Helen Avery

Affiliated researcher
Affiliated researchers , School of Education and Communication


Helen Avery's research belongs to the platform for Media, Literature and Language Didactics, and to the platform for Sustainability Research. Recent research has been oriented towards intercultural organisational development and language policy in education. She is currently working with participatory and future-oriented methodologies in projects that concern sustainability transitions in the Middle East, as well as refugee education.


​Helen was born in Chicago in 1960. She holds a Licence ès Lettres in General and Applied Linguistics, from the universities of Neuchâtel and Geneva, Switzerland, and an MA in Education from Lund University.

Besides working for the International Red Cross and the World Alliance of YMCAs (Refugees and Rehabilitation), Helen has been active in the areas of teaching, documentation and translation. She has worked as a radio journalist and taught at the Zurich Institute of Translation and Interpreting. She was engaged in the Learning Lund centre for research on teaching and learning in higher education, and has been an active member of the FonSyd network since its inception.


Ebitu, L., Avery, H., Mourad, K., Enyetu, J. (2021). Citizen science for sustainable agriculture – A systematic literature review. More information
Brodin, E., Avery, H. (2020). Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Scholarly Independence in Multidisciplinary Learning Environments at Doctoral Level and Beyond Minerva, 58(3), 409-433. More information
Mourad, K., Hosseini, S., Avery, H. (2020). The role of citizen science in sustainable agriculture. More information
Nordén, B., Avery, H. (2020). Redesign of an Outdoor Space in a Swedish Preschool: Opportunities and Constraints for Sustainability Education International Journal of Early Childhood, 52, 319-335. More information
Avery, H., Halimeh, N. (2019). Crafting futures in Lebanese refugee camps: The case of Burj El Barajneh Palestinian camp FORMakademisk, 12(2). More information
Mourad, K., Avery, H. (2019). The sustainability of post-conflict development: The case of Algeria Sustainability, 11(11). More information
Hammarsten, M., Askerlund, P., Almers, E., Avery, H., Samuelsson, T. (2019). Developing ecological literacy in a forest garden: children’s perspectives Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 19(3), 227-241. More information
Avery, H., Nordén, B. (2017). Working with the divides: Two critical axes in development for transformative professional practices International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 18(5), 666-680. More information
Avery, H., Hoxhallari, I. (2017). From policy to practice: Roma education in Albania and Sweden The Urban review, 49(3), 463-477. More information
Rämgård, M., Forsgren, A., Avery, H. (2017). PHR in health and social care for older people – regional development through learning within and across organisations Educational action research, 25(4), 506-524. More information
Avery, H. (2017). At the bridging point: tutoring newly arrived students in Sweden International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21(4), 404-415. More information
Avery, H., Said, S. (2017). Higher Education for Refugees: The Case of Syria Policy & Practice, 104-125. More information
Avery, H. (2015). Teaching in the 'edgelands' of the school day: The organisation of Mother Tongue Studies in a highly diverse Swedish primary school Power and Education, 7(2), 239-254. More information
Avery, H. (2014). The role of the school library: Reflections from Sweden Intercultural Education, 25(6), 497-507 London: Taylor & Francis Group . More information
Avery, H. (2013). Pratiques d’engagements collaboratifs: Le rôle de la bibliothèque dans un quartier urbain multiethnique en Suède Education & Formation, 97-107 Mons, Belgique: Université de Mons . More information
Avery, H., Wihlborg, M. (2013). Teachers’ interpretation of Bildung in practice: examples from higher education in Sweden and Denmark Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. More information
Norden, B., Avery, H., Anderberg, E. (2012). Learning in global settings: Developing transitions for meaning-making Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(4), 514-529. More information
Arrueta, J., Avery, H. (2012). Education reform in Bolivia: Transitions toward which future? Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(4), 419-433 Oxford: Symposium Journals . More information
Avery, H. (2011). Lärares språkbruk i tvåspråkiga klassrum Educare, 145-175. More information
Avery, H. (2010). Enabling local action: issues of inclusion and empowerment Alphamatrix, 1(1), 121-131. More information
Avery, H. (2009). Att förebygga stora översvämningar: reflektioner om språk och mening i ett flerspråkigt och interdisciplinärt sammanhang Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 14(4), 354-373. More information
Avery, H. (2005). Gränsöverskridare med avstamp i Gallery 68 Karavan, 36-39. More information


Avery, H. (2016). Moving together – conditions for intercultural development at a highly diverse Swedish school (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication). More information


