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MMTC Breakfast meeting

3 maj - 3 maj

08:30 - 09:30

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>MMTC Breakfast meeting</p>
3 maj - 3 maj
08:30 - 09:30


Online - contact for zoom link


MMTC Breakfast meeting

MMTC Breakfast meeting

Arrangör: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

3 maj - 3 maj

12:10 - 12:55


<p><strong>Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance with Johan Karlsson, JIBS/CeFEO</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Title:&nbsp;</strong>&quot;To be or Not to Be: The Entrepreneur in Endogenous Growth Theory&quot;.</p><p><strong>(</strong>Authors: Dan&nbsp;Johansson,&nbsp;Magnus Henrekson and Johan Karlsson)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Date: </strong>Monday, May 3</p><p><strong>Time: </strong>12:10-12:55</p><p><strong>Zoom: </strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p><p>We examine the conceptualization of entrepreneurs in neo-Schumpeterian growth theory, which has reintroduced entrepreneurs into mainstream economics. Specifically, we analyze how neo-Schumpeterians relate to the contradiction between the entrepreneur-centered view of Schumpeter (1934) and the entrepreneurless framework of Schumpeter (1942), with the two frameworks entailing vastly different economic and policy implications. The analysis is based on a review of approximately 750 peer-reviewed articles over the period 1990&ndash;2018. The articles were identified using text mining methodology and supervised machine learning. The results show that the literature leans towards Schumpeter (1942); innovation returns are modeled as following an ex ante known probability distribution. By assuming that the outcomes of innovation activities are (probabilistically) deterministic, the Schumpeterian entrepreneur becomes redundant. In addition, the literature abstracts from genuine uncertainty, thus evading central issues regarding the economic function of the entrepreneur, especially with respect to disruptive innovations, ownership, and profits. To incorporate genuine uncertainty, the literature needs to adopt a broader conceptual foundation that goes beyond equilibrium modeling.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Have a look at the&nbsp;seminar&nbsp;program for S2 <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/file/BFBB2F68-38FE-4D6F-880E-69115FDE540E?tenantId=7564bc8f-3738-4b4d-bd57-5a02ca6215fb&amp;fileType=pdf&amp;objectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2FG-EFSTeam%2FDelade%20dokument%2FGeneral%2FEFS-Seminars%2FSchedule_BrownBag_2021S2.pdf&amp;baseUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2FG-EFSTeam&amp;serviceName=teams&amp;threadId=19:b7d0a12b4555478d9becabf65393258a@thread.tacv2&amp;groupId=634c5acc-6a00-404b-8d1e-9b44c1035379">here</a>.</p>
3 maj - 3 maj
12:10 - 12:55




Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance with Johan Karlsson, JIBS/CeFEO


Title: "To be or Not to Be: The Entrepreneur in Endogenous Growth Theory".

(Authors: Dan Johansson, Magnus Henrekson and Johan Karlsson)



Date: Monday, May 3

Time: 12:10-12:55

Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113



We examine the conceptualization of entrepreneurs in neo-Schumpeterian growth theory, which has reintroduced entrepreneurs into mainstream economics. Specifically, we analyze how neo-Schumpeterians relate to the contradiction between the entrepreneur-centered view of Schumpeter (1934) and the entrepreneurless framework of Schumpeter (1942), with the two frameworks entailing vastly different economic and policy implications. The analysis is based on a review of approximately 750 peer-reviewed articles over the period 1990–2018. The articles were identified using text mining methodology and supervised machine learning. The results show that the literature leans towards Schumpeter (1942); innovation returns are modeled as following an ex ante known probability distribution. By assuming that the outcomes of innovation activities are (probabilistically) deterministic, the Schumpeterian entrepreneur becomes redundant. In addition, the literature abstracts from genuine uncertainty, thus evading central issues regarding the economic function of the entrepreneur, especially with respect to disruptive innovations, ownership, and profits. To incorporate genuine uncertainty, the literature needs to adopt a broader conceptual foundation that goes beyond equilibrium modeling.



Have a look at the seminar program for S2 here.

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

Zooma in med andra studenter på JU!

4 maj - 4 maj

16:30 - 17:30


<p>&nbsp;Vill du ocks&aring; l&auml;ra k&auml;nna andra studenter p&aring; JU och dela med andra hur man kan klarar av dessa utmanande tider? Andra studenter som deltar beskriver tr&auml;ffarna som &quot;v&auml;rmande&quot;, &quot;en l&auml;ttnad&quot; och &quot;en gemenskap&rdquo;. Studenth&auml;lsan och Chaplaincy &auml;r v&auml;rdar f&ouml;r samtalen. F&ouml;r mer information, maila studenth&auml;lsan@ju.se. Zoom l&auml;nk:&nbsp;<a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/4806771134">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/4806771134</a>&nbsp;</p>
4 maj - 4 maj
16:30 - 17:30




Zooma in med andra studenter på JU!

 Vill du också lära känna andra studenter på JU och dela med andra hur man kan klarar av dessa utmanande tider? Andra studenter som deltar beskriver träffarna som "värmande", "en lättnad" och "en gemenskap”. Studenthälsan och Chaplaincy är värdar för samtalen. För mer information, maila studenthälsan@ju.se. Zoom länk: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/4806771134 

Arrangör: Studenthälsan

WebLearn: Webbinarium om hur man förhindrar metallpenetration av smält gjutjärn i sandform

6 maj - 6 maj

10:00 - 11:00


<p>Den 6 maj h&aring;lls ett webbinarium inom WebLearn, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University, om hur man kan f&ouml;rhindra metallpenetration&nbsp;av sm&auml;lt gjutj&auml;rn i sandform.<br />Samspelet mellan&nbsp;den h&ouml;ga temperaturen&nbsp;av&nbsp;sm&auml;lt metall&nbsp;i en&nbsp;por&ouml;s&nbsp;form&nbsp;leder till olika typer av defekter i gjutgods. Att studera ursprunget till penetrationsdefekter &auml;r viktigt f&ouml;r gjuterier f&ouml;r att undvika att denna typ av defekter bildas.</p><p>Efter att ha&nbsp;deltagit&nbsp;p&aring; detta&nbsp;webbinarium vet&nbsp;du&nbsp;mer om:&nbsp;<br />&bull; Sm&auml;lt metalls&nbsp;penetration i por&ouml;sa medier.<br />&bull;&nbsp;Riktlinjer&nbsp;f&ouml;r att&nbsp;f&ouml;rhindra metallpenetration.<br />&bull; Hur&nbsp;step-cone-gjutning&nbsp;fungerar f&ouml;r att utv&auml;rdera penetrationsprocesser.<br />&bull; Hur man anv&auml;nder f&auml;rgetsning f&ouml;r att urskilja kronologin f&ouml;r porositetsbildning i gjutj&auml;rn.</p><p>Webbinariet &auml;r p&aring; engelska. Det &auml;r gratis och &ouml;ppet f&ouml;r alla. Registrera dig&nbsp;senast den 5 maj <a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Eufu-tqDwoHNG4XybKpxn7GQYmbNMaQgM-">via den h&auml;r l&auml;nken.</a><br />WebLearn &auml;r kostnadsfria webbinarier f&ouml;r kompetensutveckling kopplad till industrin.<br />L&auml;s mer om WebLearn <a href="https://ju.se/studera/valj-utbildning/kompetensutveckling---uppdragsutbildning/yrkesverksam/weblearn.html">via den h&auml;r l&auml;nken.</a></p>
6 maj - 6 maj
10:00 - 11:00




WebLearn: Webbinarium om hur man förhindrar metallpenetration av smält gjutjärn i sandform

Den 6 maj hålls ett webbinarium inom WebLearn, Jönköping University, om hur man kan förhindra metallpenetration av smält gjutjärn i sandform.
Samspelet mellan den höga temperaturen av smält metall i en porös form leder till olika typer av defekter i gjutgods. Att studera ursprunget till penetrationsdefekter är viktigt för gjuterier för att undvika att denna typ av defekter bildas.

Efter att ha deltagit på detta webbinarium vet du mer om: 
• Smält metalls penetration i porösa medier.
• Riktlinjer för att förhindra metallpenetration.
• Hur step-cone-gjutning fungerar för att utvärdera penetrationsprocesser.
• Hur man använder färgetsning för att urskilja kronologin för porositetsbildning i gjutjärn.

Webbinariet är på engelska. Det är gratis och öppet för alla. Registrera dig senast den 5 maj via den här länken.
WebLearn är kostnadsfria webbinarier för kompetensutveckling kopplad till industrin.
Läs mer om WebLearn via den här länken.

Arrangör: Jönköping University

Offentliga föreläsningar - Ett liv utan gjutna komponenter - vilken mardröm!

6 maj - 6 maj

18:30 - 19:30


<p>Salem Seifeddine, professor i materialmekanik</p><p>Hur skulle vi klara av vardagen om inte gjutna produkter fanns? Hade vi kunnat bada s&aring; enkelt som vi g&ouml;r idag, &aring;kt bil, buss eller flygplan? Tveksamt! I denna f&ouml;rel&auml;sning kommer vi att bekanta oss med konsten att gjuta och njuta, samt ta del av hur en del uppfinningar har kommit till och hur moder jord gl&auml;ds &aring;t dessa!</p><p><a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-EE3XX_fuSX72GjdfUU_yW7AF0Cn4kVj">Till livestreamingen</a></p>
6 maj - 6 maj
18:30 - 19:30




Offentliga föreläsningar - Ett liv utan gjutna komponenter - vilken mardröm!

Salem Seifeddine, professor i materialmekanik

Hur skulle vi klara av vardagen om inte gjutna produkter fanns? Hade vi kunnat bada så enkelt som vi gör idag, åkt bil, buss eller flygplan? Tveksamt! I denna föreläsning kommer vi att bekanta oss med konsten att gjuta och njuta, samt ta del av hur en del uppfinningar har kommit till och hur moder jord gläds åt dessa!

Till livestreamingen

Arrangör: Jönköping University

Högskoleprovet vt21

8 maj - 8 maj

08:00 - 18:00

Jönköping University

<p><strong>V&aring;rens (2021) h&ouml;gskoleprov &auml;ger</strong><strong> rum den 13 mars och den 8 maj.</strong></p><p>Deltagarna f&aring;r endast skriva ett av proven och anm&auml;lan &auml;r gemensam till b&aring;da provtillf&auml;llena. UHR g&ouml;r f&ouml;rdelningen av deltagare till respektive prov.</p><p><a href="https://ju.se/studera/anmalan-och-antagning/hogskoleprovet.html">L&auml;s mer via denna l&auml;nk.&nbsp;</a></p>
8 maj - 8 maj
08:00 - 18:00


Jönköping University


Högskoleprovet vt21

Vårens (2021) högskoleprov äger rum den 13 mars och den 8 maj.

Deltagarna får endast skriva ett av proven och anmälan är gemensam till båda provtillfällena. UHR gör fördelningen av deltagare till respektive prov.

Läs mer via denna länk. 

Arrangör: Extern arrangör

CeFEO Research Seminar - Shanyun Sam Lu

10 maj - 10 maj

12:00 - 13:00

Via Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo

<p>Welcome to join us on our next CeFEO Research Seminar, Monday, May 10th 12-13pm via Zoom - <a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fju-se.zoom.us%2Fmy%2Fcefeo&amp;data=04%7C01%7Clinnea.lind%40ju.se%7C8cd88a78c9f742b6df7108d8e21d8773%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637507963879483408%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=L33JWWEIDSgjzlqfbRIxeBwp%2B1fw%2FolB%2BiaFa4mR5nQ%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo</a>. The seminar is titled &ldquo;Fight not flight: Contextual strategies for rural industrial SME renewal &ndash; the case of Gnosj&ouml; Automatsvarvning&rdquo; and will be presented by Doctoral Candidate in Business Administration, Shanyun Sam Lu.</p>
10 maj - 10 maj
12:00 - 13:00


Via Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo


CeFEO Research Seminar - Shanyun Sam Lu

Welcome to join us on our next CeFEO Research Seminar, Monday, May 10th 12-13pm via Zoom - https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo. The seminar is titled “Fight not flight: Contextual strategies for rural industrial SME renewal – the case of Gnosjö Automatsvarvning” and will be presented by Doctoral Candidate in Business Administration, Shanyun Sam Lu.

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

10 maj - 10 maj

12:10 - 12:55


<p>You are most welcome to join us for the&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&rdquo;</em>presented by&nbsp;<a href="https://www.brunel.ac.uk/people/oleg-badunenko">Oleg Badunenko</a>&nbsp;from&nbsp;<strong>Brunel University London</strong></p><p><strong>Title: </strong></p><p>The Great Recession: Sectors, Efficiency, Technological innovation, Capital deepening, and Labour mobility</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Date:<strong> Monday, 10 May</strong><br />Time:<strong> 12:10-12:55</strong></p><p><strong>Room:&nbsp;</strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113</a><br />Fix Meeting-ID for Spring 1, 2021: 659&nbsp;654&nbsp;691 13</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>We propose a new decomposition of aggregate productivity growth that accounts for sectoral efficiency and technology changes as well as capital deepening and provide new evidence on the sources of productivity growth in OECD countries.</p><p><strong>Extended Abstract</strong></p><p>In this paper, we analyze aggregate labor productivity of developed economies in three periods: (i) years before (2002-2006), (ii) leading to (2006-2009), and (iii) recovery from the global financial crisis (GFC) (2009-2014). First, we decompose aggregate productivity growth into components attributable to intra-sectoral productivity growth effect (within component) and effect of employment share reallocation that is split into the static and dynamic components. We use data for 10 sectors from 26 countries. We confirm that the within component is the key driver of labor productivity growth in good years and in the recovery period. However, we find that it is the major culprit in years leading to GFC. We, therefore, study the factors that affect the within component by employing a non-parametric production frontier approach to conceptually decompose the within component into components attributable to efficiency change, technological change, and capital deepening. The retrenchment in technological progress followed by efficiency losses plays on average the most important role in explaining the collapse of productivity growth in years leading to GFC. Efficiency losses were highest in ICT, manufacturing, construction, utilities, and wholesale. In the recovery period, technological progress has played the largest role in manufacturing, finance, information, and wholesale. In particular, the rate of technological progress in manufacturing has surpassed its level in the pre-crisis period. Productivity is, however, still mired by efficiency losses with exceptions of the agriculture and construction sectors. Capital deepening kept on driving up productivity in all periods. Capital deepening contribution has been especially prominent in the recovery period. To our knowledge, this is the first study that uses sectoral data on capital to analyze the role of sectoral dynamics in terms of efficiency, technology, and capital deepening in aggregate productivity growth. Doing so allows to identify the relative role of these three factors to productivity growth.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Have a look at the&nbsp;seminar&nbsp;program for S2 <a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fteams.microsoft.com%2Fl%2Ffile%2FBFBB2F68-38FE-4D6F-880E-69115FDE540E%3FtenantId%3D7564bc8f-3738-4b4d-bd57-5a02ca6215fb%26fileType%3Dpdf%26objectUrl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com%252Fsites%252FG-EFSTeam%252FDelade%2520dokument%252FGeneral%252FEFS-Seminars%252FSchedule_BrownBag_2021S2.pdf%26baseUrl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com%252Fsites%252FG-EFSTeam%26serviceName%3Dteams%26threadId%3D19%3Ab7d0a12b4555478d9becabf65393258a%40thread.tacv2%26groupId%3D634c5acc-6a00-404b-8d1e-9b44c1035379&amp;data=04%7C01%7CAndreas.Stephan%40ju.se%7Cc3f09b476cb5498c659708d908f9e922%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637550691738590792%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLC
10 maj - 10 maj
12:10 - 12:55




Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

You are most welcome to join us for the “Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance”presented by Oleg Badunenko from Brunel University London


The Great Recession: Sectors, Efficiency, Technological innovation, Capital deepening, and Labour mobility


Date: Monday, 10 May
Time: 12:10-12:55

Room: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113
Fix Meeting-ID for Spring 1, 2021: 659 654 691 13



We propose a new decomposition of aggregate productivity growth that accounts for sectoral efficiency and technology changes as well as capital deepening and provide new evidence on the sources of productivity growth in OECD countries.

