&ouml;ts f&ouml;r att inspireras, h&ouml;ja sin kunskap och diskutera AI och maskininl&auml;rning. De fysiska platserna till AI-dagen&nbsp;&auml;r sluts&aring;lda, men det g&aring;r fortfarande att anm&auml;la sig till den digitala, kostnadsfria streamingen av eventet.</p><p>F&ouml;rel&auml;sarna under AI-dagen best&aring;r av:&nbsp;<br />Mouna Esmaeilzadeh - &rdquo;Framtiden &auml;r ljusare &auml;n vi tror&rdquo;<br />Staffan Truv&eacute; - &rdquo;En riskorienterad digital tvilling av v&auml;rlden&rdquo;<br />Rikard K&ouml;nig - &rdquo;Hur AI och maskininl&auml;rning g&ouml;r nytta p&aring; riktigt&rdquo;<br />Ulf Johansson - &quot;Why should I trust you?&quot;</p><p>AI-dagen arrangeras av J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University och Science Park J&ouml;nk&ouml;pings l&auml;n.</p><p><a href="https://sciencepark.se/kalender/ai-dagen-2021/">L&auml;s mer om AI-dagen och g&ouml;r din anm&auml;lan h&auml;r</a></p>
    30 september - 30 september
    09:30 - 15:00




    AI-dagen 2021

    AI-dagen är ett forum där näringsliv, akademi och offentliga aktörer möts för att inspireras, höja sin kunskap och diskutera AI och maskininlärning. De fysiska platserna till AI-dagen är slutsålda, men det går fortfarande att anmäla sig till den digitala, kostnadsfria streamingen av eventet.

    Föreläsarna under AI-dagen består av: 
    Mouna Esmaeilzadeh - ”Framtiden är ljusare än vi tror”
    Staffan Truvé - ”En riskorienterad digital tvilling av världen”
    Rikard König - ”Hur AI och maskininlärning gör nytta på riktigt”
    Ulf Johansson - "Why should I trust you?"

    AI-dagen arrangeras av Jönköping University och Science Park Jönköpings län.

    Läs mer om AI-dagen och gör din anmälan här

    Arrangör: Jönköping University

    European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars

    30 september - 30 september

    12:00 - 13:00

    Online - contact for zoom link

    <p>European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars&nbsp;</p>
    30 september - 30 september
    12:00 - 13:00


    Online - contact for zoom link


    European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars

    European Family Business Centers Online Research Seminars 

    Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

    EUFBC Seminar - Natalie Rauschendorfer

    30 september - 30 september

    12:00 - 13:00


    <p>This&nbsp;seminar will be presented by Natalie Rauschendorfer, Research Fellow&nbsp;at&nbsp;Friedrichshafen Institute for Family Entrepreneurship (FIF), Zeppelin University in Germany.</p><p><strong>Tough on the outside, soft on the inside<br />the perception of signaling the family firm status in a consulting context</strong></p><p><em>Natalie Rauschendorfer</em><em>, Z</em><em>eppelin University</em></p><p><em>Reinhard&nbsp;Pr&uuml;gl, Z</em><em>eppelin University<br />Max Lude</em><em>, </em><em>Zeppelin University</em></p><p><strong>September 30</strong><strong>, </strong><strong>12:00</strong><strong>-13:00</strong><strong><em>&nbsp;</em>CET</strong></p><p>Link:&nbsp;<a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fju-se.zoom.us%2Fj%2F68855796991&amp;data=02%7C01%7CIngrid.Aronsson%40ju.se%7C045d6b6f231e4001c1a608d85a1d31d5%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637358428757654596&amp;sdata=maDYTisd5V07I%2B1EtRcgG4lgD7V9m4KXcEfzK6jwvqw%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68855796991</a></p><p>Abstract:&nbsp;This work examines the consultants&rsquo; perception of family firms. Drawing on signaling theory, we&nbsp;investigated the impact of signaling the family firm status on the perception of consultants and&nbsp;how this affects their decision-making to work with family firms. To this end, we conducted an&nbsp;explorative choice experiment with N=179 consultants and collected qualitative data on the&nbsp;consultant&rsquo;s motives to work with family firms to better understand the underlying cognitive&nbsp;mechanisms potentially explaining the results of the choice experiment. The results reveal&nbsp;empirical evidence of a bias towards family firms. In other words: consultants seem to favor family firms as clients over their non-family counterparts. Based on the qualitative data we were able to discover reasons for this finding and explore major decision criteria in favor or against family firms as clients of consultants.</p>
    30 september - 30 september
    12:00 - 13:00