Avery, H., Nordén, B. (2021). We Can Only Do It Together: Addressing Global Sustainability Challenges Through a Collaborative Paradigm. In: W. Leal Filho, A. L. Salvia, L. Brandli, U. M. Azeiteiro & R. Pretorius (Ed.), Universities, Sustainability and Society: Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development GoalsMore information
Avery, H. (2021). Vad spelar roll för föräldrarna?. In: Å. Delblanc, A. Harju & A. Åkerblom (Ed.), Möjligheter och utmaningar för förskola: I en tid av mångfald och rörlighet (pp. 139 -151). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Avery, H. (2020). Entre les mesures spéciales de soutien et l’enseignement: la réception des nouveaux-arrivants en Suède [Between special support measures and teaching: receiving newcomers in Sweden]. In: C. Mendonça Dias, B. Azaoui & F. Chnane-Davin (Ed.), Allophonie: Inclusion et langues des enfants migrants à l’école Limoges: Lambert-Lucas More information
Avery, H. (2020). Strandliv. In: A. Ackfeldt & L. Stenberg (Ed.), Dragomanen: 22/2020: FritidMore information
Avery, H. (2017). Perspektiv på arabiska som modersmål i svensk skola: [Perspectives on Arabic as a mother tongue in Swedish schools]. In: Kerstin Eksell (Ed.), Öst är väst och väst är öst: en vänbok till Henry Diab (pp. 135 -162). Stockholm: Portlak More information
Avery, H. (2017). A library and school network in Sweden: social literacies and popular education. In: Teacher and librarian partnerships in literacy education in the 21st century (pp. 45 -62). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers More information
Brodin, E., Avery, H. (2014). Conditions for scholarly creativity in interdisciplinary doctoral education through an Aristotelian lens. In: Eric Shiu (Ed.), Creativity Research: An Inter-Disciplinary and Multi-Disciplinary Research Handbook (pp. 273 -294). Abingdon: Routledge More information
Avery, H., Wihlborg, M. (2014). Det (sam)skapande mötet i högre utbildning. In: Anders Burman (Ed.), Att växa som människa: Om bildningens traditioner och praktiker (pp. 251 -272). Huddinge: Södertörns högskola More information
Avery, H. (2012). Le modèle suédois, leçons et perspectives. In: Gilles, Jean-Luc; Potvin, Pierre; Tièche Christinat, Chantal (Ed.), Les alliances éducatives pour lutter contre le décrochage scolaire (pp. 239 -258). Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang Publishing Group More information
Avery, H. (2008). Att medverka till förändring – kulturarv och demokrati. In: Lars-Eric Jönsson, Anna Wallette & Jes Wienberg (Ed.), Kanon och kulturarv: historia och samtid i Danmark och SverigeMore information


Bodin, E., Avery, H. (2019). Navigating in multidisciplinary learning environments at doctoral level and beyond. Postgraduate Supervision Conference, The global scholar: Implications for postgraduate studies and supervision, 26-29 March 2019, Stellenbosch, South Africa. More information
Avery, H. (2019). How to manage change creatively: unravelling the conundrum of business-state relations. Gulf Research Meeting 2019 - King's College, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 15-18 July, 2019. More information
Avery, H. (2019). Acquérir les gestes qu’il faut: les mathématiques scolaires comme interaction et savoir-faire. Congrès international de l'AREF, Bordeaux, France, 3-5 juillet 2019. More information
Avery, H. (2019). De la nation-foyer à la nation-forteresse: quelles implications pour l’éducation des réfugiés en Suède?. Congrès international de l'AREF, Bordeaux, France, 3-5 juillet 2019. More information
Nordén, B., Avery, H., Harju, A., Åkerblom, A. (2019). Practices in development: How is meaning, context and motivation created for learning for sustainability in the preschool's educational outdoor activities?. ECER 2019, Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future, 2-6 September 2019, Hamburg, Germany. More information
Nordén, B., Avery, H. (2019). Transitions towards an unknown future: Non-formal learning in transnational communities for a sustainable society. NERA 2019, Education in a Globalized World, 6-8 March 2019, Uppsala, Sweden. More information
Avery, H., Wihlborg, M., Almualm, Y., Almahfali, M., Christou, F. (2019). Access to health in emergency contexts: New models of international curriculum development to address global challenges. ECER 2019, Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future, 2-6 September 2019, Hamburg, Germany. More information
Hammarsten, M., Almers, E., Askerlund, P., Avery, H., Samuelsson, T. (2018). The Forest Garden from Children's Perspectives. Childhood and Materiality. VIII conference on childhood studies, 7-9 may Jyväskylä Finland. More information
Hammarsten, M., Askerlund, P., Almers, E., Avery, H., Samuelsson, T. (2018). Barns perspektiv på att vistas i en skogsträdgård. Nordisk forskningskonferens om miljö- och hållbarhetsutbildning, 25–26 oktober 2018, Örebro universitet. More information
Halimeh, M., Avery, H., Halimeh, N. (2017). Sustainable camps: self-organising design in community centres. Cities, Communities and Homes Is the Urban Future Liveable? Amps, University of Derby, June 22 – 23. More information
Avery, H., Said, S. (2017). Higher education as a socio-economic advancement opportunity for refugees. 33. Deutscher Orientalistentag "Asia, Africa and Europe" 18 – 22 September 2017 in Jena, Germany. More information
Harju, A., Åkerblom, A., Avery, H., Nordén, B. (2017). New in Sweden - Experiences from preschool reception and newly arrived families. ECER 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-25. More information
Nordén, B., Avery, H. (2017). Sustainability dilemmas in preschool teacher training: Engaging students' experience in the local place. ECER 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-25. More information
Wihlborg, M., Avery, H. (2017). Opening or closing doors? Perspectives on Bologna from inside and outside the European Union. ECER 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-25. More information
Halimeh, N., Halimeh, M., Avery, H. (2017). Crafting futures in a Lebanese refugee camp: the Burj el Barajneh Souk. RSD6 Symposium. Relating Systems Thinking and Design 6 Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) Oslo, Norway October 18-20. More information
Granstedt, L., Avery, H. (2017). Social practices in education in Sweden regarding collaboration between bilingual mother tongue teachers and other teachers in school. Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts MELDC17, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia, September 29-30. More information
Hammarsten, M., Almers, E., Askerlund, P., Avery, H. (2016). School children's special places in a forest garden in Sweden. NERA 2016, 9-11 March, Helsinki Finland, NERA 44th Congress, Social Justice, Equality and Solidarity in Education. More information
Nordén, B., Avery, H. (2016). Hållbarhetsdilemman och platsbaserat arbete i förskolelärarutbildningen (Sustainability dilemmas and place-based work in preschool teacher education). NU 2016: Digitalisering - Delaktighet – Demokrati. Malmö, 15-17 juni. More information
Nordén, B., Avery, H. (2016). Nyanlända studenters behov av utbildning – möjligheter och hinder  (Newly arrived students’ education needs – opportunites and barriers). Nordisk forskningskonferens om miljö- och hållbarhetsutbildning, Örebro universitet, Örebro, 27 – 28 oktober. More information
Avery, H., Wihlborg, M. (2016). Whose internationalisation? Quality criteria and implicit hierarchies in course descriptions. ECER 2016: Leading Education. University College Dublin, Dublin, 22-26 August.. More information
Nordén, B., Avery, H. (2016). Heading Towards an Unknown Future: Non-Formal Learning Communities for Sustainable Societies – a Possible Pedagogy in Refugee Education?. ECER 2016: Leading Education. University College Dublin, Dublin, 22-26 August. More information
Wihlborg, M., Avery, H. (2016). The Bologna Process on the highway or sideway - making way for innovation and creativity. ECER 2016: Leading Education. University College Dublin, Dublin, 22-26 August.. More information
Avery, H. (2016). Dynamics of becoming in intercultural and interprofessional educational collaboration configurations. ISCAR: 7th Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research, Elsinore, Denmark, June 16-18. More information
Avery, H., Barhoum, R. (2016). Education in Transition. Network of Education Policy Centers: The Primary Colours of Education, Cavtat, Croatia, April 13-14. More information