Extended Abstract

In this paper, we analyze aggregate labor productivity of developed economies in three periods: (i) years before (2002-2006), (ii) leading to (2006-2009), and (iii) recovery from the global financial crisis (GFC) (2009-2014). First, we decompose aggregate productivity growth into components attributable to intra-sectoral productivity growth effect (within component) and effect of employment share reallocation that is split into the static and dynamic components. We use data for 10 sectors from 26 countries. We confirm that the within component is the key driver of labor productivity growth in good years and in the recovery period. However, we find that it is the major culprit in years leading to GFC. We, therefore, study the factors that affect the within component by employing a non-parametric production frontier approach to conceptually decompose the within component into components attributable to efficiency change, technological change, and capital deepening. The retrenchment in technological progress followed by efficiency losses plays on average the most important role in explaining the collapse of productivity growth in years leading to GFC. Efficiency losses were highest in ICT, manufacturing, construction, utilities, and wholesale. In the recovery period, technological progress has played the largest role in manufacturing, finance, information, and wholesale. In particular, the rate of technological progress in manufacturing has surpassed its level in the pre-crisis period. Productivity is, however, still mired by efficiency losses with exceptions of the agriculture and construction sectors. Capital deepening kept on driving up productivity in all periods. Capital deepening contribution has been especially prominent in the recovery period. To our knowledge, this is the first study that uses sectoral data on capital to analyze the role of sectoral dynamics in terms of efficiency, technology, and capital deepening in aggregate productivity growth. Doing so allows to identify the relative role of these three factors to productivity growth.


Have a look at the seminar program for S2

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

10 maj - 10 maj

12:10 - 12:55


<p><strong>You are most welcome to join us for the&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&rdquo;</em>presented by&nbsp;<a href="https://www.brunel.ac.uk/people/oleg-badunenko">Oleg Badunenko</a>&nbsp;from&nbsp;Brunel University London</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Title: </strong></p><p>The Great Recession: Sectors, Efficiency, Technological innovation, Capital deepening, and Labour mobility</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Date:<strong> Monday, 10 May</strong><br />Time:<strong> 12:10-12:55</strong></p><p><strong>Room:&nbsp;</strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113</a><br />Fix Meeting-ID for Spring 1, 2021: 659&nbsp;654&nbsp;691 13</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>We propose a new decomposition of aggregate productivity growth that accounts for sectoral efficiency and technology changes as well as capital deepening and provide new evidence on the sources of productivity growth in OECD countries.</p><p><strong>Extended Abstract</strong></p><p>In this paper, we analyze aggregate labor productivity of developed economies in three periods: (i) years before (2002-2006), (ii) leading to (2006-2009), and (iii) recovery from the global financial crisis (GFC) (2009-2014). First, we decompose aggregate productivity growth into components attributable to intra-sectoral productivity growth effect (within component) and effect of employment share reallocation that is split into the static and dynamic components. We use data for 10 sectors from 26 countries. We confirm that the within component is the key driver of labor productivity growth in good years and in the recovery period. However, we find that it is the major culprit in years leading to GFC. We, therefore, study the factors that affect the within component by employing a non-parametric production frontier approach to conceptually decompose the within component into components attributable to efficiency change, technological change, and capital deepening. The retrenchment in technological progress followed by efficiency losses plays on average the most important role in explaining the collapse of productivity growth in years leading to GFC. Efficiency losses were highest in ICT, manufacturing, construction, utilities, and wholesale. In the recovery period, technological progress has played the largest role in manufacturing, finance, information, and wholesale. In particular, the rate of technological progress in manufacturing has surpassed its level in the pre-crisis period. Productivity is, however, still mired by efficiency losses with exceptions of the agriculture and construction sectors. Capital deepening kept on driving up productivity in all periods. Capital deepening contribution has been especially prominent in the recovery period. To our knowledge, this is the first study that uses sectoral data on capital to analyze the role of sectoral dynamics in terms of efficiency, technology, and capital deepening in aggregate productivity growth. Doing so allows to identify the relative role of these three factors to productivity growth.</p>
10 maj - 10 maj
12:10 - 12:55




Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

You are most welcome to join us for the “Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance”presented by Oleg Badunenko from Brunel University London



The Great Recession: Sectors, Efficiency, Technological innovation, Capital deepening, and Labour mobility


Date: Monday, 10 May
Time: 12:10-12:55

Room: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113
Fix Meeting-ID for Spring 1, 2021: 659 654 691 13



We propose a new decomposition of aggregate productivity growth that accounts for sectoral efficiency and technology changes as well as capital deepening and provide new evidence on the sources of productivity growth in OECD countries.

Extended Abstract

In this paper, we analyze aggregate labor productivity of developed economies in three periods: (i) years before (2002-2006), (ii) leading to (2006-2009), and (iii) recovery from the global financial crisis (GFC) (2009-2014). First, we decompose aggregate productivity growth into components attributable to intra-sectoral productivity growth effect (within component) and effect of employment share reallocation that is split into the static and dynamic components. We use data for 10 sectors from 26 countries. We confirm that the within component is the key driver of labor productivity growth in good years and in the recovery period. However, we find that it is the major culprit in years leading to GFC. We, therefore, study the factors that affect the within component by employing a non-parametric production frontier approach to conceptually decompose the within component into components attributable to efficiency change, technological change, and capital deepening. The retrenchment in technological progress followed by efficiency losses plays on average the most important role in explaining the collapse of productivity growth in years leading to GFC. Efficiency losses were highest in ICT, manufacturing, construction, utilities, and wholesale. In the recovery period, technological progress has played the largest role in manufacturing, finance, information, and wholesale. In particular, the rate of technological progress in manufacturing has surpassed its level in the pre-crisis period. Productivity is, however, still mired by efficiency losses with exceptions of the agriculture and construction sectors. Capital deepening kept on driving up productivity in all periods. Capital deepening contribution has been especially prominent in the recovery period. To our knowledge, this is the first study that uses sectoral data on capital to analyze the role of sectoral dynamics in terms of efficiency, technology, and capital deepening in aggregate productivity growth. Doing so allows to identify the relative role of these three factors to productivity growth.