    EUFBC Seminar - Natalie Rauschendorfer

    This seminar will be presented by Natalie Rauschendorfer, Research Fellow at Friedrichshafen Institute for Family Entrepreneurship (FIF), Zeppelin University in Germany.

    Tough on the outside, soft on the inside
    the perception of signaling the family firm status in a consulting context

    Natalie Rauschendorfer, Zeppelin University

    Reinhard Prügl, Zeppelin University
    Max Lude
    , Zeppelin University

    September 30, 12:00-13:00 CET

    Link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/68855796991

    Abstract: This work examines the consultants’ perception of family firms. Drawing on signaling theory, we investigated the impact of signaling the family firm status on the perception of consultants and how this affects their decision-making to work with family firms. To this end, we conducted an explorative choice experiment with N=179 consultants and collected qualitative data on the consultant’s motives to work with family firms to better understand the underlying cognitive mechanisms potentially explaining the results of the choice experiment. The results reveal empirical evidence of a bias towards family firms. In other words: consultants seem to favor family firms as clients over their non-family counterparts. Based on the qualitative data we were able to discover reasons for this finding and explore major decision criteria in favor or against family firms as clients of consultants.

    Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

    Docentföreläsning - Anette Karltun

    30 september - 30 september

    15:00 - 16:00

    E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

    <p>V&auml;lkommen att delta i Anette Karltuns docentf&ouml;rel&auml;sning!</p><p><strong>Titel:</strong><br /><em>Human information processing at the core of work performance </em></p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong><br />Human activity at work is at the core of work processes that makes things happen in a production system. Activity is guided by human information processing and decision-making. However, the increasing complexity in working life due to globalisation, increasingly sophisticated technology and higher demands on competitiveness, places higher demands on human resources at work, particularly cognitive information processing resources. The human abilities and limitations in this respect therefore need to be emphasized in organizing work and providing suitable technical equipment for good outcome.</p><p>In this lecture I provide lessons learned from several research projects that highlight the needs to develop supportive conditions for human performance at work. This includes designing usability-centred technical equipment, organising work by developing supportive infrastructure as well as facilitating interactions for frontline staff, between functions and hierarchal levels in order to achieve good quality, productivity and health at work.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>L&auml;nken till Zoom:</p><p><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63240506146?pwd=UTZwVGZxN25rRWtkamVJUFJPZ3NOUT09">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63240506146?pwd=UTZwVGZxN25rRWtkamVJUFJPZ3NOUT09</a></p><p>Passcode: 071667</p>
    30 september - 30 september
    15:00 - 16:00


    E1405 (Gjuterisalen)


    Docentföreläsning - Anette Karltun

    Välkommen att delta i Anette Karltuns docentföreläsning!

    Human information processing at the core of work performance

    Human activity at work is at the core of work processes that makes things happen in a production system. Activity is guided by human information processing and decision-making. However, the increasing complexity in working life due to globalisation, increasingly sophisticated technology and higher demands on competitiveness, places higher demands on human resources at work, particularly cognitive information processing resources. The human abilities and limitations in this respect therefore need to be emphasized in organizing work and providing suitable technical equipment for good outcome.

    In this lecture I provide lessons learned from several research projects that highlight the needs to develop supportive conditions for human performance at work. This includes designing usability-centred technical equipment, organising work by developing supportive infrastructure as well as facilitating interactions for frontline staff, between functions and hierarchal levels in order to achieve good quality, productivity and health at work.


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    Passcode: 071667

    Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan