Gunvie Möllås

Affiliated researcher
Affiliated researchers , School of Education and Communication


The research focuses the communication and interaction constituting pupils' school situations in the social practice of Upper Secondary School and how school deals and copes with the varieties of individual needs. The aim is to map out, describe, analyze and interpret the interaction and sense-making within and between the communicative contexts, which are intertwined through complex networking.

The actors in these contexts, their actions and communication, are central. The investigation, involving a number of cases, was carried out during three years, 2004-2007. The study highlights the experiences of the pupils and how they interpret and understand their school situation, participation, learning and communication.


Gunvie Möllås, born in 1957, has worked as a primary school teacher since her undergraduate degree in 1978. She also has a Graduate Diploma in Special Education. Later the Degree of Master of Science in Education led further to Postgraduate Education.

Since 2006 Gunvie is employed in the project "Conditions and Requirements for Participation, Communication and Learning in Upper Secondary School" at the University of Gothenburg. The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council and conducted by Professor Ann Ahlberg, GU, who also is the main supervisor. Professor Claes Nilholm is the assistant supervisor.


Ylenfors, M., Malmqvist, J., Möllås, G., Rack, J. (2022). Arbete för flerspråkiga elever som möter svårigheter i läs- och skrivutveckling – en enkätstudie Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, 8(2), 82-105. More information
Anderson, L., Möllås, G., Ohlsson, L. (2019). Characteristics of independent schools directed at students in need of special support: A study of school website presentation Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 77(3), 317-337. More information
Malmqvist, J., Hellberg, K., Möllås, G., Rose, R., Shevlin, M. (2019). Conducting the pilot study: A neglected part of the research process? Methodological findings supporting the importance of piloting in qualitative research studies International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18. More information
Klang, N., Gustafsson, K., Möllås, G., Nilholm, C., Göransson, K. (2017). Enacting the role of special needs educator – six Swedish case studies European Journal of Special Needs Education, 32(3), 391-405. More information
Göransson, K., Lindqvist, G., Möllås, G., Almqvist, L., Nilholm, C. (2017). Ideas about occupational roles and inclusive practices among special needs educators and support teachers in Sweden Educational review (Birmingham), 69(4), 490-505. More information


Möllås, G. (2009). "Detta ideliga mötande": En studie av hur kommunikation och samspel konstituerar gymnasieelevers skolpraktik (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation). More information


Möllås, G. (2022). Kompetensutvecklingsinsatser för högre måluppfyllelse. In: Åsa Hirsh & Jesper Boesen (Ed.), Uppdragsutbildning – ett ömsesidigt lärande i samverkan (pp. 20 -37). Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication More information
Malmqvist, J., Möllås, G., Hellberg, K., Hammarqvist, S. (2022). Specialpedagogers arbete med likvärdighet. In: A. Öhman (Ed.), Etiska perspektiv på specialpedagogers yrkesroll och värdepedagogiska praktik (pp. 201 -226). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information


Malmqvist, J., Möllås, G. (2019). Enhancing equity through an intervention?. NERA 2019, Education in a Globalized World, Uppsala, Sweden, 6-8 March 2019. More information
Möllås, G. (2018). Vad formar rollen som specialpedagog?. Forskningsbaserad undervisning - Teori och praktik i samverkan, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation och Jönköpings kommun, 13 november, Jönköping. More information
Lindqvist, G., Göransson, K., Nilholm, C., Möllås, G., Cameron, D., Hannus-Gullmets, B. (2014). Special professions? The role of special educators in the Nordic countries. 42nd Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) congress, 5-7 March, Lillehammer University College, Lillehammer, Norway. More information


Ylenfors, M., Malmqvist, J., Möllås, G. . 'Never leave a student alone with a Text': A Case Study of Literacy Teaching for Multilingual Students in an Exemplary School. More information


Möllås, G., Malmqvist, J. (2019). Intensivstöd, en intervention i Jönköpings kommun med syfte att öka fyra skolors måluppfyllelse samt att uppfylla skollagens kompensatoriska uppdrag. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication More information
Möllås, G., Gustafson, K., Klang, N., Göransson, K. (2017). Specialpedagogers/speciallärares arbete i den dagliga skolpraktiken: En analys av sex fallstudier. More information