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

MMTC Research Seminar

19 maj - 19 maj

12:00 - 13:00

Online - contact for zoom link

<p>MMTC Research Seminar presented by Christian Sandstr&ouml;m:&nbsp;&nbsp;&ldquo;Social Media Analytics as an Enabler for External Search and Open Foresight- The case of Tesla&rsquo;s autopilot and regulatory scrutiny of autonomous driving&rdquo;.&nbsp;</p><p>In the seminar Christian, together with his co-author Christofer Laurell, will present insights from their study using 100283 publicly posted user-generated content&nbsp;concerning Tesla and the controversies surrounding autonomous driving.</p><p>You can download the abstract and more information here:&nbsp;<a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9430611&amp;data=04%7c01%7cphilippajoy.berglund%40ju.se%7c601c02ba461840f3e4cc08d9190cb1c6%7c7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7c0%7c0%7c637568364647621871%7cUnknown%7cTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7c1000&amp;sdata=xuTaDgZrrwv72mAUOfZ0UI722RcA07h6atE6AFEX0u0%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9430611</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
19 maj - 19 maj
12:00 - 13:00


Online - contact for zoom link


MMTC Research Seminar

MMTC Research Seminar presented by Christian Sandström:  “Social Media Analytics as an Enabler for External Search and Open Foresight- The case of Tesla’s autopilot and regulatory scrutiny of autonomous driving”. 

In the seminar Christian, together with his co-author Christofer Laurell, will present insights from their study using 100283 publicly posted user-generated content concerning Tesla and the controversies surrounding autonomous driving.

You can download the abstract and more information here: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9430611


Arrangör: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

WebLearn: Webbinarium om utmaningar för hållbarhet

20 maj - 20 maj

10:00 - 11:00


<p>Aluminium &auml;r vanligtvis motst&aring;ndskraftig mot korrosion, men det st&auml;mmer inte helt n&auml;r man jobbar med aluminiumlegeringar. Legerings&auml;mnen l&auml;ggs till aluminium (Al) f&ouml;r att &ouml;ka den mekaniska prestandan, men kan skada metallens h&aring;llbarhet.</p><p>I det h&auml;r webbinaret kommer vi att fokusera p&aring; att f&ouml;rst&aring; hur legerings&auml;mnen p&aring;verkar korrosionsbest&auml;ndigheten hos Al-legeringar och vad vi b&ouml;r t&auml;nka p&aring; n&auml;r vi v&auml;ljer och testar en Al-legering.</p><p>Efter att ha tagit del av webbinariet kommer du veta mer om:</p><p>&bull; Hur legeringens kemiska sammans&auml;ttning p&aring;verkar korrosionsbest&auml;ndigheten.</p><p>&bull; Vilka de m&ouml;jliga nedbrytningsmekanismerna &auml;r f&ouml;r Al-legeringar.</p><p>&bull; Hur tillverkningsprocesser p&aring;verkar h&aring;llbarheten hos Al-legeringar.</p><p>Anm&auml;l dig till webbinariet senast den 19 maj&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5wvfuCqrTMuH9PiDHFTj-t0-UWE6CKV8YLX ">via den h&auml;r l&auml;nken</a></p>
20 maj - 20 maj
10:00 - 11:00




WebLearn: Webbinarium om utmaningar för hållbarhet

Aluminium är vanligtvis motståndskraftig mot korrosion, men det stämmer inte helt när man jobbar med aluminiumlegeringar. Legeringsämnen läggs till aluminium (Al) för att öka den mekaniska prestandan, men kan skada metallens hållbarhet.

I det här webbinaret kommer vi att fokusera på att förstå hur legeringsämnen påverkar korrosionsbeständigheten hos Al-legeringar och vad vi bör tänka på när vi väljer och testar en Al-legering.

Efter att ha tagit del av webbinariet kommer du veta mer om:

• Hur legeringens kemiska sammansättning påverkar korrosionsbeständigheten.

• Vilka de möjliga nedbrytningsmekanismerna är för Al-legeringar.

• Hur tillverkningsprocesser påverkar hållbarheten hos Al-legeringar.

Anmäl dig till webbinariet senast den 19 maj via den här länken

Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

Jönköping University Sustainability Network - Sustainability Conversations

20 maj - 20 maj

12:00 - 13:00


<p><strong>Climate collaboration &amp; the role of Communication</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Guest speaker: Otto Hedenmo,&nbsp;Doctoral Student,&nbsp;School of Education and Communication (J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping Univiersity)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Collaboration between different actors such as, regions, municipalities, civil society organizations, businesses and schools, is important for the transition to a sustainable society and communication plays an important role in this collaboration. Otto Hedemo from Media and Communication Studies at JU will give a presentation about the topic and afterwards all participants are welcomed to take part in a conversation about what can make this kind of communication successful.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Join Zoom Meeting</p><p><a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fju-se.zoom.us%2Fj%2F67657403380&amp;data=04%7C01%7CAndreas.Friberg%40ju.se%7C19d5fe80de924c482cc108d904ba02b6%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637546019214418315%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=P%2BLtLNftOdasXWCfCOhXQPvUmLPbh1CoiOGyGPYmTsE%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67657403380</a></p><p>Meeting ID: 676 5740 3380</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><em>Sustainability Conversations is a series of digital lunch events that focuses on the transition to a more sustainable society. The ambition of the event series is to provide a platform where guest speakers, students, researchers, and an interested general public can share knowledge, experiences and thoughts about sustainability in a multidiciplinary environment. The events are organized by J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University Sustainability Network (JUSN).</em></p>
20 maj - 20 maj
12:00 - 13:00




Jönköping University Sustainability Network - Sustainability Conversations

Climate collaboration & the role of Communication


Guest speaker: Otto Hedenmo, Doctoral Student, School of Education and Communication (Jönköping Univiersity)


Collaboration between different actors such as, regions, municipalities, civil society organizations, businesses and schools, is important for the transition to a sustainable society and communication plays an important role in this collaboration. Otto Hedemo from Media and Communication Studies at JU will give a presentation about the topic and afterwards all participants are welcomed to take part in a conversation about what can make this kind of communication successful.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 676 5740 3380


Sustainability Conversations is a series of digital lunch events that focuses on the transition to a more sustainable society. The ambition of the event series is to provide a platform where guest speakers, students, researchers, and an interested general public can share knowledge, experiences and thoughts about sustainability in a multidiciplinary environment. The events are organized by Jönköping University Sustainability Network (JUSN).

