Therése Haglind
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Svensson, A., Haglind, T.
“From the Lightest Light to the Darkest Dark”: Re-Presenting Ronia, The Robber’s Daughter in the Third-Grade Classroom Educare, 78-101.
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Lindberg, Y., Haglind, T.
The teacher as innovator during a pandemic: Changing practices and culture Læring og Medier, 14(24).
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Lindberg, Y., Haglind, T.
Who holds the future? Value enactment through futures framing by upper secondary school teachers.
A. Buch, Anders, Y. Lindberg & T. Cerratto Pargman
Framing futures in postdigital education:
Critical concepts for data-driven practices
(pp. 21 -37).
Cham: Springer
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Lindberg, Y., Haglind, T., Galbraith, A.
Values of speculation with and about AI in an upper secondary school.
Symposium on AI Opportunities and Challenges (SAIOC), Education will never be the same again! An Online Symposium, 5 December 2023, Sweden.
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Haglind, T., Lindberg, Y., Boesen, J.
When technology is taking place and taking over: Practices for learning in changing times.
TEPE – Teacher Education Policy in Europe: “Challenges of distance teaching in teacher education and education”, 20-22 May 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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Svensson, A., Haglind, T.
Alfons Åberg: Att upptäcka språk och känslor genom kreativt skapande.
Litteraturdidaktiskt nätverk 2021, Högskolan Kristianstad, 11-12 november 2021.
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Svensson, A., Haglind, T., Källman, A., Wahlsten, A.
Berättelsen i centrum: Motivation för lärande, läsande och skrivande.
Forskningsbaserad undervisning – teori och praktik i samverkan, Jönköping University, 9 november 2021.
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