Emtairah, T., Avery, H., Mourad, K. (2016). Visioning Labs with displaced academics as a design strategy for sustainable post-conflict reconstruction. Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD5), Toronto, October 13-15, 2016.. More information
Avery, H. (2015). Taking responsibility for a marginal vocation: Mother tongue teacher training and the logistics of autonomous higher education in Sweden. NERA 2015 - Marketisation and Differentiation in Education, Gothenburg, March 4-6 2015. More information
Avery, H. (2015). The other education: Creative oasis or just another instrument?. DPR, Discourse, Power, Resistance - Creative spaces for collective voices, London, April 15-17 2015. More information
Avery, H. (2015). Broken itineraries and back translation: Geometries of methodology in language policy as applied research. Bridging Language Acquisition and Language Policy Symposium, Lund, June 17-18 2015. More information
Avery, H., Nordén, B. (2015). Within, above, between or outside?: ESD in teacher training : implications of various institutional constructions. World Environmental Education Congress, 8th WEEC, Planet and people - how can they develop together? Gothenburg, June 29 – July 2 2015. More information
Avery, H., Wihlborg, M. (2015). Ten years on: Curricular quandaries for the Roskilde model in the Bologna period. ECER, Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research, Budapest, 7 – 11 Sept 2015. More information
Avery, H. (2015). From pupils' reading habits to teachers' working conditions: research on prerequisites for educational development in mother tongue instruction. Arabic heritage language pupils: experiences from Sweden and Denmark. Languages and Cultures of the Middle East, Stockholm University,14 September. More information
Avery, H. (2014). Continuités et ruptures dans les paysages de pratiques du soutien scolaire aux élèves migrants: un cas suédois. Luxembourg: Université de Luxembourg, 2me colloque international du Lasalé sur le décrochage scolaire, 14-16 Mai 2014 à Luxembourg. More information
Avery, H. (2014). Intercultural practices of an integrated public and school library network in Sweden. NERA 42nd Congress, Lillehammer, 5-7 March, 2014. More information
Avery, H. (2014). Paths that cross and move apart: Itineraries of teaching in a pluricultural primary school environment. Discourse Power Resistance 14, 8-10 April, Greenwich. More information
Askerlund, P., Almers, E., Hyltse-Eckert, Y., Avery, H., Kjellström, S. (2014). The Nordic forest garden: An educational opportunity for learning about ecological and emotional relationships between organisms. NERA 42nd congress: education for sustainable development, Lillehammer, March 5.-7. 2014. More information
Avery, H. (2014). Swedish Second Language for Immigrant Students: Slow Lane or Fast Track Forward?. ECER 2014, Porto - The Past, the Future and Present of Educational Research in Europe, 1-5 September 2014. More information
Avery, H. (2013). Encouraging Participation, Expression and Culture in a Highly Diverse Environment: Intercultural Practices of a School Library Network. European Conference on Educational Research, 9-13 September 2013 Istanbul. More information
Wihlborg, M., Avery, H. (2013). Learning from a Bildung perspective: Critical thinking and reflection as competences developed in a learning practice. European Conference on Educational Research, 9-13 September 2013, Istanbul. More information
Avery, H. (2012). Opening for tensions in understanding: How students' mother tongue and personal experience can be used to stimulate reflection on complex phenomena. EARLI SIG 9 Phenomenography and Variation Theory Conference, 27-28 August 2012, Jönköping. More information
Brodin, E., Avery, H. (2012). Gränsöverskridande lärande i tvärvetenskapliga forskarskolor: Gränslöst eller begränsande?. Göteborg NU2012, Göteborg 17-19 oktober 2012. More information
Avery, H., Nielsen, B., Davidson-Bask, L. (2012). Le désir de lire: Sur le rôle des bibliothèques pour l'accrochage scolaire. XVIIe Congrès de l'AMSE-AMCE-WAER, Reims, June 3-8, 2012. More information
Avery, H., Wihlborg, M. (2011). Teachers’ interpretation of Bildung in practice: Examples from Scandinavian higher education. CAVE, Formation, Reformation and Transformation: The Concept of Bildung in the contemporary University, Trinity College, School of Education, Dublin, Ireland, 9-10 juni 2011.. More information
Avery, H. (2010). Impacts of language on knowledge formation in European higher education contexts. Milestones in the Construction of Europe: from the Schuman Declaration to the Treaty of Lisbon. European Studies Institute, Deusto University, Baskien. 3-4 maj 2010.. More information
Avery, H. (2010). Le modèle suédois: lecons tirées et tendances actuelles. XVI congress of the World Association for Educational Research: Las identidades culturales en el marco de la mundializacion: el surgimiento de nuevos actors en educacion. Monterrey, Mexico. 30 maj- 4 juni 2010. More information


Hammarsten, M., Askerlund, P., Almers, E., Avery, H., Samuelsson, T. (2018). Developing ecological literacy in a forest garden: children’s perspectives. More information
Avery, H. (2016). Swedish and the ‘second language learner’: From induction to segregation. More information
Avery, H. (2008). Abd al-Sattar NASIR, "Hos mig varje dag". More information
Avery, H. (2008). Fawzia ASHMAWI, "Främling i sitt eget land". More information
Avery, H. (2008). Ghalia KABBANI, "En kopp te hos Mrs Robinson". More information
Avery, H. (2008). Laila AL-OTHMAN, "Zahra kommer till kvarteret". More information
Avery, H. (2008). May TELMISSANI, "Nawal". More information
Avery, H. (2008). Salwa EL-NAIMI, "Siestan". More information


Avery, H. (2010). Language use and understanding in a multilingual interdisciplinary teaching and learning context. Lund: Lund University More information