Arrangör: Jönköping University


21 maj - 21 maj

13:00 - 15:00


<p><strong>Professor Nina Bonderup</strong></p><p>In this talk, I shall address a basic question in education:<br />How can students learn to put knowledge, developed in one context, to use in other contexts?</p><p>This question poses a major challenge for the educational systems of today because of the following conundrum: in contemporary society, people are required to traverse a range of different settings with different competence demands, and they often have to utilize knowledge across these different settings. However, several strands of research (e.g. practice theory, situated learning, embodied cognition) join in pointing out that knowledge is situated, i.e. acquires form and content from the context in which it is learnt.</p><p>Transfer of knowledge across settings is therefore no straightforward matter. It involves transformation of the situatedly learned knowledge so that it fits the new setting. Learning to do so emerges as crucial for students of today, and facilitating transformation becomes a key task for many educational systems.</p><p>In the talk, I present research on knowledge transformation, on design principles to support it, and on the implementation of specific learning designs in educational practice. The talk draws on the results of the recent project Designing for situated knowledge in a world of change (2015-2020), financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.</p><p>Zoom:&nbsp;JU-SE.ZOOM.US/J/7262330985</p>
21 maj - 21 maj
13:00 - 15:00





Professor Nina Bonderup

In this talk, I shall address a basic question in education:
How can students learn to put knowledge, developed in one context, to use in other contexts?

This question poses a major challenge for the educational systems of today because of the following conundrum: in contemporary society, people are required to traverse a range of different settings with different competence demands, and they often have to utilize knowledge across these different settings. However, several strands of research (e.g. practice theory, situated learning, embodied cognition) join in pointing out that knowledge is situated, i.e. acquires form and content from the context in which it is learnt.

Transfer of knowledge across settings is therefore no straightforward matter. It involves transformation of the situatedly learned knowledge so that it fits the new setting. Learning to do so emerges as crucial for students of today, and facilitating transformation becomes a key task for many educational systems.

In the talk, I present research on knowledge transformation, on design principles to support it, and on the implementation of specific learning designs in educational practice. The talk draws on the results of the recent project Designing for situated knowledge in a world of change (2015-2020), financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Zoom: JU-SE.ZOOM.US/J/7262330985

Arrangör: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation

CeFEO Research Seminar - Bart Henssen and Johan Karlsson

24 maj - 24 maj

12:00 - 13:00

Via Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo

<p>Welcome to join us on our next CeFEO Research Seminar, Monday, May 24th 12-13pm via Zoom - <a href="https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fju-se.zoom.us%2Fmy%2Fcefeo&amp;data=04%7C01%7Clinnea.lind%40ju.se%7C8cd88a78c9f742b6df7108d8e21d8773%7C7564bc8f37384b4dbd575a02ca6215fb%7C0%7C0%7C637507963879483408%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=L33JWWEIDSgjzlqfbRIxeBwp%2B1fw%2FolB%2BiaFa4mR5nQ%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo</a>. The seminar is titled &ldquo;Conditions Influencing CEO Resilience in Family Firms during Crisis: A Configurational Approach&rdquo; and will be presented by Bart Henssen, CeFEO Affiliated Researcher and Assistant Professor at Odisee University and Johan Karlsson, CeFEO member and Postdoc Economics.</p>
24 maj - 24 maj
12:00 - 13:00


Via Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo


CeFEO Research Seminar - Bart Henssen and Johan Karlsson

Welcome to join us on our next CeFEO Research Seminar, Monday, May 24th 12-13pm via Zoom - https://ju-se.zoom.us/my/cefeo. The seminar is titled “Conditions Influencing CEO Resilience in Family Firms during Crisis: A Configurational Approach” and will be presented by Bart Henssen, CeFEO Affiliated Researcher and Assistant Professor at Odisee University and Johan Karlsson, CeFEO member and Postdoc Economics.

Arrangör: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance ­­­­presented by Almas Heshmati

24 maj - 24 maj

12:10 - 12:55


<p><strong>Brown</strong><strong> Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&nbsp;</strong><em>&shy;&shy;&shy;&shy;presented by&nbsp;</em><a href="https://ju.se/en/personinfo?sign=hesalm"><strong>Almas Heshmati</strong></a>, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Title:&nbsp;</strong><strong>Green innovations and patenting renewable energy technologies</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Date: </strong>Monday, May 24<br /><strong>Time: </strong>12:10-12:55</p><p><strong>Zoom: </strong><a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113</a><br />&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Please find the research paper attached.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Have a look at the&nbsp;seminar&nbsp;program for S2 <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/file/BFBB2F68-38FE-4D6F-880E-69115FDE540E?tenantId=7564bc8f-3738-4b4d-bd57-5a02ca6215fb&amp;fileType=pdf&amp;objectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2FG-EFSTeam%2FDelade%20dokument%2FGeneral%2FEFS-Seminars%2FSchedule_BrownBag_2021S2.pdf&amp;baseUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2FG-EFSTeam&amp;serviceName=teams&amp;threadId=19:b7d0a12b4555478d9becabf65393258a@thread.tacv2&amp;groupId=634c5acc-6a00-404b-8d1e-9b44c1035379">here</a>.</p><p><br /><strong>Abstract</strong><br />We examine the impact of regulation and policies on green patent generation and evo-lution of renewable energy technologies in the OECD countries. Public and private investment, investment in education, research and development, and environmental regulation are considered. There is considerable variation in innovation systems and investments in renewable energy, and in outcomes. We assess the impact of envi-ronmental stringency and environmental taxes and regulations on renewable energy patents. The considerable heterogeneity requires emphasis on country effects and a separation of general from speci?c green innovation outcomes. We account for country-speci?c innovation factors. A balanced panel of 27 OECD countries is exam-ined between 1990 and 2018. A renewable patent model is estimated by different panel data models and estimation methods. We ?nd considerable sensitivity to model assumptions and inference techniques. The study is suggestive, however, of some renewable energy approaches for achievement of OECD environmental goals.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Have a look at the&nbsp;seminar&nbsp;program for S2 <a href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/file/BFBB2F68-38FE-4D6F-880E-69115FDE540E?tenantId=7564bc8f-3738-4b4d-bd57-5a02ca6215fb&amp;fileType=pdf&amp;objectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2FG-EFSTeam%2FDelade%20dokument%2FGeneral%2FEFS-Seminars%2FSchedule_BrownBag_2021S2.pdf&amp;baseUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fjonkopinguniversity.sharepoint.com%2Fsites%2FG-EFSTeam&amp;serviceName=teams&amp;threadId=19:b7d0a12b4555478d9becabf65393258a@thread.tacv2&amp;groupId=634c5acc-6a00-404b-8d1e-9b44c1035379">here</a>.</strong></p>
24 maj - 24 maj
12:10 - 12:55




Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance ­­­­presented by Almas Heshmati

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance ­­­­presented by Almas Heshmati, Jönköping International Business School


Title: Green innovations and patenting renewable energy technologies


Date: Monday, May 24
Time: 12:10-12:55

Zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/65965469113


Please find the research paper attached.


Have a look at the seminar program for S2 here.

We examine the impact of regulation and policies on green patent generation and evo-lution of renewable energy technologies in the OECD countries. Public and private investment, investment in education, research and development, and environmental regulation are considered. There is considerable variation in innovation systems and investments in renewable energy, and in outcomes. We assess the impact of envi-ronmental stringency and environmental taxes and regulations on renewable energy patents. The considerable heterogeneity requires emphasis on country effects and a separation of general from speci?c green innovation outcomes. We account for country-speci?c innovation factors. A balanced panel of 27 OECD countries is exam-ined between 1990 and 2018. A renewable patent model is estimated by different panel data models and estimation methods. We ?nd considerable sensitivity to model assumptions and inference techniques. The study is suggestive, however, of some renewable energy approaches for achievement of OECD environmental goals.


Have a look at the seminar program for S2 here.

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School

SPARK Talks webbinarium - SPARK Award and success factors

27 maj - 27 maj

12:00 - 12:45


<p>SPARK Talks &auml;r en ny serie lunchwebbinarium som startar&nbsp;den 27 maj kl 12.00-12.45.</p><p>Vinnarna av SPARK Award 2020 och 2021, Judit Svidr&oacute; och Annika Engstr&ouml;m, h&aring;ller i f&ouml;rsta tillf&auml;llet som har&nbsp;temat&nbsp;&quot;SPARK Award and success factors&quot;.</p><p>Webbinariet&nbsp;&auml;r digitalt och h&aring;lls p&aring; engelska. Mer information samt l&auml;nk till webbinariet finns p&aring; intran&auml;tet:&nbsp;<a href="https://intranet.hj.se/authlink?link=/5.3a9c1b6117974c361873a11.html">https://intranet.hj.se/authlink?link=/5.3a9c1b6117974c361873a11.html</a>.</p><p>F&ouml;r externa deltagare, v&auml;nligen maila till <a href="mailto:info.spark@ju.se">info.spark@ju.se</a>&nbsp;f&ouml;r mer information samt l&auml;nk till webbinariet.</p>
27 maj - 27 maj
12:00 - 12:45




SPARK Talks webbinarium - SPARK Award and success factors

SPARK Talks är en ny serie lunchwebbinarium som startar den 27 maj kl 12.00-12.45.

Vinnarna av SPARK Award 2020 och 2021, Judit Svidró och Annika Engström, håller i första tillfället som har temat "SPARK Award and success factors".

Webbinariet är digitalt och hålls på engelska. Mer information samt länk till webbinariet finns på intranätet: https://intranet.hj.se/authlink?link=/5.3a9c1b6117974c361873a11.html.

För externa deltagare, vänligen maila till info.spark@ju.se för mer information samt länk till webbinariet.

Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan


27 maj - 27 maj

18:00 - 20:00

<p>S&aring;klart &auml;r du nyfiken p&aring; var du ska plugga n&aring;gonstans. Kolla p&aring; v&aring;r PrevJU livestream med studenter som ber&auml;ttar varf&ouml;r de valde JU&nbsp;<br /><br />Ju.se/Prevju</p>
27 maj - 27 maj
18:00 - 20:00





Såklart är du nyfiken på var du ska plugga någonstans. Kolla på vår PrevJU livestream med studenter som berättar varför de valde JU 


Arrangör: Jönköping University

Xjobbsmässan Digital Showroom

28 maj - 28 maj



<p>Den 28 maj anordnas Xjobbsm&auml;ssan Digital Showroom d&auml;r avg&aring;ngsstudenterna p&aring; Tekniska H&ouml;gskolan (JTH) vid J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University (JU), st&auml;ller ut sina examensarbeten online f&ouml;r bland annat n&auml;ringslivet. 42 studenter och 14 f&ouml;retag medverkar p&aring; m&auml;ssan.</p><p>Det finns tre stipendier p&aring; Xjobbsm&auml;ssan i kategorierna: B&auml;sta prestation (10 000 kronor), B&auml;sta business potential (5 000 kronor) och Publikfavorit (5 000 kronor). De tv&aring; f&ouml;rsta stipendiaterna utses av en jury, medan publikfavoriten r&ouml;stas fram av de digitala bes&ouml;karna till m&auml;ssan. L&auml;nk till r&ouml;stningen, som p&aring;g&aring;r till och med den 2 juni, kommer att finnas p&aring; <a href="https://ju.se/samarbeta/event-och-konferenser/event/xjobbsmassan.html">Xjobbsm&auml;ssans hemsida</a>. Stipendierna delas ut under JTH:s avslutningsh&ouml;gtid den 4 juni.</p><p>L&auml;s mer om Xjobbsm&auml;ssan <a href="https://ju.se/om-oss/press/nyheter/nyhetsarkiv/2021-05-26-studenter-staller-ut-sina-examensarbeten-digitalt-pa-xjobbsmassan.html">h&auml;r</a>.</p>
28 maj - 28 maj




Xjobbsmässan Digital Showroom

Den 28 maj anordnas Xjobbsmässan Digital Showroom där avgångsstudenterna på Tekniska Högskolan (JTH) vid Jönköping University (JU), ställer ut sina examensarbeten online för bland annat näringslivet. 42 studenter och 14 företag medverkar på mässan.

Det finns tre stipendier på Xjobbsmässan i kategorierna: Bästa prestation (10 000 kronor), Bästa business potential (5 000 kronor) och Publikfavorit (5 000 kronor). De två första stipendiaterna utses av en jury, medan publikfavoriten röstas fram av de digitala besökarna till mässan. Länk till röstningen, som pågår till och med den 2 juni, kommer att finnas på Xjobbsmässans hemsida. Stipendierna delas ut under JTH:s avslutningshögtid den 4 juni.

Läs mer om Xjobbsmässan här.

Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan

Docentföreläsning av Lise-Lotte Jonasson

28 maj - 28 maj

10:00 - 11:00

Via zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67608999156

<p>Varmt v&auml;lkommen till Lise-Lotte Jonassons docentf&ouml;rel&auml;sning med titeln:&nbsp;<strong>Att f&ouml;rst&aring; komplexiteten&nbsp;av</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>omv&aring;rdnadsm&ouml;tet med &auml;ldre personen</strong><strong>: Utifr&aring;n&nbsp;</strong><strong>mikro</strong><strong>-</strong><strong>, meso</strong><strong>-</strong><strong>&nbsp;och makroperspektiv.</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>F&ouml;rel&auml;sningen utg&aring;r fr&aring;n omv&aring;rdnadsm&ouml;tet&nbsp;med&nbsp;den &auml;ldre, v&aring;rdare och anh&ouml;rig. Fokus &auml;r p&aring; samspelet i omv&aring;rdnadsm&ouml;tet och&nbsp;omgivande faktorer som inverkar p&aring; omv&aring;rdnadsm&ouml;tet samt styrdokument och riktlinjer.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>V&auml;lkommen att delta via zoom:&nbsp;<a href="https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67608999156">https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67608999156</a></p>
28 maj - 28 maj
10:00 - 11:00


Via zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67608999156


Docentföreläsning av Lise-Lotte Jonasson

Varmt välkommen till Lise-Lotte Jonassons docentföreläsning med titeln: Att förstå komplexiteten av omvårdnadsmötet med äldre personen: Utifrån mikro-, meso- och makroperspektiv.


Föreläsningen utgår från omvårdnadsmötet med den äldre, vårdare och anhörig. Fokus är på samspelet i omvårdnadsmötet och omgivande faktorer som inverkar på omvårdnadsmötet samt styrdokument och riktlinjer.


Välkommen att delta via zoom: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/67608999156

Arrangör: Hälsohögskolan

Disputation - Santiago Piñate

31 maj - 31 maj

13:30 - 16:00

E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

<p><strong>Avhandlingens titel: <em>Control of Particles Codeposition and Strengthening Mechanisms in Nickel Based Nanocomposite Coatings</em></strong><br /><strong>Respondent:</strong>&nbsp;Santiago Pi&ntilde;ate<br /><strong>Forskarutbildnings&auml;mne:</strong>&nbsp;Material och Tillverkningsprocesser<br /><strong>Opponent:</strong>&nbsp;Associate professor Mari Lundstr&ouml;m, Aalto University, Finland<br /><strong>Huvudhandledare:&nbsp;</strong>Professor Caterina Zanella, JTH, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University</p><p>V&auml;lkomna till disputationen via Zoom Webinar!</p><p><strong>L&auml;nk till Zoom Webinar:&nbsp;</strong>annonseras kort innan disputationen</p>
31 maj - 31 maj
13:30 - 16:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen)


Disputation - Santiago Piñate

Avhandlingens titel: Control of Particles Codeposition and Strengthening Mechanisms in Nickel Based Nanocomposite Coatings
Respondent: Santiago Piñate
Forskarutbildningsämne: Material och Tillverkningsprocesser
Opponent: Associate professor Mari Lundström, Aalto University, Finland
Huvudhandledare: Professor Caterina Zanella, JTH, Jönköping University

Välkomna till disputationen via Zoom Webinar!

Länk till Zoom Webinar: annonseras kort innan disputationen

Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan